
Zhao Qian suddenly became interested, and said excitedly, "What can you do, say, tell me that this young master will be rewarded!"


The guards were also excited. Although the beauty was beyond their reach, the reward was real.

The guard also pretended to smile mysteriously and asked, "Young Master, do you still remember why we came to this village?"


Looking for Qian Qian frowned, as if he was thinking, and after a while, he said with some doubts, "Didn't we come to this village because we heard that there is an unknown person with white hair in this existence? "

"But, I've found it now! It's not an ominous person at all, but the Snow Maiden girl.

The so-called unknown is just the slander of those... ignorant pariahs."

"Ah, I understand!"

Zhao Qian refuted with a face of righteousness, as if he was on the side of justice.

Then suddenly, as if suddenly realized, with an excited expression on his face, he said solemnly, "I have decided, I must prove it for the Snow Girl.

In that case, she will definitely accept me."


The guard did not speak, his face was speechless.

Indeed, they just thought it was funny at first, in order to please this prince who was a little bored playing with women in Handan.

Therefore, I deliberately told Zhao Qian some strange people and strange things in Zhao Guo: territory.

The purpose is... to take Zhao Qian out for a walk, and to win the favor of the master by the way.

Then maybe, he will reward himself and others.

The snow girl's white hair feature is unique in the world, and naturally it must be mentioned.

Even if Xue Nv was hidden at home by her adoptive mother, everyone was gossiping.

Even if there is no Internet, more than ten years have passed, and the existence of the Snow Maiden has been made known to almost everyone.

Of course, most people just use it as an after-dinner fun.

And Zhao Qian took it seriously, so he wanted to come and see.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at the result, but when you look at it, you'll just fall in love at first sight! Moreover, it's the kind of person who has made up his mind not to get the Snow Maiden and swears off...

Moreover, I was just watching a play, but now I still want to rectify the name of Snow Maiden.

Chapter 057 Their Plan (Seeking Automatically)

Zhao Qian wanted to prove to Xue Nu, and tried his best to please each other like a dog.

However, the guard's method was the exact opposite of his.


The guard took a deep breath, as if he was brewing words, and after a while, he said softly, "I mean, the so-called ominous people of this Snow Maiden are just those... slanders of the foolish people.

But, why don't we put this ominous person to her for real?"


Zhao Qian frowned, looking at the guard with an indescribable threat.

If he hadn't known that his bodyguards were all chosen by his father and were loyal and loyal, he would probably suspect that the guards had hidden evil intentions.

However, even without such suspicion, he is still very dissatisfied with the guards now.

"Sir, please listen to me."

The guard seemed to have already expected Zhao Qian to have this kind of expression, smiled mysteriously, and said slowly, "I mean, we might as well help the villagers to get rid of Snow Maiden. The identity of the ominous person is confirmed."

"Then, incited those villagers to drive away, and even wanted to kill Snow Maiden.

And at this time, son, stand up again..."

As the guard approached, two brief words revealed his plan, but Zhao Qian's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Yeah! Rather than... licking her like a dog with no reward, it's better to push her, and then pull her just as she's about to push her into the abyss.

When the whole village, even Snow Maiden's family began to hate Snow Maiden, as if the whole world had abandoned her.

If he stood up again, if that happened, Xue Nu would not give up on him. Even though he had no experience in this area, Zhao Qian was not stupid, and he saw the result of this plan almost instantly.

"Well done, well done!"

Zhao Qian touched his hands and clapped his hands excitedly, and even reached out and patted the guard's shoulder, "Your strategy is very good. After I go back, I will definitely reward you!"

"Thank you for the reward, my subordinates will be loyal to the son, and I will die after all!"

The guard also blushed for a while, and roared loudly.

And the guards next to him all looked at this with envious eyes, so he got the promise of the prince, that is... promotion and making a fortune are just around the corner! Don't look at him as an ordinary guard now, maybe in a few days. The head guard is here! "Come on, tell me specifically how this plan will be implemented."

Zhao Qian patted the guard on the shoulder affectionately and looked at him eagerly.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that the plan was too promising.

Compared with his previous method of robbing civilian girls, although it also ruined the target girl's life, the method was far too clever.

Moreover, the girls in the past all hated him, but doing this might make those girls become: very dependent on him! Even, he was their only one! The more he thought about it, the more excited Zhao Qian became.

"Sir, this is my plan."

The guard calmed down a bit, and suddenly there was a sense of military overall planning, where thousands of troops were being utterly wiped out while the feather fan and the towel were chatting and laughing.

"First of all, we need to find an alchemist, and then let this alchemist come to this village.

Afterwards, the propaganda of pretending to be a ghost said that the village had an ominous atmosphere, and then accidentally found the home of the Snow Maiden."

"Finally, let this alchemist publicly accuse the Snow Maiden girl of being an ominous person."

"that is it"

Zhao Qian frowned slightly and said doubtfully, "This way, it seems that the goal cannot be fully achieved."

Indeed, if only a stranger suddenly came and pointed it out.

Well, these....the people in the village will at best be suspicious instead of doing things.

After all, he can't just do what you say, otherwise their face will be put to "don't worry, son, I have already thought about it."

The guard smiled indifferently, with an expression like a bamboo in his chest, and said very calmly, "I have already observed that this existence is close to the water, and it is by the river with extremely low terrain.

If the alchemist said it, they would definitely not believe it.

Then, we will make the unknown of this village a reality!"

"We can put water upstream and the whole village will be submerged.

When the time comes, when the alchemist accuses Xue Nv of being an ominous person, no one will doubt it.

When the time comes, these... ignorant people will inevitably beg the alchemists to make amends."

"At that time, you can tell them.

This is He Bo's anger, an ominous punishment for this village.

To remedy it, the ominous source, that ominous man, must be offered as a sacrifice to He Bo."

"And at that time, the snow girl who was abandoned by everyone would definitely be jealous and despair, and then..."

"When the time comes, the prince will appear again, and the hero will save the beauty!"

Zhao Qian clapped his hands and laughed excitedly, "At that time, the Snow Maiden will definitely obey the prince's words.

Then, I can do whatever I want!"

"His Royal Highness is wise!"

When the guard heard the words, he also hurriedly shouted, looking like a qualified dog.

Chapter 058 Their plan!Down! (asking for automatic)

Zhao Qian and his son-in-law happily went back, and they were going to find an alchemist.

For .. all royal families, alchemists are not difficult to find.

At the very least, they consider themselves flawless and flawless.

However, they didn't know that Fang Tianfeng had already heard their plan clearly.

Like the original, this prince made the same choice.

However, Fang Tianfeng was rather helpless.

Alchemists are easy to find, and rumors are also easy to spread, after all, the three are 3 percent.

However, it is not just to release water when you want to go upstream.

This is not the future, there is a complete infrastructure, and the gate can be opened to release water when needed.

But this is in ancient times! The most upstream is... There are piles of dykes. If you want to flood, you have to wait for the upstream water to fill the dykes.

Or, the dikes are broken.

Therefore, it is not so easy to put water.

As for the guards around the prince, the highest martial arts were only second-rate.

If you want to destroy the dam with this strength, you can only dig as honestly as ordinary people.

Dig a hole in the dam, and then use the principle of breaking through the ant's nest with a thousand miles, and slowly wait for the water to break through the dam.

However, it still takes some time.

In this case, there is no way to accurately estimate the time.

Or, you can only let a congenital or more powerful kind... forcibly destroy the entire dam.

However, in the identity of Zhao Qian, he still cannot command such a powerful innate master.

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