This sweat, which originally only needed a slight explosion of internal force, could evaporate, but at this moment, it was not a matter of law.

He was afraid, afraid that once he used his inner strength, he would be found out.

Compared with the uncomfortable sweat that sticks to the clothes and clings to the skin, life is really more important.

Even though he didn't find anyone chasing him.

But he didn't dare to look back, his subconscious told him that he couldn't look back, he couldn't stop, he had to get out of here! He was afraid, afraid that once he turned around, he would see Yaoyue standing behind him! The load on the human body is enormous.

Therefore, there are so many people who will not use the trick in the first place.

At this moment, even though Liu Xi was not using a unique technique, the full operation of his internal strength still made him feel a little tired.

However, he couldn't stop.

Because if it stops, it's life-threatening.

I don't know how long it took to run, when the sweat completely wet his clothes, when he was a congenital expert, he was a little tired.

Even if it's actually just a psychological effect.

Even though he kept telling himself that he couldn't turn back, he still couldn't help turning back.

Curiosity kills cats and it kills people.

But if you are not curious, you will never know the result.


In the end, the results were gratifying.

An expression of ecstasy almost appeared on Liu Xi's face, and he breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of his heart.

Because, he really didn't find any trace of anyone's tracking.

The whole forest was silent, and there was no sound at all.

Only the rustling sound of the leaves blowing in the breeze.

Perhaps because of fright, even the most small animals in the woods stopped moving and shivered.

The bird with wings flew away as early as the first time, and the rest are probably only the fledgling chicks who have just been born in the nest and cannot fly.

Until... he saw a white, staring at him, a dove.

"how is this possible!"

Liu Xi's pupils shrank suddenly, his face was hideous, and he yelled almost hysterically.

Why, there is a pigeon and a pigeon, why is it still following him, why is not even a pigeon scared away, it seems that it can't pose any threat to it at all.

However, Liu Xi's intuition told him that this is not normal! This is absolutely not normal! When he encountered the dangerous breath he exuded, even the tigers ran away. He didn't know why a pigeon didn't run, but he knew that he I'm nervous now.

Therefore, he must kill any living creature he sees! His right hand has quietly gathered an almost substantial internal force.

He is confident that he can kill the pigeon with just one blow! "Bang-!"

So, the next moment, a white shadow flashed, and the corpse fell heavily to the ground.

Chapter 076 Pigeon, master! (please subscribe)

Nobody wants to die.

However, after all, someone has to die.

The weak eat the strong, the world is like this.

Liu Xi was too weak, so even if he moved first, he had the first chance.

However, he still died.

Because, his strength is not as good as that pigeon.

Killed Liu Xi, and drained his internal strength by the way.

Fang Tianfeng no longer stayed, and flew back leisurely.

Outside the Flower Palace, the beauty under the moon.

The soft moonlight shone on the girl's white long dress, and just standing there, it made people feel like a fairy descended from the earth.

Like a real fairy.

However, for... those... innate.

They don't have any extra thoughts to appreciate the beauty of girls, they just want to live now.

Even if they were forced to stay because of Yaoyue's threat.

But, who doesn't want to live yet? They stay, just because they don't want to die! After all, there is a chance to live even if they run away.

However, most of them will always be killed.

And they didn't want to be the one who was killed.

So, rather than...use your own death to fulfill others, it is better to stop.

At the very least, the invitation to the moon will not be immediate.

kill them.

And if he stops, everyone else runs away.

That would be better, then he could sneak away while Yaoyue was chasing and killing others.

So, with similar thoughts, they all stopped.

The atmosphere fell into a stagnation once again.


In the distance, there was a happy cry of a dove.

The snow-white pigeons flew over in front of them.

A group of congenital masters exclaimed sluggishly, they remembered this pigeon.

Before, it was this pigeon who appeared along with Yaoyue.

And the direction it came from was clearly the direction Liu Xi left! Could it be that the absurd idea that Liu Xi could not be killed by a pigeon crossed their minds, and then was instantly denied by them.

Shaking his head, he almost burst into laughter.

How is it possible, how can pigeons be congenital masters.

Not to mention innate, even... ordinary people are not something that a pigeon can afford.

Until, they felt the autonomous operation of the internal force.

In other words, forced to operate.

It's as if something is attracting their inner strength! It's like a vortex, sucking everything around them.

And the center of the vortex is clearly... that pigeon that seems harmless to humans and animals! Fang Tianfeng did not choose to hide, but in front of Yaoyue, he was open and upright.

In the identity of a pigeon, perform the suction power Dafa.

Moreover, it is the highest state of the great achievement of suction power, suction power from the air.

In fact, even if Fang Tianfeng wanted to hide, it was impossible.

He could feel that Yaoyue had actually begun to doubt himself.

After all, it was quite a coincidence that his pigeon appeared.

The first time it appeared, the Yihua Palace was destroyed.

And it ran away after that.

The second time it appeared, it ended up with a large group of martial artists.

Therefore, it is impossible to invite Yueyue not to doubt him.

Most people with normal IQ will know that there must be something wrong with him.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng simply stopped hiding.

Directly and openly revealing his true face, in front of everyone, sucking up the internal strength of those... innate masters! And this is not enough! It should be said that the thousands of people here are all Fang Tianfeng The goal! Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small they are.

Although these people are not congenital, their skills are more than ten years old.

And add up, there are tens of thousands of years of skill! And even if it is only one-twentieth, it has at least five hundred years of internal strength! In fact, these people add up, compared to those...... . Innate masters contribute more internal power.

After all, although quantitative changes mean nothing to them.

But for Fang Tianfeng, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes! Coupled with the internal strength contributed by the innate masters, this time Fang Tianfeng can increase his internal strength for at least [-] years! And you know, he The previous internal strength was only six or seven hundred years! This time, his internal strength has been doubled! In fact, if his physique is not special, I am afraid he will be burst.

After all, the dantian of a master-level powerhouse only has the capacity of internal power for thousands of years.

And he is infinite! It is better to say, whether he has... Dantian is one thing.

After all, his dantian is really different from others.

Six hundred years of internal strength is added to the body, even if the power control is lower than other masters of the same level.

But it didn't matter anymore, Fang Tianfeng felt that he was invincible.

Even if the grandmaster-level powerhouses in the world go together, they cannot be his opponents.

"how so......"

Jiang Biehe fell to the ground with his eyes blank, and his whole body was no longer... as full of energy as before.

Today, he is like twenty years old and twenty years old in an instant.

The disappearance of inner strength took away not only strength, but also everything from him.

Because power is the foundation of everything.

And now, he has lost the foundation of everything, and he has lost everything.

The once ambitious Jiangnan hero is now a cripple.

Chapter 077 When my sister gets married, then you—

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