A huge stone sculpture stood in front of the Grand General's Mansion, and several guards in red armor stood upright.

Although it was late at night, the Great General's mansion was still brightly lit.

The flames revealed in the orange-red lanterns illuminated the gleaming Chang Ge! Even walking on the street, one could feel the chilling air coming from the general's mansion! Not just this one. Thousands of elite guards! In the general's mansion, it is the nest of the birds of the night! Rumor has it that the birds of the night have hundreds of top assassins named after birds! As long as the birds want to kill, no one can escape them The assassination! And in peacetime, these people also take on the defense of the generals!

The open and secret guards monitor each other, and if there is any trouble, they can be discovered by them at the first time.

If you find anyone who dares to trespass into the Grand General's Mansion, they will definitely be killed by them immediately! You must know that although most of the birds are only first-class, there are not a few innate masters among them! Moreover, these people are also assassins Hidden in the dark on weekdays, there is no sense of existence, but once it is shot, it must be a shocking murder!

Chapter 113 General Ji's Scrap!middle! (for full order)

Ji Wuye is like the sky in the middle of the day, for a while... indistinguishable.

Inside and outside the imperial court, no one dared to lick the tiger's beard.

Not to mention that it is half a step near the General's Mansion, even if it is across the road outside the wall of the General's Mansion, no family even wants to live there.

In the West, the nobles live.

And the nobles' mansions are naturally not small, but even among the nobles, Ji Wuye's general is unique.

Not only in, even in the Seven Kingdoms, it is rare to see someone as arrogant as him.

Lu Buwei of the Qin state is...more arrogant than him, but Lu Buwei is already dead.

However, today's generals will eventually welcome uninvited guests.

There are not many people, and there is no need for many, because the number of people does not have any meaning.

There was only one person, and he was standing on the street.

However, it was as if no one saw him.

There are few pedestrians near the General's Mansion, let alone at night.

A person standing on the road in the street can be said to be extremely conspicuous.

However, no one paid attention to this.

"call out...!--!"

With a soft sound, like a sharp arrow leaving the string, the figure jumped over the wall of the Great General's Mansion.

As if entering a no-man's land, strolling in the General's Mansion.

And those birds...that were originally called 'no one can't...kill', have yet to find any.

All I can say is that these people are too confident.

The strong are said to have induction qi.

As long as he is a martial artist, his body will unconsciously emit fluctuations of internal strength.

No one can make an exception, unless it is someone who can control their power [-]%.

Or, someone stronger than them.

And because of this convenience, they became accustomed to using perception instead of eyes.

However, it is a pity that Fang Tianfeng can just block their perception.

He can't control the internal force [-]%, but he can control his body! The internal force can't stop wanting to overflow, but his body can prevent the internal force from overflowing.

Moreover, he is very strong, stronger than everyone.

Even if he is standing in front of others, others are also him.

However, no matter how he hides his breath, his people are still inside.

Anyone who is not blind can see.

So sometimes, the eyes are actually very useful, and those that are not needed can be donated to others.

But thanks to the confidence of these people, Fang Tianfeng could sneak into the General's Mansion more easily.

Then, go to Ji Wuye.

Before he came, he had asked the purple girl for a floor plan of the General's Mansion.

Therefore, he also knew exactly where Ji Wuye stayed on weekdays.

And now, he was probably drinking and having fun with Miki somewhere.

And he drinks and has fun, usually in special places.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng was not worried about not finding him.

And the reason why he wanted to come to the General's Mansion to find Ji Wuye's trouble was that Han Fei had let him down after all.

He originally thought that if Han Fei was the protagonist, it should be more powerful.

Not to mention the direct overthrow of Ji Wuye, but at least it should be able to restrain Ji Wuye, distract him without flaws, and turn all his eyes on Han Fei.

In the end, Han Fei was really ineffective, he actually lost and was jailed.

To this day, they are still in jail.

So Han Fei must not be able to count on it, he is thankful that he can protect himself.

But that's why Fang Tianfeng decided to go out in person.

Since Han Fei couldn't contain Ji Wuye, he could only do it himself.

Moreover, it is different from Han Fei's shot.

At most, Han Fei is... disgusting Ji Wuye, but it doesn't matter to the overall situation.

As for Fang Tianfeng's action, it was no trivial matter.

Without much effort, he found Ji Wuye's place.

It's an attic.

And just as Fang Tianfeng expected, he was drinking and having fun with Mei Ji.

And not one, but three 3.

If you look at the original book, maybe you are still playing the game of Sanji earning gold at this time.

However, with three 3s at a time, Ji Wuye was not afraid that he would be overwhelmed.

Both Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei actually like to play with women, but Bai Yifei is getting younger and younger, while Ji Wuye is getting weaker and weaker.

Not only is the blood and energy loss, but also does not deal with people all the year round, and the strength declines seriously.

Ten years ago, he was much stronger than Bai Yifei.

But today, ten years later, Bai Yifei is getting stronger and stronger, but he can't make an inch.

Because of this, Ling Bai Yifei couldn't help but have some thoughts that he had never had before.

Since Ji Wuye is dead, why can't he take his place: "General, have another drink."

Mei Ji, who was in Ji Wuye's arms, used a sweet and delicate voice to coquettish Ji Wuye, and took the wine glass from the table and brought it to Ji Wuye's mouth.

And the other two beauties, one left and one right leaning beside Ji Wuye, were disheveled.

Obviously, drinking is second, and doing something while drinking is his real purpose.

If it was in the past, Ji Wuye would definitely drink it with a smile and tease the beauty in his arms by the way.

However, this time is different.


With a loud shout, Ji Wuye's inner strength exploded, directly shaking the three women beside him!

Chapter 114 General Ji's Scrap!Down! (for full order)


A majestic internal force shot out from Ji Wuye's body, and in an instant, the three closest beauties to him.

He was instantly knocked to the ground by the shock wave generated by that internal force, and the weak and delicate body fell to the ground weakly.

The corners of his mouth were also oozing red blood.

A congenital master's full-strength explosion in a state of alertness, even if it is only an explosion of internal strength, rather than an active attack.

However, this kind of shock is still not for ordinary people to bear.

The three Miki, who were just ordinary people, were shocked to death in that instant! Even though they didn't look good, they seemed to be asleep, maybe they could still be hot.

However, in fact, the internal organs of these three people were shattered at the moment of contact! I have to say that Ji Wuye is a wolf fire.

He just noticed a little bit of the same, and without any hesitation, he shocked all the three beautiful girls beside him to death.

And the reason can only be blamed that these three people are too close to him, so it affects his play space.

Even when he was drinking and having fun, his sword was still by his side.

But the three were clinging to him, too obtrusive.

If someone wants to assassinate him, it must be a master above innate.

For .. innate masters, the body of ordinary people is as fragile as paper, and they are not even qualified to be a meat shield.

On the contrary, because of their restraint, it will lead to their own defeat.

So Ji Wuye did not hesitate to kill all three of them in an instant.

The whole person also took advantage of the situation to move to the side, grabbed the hilt of the sword with his big hand, flipped his body on the ground and made two tactical rolls, and then stood up again.

However, from beginning to end, there was no movement.

However, Ji Wuye did not doubt that this was his own delusion! "Which hero comes to trouble Ji, it's better to come out and meet him..., how?"

Ji Wuye clenched the giant sword in his hand and shouted loudly on purpose.

However, the next moment, his face sank.

Because the whole room was enveloped by a peculiar force, and his deliberate loud shouting couldn't get out at all.

In fact, just as he killed the three beautiful girls in between.

Not only because those three people limited his performance, but also because of the huge internal force that would attract all the others in the General's Mansion.

Pour: When, no matter what...

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