However, the three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, and Han still regard themselves as descendants of Jin! The glory of their ancestors also makes them proud.

It is hard to describe how strong Jin is.

But a very simple example, the three states of Jin are the three states of Zhao, Wei and Han.

And since the separation of the family, the national strength of the three countries has also continued to decline, not the same as it used to be.

The Qin state is different. The Qin state has experienced the struggle of the sixth king of Qin, and this is what it is today.

But until more than ten years ago, the Qin and Zhao kingdoms fought the Changping battle, and the Qin State still had to use the whole country's strength! Although the Qin State won in the end, the Zhao State: hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed.

However, the Qin State really did not lose at all. For the next few decades, the Qin State did not move at all, and most of it was a small fight.

Mingming Zhao State: All men are dead, obviously Qin State can actually go straight to occupy Zhao State:.

But it didn't.

Because the Qin state also needs to rest and recuperate.

A state of Zhao:, a state of Zhao, one of the three branches of Jin:.

Under this situation, it is still able to compete with Qin.

It is conceivable how incredible the former Jin state was.

Even today, King Han still misses the prestige days of Jin.

Well, of course, the main reason is because it is too weak.

Because it is too weak, it is easy to think of the past.

And opening the ground is actually equivalent to doing what he likes.

As for the Qin State, the Qin State is strong, but it has always been rejected by the Six Nations.

In private, the Six Nations even called Qin the Western Barbarian.

What are the barbarians in the east, the west, the south, the barbarians, and the north? Since ancient times, in the eyes of the people of the Central Plains, the places outside the Central Plains are all barbarians who cannot be taught.

And the Qin state, who started in the land of Dirong, left nomadic herds, looted and killed Yang after the reform, and even made an argument for killing the enemy's head.

And all the while trying to intimidate the enemy with savage slaughter, it also forces desperate resistance.

In fact, Qin State was not welcome from the beginning, when it was divided into seals.

All other countries have obtained a huge piece of land in the Central Plains, so don't be too happy.

However, the state of Qin was sealed in the Qin land in the western border.

The reason why it was able to get the enfeoffment was that the ancestors of the Qin state had raised horses for the Zhou royal family.

The royal families of other countries lived comfortably, but Qin had to compete for survival with countless surrounding barbarian tribes.

I was worried all day, for fear that my hometown would be copied.

Until the time of King You of Zhou, Shenhou colluded with Quanrong to launch a rebellion.

And Duke Xiang of Qin stepped forward to rescue Zhou and escorted King Ping Dongqian, and was named a prince.

He also got a promise from Zhou Tianzi: as long as the Rong and Di in the west of Qishan can be driven out, they can occupy their territory.

As a result, the state of Qin officially became one of the princes.

However, it is still looked down upon by the major vassal states.

After all, the Qin state came from a humble background.

Even if the feudal lords of the Qin state are not as powerful as they are, they will most likely be ridiculed when they talk about the Qin state.

Although the Qin state has grown continuously over the years, it is still not recognized by people until now.

The Six Kingdoms have suffered losses from the Qin State over the years,,,, not a few, but they just...have a kind of honeyed confidence and despise the Qin State.

He believed that he could defeat Qin psychologically.

Since the reform of Shang Yang in the Qin state, the entire country has been dominated by French households.

It is natural to know what the Legalists are. They have always been official, and the Legalists and the strategists are actually one.

Naturally, it also has the temperament of a strategist. If you disagree with each other, you will try your best.

Either you die or I live.

However, every time it was Qin State's work.

Unlike the other six kingdoms, which are still dominated by Confucianism, they consider themselves to be nobles and must remain elegant.

You can't scold people, you must know how to insinuate and speak with a sword.

Even if on the surface you wish that the other party would die immediately, you still have to put on a happy appearance.

Just like Ji Wuye, his rise is very fast, but because of his rude and domineering style, he has never been recognized by the nobles.

However, just like the Qin State didn't care about the evaluation of the Six Nations, Ji Wuye didn't care about the thoughts of these nobles.

The Qin country was determined to kill the Six Kingdoms, and Ji Wuye was determined to kill everyone except himself.

It can only be said that these people are actually the spirit of Ah, and the self-comforting method is number one in the world.

"Hmph, how can the barbarians of the Qin country be on a par with me?"

King Han snorted coldly, with a proud expression on his face, who didn't know he thought he was the powerful Zhou Tianzi in the past, not the weakest of the Seven Kingdoms, and even was kicked out of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period.

"Your Majesty Yingming."

He opened his head and lowered his head, his broad sleeves blocked his face, making it difficult to see his expression.

"Father's words are very true."

Han Yu also bowed respectfully and whispered, "Just, I don't know about the judgment of the ninth brother..."

"this matter."

When King Han heard the words, he couldn't help but ponder for two seconds, and then said slowly, "The crime of death can be avoided, but the crime of life cannot escape.

Even if he is the son of a widow, he must act according to the law."

Chapter 122 Brave the Royal Palace! (for full order)

The so-called act according to the law, in fact, that is to say.

King Han doesn't really treat Han Fei, he can play down this matter completely.

One hundred thousand taels of gold is indeed a big burden for...

However, when this burden is spread evenly on the millions of people in the country, there is no problem.

[-] taels of gold, in just one month's time, the tax collection has been tightened up.

At most... this year, the people will live a little harder, and more people will die.

But, what does this have to do with the upper-class nobles anyway... it's not their own who lost, they haven't paid a penny.

So for King Han, although this incident was annoying, it actually had little effect on him.

Therefore, he originally wanted to say two harsh words, so he just let Han Fei go.

Originally, it was like this.

"Giggle, if you do this kind of thing behind General Ji's back, aren't you afraid that Ji Wuye will be blamed?"

Suddenly, a silver bell-like laughter interrupted everyone's thoughts.

King Han turned around and looked at the woman who suddenly appeared on the throne, almost panicked and retreated into the crowd.

It seems that they want to use Han Fei's body as a resistance.


On both sides of the hall, the guards who were originally standing beside them all rushed up.

However, he did not come forward immediately, but instead guarded King Han.

The four kings of Han were surrounded and protected in the middle.

"You are General Ji's man"

Han Yu frowned slightly, took two steps forward, and said coldly, "Even if you are from General Ji, trespassing on the forbidden area of ​​the palace is a serious crime!"

Han Yu didn't know who the other party was, but according to her previous words, he could completely pour dirty water on Ji Wuye's body.

For him, this is undoubtedly beneficial.

It is not a trivial matter to send someone to trespass the forbidden area of ​​the palace for no reason.

No matter how much King Han trusted him, he would not tolerate such a thing from happening.

"Ji Wuye, what is he?"

The girl sneered, and all that was revealed in her words was disdain for the other party.

But this made Han Yu wonder, since it wasn't Ji Wuye, who else could it be, King Han and the others were nervous, but Han Fei looked at each other with kindness.

The long black hair was combed at the back of the head to form a consistent hairstyle, and the bright show hung down the back of the head.

The bright flame on her white fingertips added a bit of enchantment and enhanced her powerful aura.

The blue eyes give people a deep and psychedelic feeling, which is elusive.

Dressed in a red and black tight dress, the clothes are covered with flame design elements, full of personality and passion.

The white jade feet are covered with black boots with a special golden pattern design on them.

The special black and red pattern is printed on the girl's legs, extending from the fair calf to the base of the thigh.

And on the arms in the air, there are the same patterns.

There is also this lace edge design on the clothes, which is exquisite and seductive.

The position of lying on the side highlights the other party's concave and convex figure, which is sexy and charming.

The most important thing is that although the other party is very beautiful, it really surprised Han Fei.

However, the decorative traces revealed by the clothes on her body did not seem to belong to the Central Plains.

More like an alien race.

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