The alchemist's luck is bad, but also very good.

When the flood broke out, he was organizing the people in the village to incite the masses.

So unfortunately, he was involved in the flood.

However, his luck was also good.

Although he was involved in the flood, he was lucky to grab a big tree and climbed up, thus escaping the disaster.

And this flood came and went quickly.

A day later, a flood that submerged the entire village gradually subsided.

And until this time, the villagers did not have time to count the losses.

You don't need to look at the house or anything. A house that has been flooded can't live in it even if it hasn't been washed down.

The most important thing is food.

The village was originally self-sufficient, but now most of the crops in the fields have been destroyed.

Even if there are survivors, it is not enough to support them to survive.

The casualties are not small, at least one-third of the people were killed or missing in the flood.

The flood came and went quickly, but it took everything mercilessly away during this period.

Xue Nu was always watched by Fang Tianfeng himself, so she didn't get hurt much.

Even, because of the terrain, even the skirt was never wet.

However, when the flood receded, Snow Maiden's luck angered everyone.

"It's her! It's the natural disaster she brought!"

The first thing the surviving villagers did was not to count the losses, but to surround the snow girl's house in a tacit understanding.

Looking at the beautiful girl with long snow-white hair, there was no amazing look in their eyes, only unprovoked fear and anger.

Fear is because of the instinct for danger and the unknown.

And anger, incompetent fury at the unprovoked disaster their village suffered.

"Kill her! Avenge my son!"

A middle-aged woman cried and cried, her son was washed away in the flood just now.

"Yes! Kill her!"

"If you don't kill her, our village will really be over!"

"This flood is just the beginning! It will lead to bigger disasters!"

The villagers who lost their minds were all red-eyed, gnashing their teeth at Snow Maiden.

However, that's all there is to it.

Serious on the inside, strong on the outside and hard on the inside, that's what these people are like.

Because the anger of the natural disaster has nowhere to vent, they are angry at 'the culprit who caused it all'.

However, because Snow Maiden can easily lead to natural disasters, they will feel fear because of this.

Therefore, although each one is very powerful, but none of them really feel it.

Even if it's those... who lost their loved ones.

"Can't kill! Absolutely can't kill!"

On the side, the alchemist who finally came over saw the excited villagers, his face turned pale for a while, and rushed over in a hurry, shouting loudly.

"Why can't you kill it! Do you want to shelter this demon girl!"

A villager suddenly rushed over with a ferocious face, grabbed the alchemist's chest by the clothes and lifted him up.

People are afraid of ghosts, but not people.

Man, it's always been like this.

"No, it's not."

The alchemist shook his head and explained calmly, "This demon girl can't be killed! If you kill her, she will turn into a ghost and will haunt you forever!"


In an instant, the crowd exploded again.

Specter! Now it's just that people are so powerful, if they turn into Specter, even the tall villager who is holding on to the alchemist will turn pale for a while.

People are not afraid of people, but they are afraid of ghosts because they have ghosts in their hearts.

Because people have an instinctive fear of the unknown.

And now they are all very fortunate, fortunate that they didn't rush up just now to end up with that demon girl.

Otherwise, their village would be really doomed.

It was as if they had really restrained themselves just now, not because of fear.

There are more than [-] villagers, but now there are only less than [-] people left.

More than a third and nearly half of the people died in the flood.

In the face of natural disasters, human power is so insignificant.

"Then, what do you say we should do!"

A villager was almost scared to cry. Thinking of the terrifying flood before, his legs went weak, "If you don't kill her, the next natural disaster will come soon! But if you kill her, the next natural disaster will come soon! She, she will turn into a ghost again, even more terrifying than now!"

The crowd was commotion, and the sound of sobbing began to sound intermittently.

Both men and women, at this moment, are desperate.

Killing is not, not killing is not.

Then what can they do and wait until they die? If they don't kill the witch, they can only wait for the next natural disaster to come.

Maybe another flood, maybe another earthquake, or something else.

They were even killed by a meteorite falling from the sky.

However, if they are killed, then their village will never think of peace and no solution.

Ghosts are much scarier than humans.

Chapter 067 ━━━━━━━━ Black! (for full order)

"This woman must not die!"

When the alchemist saw that the villagers had compromised, he was relieved, but he was still worried and solemnly emphasized.

You know, Xue Nu was the one whom the prince asked for by name.

He came here to pretend to be a ghost, isn't it just to let this woman be abandoned and ostracized, and then take the opportunity to let the prince come out as a hero to save the beauty? If something happened to the snow girl, he, the alchemist, would have to run away, otherwise he would definitely be killed by the prince Yes! That's the prince! The prince of a country! But fortunately, the matter is not irreversible.

At the very least, he has now salvaged the situation a little bit.

As long as you don't kill the Snow Maiden, that's fine.

As for whether this flood has anything to do with Snow Maiden, how does he know! Ten 10 alchemists, nine 9 pits, and one is a liar.

Those... dignitaries and nobles support them, but they just want to feel at ease.

Even if you know they are fake, it doesn't take much to keep them at home.

If something goes wrong, who cares about them.

And he himself is not really talented and learned, and he relies on one mouth to walk the rivers and lakes.

So, what happened to this natural disaster, only God knows.

Moreover, his task is only responsible for delivering the snow girl safely to the prince.

As for the rest, he doesn't care.

However, now the plan has changed, and the sudden flood has disrupted everyone's plans.

Even the alchemist didn't know what to do for a while.

Although according to the original plan, they should have asked the villagers to sacrifice the Snow Maiden to He Bo.

Then, they rescued the Snow Maiden downstream.

However, now that such a big change has occurred, he can't contact the prince and his party at all.

If the Snow Maiden sacrificed, but the Crown Prince and the others missed it, it would be the end! "Sir, please save us!"

For a time, the villagers who saw the alchemist's delay in speaking were instantly anxious, thinking that there was no good way.

One or two, all of them suddenly turned red, and knelt down directly.


The alchemist let out a long sigh of sympathy, but in fact he was sighing for the fate of the Snow Maiden. Whether the Crown Prince can save her or not depends on her luck.

If so, then of course everyone will be happy.

If not, then he should run away.

"The safest course of action,"

The alchemist said, deliberately showing a somewhat embarrassed expression, and said with a complicated face, "It is to sacrifice her to He Bo."


"Can this work?"

"This woman arbitrarily used He Bo's divine power to cause natural disasters, and this move has already angered He Bo.

At that time, even if this demon girl is no longer in trouble, He Bo will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge."

"So, it's better to sacrifice it to Hebo to quell Hebo's anger.

Moreover, He Bo can also get rid of this demon girl."

The alchemist made a firm oath, and his words were convincing.

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