In fact, Meng Tian originally wanted to bring people to watch Cui Wenzi.

However, in the final analysis, it was for the sake of confidentiality and was rejected by Gao Lan.

Therefore, they can only stay outside at this time.

And if there is really an accident, I am afraid that the two women will not even have the opportunity to scream.

After all, although Cui Wenzi is crazy, he is a real immortal! Gao Lan doesn't let them in, except...secret, he also thinks it's useless.

After all, how can mortals want to compete with immortals, so instead of... let them die, it is better to stay outside.

At that time, even if they have an accident, Meng Tian and the others can help the rest of Yu Shu and the others.

At the very least, the gigantic Da Qin cannot be destroyed in their hands.

"Don't worry, sister..."

Gao Lan patted Xiaoyue's plain hand and said warmly, "It's alright."

"You want me to make a treasure box, right?"

Cui Wenzi looked at the two of them for a long time, then suddenly grinned, "I'm.... No problem, whatever makes perfect.

Give me two months, and I can help you build another treasure box."

Obviously, it's a treasure box that doesn't even travel through time and space.

But in Cui Wenzi's mouth, it only takes two months to make another one! "Okay."

Hearing this, Gao Lan suddenly looked happy and hurriedly said, "What materials are needed, we can help you collect them."

"no need."

Cui Wenzi shook his head slightly and smiled lightly, "If it was originally, we would also help collect materials, after all, the materials are indeed too scarce.

But not anymore."


Xiaoyue asked with some doubts, but she seemed to remember something, and she said, "It's that meteorite"


Cui Wenzi nodded in admiration and smiled, "That meteorite is not only the energy source for the treasure box, but also the raw material for making the treasure box."

"I see,"

Gao Lan nodded lightly, expressing his understanding, but then his face became solemn, and he lowered his voice and said, "I also want to know, Fang Tianfeng, did he encounter any accident, where is he now?"

When the question was asked, Xiaoyue suddenly became a little nervous, clutching Gao Lan's arm tightly, her pretty face turning pale.

And Gao Lan is the same.

They knew that something must have happened to Fang Tianfeng.

However, they couldn't accept it, they couldn't accept the possibility that Fang Tianfeng might have died.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Cui Wenzi seemed to see through their worries, shook his head and said, "It's just that there is a problem with crossing."

"what is the problem"

After receiving the signal of Fang Tianfeng's safety, Gao Lan and the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, but then asked nervously.

"He is in the Qin Dynasty now."

Cui Wenzi shook his head slightly and sighed, "However, it's not the Qin Dynasty we are in.

Rather, in the Qin Dynasty in another time and space.

So, you can't find him."

"Another Time and Space"

Xiaoyue blinked her eyes in confusion, not knowing why, but Gao Lan realized in an instant, "Parallel universe."

"Well, you could say the same."

Cui Wenzi nodded lightly, paused, and then said, "However, even if I create a treasure box, I still advise you not to rush through.

The thing has traveled to the wrong place, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for you to meet.

In my opinion, you should just stay here and wait patiently.

Sooner or later he will find the right route and cross back."

Gao Lan was silent, biting his lips lightly.

She knew that Cui Wenzi was right, that a variable requires money and Zhao is looking for a quantification, which is obviously much more likely than the two variables being equal.

However, she just... couldn't restrain her inner thoughts.

"What's more, Miao"

Cui Wenzi said, his eyes turned to Gao Lan's lower abdomen, he shook his head and sighed, "What's more, you are pregnant.

I still suggest that you'd better give birth to the baby first.

If something goes wrong, I will also be held responsible."

"it is good."

Gao Lan was silent for a while, then nodded lightly.

Let's not talk about whether to wear it or not, but as Cui Wenzi said, at the very least, the child must be born.

Gao Lan's small hand caressed her high bulging belly, her face was soft and peculiar to motherhood, and her body was full of the brilliance of motherhood.

Chapter 012 You can come too! (please customize)

"When will he be back?"

Xiaoyue supported Gao Lan, bit her lips lightly, and asked worriedly.

Although, she doesn't understand what a parallel universe is.

But she also knew that Fang Tianfeng might not be able to return in a short time.

Moreover, it is not based on his will.

Therefore, even if he wants to come back, it is not an easy task.


Cui Wenzi said, suddenly hesitant, and coughed twice to cover up, "This, let me figure it out first."

After speaking, the two women stared at him closely, as if unwilling to let go of any details.

But Cui Wenzi was horrified in his heart.

Because, it's not that he can't figure it out, but because he can figure it out.

Therefore, I am shocked! Because Fang Tianfeng has traveled through three 3 worlds in a row in just half a year! This kind of thing, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for ordinary people to do! Just a few worlds, For Cui Wenzi, it is nothing.

He has traveled through many worlds, and for him, it is not called travel.

8 Traversing through, to put it bluntly...smuggling.

And he belongs to legal entry! Moreover, he is the kind that the world cannot refuse or entry! There is a huge difference between the two.

However, the problem is that Fang Tianfeng is just a mortal! The more worlds he travels, the more sub-worlds he has won for this world! This world, the more worlds he swallows and controls! For... a mortal Say, it's definitely a feat.

Of course, he didn't know the convenience Fang Tianfeng had now.

In order to obtain the luck of a world's favor, it will never depend on the existence of a certain protagonist.

Rather, a vast and efficient empire.

Therefore, the emperor, who has always been regarded as a passerby, is the most important.

Others, however, do not have the convenience of Fang Tianfeng, nor do they have a shape-shifting pill.

So even if it is easy, even if it deceives everyone, it is impossible to really replace the emperor.

Because they cannot fool the world.

But Fang Tianfeng was different, he was able to deceive the past.

Cui Wenzi didn't know this, so he was surprised.

"How about it"

Gao Lan asked nervously, seeing Cui Wenzi's sudden size and sudden silence, she knew something must have happened.

However, she also hoped that it was just her own thinking too much.


Cui Wenzi reacted, shook his head, and said with a smile, "It's just that he will be back soon."

"Multiple Blocks"

Xiaoyue's face brightened, and she hurriedly asked.

"At least a month, as much as a year."

Cui Wenzi thought about it and gave a more accurate calculated data.

After speaking, he paused again, and said decisively, "At most, within a year, he will definitely come back."

"Thank you fairy for letting me know."

Hearing this, Gao Lan bowed deeply.

And Cui Wenzi didn't hide, he could bear this worship.

After all, he is a fairy after all.

It is an honor for mortals to bow to immortals.

Well, although, Fang Tianfeng's identity is not ordinary, it is the destiny that this world recognizes.

That is destiny! It is completely different from the so-called Son of Luck, the protagonist of Luck.

The so-called son of luck, the protagonist of luck, is just the protagonist of a certain era, in a certain world.

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