The peasant leaders of all dynasties were all surnamed Tian.

The leader of the peasant family is named Xia Kui, and the current peasant family Xia Kui is named Tian Guang.

The disciples of the Tian clan even wore different clothes than the disciples with foreign surnames.

The disciples of the Tian clan wear blue clothes, and the disciples of foreign surnames wear brown clothes.

And above the six halls of the farmhouse, there are also six elders.

These six elders, to put it bluntly, are the oldest and immortal elders in the six halls, and they are highly respected.

Because they are old, their hearts to be leaders are weak, and their ambitions are smaller.

Therefore, in order to perfunctory other people in Liutang, Tian listed the so-called six elders.

Although the six elders are said to be respected, they are not human beings inside and out.

Xia Kui definitely doesn't want to see them, after all, these immortals are diverting Xia Kui's authority.

And although they themselves came from the Sixth Hall, the Hall Master of the Sixth Hall was afraid that they would seize power, so they didn't like to see them.

By the way, the current leader of the farm, Xia Kui, Tian Guang, is actually not pure anymore.

Just like in the original book, the Mo family was turned into a private revenge agency by Yan Dan.

At this time, the peasant family has been secretly controlled by Changping Jun of Chu State.

Even the knight-errant Tian Guang is obedient to Lord Changping.

Although the peasant family did not say anything, they had already shown their hostility towards Qin.

From the very beginning, all the schools of thought were purely academic schools of inheritance.

However, everyone has selfish desires.

Except... Taoism has always been detached from things, Confucianism has maintained good relations with all countries and does not help each other.

Other sects, in fact, have been more or less marked by a certain country.

Qin's Yin-Yang family also has Gongshu family, Chu's peasant family, Yan's Mo family... Tian Guang also has his own cover on the rivers and lakes. , Wisdom and bravery, deep understanding of righteousness, and worshipped by people in the world.

However, in fact, he had already been loyal to Lord Chu Changping.

Over the past few years, under the secret support of Changping Jun, he began to continuously expand the development of farmhouses, which accelerated the expansion of farmhouses in the Central Plains of Chu, and their power grew, covering all the territories of the seven kingdoms, becoming the power of Changping Jun in the rivers and lakes.

If the Nimbus intelligence gathering ability, these...organizations composed of so-called heroes, but in fact local gangsters, are stronger.

Because their numbers are a big advantage after all.

The snare has always pursued the principle of “rather lacking rather than excessive”, and naturally it cannot be compared with it.

Chapter 073 Hidden Dragon Hall! (for full order)

Qianlongtang, which pursues barter.

The core of Qianlong Hall is a place called Yibao Pavilion.

The decoration of Yibaotang is extremely luxurious and built according to gossip.

And every time the Qianlong Hall is opened, the number of participants varies from 48:.

The more people there are, the less valuable this opportunity will be.

Also, it will appear more confusing.

And this time, a total of six people 6.

Except...Yan Dan, who pretended to be Fang Tianfeng, the other five people were not ordinary people.

To say that the most common one is Han Fei.

The Purple Girl was also there, but Fang Tianfeng had already learned from Concubine Yan that the Purple Girl was also a person of the Moon God.

It's like the Yin-Yang family let Concubine Yan and Luna bloom, one seeks cooperation with King Qin, while the other seeks Yan Dan in secret.

And Luna also didn't put the chips together. When she became the national teacher of Qin, she secretly sent the purple girl to come to contact Han Fei.

This is actually understandable, after all, the Yin Yang family and the Qin state are not affiliated, at most they use each other.

And the ultimate goal of the Yin-Yang family is the Canglong Qisu, and the secret of the Canglong Qisu, only the king of the Seven Kingdoms knows.

In this way, nutritionists are bound to meet Qin State sooner or later, so it is impossible for them to have one heart with Qin State.

In the end, you still have to turn around.

Although Han Fei is not the prince, and he just returned to China not long ago.

However, the Yin-Yang family valued Han Fei the most.

Moreover, it is said that the relationship between the purple girl and the moon god is not ordinary.

And Fang Tianfeng thinks that the original is also true, Zi Nu's help to Han Fei can be said to have spared no effort.

Unlike the half-hearted Moon God, Zi Nu never thought of changing the family, but helped Han Fei out of the box.

However, Han Fei really doubted Fang Tianfeng so well.

Even if Han Fei is really good, it won't help.

Just like what the last Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty said - I am not the monarch of the subjugated country, but all the ministers are the ministers of the subjugated country.

No matter how powerful Han Fei is, the country has long been helpless.

Even if he is talented and has the ability to save the country, but he has no time.

Qin State will not give him time.

Apart from...Han Fei and Zi Nu, the other three were equally unusual.

One of them is the protagonist of the later generations Jing Ke stabbed Qin, Jing Ke.

And another person, named Yan Chunjun.

A chess piece in the net, his personal guard Jue Ying is a top assassin of Qin.

And more importantly, this person is very good.

Just as Ji Wuye covets Princess Honglian and Nongyu, Jun Yanchun also covets the beauty of Snow Maiden.

Therefore, even if it was a piece of his own, Fang Tianfeng already had the idea of ​​sacrificing him.

The important thing is how to maximize the benefits.

The last person was a tall and sturdy Hu man.

The name is Touman.

This man is a foreigner, Shanyu of the northern wolf clan.

When it comes to the wolf clan, it may be a drama, but when it comes to the Xiongnu, many people will not be unfamiliar.

And he is the first Shanyu of the Xiongnu! There is no doubt that now is the best time to kill this guy.

But killing him was of no use.

Hu people are... Hu people, they don't have any respect for their leaders.

Even thinking about killing the leader all the time, and then taking the position.

Even killing Touman would not help.

Although the wolf clan will fight for power for a while, there will be civil strife, but it will not be long.

So the best thing to do is to find a way to get it back.

However, the Hu people are cunning and treacherous, and it is impossible for him to take refuge easily.

And this person is also a guest of the peasant family. Whether it is public or private, the peasant family must protect the safety of Touman.

Otherwise, who would want to deal with farmers in the future? Although there are many farmers, there are only a few experts.

Therefore, even the net branch can easily defeat it.

It's just that the snare has a more important mission and should not be exposed in advance.

The farmhouse Qianlongtang is not one of the six halls, because compared to the six halls, the Qianlongtang is less powerful.

In the final analysis, this can only be regarded as a dating platform at most, or a random small-scale dating platform.

Take the 6 people present as an example, except... Han Fei and Zi Nu from may have a certain intersection.......

The other four were all from different countries.

Maybe after today, they will never meet again...

And the reason why these dignitaries are willing to participate in the Qianlong Hall is nothing more than... a new idea.

Because Qianlongtang is not really valued in the farmhouse.

In the final analysis, this is just the product of the struggle for power within the peasant family.

The head of the Qianlong Hall was Situ Wanli, who was considered the number one figure in the farmhouse.

However, although his strength is sufficient, his qualifications are not enough for him to become the head of the Sixth Hall.

So he created a Qianlong Hall to increase his qualifications and add weight to himself for the position of the six hall masters.

By the way, he himself can also use Qianlong Hall to establish a certain friendship with the dignitaries of the seven countries and increase his personal connections - by the way, Situ Wanli is also inextricably linked with the Qin state.

But not with Qin, but with Lord Changping.

Although Changpingjun was the son of the Chu royal family, he served as an official in the Qin state.

Moreover, it has quite a position above the court.

After Lu Buwei's death, the emperor of Changping even showed signs of rising.

Chapter 074

"Welcome everyone to Qianlong Hall,"

Situ Wanli walked out slowly, with a kind smile on his face, "Today, you all brought your own precious treasures.

Barter, exchange with each other.

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