I don't know where this rumor came from.

But as well, it quickly spread throughout the village.

There were more than [-] people in the whole village, and it was over overnight.

But Xue Nu's adoptive mother felt very tired, she was really tired.

Others don't know that this is a rumor, so how can she not know that she used to be a dancer after all, and some people are almost open-mouthed when they go to prostitutes.

Therefore, her adoptive mother knew something that no one else knew.

Many high-ranking officials and nobles look like dogs in front of them, but beasts behind them.

And their most accustomed method is... let other people's homes be destroyed.

And comparing their experiences, how similar is the person who came a few days ago? It was Zhao Guo: Prince! Zhao Guo: The prince fell in love with her adopted daughter, and he would come every day with harsh words.

Originally, she thought that the other party didn't come, she gave up.

But who knows, a more ruthless one has come! From beginning to end, everyone in the entire village felt that they were victims.

However, they do not understand that there is only one victim from beginning to end.

And all of them are perpetrators.

Ten people 10 bullying one person is also bullying a hundred people 100 bullying one person is bullying, then 1 people [-] bullying one person is justice.

Things in the world are sometimes... so strange.

When the whole village believed that rumor, it didn't matter what the truth was.

Because they had already decided that Snow Maiden was... the... ominous person.

The plan went well unexpectedly, and the ignorant villagers took the Snow Maiden as a symbol of disaster.

Some people even shouted that they were going to burn her to death.

However, this is not enough.

Although they almost confirmed the rumor to be true, the fermentation of the matter has not yet reached its peak.

Moreover, the disaster mentioned by the alchemist did not come.

So, despite believing this to be the case, they still had a fluke.

Only when the real disaster strikes, will they truly make up their minds.

Instead of having the same fear of Snow Maiden as it is now.

They're not crazy enough, not enough... hysterical.

So, they need an opportunity to make them become: hysterical.

For example, a sudden flood without warning.

Fang Tianfeng deliberately waited until the third day after the arrival of the alchemist, in order to make this matter ferment as much as possible.

And now, the time is ripe, they just need a fuse and they will explode on their own.

And this and the fuse are now in Fang Tianfeng's hands.

Fang Tianfeng slowly pulled out the long sword from his waist, not Wentian.

Wentian is still there: Qin Wang Palace, as the symbol of Qin Wang, is still on the body of Concubine Yan.

This sword is called Chi Xiao.

In another top ten Divine Sword ranking, it is also known as Emperor Dao Chixiao.

Originally it should have been Liu Bang's saber, and it should have been used by him to kill the white snake and then revolt.

However, it is not now, and it will not be in the future.

Fang Tianfeng pulled out... a long sword, a cold light flashed, and his eyes became icy cold.

Secret Skill Xia Ji Eight Slashes!

Chapter 062 The River God Project!superior! (for full order)

"Everyone! Listen to me!"

But when Fang Tianfeng performed the Eight Cleaves of the Aoyi Xia Ji, most of the people gathered in the open space in the center of the small village.

Basically, more than half of the more than [-] people in the village are here.

In the past two days, the whole village has been panicked by rumors, and no one is left with energy to do farm work.

Instead, all day long, he was thinking about how to sacrifice the 'ominous thing' to the sky.

From ancient times to the present, every village has a village chief.

On weekdays, the village chief has no sense of existence, and most of the time he is held by an old man of high moral character.

Well, in fact, let the oldest person be the one.

Because I'm older, I don't have any ambitions, and I won't mess around casually.

And if there is anything on weekdays, it is the village chief who gathers all the villagers here to discuss together.

In fact, it is more democratic.

Of course, more often, this vacant land is reserved for travellers.

After all, no matter how closed a village is, as long as there is still a way to enter and it is profitable, businessmen will not let it go.

In this open space, there is also a simple high platform.

It is said to be a high platform, but it is actually... a flat-topped round platform made of rammed earth.

However, the person standing above was not the village chief.

Rather, dog eggs.

Yes, it is... two days ago, the first villager who went up to ask the alchemist, and was the first to lead out that the Snow Maiden was... an ominous thing.

"Everyone, we are all people who have lived in this land since childhood.

We were born here and live here."

Goudan stood on the high platform, an abnormal ruddy appeared on his dark face, and shouted loudly, "We have the most sincere expression for this land."

"But, more than ten years ago, our village ushered in an ominous thing!"

"She's sucking our spirit to strengthen her body, that's sucking our yangshou! Do you know what that means?"

Following the dog's words, the surrounding crowd began to riot.

Yangshou! Who doesn't want to live longer? However, now someone is telling them that someone wants their lives! "She will not only suck our Yangshou, but even destroy our village! Keep her , it will bring disaster to our village!"

People are always so foolish and easy to be fooled.

Hearing wind is rain.

As for the truth, who cares? Every story is different, and people are too lazy to check which one is the truth.

They're just preconceived, thinking that what they see is... the truth.

Like now, they are all incited.

However, they didn't know that the man who kept instigating them, Goudan, received money.

If you want to deceive people, it is impossible to deceive, and there are always a few people who support you.

Just like cross talk, if there is cross talk, there must be a cheer.

And even if it's an auction, there's still a trust.

If the alchemist came to deceive people, it was impossible for him to be unprepared.

In fact, he bought several people in this village early in the morning.

Don't let them do anything that hurts the world, it's just a few words anyway.

Then they have a radish and a stick in one hand, and they naturally know how to choose.

As for those who say that whistleblowers do not exist, if you don't agree, they will kill your whole family directly.

And the dog egg is undoubtedly the most successful of them.

In other words, he has actually begun to enjoy it a little.

Enjoy the thrill of inciting the crowd, as if you can master everything.

Because everyone is under his play.

This kind of pleasure, like a sick poison, made him unable to stop.

Undoubtedly, he was helpless.

If nothing else, he would soon stir up the crowd and convince them to sacrifice the Snow Maiden to the sky—after all, that's what he said at the beginning.

There was no way, although Zhao Qian wanted to speak with facts at the beginning, after a flood, everything was resolved.

However, when they got there, they discovered that the upstream water was not so easy to collapse.

In fact, if the place hadn't been safe, they wouldn't have settled here.

Otherwise, who would want to live here in a place where there are floods all the year round? So, because the original plan was in vain, they would need to buy people like Goudan.

Intimidation and enticing, taking money in one hand and taking it in the other, killing his whole family to force him to agree.

Then stir up the crowd and sacrifice the Snow Maiden to the river god.

But it doesn't matter, anyway... no one will care about this.


Goudan looked at the reaction of everyone below and nodded with satisfaction.

I was about to say something, but suddenly, I heard a sound.

It seems to be looming, it seems to be far away, but it seems to be constantly approaching.

"what sound"

Not only Dog Dan, but everyone else heard it, and looked around suspiciously.

However, they are now in the center of the village.

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