The woman spoke softly, holding Yan Lingji's little hand and quietly bypassing the sight of others.

Yan Lingji didn't know what she was going to do, but she was a little interested.

Obviously, this woman does not know her and cannot possibly know her.

She was arrested ten years ago and imprisoned for ten years, even the people who knew her back then don't know her anymore.

And although she was rescued, she was kept in Zilan Xuan by Fang Tianfeng in disguise and never left.

And there were only those few people who knew she was rescued.

It's just that since I don't know her, why should I help her? Although I don't know who this woman is, Yan Lingji can still see that the other party wants to help her.

Because she is trying her best to escape from the sight of others.

Until they came to a palace.

The woman led her in, stuck her head out and looked around, and then quickly closed the door, looking like a thief with a guilty conscience.

The cautious appearance made Yan Lingji smile, because the other party had absolutely no need to do so.

With her strength, she doesn't believe that someone can follow her silently without being detected.

Well, except for that man.


Yan Lingji spoke softly, wanting to ask right, but the next moment was interrupted by the other party, "Why are you here?"

The woman looked at her nervously, with a trace of reproach, "This is the Han Palace, which is heavily guarded. If you come here, if you are found, you will die! "I..."

Although the woman didn't understand anything, her concern really made Yan Lingji feel warm in her heart.

Zhu lips lightly parted, wanting to explain to her clearly that with his own strength, he can come and go freely without any scruples.

However, the woman didn't give her a chance at all, but kept saying like a machine gun, "No, you can't go out now.

All the guards were alerted just now, and now they are hunting down the palace.

Once you leave, it's easy for them to find out."

"You stay here first, this is my palace, no one else will come.

If someone comes to search, I can also prevaricate it.

In two days, when the turmoil subsides, I will find a way to send you out of the palace."


The woman seemed to remember something, "That..., what's your name."

"Actually, I want to say that there is no need for such trouble."

Yan Lingji couldn't help complaining in her heart, but she still did not reveal her identity to the other party after all, and asked softly, "My name is Yan Lingji."

"Flame Lingji?"

The woman seemed to think that she had heard this name before, but she still didn't delve into it and nodded lightly, "You can call me Hu Meiren."

"Hu Meiren"

Yan Lingji looked at each other with some doubts, the palace has a strict classification for the women in the harem.

Madam, Beauty, Beloved, Eight Sons, Seven Sons, Long Envoy, Young Envoy.

Beauty is the second level.

Arguably, second only to Mrs.

And King Han has been on the throne for so long, it seems that his wife has always had only one.

And the number of beauties is definitely not too many.

"That..., it's not what you think."

Seeing the change in Yan Lingji's expression, Hu Meiren hurriedly waved her hand to explain, "I mean, my name is Hu Meiren.

Hmm...Although, I am indeed a beauty."

Well, although Yan Lingji was speechless, she finally understood.

Saying you are beautiful is not bragging.

Since then, her status in the palace has been...beautiful.

Secondly, her name is also a beauty.

I have to say, this kind of thing is really weird.

If the other person was born with this name, not the name changed later.

"Hu Meiren..."

Silently reciting the woman's name, Yan Lingji seemed to remember something, frowning slightly, "I seem to have heard of this name somewhere."

"Actually, I used to be from Baiyue."

When Hu Meiren heard this, she explained softly, "My father used to be Duke Huoyu of Baiyue Huoyu Villa."

Hearing this, Yan Lingji's eyes when looking at Hu Meiren became much softer.

There is remembrance, and there is pity.

Because Huoyu Villa was destroyed before Baiyue, and Yan Lingji had heard of the tragedy of Huoyu Villa.

Therefore, for... Hu Meiren, who has such an experience, she can't help but feel a little sympathetic to each other.

Chapter 125 Hu Meiren! (for full order)

More than ten years ago, Huoyu Villa was the land of Baiyue.

The reason why Huoyu Villa is named Huoyu is because there is a mineral vein on the land of Huoyu Villa.

Take out the ore veins without gold or silver, but produce a precious ore called Fire Rain Agate.

Fire rain agate is extremely perfect, but it is extremely difficult to carve.

Only the professional craftsmen of Huoyu Villa have the ability to carve Huoyu agate.

And the owner of Huoyu Villa is... Duke Huoyu.

Duke Huoyu himself is a nobleman of Baiyue.

It can be said that even in the land of Baiyue, it has a great reputation.

During the Baiyue Peace War, countless people were displaced.

And Duke Huoyu stood up and helped these people.

However, it was precisely because of his actions that the gun hit the first bird.

The Huoyu Villa came into the sight of many people, and then, it was spread that the Huoyu Villa had a great treasure.

After all, Duke Huoyu is a nobleman, and there are mines in his family. If it is said that his family has treasures, it is very possible.

So, he was being watched.

Someone colluded with the three wolves, broke into the Huoyu Villa, killed almost everyone in the Huoyu Villa, and took the treasure away.

And as the daughter of Duke Huo Yu, it will not end well either.

Madam Hu was forced to marry Liu Yi, and Hu Meiren was offered to the King of Han.

When Yan Lingji heard about Hu Meiren's experience, she felt a little melancholy in her heart, and she had a feeling that the remnants hated seeing each other late.

"Sorry for making you laugh."

Mentioning the past, Hu Meiren's eyes could not help condensed with water mist, and tears fell down her white cheeks.

Hu Meiren reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief in her hand. She regained some calmness and said softly, "You stay here first, and I will find a way to send you out of the palace in two days."

"Being from Baiyue, I will not harm you."

In fact, Hu Meiren didn't want to tell her past events, because it was not a glorious thing.

The purpose of telling such things is generally to gain the sympathy of others.

However, Hu Meiren is not such a cowardly person.

The reason why she said it was just to win the trust of Yan Lingji.

Let Yan Lingji believe that she is with the country.

Possibly on one side.

After all, when her family was destroyed and her family was destroyed, it was... harmful, and she could help the country to harm her own compatriots. In fact, Yan Lingji also said Hu Meiren's words.

However, she and Hu Meiren thought differently.

Because Hu Meiren didn't think she could escape from the imperial army, she brought her here to avoid being hunted.

However, Yan Lingji didn't pay attention to those people at all.

Unless a master of the innate peak comes in person, you don't want to hurt her at all.

Although she is a newcomer to innate, her internal strength is the top of all innates! "Don't worry, my strength is very strong."

Seeing Hu Meiren's worried look, Yan Lingji whispered comfortingly, "Don't look at me like this, but I'm actually a congenital expert.

Even if Ji Wuye comes, he may not be able to defeat me."

Yan Lingji didn't talk big, and said anything like Ji Wuye or the like.

However, it is almost impossible for Ji Wuye to defeat her.

Her inner strength can be said to be endless, even Ji Wuye couldn't take her down in a short time.

And if it's a fight, she's very likely to lose.

But, why is she fighting? She can run! "Ji Wuye?"

When Hu Meiren heard the words, she was also slightly relieved.

She did not suspect that Yan Lingji was lying to her, Yan Lingji must have certain strength.

Otherwise, she would not be able to run to the palace.

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