A strange look flashed in Han Fei's eyes, looking at King Han who was hiding behind him and the others, almost trying to escape, wondering what he was thinking.

"You are from Baiyue"

Han Fei seemed to hear something, and asked aloud in surprise.


Zhang Kaidi and Han Yu were shocked at the same time, and King Han showed a terrified look.

As the king of a country, it is really embarrassing to be so ugly.

"Among these people, you are the most pleasing to the eye."

Yan Lingji did not answer his question, but spoke with some admiration, with a hint of appreciation in her words.

In such a short time, she has already determined her identity.

Undoubtedly, Han Fei must have a strong ability to observe, and he must also have a certain understanding of Baiyue.

Just like Han Yu, just because of this sentence, Han Fei is already jealous.

Sometimes, even inadvertent little things are enough to reveal a person's ability.

Don't say that Han Yu can't distinguish Yan Lingji's identity, even if it is changed to anyone, I am afraid that he will not be able to judge the identity of the other party in an instant like Han Fei.

"He looks handsome too,"

Yan Lingji said, suddenly shook her head indistinctly, and sighed, "Unfortunately..."

Unfortunately, it's too late.

If it was before, she might have a good impression of Han Fei because of this.

After all, no matter where you are, you are always looking at your face.

Han Fei's handsomeness and calmness can obviously add a lot to him.

Unfortunately, she already has a man.

Although not voluntary, although forced, although she was very repulsive at first.

But when she tasted the sweetness, she was already used to it, even unwilling to let it go.

"I thought it would be fun."

Yan Lingji looked at the people below with some disappointment, "However, now it seems.... meaningless."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl turned her gaze to Han An at the back of the crowd.

"King Han, do you still remember, the red-browed dragon and snake."

Chapter 123 Red Eyebrows Dragon Snake (please complete order)

The red-browed dragon and snake, also known as Tian Ze.

Tian Zegui is the king, but he is gifted and proficient in Baiyue sorcery, and he is born with different appearances.

Therefore, it is called the red-browed dragon snake.

And because of unknown reasons, the red-browed dragon and snake has been a problem of King Han for more than ten years.

Just like now, when I heard this name, my face was white and sweaty.

He is obviously the ruler of a country, but he is full of fear just like when the ruffians on the street heard the officers and soldiers coming.


"It's really boring."

After easily knocking down several guards who rushed forward, Yan Lingji suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

She originally came to the palace to seek revenge, to seek revenge from King Han.

Before coming, she was still thinking about how to get revenge on the other party, how to make the other party feel the greatest fear.

However, when she really saw King Han, there was only deep disappointment in her heart.

Even though she hadn't done it yet, it was just that Han Fei accidentally revealed the word "Baiyue", but King Han was already seriously frightened.

Sometimes, winning is too easy, but it makes people feel no pleasure.

Just like playing a game, when you win the game through hard work, you will have a sense of accomplishment and pleasure.

However, when you hang up, all you get is emptiness.

Because it's too easy.

Although she didn't hang up, but King Han's performance was really unbearable.

In just an instant, she lost interest here.

Originally, she could kill King Han to achieve the purpose of revenge.

However, Fang Tianfeng had instructed her not to kill King Han no matter what she did.

Han Fei, Han Yu opened the ground, and even Ji Wuye died.

The more people who die, the more chaos the country will be.

But King Han can't die! "Stop! Catch her for me!"

Seeing Yan Lingji swaggering towards the door of the main hall, as if she was about to leave, Han Yu was provoked, and angrily gave orders to the surrounding imperial guards.

"let her go!"

However, just as the Imperial Army was preparing to act, King Han rang loudly.

Han Yu looked at him in disbelief, his face was pale, and he didn't dare to say a word when facing Yan Lingji.

As a result, when he ordered the people to stay, he was actually able to scold him with the strength to scold him. Could it be the legendary Wo Liheng? "Haha."

With a mocking smile, Yan Lingji didn't even look back.

But in her heart, she became more and more disappointed.

Such a king of Han, even if he retaliates against the other party, can't get pleasure.

On the contrary, it is the greatest revenge to let such people stay on the throne and continue to harm them.

For a while, Yan Lingji seemed to have understood Fang Tianfeng's 'good intentions'.

Sometimes, revenge doesn't mean just killing the other party, there are more and better ways of revenge.

After all, it was not a single person who killed Baiyue.

But the whole is a share! Everyone is the beneficiary of the aggression of Baiyue.

These people should all pay the price for what happened back then! And a faint and incompetent King Han is enough to take these people into hell! Walking in the empty and deserted palace, Yan Lingji suddenly felt a little confused.

Her original purpose was very clear, to find Tianze and take revenge.

However, she now finds that revenge on the country seems to be meaningless.

Fang Tianfeng taught her that revenge is not just a matter of white knives going in and red knives going out.

In that case, it would be the easiest for the person who was avenged.

As for looking for Tian Ze, in fact, until now, she doesn't know where Tian Ze is.

Especially, after so long, she seems to have started to get used to it.

I am used to being with Fang Tianfeng, I am used to obeying him submissively, and taking more poses under his manipulation to satisfy his desires.

She knew, of course, that habit was a very terrible thing.

However, she couldn't restrain herself.

After all, she was still a prisoner, and she couldn't refuse any request from Fang Tianfeng.

She couldn't refuse and couldn't resist, so she could only obey, accept her fate, and cooperate with Fang Tianfeng to do what he liked.

However, it is also because of this habit.

She doesn't seem to be so keen on... looking for Tian Ze.

Even, there was a thought of 'don't worry about Tian Ze, it's good to continue living like this'.

She tried hard to restrain her thoughts, but she couldn't control her thoughts.

The more she thought about it, the more empty she felt, because she didn't know what to do.

After all, man is a very empty and meaningless creature.

People do not know what the meaning of their existence is, so they will find a meaning for themselves and find something to do.

And through each 'meaning', people will eventually go to the end of life.

And Yan Lingji's confusion was only because she lost her meaning.

In other words, she gave up the goal she originally pursued, but couldn't find another goal for a while, so she felt empty.

Chapter 124

It is obviously the palace of the King of Han, and it is obviously a forbidden area of ​​the palace.

However, Yan Lingji was like walking in a no-man's land.

But her heart was not happy, instead she felt very empty.

Because she suddenly lost her purpose and did not understand the meaning of life.

Until she was stopped.

Not an embargo, but a woman.

A woman dressed in a pink palace dress, a woman with outstanding appearance, gorgeous and charming.

The women are gorgeously dressed and can walk around the palace at will, obviously they are not ordinary people.

Either the concubine of the King of Han or his daughter.

Yan Lingji was a little surprised, but before she could speak, the woman was rather nervous.

"follow me!"

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