The vassal states of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were no exception.

During the Warring States Period, the intermarriage of various countries continued, and the mother family and wives of each king may be the royal family or nobles of other countries.

Therefore, it is okay to fight between countries, but generally not too much, such as extermination of tribes and countries.

You can beat your uncle, but you can't beat your uncle to death. Since every country has a bottom line, domestic resistance is also great.

After all, who hasn't intermarryed with the nobles of other countries? Also, who can guarantee that their own will not be defeated? Today, if you win, you will attack others. If you lose one day, will others attack you? So don't look at the fierce fights of various countries and often destroy the country, but in general, the damage to the nobles is not great.

And the most famous one who has done the most is... Bai Qi.

In the battle of Changping, Bai Qi killed [-] soldiers.

Then after a few years, because of a little thing, he was given death as a result.

You must know that Bai Qi is not only a hero in hundreds of battles, but also has royal blood! But even so, King Zhaoxiang still couldn't stand the pressure, and finally had to give Bai Qi to death.

It was because he killed too many people that it shook Zhao's foundation.

Today, Zhao Guo: Still haven't recovered.

And besides...intermarriage, protons are...another means of prevention.

The kings of various countries will send their sons and nephews to other countries as hostages, which is called protons.

These... Protons are not necessarily the most favored children of the king, but because they have been protons, they will add a certain weight to them when they compete for the throne.

Just like Qin Zhuangxiang Prince Chu, Qin Zhaoxiang Prince, and Qin Wangzheng himself, all of them were protons.

In the end, they all added weight to their resumes because of this experience, and finally successfully competed for the throne.

And Yan Dan is also a proton.

He is worthless now, just an ordinary prince.

However, once he returns to Yan Kingdom, he will become Yan Crown Prince Dan.

And then, he will plan Jing Ke to assassinate Qin, gain a good name and become famous all over the world.

It's a good thing for him, but it's not a pleasant thing for the other side, Tianfeng.

Although Jing Ke couldn't kill him, he was also unhappy in his heart.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this reason that Fang Tianfeng is even more unlikely to let him go back.

"King Qin is here!"

The eunuch's peculiar spy voice sounded outside the gate of Proton Mansion, and for a while, the originally quiet Proton Mansion instantly turned into a riot.

The Proton House is naturally the place where the protons of all countries live.

After all, these are hostages, and unified living is also convenient for custody and management.

Of course, although it is said to be the Proton House, there are actually only a few people.

After all, it is now the end of the Warring States period, and the country is almost destroyed.

Basically, except...the other six kingdoms of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, there is no one else.

And after adding the servants who serve these......Protons, there are no more than ten servants at most, and there are not many in total....

As the eunuch's voice sounded, a luxurious carriage was pulled by four snow-white horses to the gate of Proton Mansion.

And there are hundreds of casual guards! The emperor drives six horses, and the princes drive four.

This is the rule, even if Zhou Tianzi exists in name only, but still no one dares to go beyond this rule.

And Fang Tianfeng never thought of trampling on this rule.

However, he still insisted on replacing all the horses with white horses without a trace of variegation.

After all, the white horse is the most pretentious!

Chapter 032 Yan Dan, kneel down! (for full order)

The purpose of the Yin-Yang family approaching the King of Qin was actually for the Canglong Qisu.

And these Canglong Qisu belong to seven 7 countries.

However, the yin and yang family cannot tread on seven boats.

Therefore, they will do their best to help the master Qin to rule the world, so that they can get the Canglong seven places only by serving one family.

According to the celestial phenomena, the Yin-Yang family concluded that the Qin Dynasty would rise and unify the six kingdoms.

Therefore, Luna chose Fang Tianfeng.

As for Concubine Yan, she had a deep conflict with the Moon God for a long time.

So, almost out of anger, she recklessly gave up King Qin.

Turning to the Proton House, I want to choose the right person to assist here.

And she never imagined that it was this decision that ruined her future and was pitted by Yan Dan.

However, since Fang Tianfeng is here, everything is naturally different.

"Chen, see King Qin!"

But when Fang Tianfeng walked into the gate of the Proton Mansion, the protons in the Proton Mansion had already gathered.

The leader, Hao Ran, is the proton of the other six countries.

And then, their servants.

Although the environment of Proton Mansion is good, the people here are hostages after all.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the Proton House is guarded by heavy soldiers, that is, to prevent them from escaping.

When all the protons saw Fang Tianfeng walking in, they hurriedly bowed their heads and bowed respectfully.

It's still the Warring States period, and I'm not happy to bow down to this set.

You must know that this era is an era of transition from slavery to feudalism, and slaves are still common.

Those who bowed down were all those...eunuchs, servants, and slaves...people with underground status.

Even civilians don't need to bow down.

Although these people are hostages, they are after all the princes of other countries, Your Highness.

Therefore, it is enough to just perform the courtesy of the monarch and minister.


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, did not speak, just looked at them quietly.

After that, he set his sights on the person who seemed to be the most outstanding among the six.

Yan Dan.

Speaking of which, Qin Wangzheng and Yan Dan still knew each other.

Yan Dan, surname Ji, name Dan, son of King Yan of Yan.

Yan Dan was in Zhao State when he was young: Be a man.

At that time, Qin Prince Chu was also a proton in the country.

And Qin Wangzheng was also born in Zhao State because of this:.

The two have known each other since childhood, and rarely get along well.

Soon, however, Zichu became the king of Qin, and Qin Wangzheng was recalled to the country.

Later, Yan Wangxi sent Yan Dan to Qin as a proton.

And now, Fang Tianfeng has become the king of Qin, and Yan Dan is still a proton.

The identity gap was immediately apparent.

In fact, it is normal, after all, Yan Dan is a person of the enemy country no matter what.

In the past, everyone was a hostage, and it was good to support each other.

And now, they have all become the king of Qin, and naturally they have to make a clear relationship with the hostages of this enemy country.

However, Yan Dan did not think so.

Because, he has now held a grudge against Fang Tianfeng.

Fang Tianfeng was looking at Yan Dan, and he was looking at himself.

Yan Dan is not very tall, but very slender.

He also had a small goatee on his face, and his face was very handsome.

And perhaps also because of the influence of the blood of the Yan Kingdom, his stature is relatively rough, a typical northern man.

In all fairness, he looks handsome.

Of course, if he hadn't been handsome, it would have been impossible to capture Concubine Yan's heart in the original novel.

Besides, the descendants of princes and kings have the best genes, so how could they not be handsome.

None of these protons are very different in length.

Moreover, the Qin state is quite generous.

At least they didn't lose their food and clothes, they were all raised in vain and chubby.

"Yan Dan,"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Yan Dan and looked at himself, suddenly frowned, and said coldly, "Whoever allows you to look directly at this king, bastard, kneel down for me!"

Fang Tianfeng's voice was not loud, but it contained an inescapable taste.

At the same time, a faint coercion emanated from him! There is no doubt that this is the legendary domineering aura! And Yan Dan, as expected, turned ugly, even faintly Grim color.

After all, he is also a proton of a country! Although he is a hostage, his status is there! Even if the other party is the King of Qin, he actually makes him kneel! This has stimulated Yan Dan's self-esteem and made him who has always been pretentious My heart is full of anger! But at this moment, Gai Nie, who was standing behind Fang Tianfeng's side, frowned indistinctly.

The hand holding the long sword in his arms exerts a little force, and those who are familiar will know that he is ready to do it.

Because, this Yan Dan is not... an ordinary person.

Others can't find it, but a master at his level can easily detect it.

Yan Dan, even though he looks weak, he is actually a martial arts master! Although Gai Nie doesn't think he can hurt Fang Tianfeng, who can't even hurt himself, but as a bodyguard, he should do Still the same cannot be less.

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