Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 156 Pluto and the Queen of the Sea (Monthly Ticket 10)

Chapter 156 Pluto and Sea Queen (Monthly Ticket +10)

Since the God King returned to Olympus, the time that had become urgent at the turn of the era has gradually slowed down.

Zeus selectively announced the results of this trip, and the end of the Titan War was soon declared over.

With the help of Hestia, the three hundred-armed giants finally captured the Titan God Atlas. This fearless god was unwilling to surrender, but remembering what Kronos said before he left, he finally took on the mission of supporting the sky.

So six days after the fall, with a loud bang, the western sky finally stopped falling.

Atlas showed the true form of God. When he merged the symbol of supporting the sky, as long as he was still fulfilling his mission, the world would no longer imprison his divine power. So the sky slowly rose under the power of the giant god, but it failed to return to its original height.

This is not surprising. After all, Olympus was born from the ancestor of all mountains. It fits the symbol of the split of Mount Odus, but Atlas can't do this.

So from this day on, the sky in the east was higher than that in the west, and the God of Strength was praised by the Sky-holder.

On the other side, after three months of siege, the God of Weather, Crius, was finally captured. He was held by the idle Hundred-armed Giants on both sides and followed Hades to the underworld.

In name, these two giants will serve as guards of the abyss, but in fact all gods know that Tartarus does not need to be guarded, it is the most terrible barrier itself. The two Hundred-armed Giants were only part of the agreement between the three brothers of the God King, and were classified as Hades' helpers in ruling the underworld.

Hades was very satisfied with this. He had long known that the Hundred-armed Giants were good at fighting. With their help, Hades easily conquered several gods who lived in the underworld for a long time.

Hades was generally satisfied with these gods who claimed to be descendants of the original gods. In addition to the goddess of lust who always wanted to seduce him, [Sorrow], [Deception], [Destruction], and [Misfortune] are all very useful priesthoods. With the addition of some nymphs brought from the ground, the framework of the underworld was finally set up.

Hades appointed the water fairy Minta (a kind of nymph) as the leader of the elves, and caused the lava lake formed by the fall of the sun at the entrance of the underworld to turn into a river of fire, thus dividing the different areas of the underworld. Finally, he summoned the incarnation of the river of pain, Acheron, the old-looking ferryman of the underworld.

"On the way here, I saw wandering bones and corpses all over the land of the underworld, as well as some spirits shuttling between the surface of the spirit world and the living world. I wanted to erase them with my authority, but I unexpectedly discovered that some of them have wisdom and are worshiping the moon above the underworld, regarding it as the origin of all things."

The palace of Hades is still under construction, and the three Cyclops brothers borrowed by Hades are working day and night. So now he can only stand on the endless gray plain and ask the old man in front of him for advice.

"You and I were born one after another, Charon. The River of Pain was born because the underworld welcomed its master. In a sense, you are also my brother."

"So I want to ask you, why are they born, and are they related to the goddess of the underworld?"

"Your Majesty, there are countless plants in the mortal world, and there are even some in the underworld, but are they taken seriously by the earth mother who created plants?"

Standing opposite Hades, Charon said respectfully.

He is not a good-tempered god. Charon once rejected all the dead who wanted to cross the River of Pain, or pretended to agree, and then flipped them into the water halfway. However, facing a stronger person, the old ferryman knew what to do.

"I understand."

Nodding, Hades understood what the other party meant.

Perhaps these dead souls all over the underworld were indeed born because of the light of the underworld moon, but the master of the underworld moon never lowered his eyes.

In the eyes of that powerful goddess, perhaps everything in the underworld is not taken seriously by her.

"In that case, from now on, in the name of the Lord of the Underworld, I will forbid the unintelligent dead souls to enter the Garden of Truth."

The Garden of Truth is the name Hades gave to the core of the Underworld where he will live in the future. Unlike the gods on earth, the priesthood that is inherently dark makes him not disgusted with those creatures surrounded by negative energy, but the premise is that the other party has wisdom and can communicate.

So when Hades made a decision, under the influence of divine power, all the unintelligent dead souls were excluded from the core of the Underworld. From then on, they can only wander around the periphery of the Underworld, and cannot approach Hades's temple.

"Gather those intelligent beings for me, and then tell them: Although I am a god from the earth, I will live in the Underworld from now on, and this is my domain."

"I will not kill them in vain, but they also need to follow my order and obey my instructions."

Finally, after hesitating for a while, Hades gave Charon another instruction.

"I allow them to continue worshipping the Moon, but they should also build a temple to worship me. This is due respect to the master of the underworld."

"I obey your orders, Your Majesty."

Bending slightly, Charon led the will of the new Hades away.


Hades took a long breath, looked at Charon's departing back, and looked at the Moon in the sky again, feeling a little worried.

He had once thought of marrying his sister because, as the god of growth of all things, Demeter could bring vitality to the underworld.

But now, perhaps compared to the 'vitality' on earth, the dead are more suitable for the underworld environment. And from the perspective of priesthood, the Moon and the underworld are more compatible.

But Hades couldn't think of any reason why the goddess of the moon and the underworld, who was also a powerful god, would leave the spirit world and come to the underworld to eat dirt. Just like the reason why he didn't directly invite Demeter was because he knew that few gods on the ground liked this place.

They were not Hades. No matter how strong the underworld was, their power would not increase a bit.

"Forget it, there is another goddess who gives me a headache. I don't know when she is willing to come out and meet me."

Shaking his head, in the perception of Hades, the presence of Styx, the river of oath, was unquestionable.

With Zeus, who promised to become the 'keeper of the oath', ascending the throne, the power of the oath was naturally further strengthened by the world. Hades had to face a situation. Even if the ancient gods of creation surrounding the underworld ignored him, there were still two powerful goddesses at his doorstep.

And judging from the situation, none of them intended to pay attention to him, the newly appointed Hades.

"It's better than Poseidon. At most, no one will pay attention to me, but he has to face the pressure of the Ocean God System."

Hades smiled, perhaps to find joy in adversity, and he was a little happier.


On the sea.

After capturing the God of Weather, Poseidon handed him over to his eldest brother, and then brought several children of the original sea gods to the ocean.

Because the disturbances in the East China Sea have not been quelled so far, he chose the southern sea as his place of residence. However, here, the first thing Poseidon did was neither to build a palace nor to recruit his men, but to "chase" a sea nymph he had only met once.

It's hard to say what the reason is, after all, this sea nymph is the eldest son of Pontus and the daughter of the gentle sea. Maybe Poseidon wanted to consolidate the relationship between the two sides, rather than simply being tempted by beauty. In short, this "chase" lasted for more than a few months.

Everyone knows that if Poseidon wants, he can catch Amphitrite in just a quarter of an hour, and even the sea nymph herself knows this. But she still chose to escape. This was not because she rejected this marriage. In fact, on the contrary, she was very satisfied with it.

The reason she did this was just to satisfy her vanity.

The brother of the God King, the Sea King appointed by him, was chasing after her, but she was dismissive of it. What a thing to show off. So she went to many places in the sea for several months and asked every creature she saw for help, hoping that they could help her get rid of the Sea King who was chasing her endlessly.

Of course, as a matter of course, none of the people she asked for help had this ability, so Amphitrite continued this journey of showing off. But she didn't know that Poseidon, who was in charge of [tsunami], [storm] and [earthquake], was not a patient god.

If it weren't for some consideration for her father, the Sea King, who was in name only, would have been unable to suppress his anger.

"Where did she go again?"

Poseidon casually asked a selected "lucky audience" beside him. In fact, he didn't want to do this meaningless behavior at all. The desire aroused by the other's appearance had already subsided in a few months, and now he was just going through the motions.

However, Amphitrite's behavior was somewhat useful. After all, it took less than a year for the other party to successfully make Poseidon's name spread all over the sea, so after angrily looking for Nereus, the sea god, and getting an explanation, he continued to play the chasing game with the sea nymph.

The premise is that the other party had better not go too far.

". Your Majesty, that prince seems to have gone to the end of the west."

"West? I know."

Nodding, Poseidon was about to set off again, but he stopped again in an instant.

He turned and looked at the nymph, his face a little scary.

"You just said she went to the end of the west?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The nymph born in the waves replied without daring to look up.

His face was livid, and Poseidon did not have the ability of his brother to hide his emotions. He immediately realized what the stupid woman was thinking. She probably heard about the Titan Atlas's reputation for war, so she hid there. She probably thought that she would go there openly, "repel" the sky-supporting gods, and then she would reluctantly accept his pursuit.

But the idiot probably didn't think about what would happen if the three hundred-armed giants and the gods that his eldest sister had just captured were unwilling to play this drama, but felt insulted and suddenly started a fight?

The most important thing is that as long as the Sky-supporter can still support the sky, he is the only one who can exert divine power on the earth.

". Let her stay there, damn idiot."

Poseidon said word by word, and was about to leave, but he noticed Nymph's trembling body in his peripheral vision. So he killed this unlucky guy casually, and then turned and left.

He gave Amphitrite one last chance. Three months later, he would randomly choose something to pick her up. If she is willing, then tolerate it this time and talk about it later.

If she was still not satisfied, Poseidon felt that he could not bear it any longer. In fact, he wanted to obey the influence of his divine position and do whatever he wanted.

"Come here."

Scanning the surroundings, the Sea King caught a fish of unknown species, but it looked pretty good. After a while, Poseidon finally calmed down.

"Go find Nereus first and see the beautiful daughter he gave birth to! Such a fool will be kept in my palace as a decoration in the future!"

With a cold snort, Poseidon flew into the sky and headed towards the South China Sea.

If you make a mistake, you have to pay the price. It just so happens that he can use this opportunity to reasonably demand a piece of sea from the other party.

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