Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 320 Sounds from all sides

Early the next morning.

The sun has not yet risen from the sky, the city streets are dark, and gray fog is still billowing.

Soon, a group of uninvited guests broke the silence of the street. They walked silently through the darkness, unlike the patrol team holding torches. Their target was the Knights Temple, which was still lit at the end of the street.

In the underground black market.

The lively streets are extremely quiet. It is now five o'clock in the morning, and most citizens are enjoying a rare rest in the crowded underground space.

Looking into the street, the small watch shop run by Andrei still had the lights on. Warm light shone from the window and shone on the street, as if the owner of the shop had gotten up early in the morning and was busy working.

Inside the store.

The sound of "tacking" continued, and Andre's hands were flexibly tapping the strange machine on the table. Its shape looked like an old-fashioned typewriter that Chu Ming had seen, but it was more cystic in size and looked more like a slotted machine. For a large bread machine, the two rollers above the keyboard slot keep moving to the right with the "clicking" sound of the machine.

The round nail keys fell, and one word after another fell into the paper sandwiched by the rollers under the typewriter. The paper seemed to have some kind of magical power, and the fonts would disappear immediately after being printed on them.

It seemed that Andre was not controlling the roller above the typewriter. The fonts fell on the letter paper one by one. Someone brought him news from afar.

This machine is called a messaging typewriter. It is a combination of mechanics and magic. It was created by a practical mage from the Principality of Violet. After being anchored to other typewriters, it can send messages to each other through the typewriter.

"Da da da... ding!"

After one line was typed, the roller automatically moved to the left to change the line. The blank paper was quickly filled. Andre stared at the paper, skillfully removed the letter paper on it and replaced it with a new one.

After repeating this action several times, the man took off the last piece of letter paper, twisted the knob, and shut down the machine that made a faint noise.

The man didn't dare to slack off. He arranged the letters in hand and hurriedly walked up the rotating wooden staircase.

In the room on the second floor.

Chu Ming's body fabricated by Lu Teng sat motionless on the ground, while two little goblins were playing in the air with illusory light.

"Hehe, sister, you can't catch me."

"Lu Teng, don't run!"

Green vines were flying around the room. Sometimes she flew to the table and sometimes fell on Chu Ming's head, but the man didn't seem to feel anything about it.

The two played for a while, but finally felt a little bored and stopped in front of Chu Ming.

Lu Teng stared at Chu Ming's calm face.

"Tell me why it takes so long for this guy to go back and report the news. He's so bored."

Green Lake chuckled and said: "My dear sister, Lord Ren has just left for a while, are you feeling bored now?"

"He must still have a lot of things to do. The two of us will be responsible for beating away the bad guys."

"But it's still boring."

Green Vine was lying on its back, its wings flapping weakly, as if it had lost power.

"I heard someone is thinking about me."

Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes and looked at the green vine floating in mid-air.

Midori was startled by the sudden words, and she quickly flew up.

After realizing that it was Chu Ming who had returned, the little goblin held up his hands dissatisfiedly and said, "Why are you so mysterious and invisible? You're so scary."

Green Lake also flew over, she saluted and asked: "How is it, Lord Renn?"

Chu Ming chuckled and said, "Everything is under control."

The three of them were chatting when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Lord Ren, it's me. I have important information to report to you."

Chu Ming was stunned and glanced at Green Lake and Green Vine.

The two of them nodded and turned into a ray of light that merged into Chu Ming's body.

"Come in, Andre."

"Okay, Lord Ren."

The door was pushed open smoothly, and Andre held a stack of letters in his hand and looked into the room - Chu Ming was the only one sitting cross-legged on the floor. It seemed that Chu Ming was practicing before he came in.

"Sir, you are so diligent."

Andrei admired in his heart, hurriedly came to Chu Ming, squatted down, and handed over the letter with both hands.

"New information?"

Chu Ming's eyes narrowed. Andrei and the others usually exchanged information at eight or nine in the morning. Information sent at other times was urgent.

It is still early in the morning, and there is new information that has fallen into Andre's hands, which shows that this information may be extremely important and urgent.

He lowered his head and flipped through the letter in his hand, listening to Andre's explanation.

The man said: "This intelligence number 156 was sent by the manager of the small black market in Preto in the center of the city."

"According to his description, thirty teams of knights appeared on the streets near the Knights Temple, the key monitoring location. They hid in the alleys and surrounded the entire Knights Temple."

"The manager of the small black market in Preto concluded that some kind of change must have occurred in the Knights Temple, and the gathering of these knights would not trigger the reaction of the court mage in the magic circle tower. This is enough to show that the royal family has begun to take action. ”

Chu Ming took a deep breath, "It seems that Pedro was exposed."

"The battle is likely to begin. You write a letter to the manager of Preto's small black market and order him to lead the black market citizens to quickly move to the nearest black market. Fierce fighting may break out around the Knights Temple."

"Legendary battles are no joke. If Pedro goes crazy, the entire kingdom will be reduced to ruins within a few minutes."

Andrei looked shocked, unable to imagine such a powerful scene. He hurriedly saluted and said: "Lord Ren, I will go and convey your order right away."

Chu Ming nodded slightly and stood up from the floor, "I'll leave it to you at Gordon's Black Market. I want to leave here temporarily and go to the center of the city to investigate."

"If anything goes wrong, I will rush to the nearest black market as soon as possible to send an order. Remember to ask all managers to pay attention to the typewriter message."

Andre nodded seriously, "Yes, Lord Ren."

"very good."

Under Andre's gaze, the light on Chu Ming's body condensed and shrank, turning into a green bird, smashing open the window and flying out of the black market.

Andrei stared blankly at the green that symbolized vitality in the dark world, but he quickly came to his senses, packed up his things and hurried downstairs.

The green bird flew out of the dark passage and returned to the ground. Under the spell of the green vine, the conspicuous green bird gradually became smaller and turned into a seven-star ladybug that clung to the wall and flew into the alley.

The shrunken Chu Ming and the three people sat on the back of the seven-star ladybug. The ladybug's elytra spread out, and the flapping of its wings made a buzzing sound.

Chu Ming looked up at the sky with a thoughtful expression, "The feeling of peeping in the dark seems to have weakened a lot. It seems that the royal family has focused their attention on the Knights Temple."

Lu Teng rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "The fight finally started. The bad guy beats the bad guy. I'm really looking forward to it."

Lu Hu coughed lightly and said, "Lu Teng, don't be careless."

Chu Ming pointed his finger at the center of the city and said to Lu Teng: "Lu Teng, fly in this direction, don't be discovered by the magic circle."

"I'll go back and tell the clan elders the news and let them prepare."

"Hey, wait..."

Before Lu Teng finished speaking, Chu Ming's consciousness returned to his original body.

In the small town of Steen, inside the secret room of the manor.

Chu Ming opened his eyes in the quiet room. He glanced at Green Lake with his eyes closed and a calm expression next to him. Then he opened the door and strode towards the meeting hall.

When he arrived at the conference table, only Jerome was present, and the elders had already gone to rest.

"Ren, why are you back again?"

Jerome, who was looking at the map of the royal city, sensed Chu Ming's presence without looking back.

Chu Ming looked urgent and kept the story short.

"Pedro's identity seems to have been exposed. The royal family has now surrounded the entire Knights Temple. The war is about to break out."

Jerome was stunned and quickly put away the map, "So fast?"

Chu Ming nodded, "Uncle Jerome, go and inform the clan elders to get ready. I will return to the royal city to investigate the situation."

"Well, you don't have to worry about the family."

Jerome's voice was much gentler and calmer than before. At this critical moment of family life and death, even he had to be serious.

After delivering the message, Chu Ming returned to the quiet room again and slowly closed his eyes.

In the royal city.

Chu Ming opened his eyes and saw the Seven-Star Ladybug quickly walking through the dark alley. Using the clock tower in the distance as a reference, they seemed to be very close to the Knights Temple.

"Lu Teng, I'm back. Give me control. You guys can help me guard the area."

"You're back? Okay."

Lu Teng's surprised voice sounded, and she flew back and sat on Chu Ming's shoulder.

Chu Ming once again gained the perception of the Seven-Star Ladybug. After confirming his direction, he rushed towards the Knights Temple.

On the way, he met the managers and citizens in the alley who were evacuating the small black market in Preto.

There were a large number of these citizens, and the evacuation team looked vast. There was also a convoy escorting food in the middle of the team.

However, the magic circle tower paid very little attention to them. No royal family believed that these people could pose a threat to them. On the contrary, the people's spontaneous evacuation saved them a lot of effort.

Chu Ming appeared in person and gave a few words to the manager at the front, asking him to pay attention to using the typewriter to deliver information.

He did not stay where he was, but under the eyes of everyone, he turned into an invisible ladybug and continued to fly towards the Knights Temple.

Ten minutes later, roars, the sounds of weapons clashing, and the knights' angry shouts mingled together and reached Chu Ming's ears.

"Has the fight started yet?"

Chu Ming was shocked, and controlled the ladybug to fly forward slowly, landing on the top of the chimney.

He looked down and saw that at the entrance of the Knights Temple, the knights and the gray fog monsters were fighting in a melee. The gray fog was disturbed, and only the angry shouts could be heard clearly, but the fighting was not clear.

"I don't know what's going on inside?"

Chu Ming looked at the tall and magnificent building in front of him, his heart moved, and he just wanted to fly to investigate the situation.

Suddenly there was a bright light in the sky. When he looked up, it was not that the sun had come out, but that a forbidden spell had come!

The cross star shining across the city lit up from the top of the tower of the magic circle in the distance. As time went by, this light became more and more dazzling until it occupied Chu Ming's entire perspective.

The white light exploded, drowning everything, and no sound came out. The whole world seemed to have lost its sound and turned into a world of pure light.

After more than ten seconds, the light gradually dissipated, and all the gray fog in the city area with a radius of more than ten kilometers was wiped out. The gray fog monster at the entrance of the Knights Temple also perished in this white light.

As for the situation in the deeper Knights Temple, Chu Ming cannot investigate for the time being.

Recalling the spells released from the magic circle tower just now, Chu Ming couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "Did you rely on huge magic power to completely wipe out the power of the gray mist?"

Lu Teng put his hands on his hips unconvinced and said, "My sister and I can do it too, and the power of our fairies is very strong against the gray fog monsters."

"The power of fairies can restrain the gray mist?"

Chu Ming looked back at Green Lake and Green Vine.

Green Lake nodded slightly, "Yes, Lord Ren, I don't know why."

Chu Ming shook his head and did not take this matter to heart. The key point was to deal with the royal family and the followers of the evil god. The gray mist roots had no wisdom, so it would be much easier to eliminate them.

"We can't wait and see what's going on inside here, let's go over and have a look."

He finally decided to take a risk and find out what was going on inside.

After looking up the chimney for a while, Chu Ming rehearsed a hidden route in his mind.

He flew down the chimney, moved along the big tree beside the road, bypassed the group of knights at the door, and headed towards the Knights Temple little by little.

The further he flew inside, the stronger the warning in Chu Ming's heart became. He felt as if he was about to be discovered at any moment.

With no choice, he could only control Ladybug to lie on the wall of the Knights Temple, hoping to hear the movement inside.

Unlike Chu Ming's imagination of the lively fighting in the Knights Temple, the inside of the temple was extremely quiet, and he could only hear some intermittent conversations.

"Pe...Luo, why?"

" are...the son of a general, of don't understand."


"My position and yours are...different."

"Damn thing!"

The quarrel inside became more and more intense, and it could be heard that it was Pedro and James talking.

Suddenly, Chu Ming felt an ominous premonition in his heart. He suddenly felt something bad. Without any hesitation, he controlled the seven-star ladybug to fly quickly away from the Knights Temple.

A few seconds later.


A shocking roar sounded behind Chu Ming, and a powerful shock wave spread outward, directly tearing the ladybug's wings apart and overturning it to fly away.

Lu Teng said nervously: "Steady."

A faint light bloomed from the seven-star ladybug, and it was nailed directly in the air.

With no time to think, Chu Ming hurriedly turned back to look at the Knights Temple.

I saw huge rocks and stone pillars flying into the sky and smashing into the distance.

Where the stones fell, shops and houses were reduced to rubble.

At the site of the Knights Temple, the tall temple had long since disappeared, leaving only ruins, with two huge and powerful figures standing in the middle.

"Pedro, the only consequence for betraying the kingdom is death!"

James roared angrily, and the rich voice echoed around the temple.

The man waved his fist and hit Pedro directly.


Pedro flew out of the ruins and turned into a straight line, smashing all the surrounding buildings into pieces, leaving a hole more than two thousand meters long.


James stamped his feet, and his whole body shot into the hole like a cannonball.


The street sank directly downwards for more than ten meters, and the land parcels were broken layer by layer. All the soil and boulders in the ground were crushed into powder by the majestic force and exploded into the sky. In the center of the battle, a beam with a diameter of several hundred meters suddenly appeared. Deep pit.

"Hahaha, James, are you tickling me?"

Pedro's laughter rang out from the smoke. Before Chu Ming could react, he heard a dull loud noise. James flew upside down from the pothole, like a meteor, piercing the city and hitting directly. The east wall of the city.


The city wall exploded instantly, leaving a gap dozens of meters long.

Chu Ming was shocked, and he felt that the opportunity had come.

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