Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 319 Controlling the Underground World

"Someone you shouldn't mess with?"

Chu Ming pinched his chin and thought: "Did you collide with the followers of the evil god?"


The first person to react was not Andre but Fabian. He looked at his brother with a panicked expression. Lu Teng suspected that if Chu Ming hadn't been there, this guy might have run away long ago.

Andre glanced at Fabian, "If you come back to me and bring the adults here, I will forgive you this time, but you must stay with me these days and cannot leave."

After saying that, he didn’t care what Fabian’s reaction was and respectfully replied to Chu Ming:

"I have previously gone to the Knights Temple and the Magic Circle Tower to investigate in accordance with my family's mission requirements. However, whenever I get close to these places, I always feel like I am being spied on. Maybe it was at that time that I provoked those people. believer."

He paused and said with some guilt: "After the Royal City was closed, many homeless people on the streets had no place to go, and they all gathered in the underground black market. Maybe I brought the curse of the evil god, which made the underground black market look like this." Ghostly."

"Sir, if you can, I would like to ask you to save these innocent people."

Chu Ming nodded slightly, looked at Fabian and asked, "Where are you from the royal city?"

Fabian was stunned, quickly got up from the floor, and said respectfully: "Sir, I live in a shabby residential house in the lower part of Meiji Street, Nancheng District."

"Is there an underground black market in your area?"

Fabian nodded desperately, "Yes, this plague has already spread throughout the city, especially those markets with many people, all have this kind of patients."

"I've heard before that there were some people with teeth all over their bodies in the small market in the south of the city. They were weird and could infect others."

"If it weren't for..." Fabian glanced at Andrei secretly, "If I wasn't worried that something would happen to my brother, I wouldn't be here."

Chu Ming smiled. Without exposing his hypocrisy, Andrei should know his brother better than he does.

Sure enough, Andrei sneered and said, "I think you came to me after you gambled all your money away."

"Fabian, can you be more mature."


The man was hit at a painful point, his face turned green and white for a while, he hesitated, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Chu Ming shook his head and asked Andre: "Did you get any useful information?"

Andre thought for a moment. He stood up and wanted to find the information he had compiled. Suddenly he remembered that the information had been torn into pieces by his twisted limbs, so he sat down helplessly.

He collected his thoughts and replied: "Sir, my last investigation was two days ago. After that, I felt sick and stayed in the underground black market."

"The ban issued by King Ed had not yet taken effect. I saw with my own eyes that important facilities and institutions in the royal city such as the Knights Temple and the Magic Circle Tower were investigated by the royal family. They seemed to know that there was a mole inside."

Fabian's face turned pale and he whispered tremblingly: "Sir, this is something I can't hear. How about I leave here first?"

Chu Ming glanced at him and said, "Just follow Andre in the past few days and don't let me know that someone has leaked the news. Otherwise, Andre won't be able to save you."

Fabian knelt down in fear, "Sir, please forgive me, I will follow Andre well."

Chu Ming ignored him and focused on the information Fabian just said.

"Sure enough, the royal family is not simple either. Maybe they can find the legendary believers hidden in the city before the blood sacrifice comes."

After thinking for a while, Chu Ming said to Andrei: "Since the abnormality occurred in the city, the family has cut off contact with everyone in the city. It has been two days since we received any information. You can use magic tools to convey this news first." Pass it back to the family."

Andrei was shocked, "Did something happen to others?"

He couldn't help but look back at Fabian. He began to believe what his useless brother said. The situation in the city was much worse than he imagined.

Fabian saw Andre's gaze and hurriedly said: "Andre, no matter how miserable I am in your heart, I will never deceive you. Everything I say is the truth."

"Although they are all hearsay and I have never actually seen them, I believe these messages are true."

"whole city……"

Chu Ming frowned slightly.

Now the entire royal city is like a pot that is being heated slowly, and the royal family and the citizens of the royal city are the frogs in it. When the water temperature slowly rises to a certain height, the frogs will not be able to jump out of the pot.

But it is obvious that the royal family is extremely powerful. Before the royal family is destroyed, the citizens of the entire royal city will die first because of the royal family's arrogance and indifference.

"If we just sit back and do nothing, these citizens will not survive the day of the blood sacrifice, and escaping from the royal city will only be a luxury."

Lu Teng also realized this, and she said pitifully: "Ren, let's save them, we can't let these bad guys succeed."

Green Lake couldn't help but said: "Lord Ren, if possible, I would also like to help the citizens here."

After hearing what the two said, Chu Ming chuckled and said, "Don't worry, it's not difficult to save these citizens. We can even use this to interfere with the blood sacrifice."

"If you want to do it specifically..."

Chu Ming stood up and said to the two people around him: "Andre, Fabian, open all the doors and windows of the store. I want to try to save the homeless in the black market."

Andrei was stunned and didn't understand what the relationship between rescuing homeless people and opening doors and windows was. He suppressed his curiosity and followed Chu Ming's instructions, and he and Fabian opened all the doors and windows of the store.

Chu Ming looked at the street, and a faint fishy smell lingered on the tip of his nose. Gray fog surged on the street, and the black figures lying on the ground let out low groans. These monster-like wanderers seemed to be in great pain. .

"Green Lake, Green Vine, lend me your power."

Lu Teng laughed and said, "I'll give it all to you."

Green Lake clasped his hands together, smiled and nodded: "Sir Ren, please."

Suddenly, Chu Ming's body became transparent, and green light circulated inside, like turquoise lake water, and like green vines entangled together.

Under the shocked gazes of Andre and the others, Chu Ming stretched out his right hand, and green light condensed and grew on the palm of his hand. It actually grew from a sapling into countless branches and spread towards the doors and windows.

The green branches flow down from the shops like a green tide and pour into the streets and alleys of the underground black market, bringing fresh air and vitality.

Andrei was in a daze. For a moment, he felt as if he had left the dark and humid underground black market, far away from the terrible gray fog, and suddenly appeared in the green and natural forest, smelling the fresh air and listening to the chirping of birds and the chirping of cicadas. , watching everything grow.

With the blessing of legendary power, the branches keep climbing, green vines grow towards the dark wall, and illusory birds jump on the branches, making green chirping sounds.

Level 5 spell·Spring returns to the earth.

Chu Ming's hand was filled with green light, and green leaves suddenly sprouted from the branches. Green crystal dew slid down the veins of the leaves and fell on every patient. Even Fabian, who only had a little evil spirit on his body, also I am lucky enough to enjoy this kind of treatment.

"This is?!"

Fabian suddenly realized something, and touched his chest with some fear on his face.

The dewdrops secreted into his heart, soothing his panic a little. He saw the gray mist turning into wisps of black smoke and drifting out of his body. He felt his body relax, as if a tens of thousands of burdens had been lifted off in an instant.

"Did it turn out that I had been infected a long time ago?"

Fabian looked at Chu Ming, who was holding an illusory green light branch in the middle of the room, and felt happy in his heart.

If it weren't for this adult, his fate would not be any better than that of his brother or these wanderers.

Fabian looked out the window. Under the waves of transparent branches, he saw countless black smoke rising, "bang bang bang" sounds one after another, and the blood flowing from the homeless people spread along the stone brick lines throughout the street. On the ground, they gathered into a pool of blood.

The gray fog and darkness were dispersed and left the black market. The wanderers, whose wounds gradually healed, lay on the ground and fell into a peaceful sleep. Their faces were peaceful, and they no longer suffered from the previous pain.

Chu Ming looked at the blood flowing on the street and his mind moved.

"Green Vine, please help me."


I saw Chu Ming's body blooming with green light again, and the breath full of vitality fell on the wooden wall of the shop. The wooden wall actually grew one green vine after another hanging down the street, absorbing the dirty blood from the street.

After doing all this, Chu Ming's body gradually returned to normal from transparent, and the transparent green branches on his hands turned into light chips and slowly dissipated.

Andre stretched out his hand to catch a falling piece of light, watching this scene for a long time and unable to recover.

After staying in the capital of the Clinton Kingdom for a long time, Andre often interacted with some mages. He even met epic mages from other kingdoms in the underground black market.

But whether he is a deep blue mage or an epic mage, he has never seen a spell that is so close to a miracle.

While he was shocked in his heart, he became more respectful to Chu Ming.

"Andre, can you manage this whole black market?"

Chu Ming's sudden question came to Andrei's ears. He came back to his senses and hurriedly saluted: "Sir, the manager of the black market has fled the black market and is missing. Now only a part of the black market is left. Shopkeepers, supernatural beings, and wanderers from outside, managing them is not a difficult task.”

Chu Ming nodded and said: "Very good, I need you to bring the black market under our control. Once there is a chance to escape from the royal city, you must have the ability to quickly organize people to leave the royal city."

Andrei said with a solemn expression: "Don't worry, sir, I will live up to your trust."

Andrei raised his head, waved to Fabian and said, "Come with me."

Fabian said bitterly: "My good brother, no need."

Andrei said calmly: "With your cunning personality, you are the most suitable to negotiate with these wanderers. The sooner you help me complete the task for adults, the sooner you can reassure the adults."

When Fabian heard this, he felt happy in his heart. If he could no longer see that Andre was giving him a chance to show off, he would be living in the royal city for nothing.

The man was happy in his heart and pretended to be serious: "Brother, you are right. I will definitely complete the tasks assigned by you."

After saying that, the two of them bid farewell to Chu Ming for the time being and walked out of the shop.

After the two of them were completely gone, Chu Ming sat cross-legged on the ground, and Lu Hu and Lu Teng also appeared.

Lu Teng asked curiously: "Ren, what are we going to do next?"

Chu Ming smiled softly and revealed his inner plan.

"I plan to secretly gather the residents of the Royal City near several black markets in the Royal City. This will make it easier for me to treat patients."

"As long as the royal family and the followers of the evil god start fighting, they will have no time to take care of these citizens. The citizens can quickly organize themselves under the management of our people and escape from the royal city."

"Although the royal family does not care about the lives of citizens, they are not so cold-blooded as to be like creatures of darkness. After the battle, the citizens will most likely not be blocked from escaping the royal city."

"If we want to gather the citizens, we must first bring all the underground black markets in the royal city under our control."

"Let's first find out the spies on the list that the family has planted into the royal city. With their help, the plan will go more smoothly."


Green Lake and Green Teng nodded vigorously.

Lu Teng gave a thumbs up and praised: "Ren, you are so smart, I allow you to become the second smartest in the world."

Chu Ming's head was full of black lines, and he coughed lightly: "When Andrei and the others come back, we will go to the next place on the list."

Half an hour later, Andre and the two gathered all the citizens in the underground black market and easily brought everyone under management.

The reason why they are so efficient at doing things is not because they are so powerful, nor is it because of their charisma.

After they just moved Chu Ming out, everyone realized that the miraculous scene just now was done by the person behind Andre. Without any hesitation, they gratefully accepted Andre's temporary management.

After Andrei returned, Chu Ming gave him a few words, asking him to pay attention to gathering citizens around the black market and collecting food, and then left Gordon Market.

In the next five days, while avoiding the prying eyes of the magic circle, Chu Ming searched for the people on the list and brought various black markets in each royal city under control.

Most of the citizens' bodies have returned to normal after being treated by his magic. Chu Ming selected some reliable extraordinary people to assist the managers he selected from spies to maintain the fragile order.

After secretly taking control of the entire underground world of the royal city, Chu Ming returned to the Gordon Market at the beginning, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Two days later, there are still three days left before the blood sacrifice time that Princess Katie said.

Underground black market, inside a watch shop.

The clock on the display wall makes a "click-click" sound, and the hour hand moves slowly and unhurriedly.

Chu Ming sat on the counter and listened to Andrei's report.

"Sir Ren, other black market managers sent news this morning that most residents in the area where the black market is located have secretly gathered near the black market, and only some residents are unable to go to the black market for various reasons."

Chu Ming nodded slightly, "What's the reaction from the royal court?"

Andrei hurriedly said: "They seem to have acquiesced in our behavior."

Chu Ming smiled and said: "The royal family has used magic circles to isolate the connection between the inside and outside of the city. As long as the citizens do not flee the royal city, they will not care too much about the actions of the citizens."

At first, Chu Ming thought that something happened to the spies on the list, so he didn't send the news back to the family. Later, he discovered that even though he told Andrei to send the news back to the family, the clan elders didn't receive the news from Andrei. transmitted information.

Under the isolation of the magic circle, the magic props owned by Andrei can only be effective in the royal city and can be used as a communication tool between the black markets, but it is almost impossible to spread the news outside the city.

Fortunately, Chu Ming's body is still in the town, and he can serve as a bridge for information transmission, telling the information to the clan elders, so that the family can be ready to participate in the battle at any time.

After Andrei finished his report and left, Chu Ming was the only one left in the store.

He looked through the window at the busy street and murmured: "There is only one chance left now."

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