Otherwise, it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the King of Qin.

Because of this, he began to be alert, if Yan Dan had any changes.

He will shoot without hesitation and kill him on the spot with the momentum of thunder!

Chapter 033 Probe! (for full order)

"Kneel down!"

Fang Tianfeng's voice sounded again, as always, it was not loud, but a little low.

However, the indisputable taste of the beak is even heavier.

The few protons next to Yan Dan even started to tremble, and their heads were sweating.

Although it was not aimed at them, the oppression of that mighty force almost made them kneel! "Bang-!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Dan, who was still insisting on letting Fang Tianfeng say it a second time, actually knelt down! In fact, even Fang Tianfeng felt a little incredible! Because, this was completely unexpected! According to Fang Tianfeng's guess was that a person like Yan Dan would have to say it a third time impatiently.

Then Yan Dan thoughtfully observed his surroundings, and was very desperate to find that he was completely powerless to resist.

After realizing that at this moment, there is no other way than... kneeling and bowing your head.

Then 'grinning his teeth, full of unwillingness, full of resentment' looked at himself, and then slowly knelt down.

However, there was still an unyielding expression on his face.

It's just... that kind of contradictory, complex and twisted appearance is the most exciting.

This is normal.

It's like forcing a minion to kneel, it doesn't make any sense.

Because the slaves have long been accustomed to kneeling.

It only makes sense for someone like Yan Dan, who is pretentious, and who is really capable, and then kneels down with a face of unwillingness.

However, Fang Tianfeng never expected that Yan Dan would kneel down so simply! Moreover, his face was calm! There was no 'grinning teeth, full of unwillingness, full of resentment' as imagined by Fang Tianfeng.

If he hadn't really seen the hideous look on Yan Dan's face before, he would have suspected that Yan Dan was such a person.

In fact, his kneeling did not make Fang Tianfeng look down on him.

On the contrary, let Fang Tianfeng be more and more afraid of him! Fang Tianfeng did not let others kneel, but let him kneel.

It's clear that... he was upset with Yan Dan and deliberately wanted to bully him.

In the face of such humiliation, it would be fine if it was as Fang Tianfeng imagined.

That shows that Yan Dan is really pretentious, but the city is not deep enough, so he can't bend or stretch.

However, he is so simple now, but he is more difficult than Fang Tianfeng imagined! A man can bend and stretch, but it's not that easy to talk about! At least, Fang Tianfeng can't be as straightforward as Yan Dan! "You are very good. ."

Fang Tianfeng exclaimed with admiration, a person like Yan Dan is undoubtedly the most terrifying opponent.

The dog that bites doesn't bark, no wonder he can do things that make Jing Ke stab Qin in the future.

Undoubtedly, he is definitely a ruthless man.

However, in the face of Fang Tianfeng's praise, Yan Dan's expression never changed.

He just lowered his head calmly and stopped looking at him.

And Fang Tianfeng didn't care.

Fang Tianfeng had already thought about Chengfushen before he came, and he would not let Yan Dan leave Qin State alive.

Moreover, he will not do the same stupid behavior as the villain.

He wouldn't send his own men to deliver food to Yan Dan, not even a peerless killer like Zuri.

Because, he had to do it himself to make sure nothing went wrong.

In the face of absolute strength, the depth of the city is meaningless.

Fang Tianfeng no longer looked at him, but instead turned his attention to other protons.

However, from the corner of his eye, he has been observing another corner of the Proton House.

There, there was a woman.

Wearing a veil, only revealing clear and moving eyes.

Wearing a dark blue dress, long hair in a low bundle, not a hairpin, and dark blue gemstone jewelry.

Slim and slender, with a slender waist that can't be full....... a grip.

She is an extremely rare beauty just by her figure.

What's even more rare is her extraordinary temperament, which is even more exciting.

However, such an outstanding beauty stood there, but did not attract anyone's attention.

Neither Yan Dan nor Fang Tianfeng's martial arts guard Gai Nie had noticed her.

Because she is the master.

If she doesn't want to, no one can find her.

It's not that I can't see her, but I can't find her.

However, Fang Tianfeng, who is also a master, discovered her from the very beginning.

And Fang Tianfeng, who originally came to Proton Mansion to kill Yan Dan directly, also temporarily changed his mind.

After finding an excuse, Yan Dan knelt down.

His purpose was just to test Concubine Yan's attitude.

Yan Dan knelt down, no matter what, it would lower his evaluation in Concubine Yan's heart.

Moreover, it can be used to judge the importance of Concubine Yan to him.

And no doubt, he miscalculated.

Because Yan Dan's kneeling did not make him lose points, on the contrary, Fang Tianfeng also saw the flash of satisfaction in the girl's eyes.

Although he was covered with a veil, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

But Fang Tianfeng was sure that Concubine Yan valued this Yan Dan even more.

However, this doesn't make any sense.

Fang Tianfeng was not discouraged either.

If Concubine Yan dies to Yan Dan, that's all, then he can take his time and play a game with them.

But since you can't, you can only cut the mess with a quick knife.

Chapter 034 Lick the dog! (asking for automatic)

Yan Dan's city is very deep, but no matter how deep the city is, he still has something to be proud of.

And being forced to kneel in public, even if the target is the King of Qin, will still make him a laughing stock to others.

After all, he is a prince, and in the future he will even be the prince of a country, and the heir of a country.

However, people are so fooled today.

For Yan Dan, this is definitely a great shame.

His heart was full of resentment towards King Qin.

Moreover, King Qin left quickly, as if he came to Proton House just to make him kneel.

And this kind of behavior makes Yan Dan feel that his personality has been insulted.

A person like King Qin, isn't this a pure disgusting person? However, even if King Qin left.

But when Yan Dan stood up from the ground, he seemed to hear someone behind him pointing at his back, and there was a lot of discussion.

Yan Dan felt humiliated by the behavior of others who deliberately distanced themselves and the way they pointed.

He deliberately made a good relationship with these... protons on weekdays, and it took several years to make these people vaguely lead by himself.

The purpose is to find allies in other countries for myself in the future.

However, just because of King Qin's words, because of his kneeling, it's all over.

These...Protons are weak chickens, but their identities are there, they are not Yan Dan's servants, there is no need...to obey Yan Dan's orders completely.

Besides, husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

What's more, they are not husband and wife, they are at most temporary allies.

Once the King of Qin showed his disgust for him, these people abandoned him one after another, for fear that they would be implicated by him.

After all, they are now the protons of Qin.

The King of Qin is... the one who can decide their life and death.

"A bunch of trash!"

Yan Dan flicked his sleeves, snorted coldly, tried his best to look cold, and walked towards the backyard.

"Che, there is still a face to talk about us!"

And those protons who... were scared by Yan Dan's words and took a step back subconsciously, all blushed, one or two felt insulted and spoke out one after another.

"It's..., why didn't you say anything when you knelt down!"

"Who is the waste, in your heart?"

"It's..., it's...! When King Qin asked you to kneel just now, he didn't say these words in front of the king."

"Your usual arrogance is a dog"

The cynicism of the protons struck Yan Dan's heart like a heavy hammer.

However, fortunately, he has an extraordinary temperament and ignores these people.

However, the accelerated pace under his feet showed that his heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

Because, he wants to leave this land of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Soon, Yan Dan had returned to the courtyard where his room was.

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