"Sir, what happened?"

The man was even more anxious, he almost believed that there was something unclean in the village.

And because of this, his voice involuntarily increased.

And those... who were watching the play from a distance, all gathered at once, wanting to know what happened here.

As a result, they all heard what the man said.

"How can there be such a thing in our village?"

"Yes! Dog Dan, don't scare yourself!"

As soon as the man named Goudan was called by his name, his face turned red all of a sudden.

Chapter 060 A False Plan!Down! (for full order)

"In your village, there is indeed something at work."

While the villagers were discussing something with each other, the alchemist who had been silent and pretended to be very inscrutable suddenly spoke up.

And this opening, all the people around were shocked, and one or two didn't dare to speak.

"What! Actually there is!"

"How is that possible! How can there be such a thing in our village!"

"Sir, are you mistaken?"

...The alchemist didn't speak, just watched, and then stroked his beard from time to time.

In ancient times, beards were regarded as beauty, and the longer the beard, the easier it was to be respected by others.

Because beards represent age and experience.

It's like in the Three Kingdoms period, and even has the reputation of the beautiful bearded man, because his beard is very good-looking.

Moreover, it is not ordinary people who can grow a beard.

Most people have to clean their beards for convenience.

Especially the ordinary Qianshou, they had to cut their beards, which represented beauty, to make it easier for them to work in the fields.

The alchemist is well aware of the truth that speaking too much is wrong, and many times don't speak too much.

Instead, he remained silent, and then from time to time a reasonable sentence came out of his mouth, or something that led others to think.

Say less, doesn't mean you can't convince others.

On the contrary, if you say less, it is easy for others to think that you are mysterious, and thus unconsciously fear and believe in the mystery.

This is human nature.

"Sir, you're...talking, what the hell is going on?"

"Yes! Sir! How did this unclean thing come to our village?"

"Yes, sir!"



A group of people, you say something, I don't give the alchemist a chance to speak at all.

And the alchemist was not in a hurry, but continued with an unfathomable expression without saying a word.

"Don't talk!"

Suddenly, the man with the egg who appeared first in the crowd shouted.

And almost subconsciously, after being shouted, no one else spoke.

"Sir, this is a major event concerning the lives of the people in my village, you can't ignore it."

Goudan stopped the others and looked at the alchemist anxiously, with an almost pleading look on his face.


When the alchemist heard the words, he sighed a long time and said, "Speaking of which, this is the only sin you have committed."

"How do you say this sir?"

Sure enough, a group of villagers showed a horrified expression, how could it be possible for their own sins! I have never heard of anyone in the village who was murdered and then stuffed into a well and blocked with a grinding disc! "According to my Observation, this ominous thing was not originally from your village."

The alchemist shook his head slightly, first looked at the sky above the village for a while, and then said in a hurry, "This ominous thing should have died long ago, but was rescued by someone in your village."

"What! How could this be!"

"Who did it!"

"This is killing our entire village!"

All of a sudden, it was as if the pot was being blasted, and the crowd became noisy again.

"This ominous thing,"

The alchemist suddenly spoke, and for a moment everyone was quiet. The alchemist nodded with some satisfaction, and said, "It was not a threat at first, its original disaster is still very weak, and it can't cause any harm."

"If I read it correctly, this thing should have come to your village thirteen years ago.

And it should have died thirteen years ago.

In the past thirteen years, it has gradually grown by absorbing the yang energy of everyone in your village."

"It didn't have the ability to disaster, but now, it is giving birth to a huge disaster."

After speaking, Fang Shi paused, looked around for a week, and said solemnly, "A huge disaster that is enough to destroy the entire village!"

"What! Destroy the whole village! This is killing everyone!"

"What! It's no wonder I feel powerless after working every day when I suck our yang! Is it because my yang has been sucked?"

"Me too! Every time I finish my job, our mother-in-law also feels powerless, and she's obviously sucked in yang energy!"

As soon as the alchemist's words came out, the crowd instantly exploded, and one or two felt that they must have been sucked in yang energy.

As for the alchemist, the corners of his mouth twitched.

After you have finished your work, can you not be tired after finishing your work with women? So, this is all psychological.

With just a little guidance, they will take the initiative to think about it.

And, the more you think about it, the more serious it gets.

Even one of them had a pale face and felt that he had been sucked in too much yang energy and was about to die.

"Thirteen years ago,"

At this moment, someone in the crowd finally thought of the key point and said in horror, "That... the unknown person with white hair, wasn't that the one who was taken back to our village thirteen years ago?"

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Then, there was a louder noise.

But the alchemist smiled silently, and his goal was achieved.

Chapter 061 Snow Maiden takes the blame! (for full order)

Snow Maiden took the blame unsurprisingly.

After all, all the evidence points to her.

And no surprise, in one day, the incident spread throughout the whole village.

The next day, almost everyone denounced the Snow Maiden family.

Blame her adoptive parents for not taking her back.

Her adoptive mother's face turned pale, as if she had remembered something.

And her adoptive father and brother were directly influenced by the villagers.

I think what they say is true.

How can people not feel tired after a day's work? However, they were affected, and they subconsciously felt that this had something to do with Snow Maiden.

However, her adoptive father fell ill because of the cold.

We all know that colds are easily contagious.

And there is no doubt that her adoptive father infects her brother, who is also the value of her existence as a child bride.

The only two men in the family are both sick, one is weaker than the other.

However, Xue Nu and her adoptive mother had nothing to do with each other.

But this actually has something to do with people's own resistance. It is normal for their mother and daughter to have a higher resistance and not be infected.

However, rumors have cropped up again.

The closer the person is to the Snow Maiden, the more yang energy is drawn.

Just like her adoptive father and brother, because they live together every day, they are sucked in more yang energy.

Others just feel tired, while they are just sick.

Whether it's true or not, anyway...they believed it.

In particular, her adoptive father and brother are more convinced.

I have to say, this is really a joke.

She is most convinced that she is an ominous person, but it is her brother and adoptive father.

Looking at her eyes, each one became more frightened and disgusted.

And another rumor soon came out, about her adoptive mother.

Of course, they did not think that her adoptive mother was also some kind of ominous person.

Instead, I feel that the yang qi of snow women is only limited to men.

Women are yin, so the Snow Maiden has no effect on them.

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