For ten days, for ten days, he has been trying to recover his inner strength.

Originally, he was still: self-deception.

It's just that the internal force has been sucked dry, it is equivalent to exhaustion, as long as it recovers.

However, it was not until now that he understood that it was not the case at all! Not only the internal force, but the foundation of the internal force he cultivated was completely destroyed! In other words, he had to start from scratch! In fact, if it weren't for his horizontal martial arts practice Excellent, his meridians are stronger and stronger than others.

Otherwise, he is afraid that the meridians have already shrunk, and he cannot continue to practice at all.

But even so, he wanted to regain his strength.

Not to mention returning to the peak state, even if you return to the innate realm, even if you have previous experience, the foundation is completely destroyed, and you don't even have to think about it for ten or eight years! He is still: Laughing at each other secretly.

But now, Ji Wuye felt terrified.

Because, he is worse than Bai Yifei.

Chapter 118 Are you going to the palace? (for full order)

Ji Wuye lost a hundred and fifty years of inner strength overnight.

But Yanling Ji, in one night, gained [-] years of inner strength.

However, her martial arts are still too poor.

Not only was Fang Tianfeng subdued with his backhand, he was turned against the sun by Fang Tianfeng seven times as soon as he wanted to resist.

After that, she refused to admit defeat and went to challenge Xue Nu and Nong Yu.

The result, of course, is beyond doubt.

Although her fire ability took a huge advantage, the inner strength of Nongyu was twice hers.

Although he was not able to defeat Yan Lingji as easily as before, he was still able to remain unbeaten and even had the upper hand.

And once Xue Nu joins the battle, her ice-based exercises can directly suppress Yan Lingji's abilities.

Under the strong alliance, Yan Lingji doesn't even have any resistance.

However, the more this is the case, the more she loses, and Yan Lingji will not be discouraged, but will faintly get on the jade bar.

It was as if the two women were so different from each other.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not discriminate.

As for the martial arts that Yan Lingji practiced before, it can only be said that it is simple and can't be more simple.

Even if it was given to Fang Tianfeng, he was too lazy to take a second look.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng asked Zi Nu to teach Yan Lingji, the fire department of the five divisions of the Yin and Yang family.

Of course, not the same as Snow Maiden.

What Xue Nu got was a complete exercise, and she could break through all the way to the Grandmaster realm.

After all, the original five exercises are to break through the master.

But Yanling Ji's skills are only up to the innate...

That is to say, although the strength of Yan Lingji has been enhanced, it has actually cut her way.

Unless, she can be obedient and unlock more postures.

If Fang Tianfengshe is happy, maybe he will give her follow-up exercises.

And Yan Lingji, from the beginning, she tried her best to escape, and now, this kind of thinking has faded a lot.

Because, she didn't even know where Prince Baiyue was.

In the end, she didn't know whether Tian Ze was alive or dead.

All the information she knew was told by Fang and Zinu.

However, how could she guarantee that Fang Tianfeng and Fang Tianfeng were deceiving her? Tian Ze was actually dead a long time ago, this was just a lie to control her.

Or, they don't really know what's going on in the sky at all.

But if they were really, how could they hold such a contradiction, Yan Lingji still stayed.

Whether she wants to save Tian Ze, or wants to determine Tian Ze's life and death first, she can't get around Fang Tianfeng.

Unless, she goes to Xue Yihou, the culprit who imprisoned Tian Ze.

However, would Xue Yihou still be willing to tell her without even thinking about it, Yan Lingji denied the idea.

She had just escaped from prison, and if she went back, it would not have been a self-defeating trap, not to mention that she had already benefited from Fang Tianfeng, so she didn't want to leave.

Anyway... they have already been raped so many times, it would be better to be tortured a few times more, and it would be worthwhile in exchange for Tianze's information.

However, before that, she herself had some private matters that she wanted to settle.

"You want to go to the palace"

Fang Tianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the stubborn and serious girl in front of him, and asked a little puzzled, "For King Han"

"That's right."

The girl nodded lightly, with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

She doesn't know how Tian Ze is now, but she knows.

King Han, who destroyed her country and ruined her family, is now sitting on the throne of the palace.

Although she was only twelve years old, a twelve-year-old girl can already understand a lot of things.

After that, she was imprisoned for ten years, ten years in prison, although no one tortured her.

But for ten years, she was the only one who was locked in the Millennium Crystal Pool.

That kind of... loneliness is enough to make people collapse, let alone ten years! People who have not experienced it themselves will never understand.


After thinking about it, Fang Tianfeng nodded and agreed, paused, and exhorted, "However, no matter what, you can kill anyone, but you can't kill King Han!"

Fang Tianfeng's face was very serious, and Yan Lingji could also hear Fang Tianfeng's seriousness.

Although she was a little confused, she didn't think Fang Tianfeng didn't dare to kill King Han because he was afraid.

And in fact, it is.

The reason why Fang Tianfeng didn't want to kill King Han was because he was a wise waste.

For .., having such a King Han is undoubtedly a sad thing for the opinion machine.

However, for outsiders like Fang Tianfeng, this is a good thing.

It is far better to keep a trash-like King Han sitting on the throne than to replace Han Yu or even Han Fei.

After all, if Han Yu or Han Fei were in the top position, they would definitely carry out drastic reforms.

At that time, it will not be a good thing for... Qin.

If he regained Han Fei, it would be good to say, then he would just kill King Han and let Han Fei take over.

But the problem is that it is definitely not that easy to conquer Han Fei.

After all, Han Fei is also a very patriotic person!

Chapter 119 Brothers Fight! (for full order)

Hanwang Palace, inside the main hall.

Han Fei is no longer a son, and now he is guilty of guilt.

The gold theft has nothing to do with him.

He had already found out Ji Wuye, and even the whereabouts of gold.

It's a pity that the gold was robbed in advance, and he has already led people to intercept it.

However, it was a step too late, and in the end, the batch of gold disappeared in front of his eyes.

Those people have already entered the territory of Qin State, unless he wants to provoke a war, he will not be able to cross the border at all.

So he failed and was put in jail.

Originally, Ji Wuye was a little annoyed by Han Fei's investigation, but the gold he got was gone, just like a boiled duck flew away, and he felt depressed in his heart.

As a result, Han Fei just came up, so Ji Wuye vented all his anger on Han Fei.

Ji Wuye wanted to embarrass Han Fei, so he didn't even mention the matter of arraigning Han Fei.

Because he knew that Han Fei was a son after all.

If King Han intends to cover up, Han Fei will not suffer much, and at most will be banned.

So, he deliberately delayed the time, pretended not to know, just... let Han Fei stay in jail for a few more days.

However, Ji Wuye himself had an accident.

His martial arts were abolished, for fear of revealing himself in front of outsiders, he hid in the house all day long and dared not see anyone.

Others only thought he was seriously injured, not knowing that he was actually disabled.

So I'm afraid of him too.

However, half a month has passed, and many people are tempted by Ji Wuye.

Overtly and secretly, I don't know how many times I tried on the edge of death.

And this time, it was... Zhang Kaidi, together with the fourth son Han Yu, dug out Han Fei.

Han Yu is the fourth and Han Fei is the ninth.

But they are not princes.

The prince has other...others, not only a waste, but also Ji Wuye's puppet.

Among all the sons of King Han, Han Yu and Han Fei are the best.

And Han Fei is different from Han Yu, Han Li, studying abroad.

He studied in Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and he worshipped the Confucian master Xunzi as his teacher and was a fellow student.

His knowledge is very deep, and he has a solid foundation.

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