Look after each other and make friends."

Situ Wanli, wearing a luxurious robe—the standard robe of Qianlong Hall.

Although the clothes are luxurious, everyone present is not ordinary people, so naturally they will not be stingy in their clothes.

The only one dressed in shabby clothes was Touman.

However, the family is a barbarian, and the animal skins on his body are pulled from the prey he hunted by himself.

For them to come, it is a badge of honor.

The only thing about Situ Wanli worthy of others' attention is his unusual hair color.

It should have been black hair, but half of it was dyed white from the hairline in the middle.

And more importantly, there is a dragon embroidered on his clothes! A black dragon! The Qin Dynasty has not been unified yet, and Fang Tianfeng, the future first emperor, has not yet been called Ancestral Dragon.

Now people are more casual, so it's not too exaggerated to have rust dragon patterns on clothes.

But it is worth mentioning that this dragon has only three claws.

It is not because of any status and status, that only the three-clawed Jiaolong dare not rust the five-clawed golden dragon.

However, in fact, it is because the dragon of this era has only three claws.

In fact, it was not until the Song Dynasty that it became a four-clawed dragon.

Over time, when drawing dragons, they are organically combined. The front two legs of the dragon are three claws, and the rear two feet are four claws.

In the Yuan Dynasty, five-clawed dragons began to appear, but only for the royal family.

Situ Wanli had a meal: After speaking the opening remarks, he walked to the center.

There are treasures brought by all the guests here.

However, there are only five.

"This Panlong Cauldron is a treasure brought by the guests of the Jiazi Pavilion."

Touman glanced at the people present calmly, and he snatched the dragon cauldron from Zhongyuan.

After all, he didn't know what to call out.

He originally just came to see the play, by the way to see if he could do something.

Again, he has nothing good.

Different cultures have different aesthetics. The Central Plains valued exquisite objects, but people were completely different.

The difficult conditions make them unwilling to develop art, which is naturally not called aesthetics.

Although gold is figured out, and the Hu people have robbed a lot of them over the years, gold is too vulgar.

Could it be possible for him to exchange a bone for him? "The guest of Yizi Pavilion brought a pair of jade bracelets."

"The guests of Bingzi Pavilion brought three Xuanjing arrows."

Situ Wanli slowly lifted the curtain over the treasure and introduced it in an exaggerated way, like a clown.

However, for the big shots, they like to watch clowns perform.

"The treasure of this distinguished guest in Tingzi Pavilion is incredible,"

After speaking, Situ Wanli suddenly paused, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "It is said that when the nectar enters the bottle, the blue sea is shocked.

This thing is crystal clear and natural.

And this is the legendary blue-sea coral bottle made of deep-sea coral!"

"The guests of Wuzi Pavilion brought a thousand-year-old night pearl."

"And in this quaint box,"

Situ Wanli said, his expression was as usual, and he did not have any dissatisfaction because of the unremarkable appearance of the box, but introduced it very seriously, "This is the treasure brought by the last guest."

The last person, of course, was the purple girl.

The purple girl was the only woman present, and the only one who covered her appearance with a curtain.

"To exchange my treasures, one condition must be observed.

That is, the box cannot be opened before the exchange."

"My treasure is the one who chooses the owner, and for some people, it is priceless.

And for others, it might be worthless."

Purple Girl's charming and charming voice sounded in everyone's ears, but everyone had different reactions to her words.


The corners of Han Fei's mouth are upturned, and he likes to play mysterious.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he became a little more serious, because he knew it very well.

In this box, there is indeed something that is worthless to most people, water and gold.

A kind of water that looks like gold, but actually dissolves in water.

It means nothing to others, but to Han Fei, who is investigating the ghost soldier Jiexiang case.

This water and gold has provided him with a new way of thinking, which is priceless to him.

It can be seen that the Yin Yang family has an extremely deep understanding of Han Fei.

Even, know to do what you want.

However, the problem is that Han Fei is just rushing to be curious now, but he doesn't know what is inside.

"Hmph, pretending to be mysterious."

In the five-character pavilion, Jun Yanchun, who was holding his concubine, snorted coldly, and said unhappily, "I don't think you have any treasures at all.


The purple girl smiled lightly, and her words revealed a touch of disdain, "Whether or not to change, the choice is yours, not me.

The transaction is based on your wishes and my wishes."

She hated the upstart Jun Yanchun from the bottom of her heart.

Chapter 075 Han Fei! (for full order)

"The girl is right. The right to choose is in our own hands. Whether or not to change it depends on whether we think it is worth it."

Han Fei nodded lightly, seeming to be a little moved, paused, and smiled, "I'm quite interested..."

"Well said, I changed it."

Fang Tianfeng heard the words, and suddenly rushed ahead of Han Fei and said loudly, "It's okay to pretend to be mysterious or empty, and I like this tune."

"That's right, Xiongtai really is a fellow man."

Hearing this, Han Fei's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help cheering on the armrest with a smile on his face.

"This son, you have thought about it."

Behind the curtain, Zi Nu's beautiful face showed a hint of displeasure, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and she said softly, "My protection may be worthless to you."

This is no longer a hint, it is already an indication.

It is clear that she is going to give this treasure to others, but it means nothing to Fang Tianfeng.

"so what"

Fang Tianfeng smiled lightly and said indifferently, "You also said that the right to choose is up to us to hurt ourselves, as long as I like it."

"Xiongtai really has a good temperament, how about making a friend."

Han Fei smiled, and suddenly picked up the wine bottle and drank it, but a light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

This man is not easy.

Fang Tianfeng knew what was in the box, and naturally he also knew what the water and gold in the box was used for.

However, he still insisted on trading with Zi Nu, which was nothing more than to intercept Han Fei's Hu.

Deliberately sabotaging Zi Nu's plan to take the opportunity to meet and befriend Han Fei, and block him by the way.

Moreover, because the purple girl pretended to be mysterious, she hid the treasure in the box.

Therefore, she does not have the right to trade, nor the right to refuse.

That is to say, as long as someone exchanges with her for reasons, she has no choice.

After all, who made her pretend to be mysterious? "Young master, it should be from Qin."

Zi Nu saw that Fang Tianfeng was ignorant, and Han Fei looked like he was watching a good show and was not ready to fight against Fang Tianfeng.

However, she herself has no room for rejection.

Looking at Fang Tianfeng for a while, he suddenly said.

She has nowhere to go, and Han Fei is friendly with Fang Tianfeng again, and is not willing to fight.

This time, her plan can be said to be completely shattered.

Therefore, she had to make a statement to let Fang Tianfeng retreat.

However, she didn't know that Fang Tianfeng always faced difficulties.

"Oh, how did the purple girl know?"

Fang Tianfeng's smile converged, revealing a surprised expression.

"The girl next to the son is not an ordinary person."

Seeing the change in Fang Tianfeng's expression, Zi Nu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and secretly said, "It works," she continued, "As far as I know, this girl should be the Snow Girl."

"Snow Girl, good name."

Han Fei sighed softly and looked at Fang Tianfeng with an envious look.


Xue Nu felt the gaze from Zi Nu and remained silent, neither admitting nor refuting.

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