Although he studied under Confucianism, he was close to Legalism.

After returning from his study tour in Xiaoshengxianzhuang, he was almost full of ambitions to make him rise.

However, because he has been abroad all the year round, he has no foundation at all in the country.

So big, no one is willing to help him.

At least, no one wants to turn to him until he shows enough value.

And Han Yu is different.

What a waste the prince is, it is obvious to all in the country, this guy is completely... Ji Wuye's puppet.

And if other people are willing to take refuge in Ji Wuye, then they don't need to be right with Ji Wuye all day long.

It is almost impossible for these people to take refuge in Ji Wuye.

Unless, Ji Wuye is willing to give up some benefits.

However, for someone as domineering as Ji Wuye, it was impossible for him to give up his interests.

And Ji Wuye was unwilling to give up his interests, so naturally these people had to find someone to compete with Ji Wuye.

They didn't want to be the first bird themselves, so they found someone from the royal family.

After all, it belongs to the royal family after all, and King Han is not up to par, nor is it that so many of his sons are up to par.

Therefore, the fourth son, Han Yu, stood up.

Han Yu is different from Han Fei, he has not traveled to the Six Nations, or even went out.

However, his roots are much deeper than Han Fei's.

Basically, in the whole, the most powerful is undoubtedly Ji Wuye.

And the second largest is... the opening of the country.

After all, the Zhang family has been the prime minister from generation to generation, and its power is deeply rooted and cannot be compared by ordinary people.

Even after being squeezed and suppressed by Ji Wuye for so long, the Zhang family is the Zhang family after all.

Besides...these two, Han Yu is the third child! As the third child, his strength is naturally not weak, and he is also extremely shrewd.

And this time, it was... the second and third joined forces to pull Han Fei out of Ji Wuye's prison, and Han Yu took the opportunity to talk about this with King Han, wanting to let King Han Let Han Fei go.

These two have their own goals for... Han Fei.

Opening the ground was because Han Fei carried the pot for himself. Although he would not carry the pot back, he could help Han Fei to wash the pot.

And Han Yu, he saw his younger brother's talent.

The failure of this incident made Han Fei completely lose the opportunity to take root in the nobility.

After losing the first battle, it is definitely not easy for Han Fei to recover the loss this time.

So for Han Yu, Han Fei has lost his due threat.

That's why he thought about pulling Han Fei a horse, making Han Fei grateful to him, and then bowing his head.

When the two of them join forces, with him as the main force and Han Fei as the supplement, it is not impossible to overthrow Ji Wuye.

Han Fei is indeed very good. Others only know one of them and do not know the other, but Han Yu understands the joints. In fact, Han Fei has actually been successful.

It can only be said that this time it was indeed his ninth brother who was unlucky.

Chapter 120 Han Wangan (Subscribe)

On the throne, a slightly bloated figure sat high on it.

This person is the King of Han.

In fact, Han Wangan was not like this ten years ago.

At that time, he and Ji Wuye were still very good friends, and they even fought together on the battlefield.

That is, the Baiyue World War I.

In that battle, Han Wangan didn't just watch from behind.

As a son, he couldn't take credit just by looking behind him like the crown prince.

So, he has to play in person.

That is, he used to be a brave young man.

Although the strength is not top notch, it is still very strong.

However, today, ten years later, he is already decadent and out of shape.

Maybe it's because after becoming the King of Han, I became lazy, or maybe it's because of something else.

In fact, when Han Wangan was able to overthrow the prince and successfully ascend to the throne, he was naturally not a brainless idiot.

However, he is no different from an idiot now, and his trust in Ji Wuye can be said to be a mindless trust with no basis and no reason.

The things that Ji Wuye did are clearly understood by those with discerning eyes.

However, King Han seemed to be blinded by something, and he just didn't understand what it meant by 'Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone,'.

Of course it's not a good thing for .. others including the whole.

However, for Fang Tianfeng, it was a big good thing.

The more incompetent the king of Han is, the more beneficial it is to him.

"Han Fei, do you know what a mistake you made this time!"

King Han sat on the throne, looking at Han Fei, who was being held by the soldiers below, with a little annoyance on his face.

"Father, calm down."

Han Yu stood up and lowered his head slightly, "Ninth brother is young and ignorant, this time it's just because of his greed for fun, and he fell into someone else's trap.

Moreover, this is the sound of ghost soldiers robbery after all."

The ghost soldiers robbery sounded like this at the beginning.

King Han was convinced of this, and others had doubts, but there was no evidence.

As for Han Fei, he was single-mindedly trying to find the real culprit.

In the end, he did find it, no, because the gold was shipped out.

Although no one has seen those people transporting across the border is gold.

But it is almost certain.

Otherwise, what else could it be? This time, almost all the bamboo baskets were empty.

Ji Wuye didn't get the gold, and Han Fei didn't get the official position either.

In the end, Qin State took advantage of it.

Therefore, even though they knew it was the case, they all declared in unison that it was the ghost soldier robbery.

After all, family ugliness is nothing but... Yang.

His family lost his military pay and was robbed by his own general with the prince, but in the end, he ended up helping the enemy country instead.

If this Nima spreads out, no one can lose it.

"Humph! Can you do whatever you want when you're young and ignorant?"

King Han snorted coldly, stood up from the throne, and slowly walked down the stage.

The fat body looks extremely difficult to walk, and it seems that it takes a huge amount of strength to take a step.

In reality, however, Han Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since King Han was willing to leave the throne, he followed his words and admitted that Han Fei was young and ignorant.

That means he didn't really want to punish Han Fei.

Today's matter, which is to go through a cutscene, will most likely be a light-hearted one.

"The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people. Don't you understand that you are a law student?"

Han Wangan walked down the high platform slowly, stood in front of Han Fei, and said slowly, "This time, it had nothing to do with you originally.

But since you are willing to fall, no one can help you if you insist on getting involved in this matter."

"Father said yes."

Han Yu bowed his head respectfully, bowed slightly, and said softly, "Although the ninth brother is just... confused for a while, he has made a mistake after all.

If it is not punished, I am afraid it will chill the hearts of the ministers."

"Fourth Young Master is right."

He opened his mouth and opened his mouth, he also opened his mouth, stretched out his hands and held them together, bowed his head and said, "However, the Ninth Young Master is not without success this time.

Although the merit is not worth it, it should not be punished too much.

Otherwise, if it is known to outsiders, there will be a lot of discussion.

I, Korea, have its own national conditions, how can I be the same as the barbarians of Qin State?”


King Han nodded lightly, the horse clapped silently, but it made King Han feel very comfortable.

Indeed, they are dignified, in the world.

Although it is weak, it is still a bit weak, but it is still the former Jin state! Jin state is not ordinary, stronger than today's Qin state! The world's evaluation of the five hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period is the most well-known way of dividing, one is Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Xiang of Song, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Mu of Qin, King Zhuang of Chu, Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, King Zhuang of Chu, King Helu of Wu, and King Goujian of Yue.

However, this seemingly fair approach is actually unfair.

Because this is all about balance and balance, dividing the five monarchs of the five 55 countries into five monarchs of the Spring and Autumn Period.

However, the five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period actually have a little-known division method - Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Xiang of Jin, Duke Jing of Jin, Duke Miao of Jin! Five hegemons in the Spring and Autumn Period, Jin occupies four of them! The former state of Jin was the point where it feels unbelievable.

Chapter 121 This is probably a waste (please order)

Even though the state of Jin has completely disappeared a hundred years ago, the three divisions of Jin have cut off the last power of the state of Jin.

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