And when the villagers think about it, this is indeed the truth.

If you don't dare to kill yourself and others, then you can just let those who dare to kill.

They are mortals who are naturally afraid of ghosts, but is He Bo still afraid? You must know that He Bo is also a ghost, because he was drowned in the Yellow River and turned into a ghost, and then he was canonized as the Water God of the Yellow River.

"Then, who will arrest her?"

Suddenly, a word came out of the crowd at an inopportune moment, and the crowd instantly quieted down.

Because, no one wants to take this risk to get close to Snow Maiden.

You must know that there is one rumor in the previous rumors - demon girls can suck people's longevity.

"She can only suck men's longevity! Women are not affected! Let's go!"

The woman whose son had died suddenly raised her head, her eyes were red, and her eyes were full of anger when she looked at Snow Maiden, "She killed my son! I want her to pay for her life!"

"No! You can't do that!"

But just when a group of people were aggressive and ready to arrest people, the girl's adoptive mother stood in front of everyone.

"Sister-in-law! Get out of the way! Do you still want to protect this demon girl?"

One of the villagers suddenly shouted loudly with red eyes, "Your man was killed by her!"

Hmm, that's right.

Snow Maiden's adoptive mother was washed away in the flood just now.

As for whether he died or was rushed to other places and survived, no one knows.

However, the villagers acquiesce that the other party is dead.

"Mom, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a burly young man walked out of the crowd, his face was gloomy and cold, "She must die! Otherwise, she will kill our whole family!"

"elder brother......"

For a long time, even if she was suspected, attacked, and slandered by everyone, Snow Maiden never wavered.

Although she was hesitant and afraid, she knew that she could not run.

Otherwise, the adoptive mother's family will be affected.

However, when her... childhood sweetheart brother ran out to accuse her, saying that he was going to kill her, the girl felt an unprecedented colic in her heart.

There was a heartbreaking despair on that beautiful face.

"Shut up! Demon girl, don't call me brother! Do you deserve it? You don't!"

The young man shouted emotionally and glared angrily, "You killed my father!"


Xue Nu silently closed her eyes, and two lines of clear tears flowed down her cheeks slowly.

She made no excuses because she was desperate.

Chapter 068 ━━━━━━━━The Bride of the River God

After all, Snow Maiden is just a fourteen-year-old girl.

Since childhood, she seldom even went out of the house.

When she was a child, even if she played with the children of the same village, those people rejected her.

Even throwing mud at her.

Because of her white hair, she looks out of place with other people.

So even though she is so cute and beautiful, she is still rejected by people.

And at that time, her brother, the boy she had been taught to be his wife's wife since childhood, would stand up.

Stand in front of her and protect her.

Therefore, even after she grew up, she did not have any dissatisfaction with the fact that she was regarded as a child bride.

Because, in her opinion, it should be.

In fact, up to this point, the boy actually has the template of the protagonist.

The younger sister of childhood sweetheart, and she is very responsible for protecting and caring for her.

However, he was a mortal after all.

Because of his mother's education, he never discriminated against Snow Maiden.

Even when he was told by his mother that the other party would be his wife, he blushed and was happy because of it.

However, over time.

He also began to work with his father, often away from home, in the fields.

The other villagers' comments about the Snow Maiden inevitably entered his ears, which affected him.

Then, the alchemist came.

The alchemist said that the snow girl is a demon girl, an ominous person, and she has been absorbing the yang energy of men in the village for more than ten years.

And, the closer you get to her, the more you get sucked in.

However, he and his father both contracted the cold.

Therefore, the evidence is directly added to this assertion.

When people are frightened, they tend to think wildly.

He suddenly heard the rumor that he was often sick when he was a child, and then thought of the rumor that his sister and child bride-in-law sucked yang.

Invisibly, a shadow was cast in his heart.

So, he began to distance himself from Snow Maiden and was afraid to contact her.

Of course, some people may find it strange, but it is normal.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

If you have had a lovely and beautiful girl as a child bride since you were a child, you must be very excited.

However, when you learn one day that your... cute girl is not actually a human being, but a demon girl...  

The witch seems to be pretty good too, um, cough.

When you find out one day that your... cute and beautiful sister is not actually a human being, but a female monster who can attract people's yang energy... oh, why do you feel even more excited, forget it, modern people's Brain circuits are different from those of ancient people.

After all, he was afraid.

Even though Snow Maiden looks cute and beautiful, he has already labeled her as a monster in his heart.

And then it was even worse. A sudden flood flooded the village, killing nearly half of the villagers.

Including his old father.

The pain of losing his father instantly made this filial son collapse, and he also hated the snow girl to the core.

He wanted to kill her with his own hands to comfort his father's spirit in heaven.

Even if this woman is his fiancee.

So, not everyone has a protagonist template.

If it was the protagonist, she should try her best to protect Xue Nv at this moment, but Xue Nv became completely determined to him.

Of course, these... Although they were unexpected, they should be considered unexpected joys.

Fang Tianfeng didn't mind at all, but was even more satisfied.

Xue Nu's adoptive mother was forcibly pulled away, and she herself was tied up by women who couldn't absorb her yang energy.

Then, forcibly tied to a door panel.

Make a proposed raft, prepare to throw into the river, and swim down to offer sacrifices to Hebo.

And Snow Maiden was completely devastated.

The two crystal tears on the beautiful cheeks showed everything, the girl's heart was dead.

She is only a fourteen-year-old girl, even though her special experience of being discriminated against since childhood made her mature a little earlier than others.

However, being accused and even attacked by everyone has also seriously hurt the girl's young heart.

And her fiancé, childhood sweetheart's older brother's actions, the look of wanting to eat her, broke the last line of defense in the girl's heart.

All the softness in the girl's heart was shattered by that brother's heartlessness.

She was completely desperate.

Soon, the impatient villagers pushed her into the water with the raft.

The villagers watched from the shore, with a sense of revenge on their faces and a relieved expression.

Because soon, the snow girl tied to it will sink to the bottom of the river and be executed by He Bo.

And they finally got rid of the scourge of this witch.

The ignorant villagers watched the river carry the girl downstream, and then dispersed.

But Fang Tianfeng quietly followed.

He will not save the Snow Maiden directly, but will wait until the right time to save her.

This is cruel to Xue Nu, but it is the best choice for him.

In particular, it works best when Snow Maiden is completely desperate.

And her brother's ruthlessness was an excellent assist.

Chapter 069 ━━━━━━━━━ Downstream! (for full order)

Snow Maiden was tied to the door panel.

Although she can't swim, the villagers are obviously afraid that she will run away.

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