Chapter 25 The Great Commander! (please subscribe)

The Yin and Yang family still decided to be born.

Originally decided to wait for King Qin to help out when he was alone, then the sunshine could win the favor of King Qin.

And, you can get more benefits and higher status.

So, they absolutely wait.

And this matter is left to the Moon God to handle.

Concubine Yan had a fight with her, so she did not participate in it.

And because of this incident, Luna lost almost all of them, and this is a big ugliness.

The original purpose was not achieved, not only was he unable to gain the trust of the King of Qin, but he was even mocked by Concubine Yan.

And in order to save some, in order to regain a game, and in order to win the trust of the King of Qin.

So, she decided to give gifts.

And Fang Tianfeng, he is now driving a four-wheel drive urban four-wheel drive.

This 04 was just bought by Fang Tianfeng a few days ago, and he drives it many times every day.

Although it has been opened many times, the leather surface is still smooth, white and tender.

After getting familiar with the parking space along the rounded and rich rear of the car, inserting the key to start the ignition, the condition of the car is already very familiar, so I started to put the gear on the road without any hassle.

The engine also made a burst of shaking sound, the sound insulation effect was not very good, and there was a crackling noise.

And next to this car, there is a polished car.

It was also a new car, also just started a few days ago:.

However, the car's engine overheated due to prolonged driving and is still cooling down.

Her front hood was also wide open, the engine was blowing hot air constantly, and there was still milky white liquid dripping.

That's lube, but the car is still a little unaccustomed to, although it needs to be serviced with lube a few times a day almost every day.

The two cars lay side by side.

One has been turned off by Fang Tianfeng, and the other... is also approaching the apex.

One was sent by the Yin Yang family, and the other was bought by Fang Tianfeng himself.

One, called Da Siming.

The other one is called the Shocking Salamander.

Da Siming is one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family.

It sounds like a very good look, but the status of the five elders is actually not very high.

Because, the status of the five elders must be under the two guardians.

And no matter what the two guardians want them to do, he must obey them unconditionally.

Therefore, she was ruthlessly ruthless by the Moon God and gave it to Fang Tianfeng.

In all fairness, Fang Tianfeng likes her very much.

Obviously only a fourteen-year-old girl, in modern times, she is still a minor, and at most she is only a girl of age.

However, she always looked like she was trying to make her immature self look very mature. She was always dressed in red, and her hands became as red as flames because of the secret technique of Yin-Yang—Yin-Yang Harmony Mudra.

And it shows a strange silver pattern, and the nails are as black as ink, which is extremely strange.

"Da Si Ming, Gu is very fond of you!"

Fang Tianfeng worked hard on the girl, his hands overlapped with the girl's lower body with a mixture of pain and joy, his fingers clasped together.

And then, enjoy this car that's white and smooth except... the steering wheel turns red.

Da Si Ming's name is... Da Si Ming, because the members of the Yin Yang family are all orphans who lost their parents in the war.

Therefore, they generally do not have names, only code names.

And only the most outstanding group of people have the opportunity to get one of the top nine 9 codes.

Da Siming is one of them, she is the best one.

She was only 1414, [-], [-] years old, but she was already a congenital expert, much better than other peers.

More importantly, she was picked up by the Moon God and valued by the Moon God.

So even though there are many people who are stronger than her, it is her turn to be the chief commander.

Undoubtedly, it was because of the moon god.

However, at a critical moment, she was traded as an abandoned child again.

The Yin-Yang family has lost the best opportunity to take refuge in Fang Tianfeng, so in order to make up for their losses, they must also make a deal with Fang Tianfeng.

And the content of this transaction is... Da Si Ming.

8 King Qin is lustful, and I don't know who spread the news.

Perhaps it was because the existence of the salamander was exposed that led to the Yin Yang family's clues, anyway..., they sent Da Si Ming to him like this.

And Fang Tianfeng, who refused to come, immediately started driving.

Da Siming didn't show much resistance, but she was nervous at first because she didn't know what to do.

I don't know what Fang Tianfeng is doing to her.

Only at the moment of entering her body did she show a painful expression.

After all, she was only fourteen, 1414 years old.

However, it has gotten a lot better these days.

At the very least, she could already begin to feel joy.

And Fang Tianfeng is still taking care of her, it has always been her turn from the start of the frightened salamander.

And Jing Salamander, also out of the big sister's desire to protect the little sister, has been silently enduring the impact of Fang Tianfeng.

It wasn't until she was made that A Heiyan was powerless to fight again, and it would be Da Siming's turn as a last resort.

Chapter 026 Close! (for full order)

Da Siming, one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family.

However, the status is not really high.

The status of Donghuang Taiyi is high, and Concubine Yan ranks second.

However, Luna didn't have much respect for her.

But the five elders need to stand in line.

Some people took refuge in Concubine Yan, while others took refuge in Da Siming.

Yunzhongjun is Xu Fu, in charge of the gold department.

He is rarely in the Yin Yang family, and no one has ever seen him make a move, but he is firmly seated at the head of the five elders, second only to the two guardians.

I like to do some inexplicable things, such as alchemy, alchemy, and alchemy.

Among the remaining four elders, Shao Siming has not yet gone.

Da Siming, in charge of the fire department, was personally selected by the Moon God and belonged to her direct line.

The remaining Xiangjun Shun and Xiang's wife, Ehuangnuying, belonged to Concubine Yan.

Xiangjun is in charge of the soil system, and Mrs. Xiang is in charge of the water system.

After all, Concubine Yan is also the deputy head of the clan, if there is really no one in the clan, if she can't even fight against the Moon God, she will not be able to sit firmly in this position.

In other words, Concubine Yan's power is actually a little bigger than that of the Moon God.

In the end, only Shao Siming's wood type has not been selected.

And this time, in order to redeem his mistake, Luna even directly gave Fang Tianfeng his life.

Although she only gave her body but not her heart, it was enough.

Because, after a long time, love is born.

Luna was already a weak group in the Yin-Yang family, but he still wanted to send out the only capable subordinate, Da Siming.

It seems that the loss is not small, but in fact her loss is not big.

The value of Da Siming lies in her potential.

It is because she has the potential to be a congenital master at the age of fourteen.

However, at only 1414 years old, she can't actually afford to support the future of a faction.

Therefore, the fire element is said to be in charge of the chief commander, but in fact it is still in the hands of the Moon God himself.

Including, the wood system that has not yet been selected is the same.

Only in this way can the power of the two of them pull back a little bit.

Da Siming's name is... Da Siming, the Yang family will not allow them to have their own names.

What the Yin-Yang family needs is absolute control over their subordinates, and the name is a drag.

It will make them have a sense of their own identity, and the Yin-Yang family does not need them to have themselves, so Da Si Ming is... Da Si Ming.


! "

There was a trace of pain in the girl's tender voice, she had reached the limit and could not hold it any longer.

Although there is no A Heiyan, it is almost the same.

"Let her go."

Jing Salamander, who was already A Heiyan on the side, heard another girl's slightly painful voice, and couldn't help but get up with some distress.

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