All around were blocked by houses.

Otherwise, if they stood outside the village, they would find that the flood had come quietly.

Chapter 063 Help the River God Plan~!Down! (for full order)

The force of nature is great, indestructible and irresistible.

Compared with natural disasters, the so-called man-made disasters are not worth mentioning.

The torrents roared from upstream and rolled from the mountains, like frightened wild horses, or wild horses.

With an unstoppable force, it destroys everything in its path.

The raging floods destroyed everything along the way, from delicate saplings to towering trees.

Nothing can resist its ferocity.

The flood was mixed with broken branches, even tree trunks, and huge boulders rushing from upstream into the river that was already churning and spreading to the surrounding ground.

The rumbling sound constantly slapped the river bank, shocking people.

Unfortunately, no one saw this scene.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect.

When the whole village was incited to sacrifice the Snow Maiden, they gave up all their work.

They all gathered in the open space in the center of the village, listening to Goudan's inflammatory lies.

However, because of this, they missed their last chance to escape.

What is water? Water is gentle, it is the source of life and nourishes all things.

Because there is water, the world has the breath of life, so it becomes: the beautiful mountains and rivers and the clear streams are the root of people's survival when they are full of vitality.

However, many people have never seen it, let alone really understand it.

Water can carry a boat and capsize it.

Water represents the ultimate life and the ultimate death.

When the soft water gathers together and gives it a certain kinetic energy, it will reveal its hideous face.

In front of it, everything seemed extremely vulnerable.

The torrential flood has already spread to the periphery of the village, and is rushing to every corner of the village at a very fast speed.

Soon, the flood submerged the crops and spread to the whole village.

Almost instantly, from the streets and alleys, the floods rushed in, almost instantly immersing people in the water below their waists! And until this time, they just realized that the floods are coming.


I don't know who shouted this, and the crowd that seemed to be chaotic instantly became more chaotic.

Everyone knows that this is just a flood that came too fast and too fierce.

Like a huge and hungry beast, it devoured the whole village in one go.

The water rose up quickly, licking people's waists.

People were terrified and crawled towards all the tall buildings they could see. Facing the flood, this was their only chance to escape.

However, this is just the beginning.

The flood will not be so mild, and it will slowly rise up by a centimeter or even a millimeter.

When people climbed to the roof, they finally saw what was going on around them.

The surrounding area of ​​the village was already submerged by the flood.

And not far from them, they saw a scene that they may never have the chance to see in their lifetime.

That should only happen in the sea, waves.

Although it is small, its color is not as clear and blue as the sea, but is mixed with muddy mud.

However, it was indeed a wave, a wolf as tall as one person! "Clap—!"

As if being slapped heavily on the body, the people on the roof were beaten down by the merciless flood.

Fortunately, there is a flood right now.

So they don't need to worry about falling to the ground and breaking bones, but falling into the water.

Then, it was carried away by the flood into the distance.

Some people are lucky, and behind them is... houses.

The flood water didn't wash away for a while, so they quickly climbed up the roof again in a hurry.

However, some people are unfortunate, they are hit hard by the tree trunks or stones mixed with the flood water, and then they are submerged with a large amount of flood water.

But soon, they were all washed away by the flood.

Some of the houses are still strong, so they still stand in the surging flood.

But don't expect anything like the furniture inside.

And some are not so solid, especially the houses in the outer circle of the village.

They are the first to be hit and the most stressed.

So there is almost no stagnation, it is destroyed in an instant, not even a single board is left.

Needless to say, even if these people survived, so what? Their houses have been destroyed, and so have their crops.

Even if they survive, what will they do next? That's why some people say that floods are more terrifying than droughts.

However, compared with drought, flood is kinder.

With a little luck, the flood is fleeting and won't last long.

As long as you survive this period of time, the chances of surviving are also higher.

Unlike a drought, there is a large area of ​​death.

No matter what, being able to survive is... the greatest luck.

Fang Tianfeng watched from not far away, but did not rush forward.

He came here just to see how Xue Nu was doing.

He didn't care about the lives of others, he was afraid that Snow Maiden would also have an accident.

Fortunately, Snow Maiden got to the roof faster than the others.

Although the house is not very high, but three or four meters, there are still some.

Chapter 064

"This water..."

Not far from the village, the prince and his guards and servants were watching the raging flood with some amazement.

For a time, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

They had already given up, but the result was a real flood.

They were originally waiting here, waiting for the dog eggs to stir up the crowd and sacrifice the Snow Maiden to He Bo, and then they went to rescue the Snow Maiden.

So, just waited here.

After all, even if it is a hero to save beauty, it takes time.

However, they simply stood farther away, and when they got here, the remaining force of the flood was reduced.

Even if it washes over, at most it will only drown people's calves.

"Sir, let's hurry up and go to a higher place."

The waitress was afraid that something might happen to the prince, and hurriedly suggested.

"Good good."

Zhao Qian was also afraid to die, for fear that he would be sacrificed to the sky, and the group hurriedly walked towards the small soil slope not far away.

The slope is not too high, nor is it big.

But now, it can only be squeezed.

Well, although the water below is less than ten centimeters deep.

However, he is the prince! "I don't know what happened to Snow Maiden! She will be fine, right?"

Zhao Qian looked worriedly towards the direction of the village in front of him. He was really interested in... Snow Maiden.

I didn't think about it before, but now I think about it, if there is a real flood.

That Snow Maiden is also in danger of death.

"Tsk tsk, you don't have to worry about that."

A voice suddenly appeared in Zhao Qian's ear, not only him, but also the guards around him.

And almost instantly, everyone drew out the long swords around their waists.

The people who suddenly appeared at such a time were definitely not good people! As expected, they almost subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

But he saw only a young man holding a long sword, level with his body, with the tip of the sword pointed at the ground at a forty-five degree angle.

"who are you"

The captain of the guard stood up first, with a solemn expression on his face, and said solemnly, "Stop! If you don't...stop, don't blame me for being rude!"

Originally, he was just yelling twice.

Because this kind of person who is obviously not good, how could he stop? So he shouted twice, just as a routine, and reminded the younger brothers to start.

However, to his surprise, Fang Tianfeng really stopped.

At a distance of forty meters from them, he stopped.

However, maybe it was because they were a little far away, or maybe it was because the water flow affected their sight.

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