Therefore, Lu Buwei did not dare to use her.

And no one else can use it, so the position of the leader of the net will fall to cover the sun.

And the killers who were in charge of protecting Lu Buwei before were all killers above the ground level! Eight 8s died at one time, which was a big loss for Luo Wang.

"Protect well, I'm worried that the guards around me are not enough..."

The corners of Fang Tianfeng's mouth were slightly upturned, and he smiled indifferently, "Jing Salamander, in the future, you will stay by Gu's side and be responsible for protecting Gu's safety."


Covering the sun and bowing his head without saying a word, it is not that he is unwilling, but that he does not dare.

Don't look at him as the leader of the snare now, but his leader is not irreplaceable.

His current value is nothing more than... the information and information that Lu Buwei left behind.

"Frightened salamander, I have seen the king."

Suddenly, a slender figure floated down from the roof beam without making a sound.

0 The slender white and tender jade feet are wrapped in a pair of small brocade shoes, that is a girl.

Although she couldn't see her face under the veil, Fang Tianfeng's intuition could tell that this woman must be absolutely beautiful.

In fact, Fang Tianfeng had already discovered her.

However, in order not to disturb Lu Buwei, he never touched her.

He even took the initiative to expose his contact with Genie.

What he didn't expect was that Jing Salaman never left the palace once, and never reported to Lu Buwei.

......In fact, if she had reported this matter to Lu Buwei.

If Lu Buwei was a little more vigilant, I'm afraid he wouldn't have a private meeting with Zhao Ji in the palace.

And because of this, Fang Tianfeng deliberately exposed his strength to this girl.

The purpose, of course, is because I want to have sex with her.

And the reason why I trust her so much, of course, is because she is a lovely girl.

If she wanted to tell the truth, Fang Tianfeng would not be polite.

Instead, she will be directly and directly given her with a strong force.

If so, then nothing will happen.

However, Jingzhao's always well-behaved behavior prevented her from being treated like this.

Of course, it still has to be up.

But, it just depends on how you use it.

Active or passive.

Either forcefully or voluntarily.

Either gentle or rough.

Fang Tianfeng already had a lot of experience in these things.

So, it will definitely not be messy to do.

"Salamander, what do you think?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl with satisfaction, his eyes full of admiration.

"I would like to share the worries for the king."

Chapter 024 Conquer! (for full order)

The three heaven-level assassins of the snare can be said to be the core of the snare.

But Fang Tianfeng, unknowingly, had already subdued the shocking salamander.

At this point, he had to be shocked by the sun.

Of course, the salamander just decided to take refuge temporarily, which is not known to the sun.

And even if he knew, he would never believe it.

Because, in his opinion, this is the King of Qin acting with Jing Salamander.

Acting to show him the leader of the snare, beating him.

Fang Tianfeng didn't know what Zhan Ri was thinking, even if he knew he wouldn't care.

In the face of absolute strength, any strategy is just a joke.

"Hide the sun.

"Eight Three Seven"


After being satisfied, Fang Tianfeng turned his attention to Zhe Sun again, and said coldly, "Those...the ministers who originally belonged to Lu Buwei's command, you go and beat them for Gu.

If anyone is disobedient, they will all be killed."

The coldness and murderousness in the words all caused the cold sweat to break out.

Even though he was an assassin, an assassin who had experienced countless lives in his hands, he could not help but panic at this moment.

Originally, he thought that he could already do things without being surprised.

There was nothing to be afraid of anymore, but now, he knew.

Not only is there, but it is deadly! "Chen, take orders."

From the moment of entering the main hall, the head of the sun has not been raised: too.

Not unwilling, but not daring.

He was frightened by Fang Tianfeng's strength, and even more afraid of his ruthlessness and decisiveness! Those ministers are all the pillars of Da Qin! However, this King Qin will kill them all if they disagree! You know, if these people die, That would throw the entire Qin state into a certain amount of chaos! However, Fang Tianfeng didn't care.

After being the emperor of the third generation, he has never seen what kind of courtiers.

When the emperor is a little softer, they have to go a little further and press harder step by step.

Until they find that the bottom line has been reached, and the emperor can't bear it anymore, they will retreat a little further.

In this way, it is good for the face of both parties.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't play this trick with them.

If someone resists and is disobedient, they will all be killed! If you really want to cause civil strife in the whole country, that's what you call it.

Directly mobilize the army to suppress! He never wanted to be a bright monarch, it would be much better to be a tyrant.

A group of slaves, but they delusionally want to be on an equal footing with him, and if they don't kill a few, they think they are easy to bully.

"Also, for the three thousand diners of Lu Buwei, please make a list for me."

Fang Tianfeng bowed his head respectfully when he saw Zingri, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Remember, don't let these people leave the Qin State, and send someone to keep an eye on them.

If anyone wants to leave, shoot them!"

The plain words are full of blood, and behind the blood are bloody corpses.

Covering the sun trembling all over, he even saw the result of the blood flowing into the river.

He always thought that he was ruthless enough, but he never imagined that this... the king was actually more ruthless than him! If Lu Buwei died of a natural disaster or a meteor, I am afraid he would doubt that the king was ready. I want to attack Lu Buwei! Rather, it was this natural disaster that saved Lu Buwei's fragile life in advance.

But Fang Tianfeng didn't feel that what he did was wrong.

Lu Buwei's three thousand disciples were all talented.

Of course, there will be a few spicy chickens that eat dry rice, but there will never be many.

If these people are added to the court, it will be enough to make up for the vacancy after the massacre.... But if these people are allowed to leave and return to the Six Nations, it will be the enemy.

Fang Tianfeng would never allow such a thing to happen.

In a word, it is..., if it is not used by me, it will be killed by me.

As a human being, of course you have to be tough.

"If there's nothing wrong, then leave for now."

Fang Tianfeng waved his hand, and suddenly felt a little impatient.

"Sir, retire."

Covering the sun hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted, and then hurriedly backed out.

It wasn't until he left the hall that he breathed a sigh of relief.

And only then did he realize that his back was already wet with sweat at some point! However, when he recalled the words of the king, a chill could not help rushing to the top of his head, making him shiver all over.

This time, I don't know how many people will die! "Jing Salamander,"

Fang Tianfeng walked slowly to the girl, stretched out his hand to brush the veil off the girl's face, looked at the beautiful face, suddenly felt a little lost, and said softly, "What's your name?"

"The salamander is just... the salamander, it has no name."

The red lips parted lightly, the girl's voice 3.

1 The tone was cold and cold, as if it had no emotion at all.

I thought she was a killer.

A girl who was adopted by Lu Buwei since she was a child, she was trained to be a killer since she was a child.

She doesn't know what family love is, and she doesn't know what love is.

She only knows, kill the target, complete the task.

She has been with the salamander since she was a child, and the salamander is everything to her.

Even Lu Buwei coveted her beauty.

It was a pity that Lu Buwei was discouraged by her strength.

Lu Buwei cherished his life, so he couldn't let: a congenital master get along with him alone.

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