In the end, they were still just a handful of loess in the end.

At most, it will span a century.

But the man of destiny is the destiny of the whole world.

Help this world conquer the Quartet and invade other worlds.

In this way, the continuous development of this world is guaranteed, and it can even be promoted to a higher-level world! At the same time, with Fang Tianfeng helping this world to embezzle more and more worlds.

He himself can also get feedback, and the world is full of spiritual energy because of the promotion.

Even mortals in the whole world can be transformed by this.

Thinking of this, even Cui Wenzi was shocked.

"Immortal Cui Wenzi, but what happened?"

Gao Lan saw that Cui Wenzi was silent, but his face changed greatly, thinking that something had changed, and hurriedly asked.

"No, it's just that I think too much."

Cui Wenzi smiled slightly when he heard the words, and then suddenly waved his sleeves.

In an instant, in a corner of the main hall, there were suddenly a lot of jade slips of books! The jade slips of books have even filled the entire hall, and they have touched the roof several meters high! It's like a hill!" Yes......"

Xiaoyue covered her mouth in surprise, this kind of immortal method is really shocking.

"It's nothing, it's just some low-level cultivation methods."

Cui Wenzi smiled and waved his hand indifferently, but quickly and solemnly exhorted, "The spiritual energy of the world in this room is recovering, and therefore, there will be a wave of cultivation.

Therefore, I leave these exercises under your control to cultivate my own team."

"in addition,"

Cui Wenzi said, took out a scroll of books from his sleeve, and said with a serious face, "This is for your own cultivation."

Chapter 013 Tianwen!mine! (please subscribe)

Fang Tianfeng doesn't know everything that happened in the mythical world.

Right now, he is doing his best to understand the situation around him.

He must understand who he is dealing with and who are the diehards.

And who can be used for their own use.

These... are all questions that he has to consider.

Of course, these problems cannot be solved in a short time.

In the Qin Palace, in a secret palace somewhere, Fang Tianfeng is watching the sword dance.

The strong wind howled, but Fang Tianfeng did not panic at all.

Because the sword dancer is Murong Xian.

And the one who watched was him.

A strong wind was blowing, and a touch of cold, bright silver exuded a metallic glow in the sun.

Then, it slowly passed through Fang Tianfeng's cheek.

The strong wind hitting the face can make people feel pain.

The sword edge, however, passed through the cheek without the slightest delay.

But it happened that he didn't hurt even a single hair of him.

For .. innate masters, immersion is the most basic operation.

"Why don't you hide"

The girl withdrew her sword, her eyes full of worry, and said angrily, "What if I hit you?"

"You will not."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly and chuckled, "It's like I will never hurt you, and I also believe that you will never hurt you."

"Light can say nice things to coax people."

The girl's heart was sweet, she muttered in a low voice, but she deliberately stern face, snorted arrogantly, "Who said that, you have already broken my heart."


Fang Tianfeng shrugged innocently a little late, his hands were flat, and he looked like he was wronged.

"How not"

The girl stared at him with some dissatisfaction, her resentful eyes almost made Fang Tianfeng feel a little guilty, "I promised to have a wedding with someone, but it ended up being with so many people.

Also, my older sister and younger sister!"


Fang Tianfeng looked embarrassed, and for a while he was speechless.

After all, what she said was the truth.

On that day, he personally went to pick up the fairy.

However, he took the other girls together without telling her the truth.

And among them, except...the eldest sister Murong Shu who was originally married to him was accidental.

Xian'er's other seven sisters were all forced to be taken over by Fang Tianfeng.

Well, it's not entirely true to say forced.

All he was forced to do was the old guy Murong Wudi, because he cast a wide net and couldn't hang himself on a tree, so he wanted to marry his nine daughters into nine families.

Even if this big tree is the royal family, he still doesn't believe it.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket, this has been the truth since ancient times.

He did so, and it's not unreasonable.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't care what he thought.

Almost half robbed, all his daughters were taken away.

And although Murong Wudi was very upset, his daughter did not have any opinion.

Even a little happy.

After all, the person who wants to marry them is to be today! Their original destiny has already been doomed, and they must be married off.

So, instead of... marrying seven people who don't know each other, seven sisters are separated by seven worlds.

It's better to marry the same person, so they can help each other.

It can also be held in the palace.

However, for Xian'er, it's not a good thing here.

"Well, it's all over."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand, pretending to be natural to hide his embarrassment, "Besides, we have all crossed now.

Besides, I'll only take you through the journey alone, isn't that enough?"

"Hmph, that's about the same."

The girl turned her head arrogantly, her face full of joy, but she didn't want to show it.

"What do you think about this sword?"

Seeing that the girl's mood had improved slightly, Fang Tianfeng hurriedly changed the subject.

"Well, it's a good sword."

Hearing this, the girl was really attracted and said with great interest, "I tell you, I have never seen such a good sword."

"It's natural,"

...... Fang Tianfeng smiled slightly, and his smile was also full of pride, "This sword is called Tianwen! It is the number one existence among the ten famous swords. !"

"The ten famous swords each have their own merits, and their rankings change frequently.

However, Tian Wenjian has always been ranked first, and his status is unshakable! Xian’er, you know why this is.”


Xian'er shook her head and asked curiously.

"Because, Tianwen is my sword."

Fang Tianfeng smiled lightly, that confident temperament gradually infected Murong Xian.


Although already infected by his confidence, the girl still muttered with some dissatisfaction, "You were not even born when the top ten famous swords were ranked."

"Well, don't worry about these details."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand and said indifferently, " ranks first now, and it's also in my hand. It's my saber, that's enough."

In fact, the ranking of the top ten famous swords was first ranked by Fenghu, the swordsman of Chu State.

However, although the ten famous swords are famous, they are not necessarily the strongest.

, even if it is a matter of time.

Chapter 014 Sword Saint Gai Nie! (please subscribe)

The world of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty had extremely high force value.

Although there is no specific performance, Fang Tianfeng guessed that it should be more advanced than the world number one.

In other words, it can break through the master level.

As a martial artist, this is naturally an excellent thing.

However, as the King of Qin, his current situation is not very good.

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