Who is the assassin, fear.

But at that moment he felt it, like a heat wave.

Although it spread quickly.

However, it didn't get out of this room at all! It was as if something's internal force was blocking it! Ji Wuye knew very well what it was.

Strong people with great internal strength like to use this method.

Release your inner strength and create a soundproof space like a cage.

This layer of space will not hinder people's entry and exit, but it will isolate all sounds and internal forces.

However, you must know that he is a congenital master! His explosive internal strength, the same level powerhouse can't stop it.

What kind of powerhouse is this to be able to stop his outburst and the subsequent temptation is also ineffective, almost making Ji Wuye's heart sink completely.

He himself is a master in the late stage of the innate, and only the strong in the peak of the innate can do this.

Moreover, he still does not realize the existence of the other party.

If the other party does not show up for a long time, his pressure will undoubtedly be enormous.

Because he didn't know when the other party would suddenly make a move.

I don't even know where the opponent is going to take action, and it's impossible to guard against it.

Originally, he only noticed that something was wrong, so he decided to kill and violent.

As a result, the existence of the other party was tested, but it became more and more bad.

Maybe, the other party didn't even think about doing it with himself before. Ji Wuye suddenly regretted that he did it too early.


A soft sound, like the sound of boots stepping on the ground.

Just opposite Ji Wuye, a figure appeared silently and slowly walked towards him.

"General Ji, he is indeed very powerful."

With a faint smile on his face, Fang Tianfeng walked towards Ji Wuye unhurriedly.

In the empty room, the sound of his footsteps could be heard clearly by both of them.

To Fang Tianfeng, it was just footsteps, but to Ji Wuye, it was like every foot was stepping on his heart! The shadow in his heart expanded a bit.

"Who are you?"

Ji Wuye suppressed the ominous feeling in his heart and asked in a deep voice.


Fang Tianfeng pointed at himself, as if he was going to ask a question.

However, the next moment, Ji Wuye moved! He didn't seem to want to listen to his answer at all, so he rushed up.

The previous words were only used to numb Fang Tianfeng.

Ji Wuye's purpose was to attack Fang Tianfeng.

In his opinion, as long as he disrupted Fang Tianfeng's rhythm, let the movement here spread out.

Then, people outside will come to rescue you! When the time comes, it's not too late to ask who the other party is.

Not like now, in a situation where life is threatened, you can still talk calmly.

Chapter 115 You are already weak! (for full order)

Ji Wuye knew very well that he was not this person's opponent.

Therefore, he never thought of reasoning with the other party.

Besides, just like him, he looks like a reasonable person, so of course he wants to call someone and kill the person who suddenly appeared to murder him! Ji Wuye's martial arts are actually not weak, not only is his internal strength strong , And the depth of his horizontal training skills, even the special copper thorns that can penetrate layers of armor can't hurt his flesh and blood.

The heavy sword in his hand is called Bachi.

Although it is not one of the top ten famous swords, it is also listed in the Fengbeard Sword Manual! It can be said that in the whole country, there are not many people who can beat Ji Wuye single-handedly.

As for the master master, it is not so good.

In the absence of a master, the innate peak is the strongest.

As the late Xiantian Ji Wuye, although he has been indulged for a long time.... his martial arts is a little slack, but he is still a first-class master.

The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

Ji Wuye's sword moves don't have any illusions, nor do they have any wonderful moves.

It was just a straight slash, carrying an indomitable aura, and suddenly attacked Fang Tianfeng in front of him! If he succeeded in a sudden sneak attack, even if he was the innate peak, it would not be good.

However, he was doomed to fail.

Because, Fang Tianfeng is the master! "Shuh-!"

The blade easily cut through Fang Tianfeng's side, however, it didn't hurt Fang Tianfeng's hair at all.

On the contrary, a large hand, like a gangrene attached to the bone, bypassed Ji Wuye's defense in the form of a wandering dragon.

Changing palms and claws, in just an instant, was already buckled on Ji Wuye's wrist holding the sword.

But Ji Wuye didn't care, instead, he used his wrists and turned his palms over.

The epee, which originally slashed from Fang Tianfeng's side, changed from vertical to horizontal, and suddenly swept towards Fang Tianfeng's waist! "Bang——!"

A metal symphony sounded suddenly, and Ji Wuye's original complacent color instantly turned into horror.

Because he did succeed.

The inconceivable Fang Tianfeng is obviously strong, but his actual combat skills are not even as good.

Although Ji Wuye has been abandoned for more than ten years and has not touched it, at least he has printed it one step at a time.

However, Fang Tianfeng was completely quick.

Therefore, he was easily attacked by Ji.

However, even so, it was of no use.

Because at that moment, Fang Tianfeng's body had already turned golden.

Under the bright lights, it exudes endless brilliance like gold.

The sound of metal symphony made Ji Wuye sluggish.

He himself is also a first-class master of martial arts, and ordinary weapons can't be... broken five, his physical body.

However, he never imagined that someone's body could actually be as hard as steel! The whole body turned golden, exuding a terrifying and charming luster.

Could it be that this is the legendary golden body that Ji Wuye doesn't know and doesn't want to know.

Because, he is more concerned about another issue now.

Relying on the indestructible magic of King Kong, Fang Tianfeng has never cared much about other people's attacks.

Even Concubine Yan couldn't hurt him, so a mere Ji Wuye could be an exception, impossible, non-existent.

The most important thing for him now is to complete his purpose as soon as possible and drain Ji Wuye's inner strength.

Fang Tianfeng no longer stayed behind, unwilling to tease Ji Wuye as before.

It was Cui Dong's great practice of absorbing energy, the internal force in the body was running rapidly, and the extremely domineering internal force in Ji Wuye's body was sucked into his dantian.

Undoubtedly, Ji Wuye is also very strong.

His internal strength is at least [-] years old! In other words, his cultivation speed is more than four times that of ordinary people! But it is also normal, after all, he is innate.

At the age of less than fifty, he has become a master of the late congenital, and he also practices martial arts.

Even on the rivers and lakes, he is considered a first-class genius.

Unfortunately, his luck was not very good.

"what happened"

Ji Wuye's face was extremely ugly, with a hint of surprise.

Then he couldn't help but think of the recent incidents in Xinzheng City where the innate masters were sucked out of their inner strength.

In an instant, the complexion suddenly changed greatly, and the forehead was densely covered with dense beads of sweat, which was like a spring of sweat for a while.

As the internal force is sucked, it is not only the internal force that is consumed, but also his physical strength and vitality are also sucked out of the body! The consumption of Ji Wuye's body is also getting bigger and bigger, and the look of panic on the face is also Deeper and deeper, gasping for breath, "Stop...stop...stop it! I...my...power..."

The more flustered, the more he wanted to resist, but the more he was in disarray.

As for Fang Tianfeng, as he absorbed more and more internal force, his speed became faster and faster.

Ji Wuye was already screaming in horror, not showing the appearance of General Ji at all.

Instead, it was like a little girl who was about to be raped.

However, he was doomed to disappointment.

Even if he used the loudest voice in his life, even if he attached the last inner strength, the huge voice was as striking as thunder.

However, it cannot be transmitted.

Chapter 116 Pretend to be strong! (for full order)

"Fifteen years, yes, as expected of General Ji."

Fang Tianfeng retracted his hand with satisfaction, but Ji Wuye, as if he had lost all strength, knelt on the ground all of a sudden.

The epee eight feet in his hand also fell to the ground weakly.


A soft sound resounded in the room in an instant.

And, it got out.

At that moment, Ji Wuye couldn't even care about losing all his internal strength, and looked at Fang Tianfeng incredulously.

Obviously, he has already been abolished, why did he expose the matter here because the other party thinks that the victory is in his hands, and he has slackened himself, so he has to attract his subordinates to also destroy him? "General Ji , I'll leave it to you to end here."

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