Identifying yourself is a very important thing.

It can be used to overwhelm people and make people retreat without fighting.

Although he is a playboy, but because of this, he is extraordinarily skilled at this.

Chapter 055 Black!Down! (asking for automatic)

Zhao Qian was shocked when he saw the appearance of Snow Maiden by chance.

Originally, he was going to make a private visit through micro-service, but now he directly reveals his identity, and his playful habits are fully revealed.

He is even more prepared to use his power to overwhelm people, and Jonah Snow is his concubine.

However, it was rejected.

Xue Nu was not a canary who didn't understand anything, she had already seen that her adoptive mother's face was ugly.

She didn't know why, but it was definitely because of the boy outside.

Therefore, she refused the other party without hesitation.

Generally speaking, such a refusal is enough to make them angry for...

And, instead of maintaining the humility on the surface, we will begin to perform the drama of robbing civilians.

Fang Tianfeng was even ready to be a hero to save the beauty.

However, it didn't.

Being rejected, Zhao Qian didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face, but just smiled, as if he had expected it.

"Girl, think about it first, I will visit tomorrow and leave."

Zhao Qian waved his sleeves pretending to be free and easy, turned around neatly, put down a sentence and left, until he left, his face still maintained the expression of a graceful gentleman.

Pretending is a science.

And Zhao Qian, obviously unqualified.

The so-called visit tomorrow is nothing more than... If you don't agree, I will come to your house every day.

In fact, it is also a kind of rude performance.

But this also just shows that he is bound to win for Snow Girl.

Fang Tianfeng stood in the distance, but did not rush forward.

Because, he is a little uncertain now, whether this so-called prince is sincere to Xue Nu.

According to the plot of the original work, Snow Maiden should have a strong hatred for him.

However, whether this is pure hatred, or is it because of the hatred of being abandoned? The key lies in whether the Snow Maiden has...a love for this prince Zhao Qian.

Of course, the prince must have fallen in love with the snow girl at first sight, and then he is bound to win.

However, the so-called love at first sight, isn't it bluntly a matter of desire? Fang Tianfeng has a deep understanding of this aspect.

After all, when he fell in love at first sight, the sea went away.

All the girls who fell in love with him at first sight fell into him.

Of course, this prince will be fine no matter what.

The main reason now is to determine what the prince intends to do next.

If nothing else, without his intervention, this should follow the plot of the original.

And Fang Tianfeng also likes someone to be a wicked person, and then he reaps the benefits of a fisherman.

Therefore, he did not show up accurately in advance to kill the villain, the prince.

It is certain that if the normal situation develops, the Snow Maiden will inevitably be deeply injured.

And in the end, he also became very sensitive, and began to use a cold appearance to disguise himself to protect himself.

Therefore, even in the end, Gao Jianli did a lot for her, but she still did not let go and did not promise to be with Gao Jianli.

At most, Platonic love.

Tomorrow and tomorrow are together, but we can only rely on power generation.

I have to say that Gao Jianli is also a hard worker.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he would not stop Zhao Qian from doing anything.

Rather, he just wanted the prince to go and hurt Snow Maiden according to the plot of the original book.

Then at the end, when the Snow Maiden had nothing to rely on, he appeared.

At that time, Fang Tianfeng was sure that he could tame the Snow Maiden.

The current Snow Maiden, although Bingxue is also smart, she is still too sweet.

She is too simple and too naive.

In this way, she is more like a cute little girl next door, which is incompatible with her temperament like the Queen of Icebergs.

She is still far from growing up.

Fang Tianfeng wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack her, so it wasn't a big problem.

But in this way, Snow Maiden will not be able to grow.

The process of growing up, to put it bluntly, is the process of getting hurt again and again and then licking the wound to heal by yourself.

If you don't let the snow girl hurt a little bit harder, and continue to maintain such naivety, you will suffer in the future.

"grown ups,"

Behind him came the respectful voice of the snare killer, "Would you like to send someone to follow him?"

"Need not."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head gently, looked down at the prince and others who had already left, and said lightly, "You don't need to interfere in this matter, I will take care of it myself, you can go back."


The killer bowed his head respectfully at an angle that Fang Tianfeng could not see, and slowly took two steps back, "This subordinate retire."

Before he finished speaking, the killer's figure had already disappeared.

Luo Net is an intelligence organization, yes, their intelligence capabilities are also extremely outstanding.

However, people often forget that the organization's job is not to gather intelligence, but to kill people.

Gathering information is just incidental.

In fact, the killer was also relieved, because he actually did not want to follow Fang Tianfeng.

Because the pressure is too great.

He is nothing but a killer, and he is at the bottom of the net.

Even in front of a good killer, he was trembling and walking on thin ice.

What's more, it's a celestial killer!

Chapter 056 ━━━━━━━━ The mantis catches the cicada! (for full order)

"Your Highness."

After walking all the way, and even leaving the range of the village, one of the guards finally couldn't help but say, "Why don't we just shoot:..."

"How many times have I said it! Don't call my highness, call me your son!"

Zhao Qian jumped up in an instant and slapped the guard, with a faint expression of anger on his face, "This time I'm making a private visit in micro-service, not to show my identity.

As for.. my identity, you must keep it strictly confidential and not let: anyone know!"


The guards hurriedly bowed their heads, but their hearts were constantly slandering.

What are you talking about in a private interview? Why didn't you say this when the peasant woman revealed her identity? It is obvious that once she sees it, she will get carried away and reveal her identity, playing the game that she often plays in Handan Press people.

But I want to be a bitch and build a torii, and pretend to say come back tomorrow.

, To put it bluntly, it's not just for a woman.

Although, that woman is indeed stunning.

Even though the guards knew that... a woman of that rank was definitely not something they could covet, but they still couldn't help but give her a ruthless slap.

Don't touch it, don't let it make you think "um."

The guards' full-mouthed agreement made Zhao Qian nodded with satisfaction, his expression softened a little, and after a pause, he seemed to be a little hesitant, and frowned slightly, "However, speaking of it, what you said about robbing makes sense."

"After all, I have never had any experience in this area, and I don't know if I did the right thing today.

As a result, now, I think it's better to just grab it and save trouble, anyway... that's what it used to be."

Zhao Qian felt itchy in his heart, as if he was being stalked by someone, but when he thought of Snow Maiden's stunning beauty, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Your son is wise."

The corners of the guard's mouth twitched slightly, you have been doing all sorts of evil things all day long in eating, drinking, and having fun.

Besides...robbing, what else can you do and want to learn from others to pick up girls, but you are the capital....Yes, you are also the prince, and you are not bad, but you If you have that ability, the ability to pick up girls is all tempered.

However, the prince has never had the experience.

It has always been either prostitution or robbery.

But it's normal. If it wasn't for this, what would you call a playboy? "It's really distressing."

Zhao Qian sighed helplessly, he suddenly began to regret, why he had always liked to pursue simplicity and rudeness.

Instead of picking up girls step by step and accumulating experience.

In that case, it would not be so passive now.

"Dang... Young Master."

A guard just wanted to say: , and then Zhao Qian glared at him and changed his name.

Seeing Zhao Qian nod, he breathed a sigh of relief. He cautiously leaned forward and whispered, "Young Master, I have a plan."

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