Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 157 Human King

"You mean, Poseidon asked for the ocean near the continent in the south?"

On Mount Olympus, Zeus listened to the reply of the rainbow goddess Iris and felt a little funny.

It was obviously used to help fight against the Ocean God system, but Poseidon actually thought about how to turn the ally's into his own first.

In other words, the other party had no way out, otherwise if there was a chance, the first to stab him in the back would be the children of the original sea god.

"Yes, Your Majesty. But later I heard that the Sea King ordered a dolphin to find Her Majesty Amphitrite, and finally the two came back together."

"They held a wedding banquet and announced their existence to the sea."

"Hehe, two. Put together."

The words in the middle were not spoken in the end, and the God King felt that his previous worries were really unnecessary.

Three months ago, when Amphitrite came to the west of the world and "hid" at the feet of Atlas, many gods began to laugh at her.

Zeus was a little angry on Mount Olympus for this. It had only been a few months since the peace, and he didn't want his irritable brother to do anything irrational, so he quickly ordered the Rainbow Goddess to pass on the message.

But now it seems that although the future Sea King and Sea Queen are not very smart, Poseidon still understands some things, which makes the God King feel a lot more at ease.

"This is none of your business."

Waving his hand, Zeus signaled that Iris could leave.

The God King was more or less relieved after receiving the reply, and he soon focused more on other places, such as the Ocean Goddess Eurynome.

It is difficult to conceal the affairs of Metis forever, and as her sister, Eurynome is very suitable to temporarily replace her as a bridge of communication with the Ocean God System.

What's more, the other party's own priesthood is very weak, and it is difficult to give birth to too powerful gods. And the weak offspring are not only not a threat, but also a help for him to expand the God Court.

So in this situation, time passed day by day, and the trauma caused by the handover of the era was slowly healed.

Until this day, in a place that many gods had not noticed, an existence that even Ryan had almost forgotten accidentally came into contact with a power that did not belong to him.



Throwing the giant beast several meters high on the open ground, Cohen wiped off the non-existent sweat.

There were several charred marks on his body, which were the damage caused by the giant beast.

It was very special, with the means to drive light and some elements, able to heal himself and hurt others. Cohen was hit by it without noticing, leaving scars on his body.

Fortunately, Cohen is no longer the same as he was in the past. Over the years, he has gradually mastered some special abilities.

I don't remember how long ago it was, maybe decades, maybe hundreds of years, anyway, after he buried the last golden human other than himself, Cohen found that a warm current was born in his body.

At first it was just "existence", and later it could wander around the body, increasing his physique and strength. Until this stage, Cohen didn't take it to heart.

After all, compared to the first generation of human kings who were born with a physique close to the extraordinary, this increase is better than nothing.

However, as time went on, this energy could gradually extend out of the body and be added to the handheld tools, which made many of Cohen's actions easier and more convenient.

After a few years, this energy could finally leave the body and possess extraordinary destructive power. However, when it came to this step, it seemed to have reached a bottleneck, and it did not change for a long time.

But Cohen did not care, and he had no reason to demand power. The golden human king just cleaned the temple as usual, carved stone tablets, and stayed alone in the Corolla Temple under Mount Odilus, accompanied by the incorrupt corpses buried underground by the golden humans.

Until that day, many gods flew around the sacred mountain, and he saw a god who called himself "Zeus" challenged the king of gods. Then he witnessed thunder, waves, the virtual image of connecting heaven and earth, and the sacred mountain that broke with a bang.

Fortunately, the sacred mountain fell to the northwest, and the old residence of the golden humans was built in the east. After all, they were brought from Delphi in the east. The biggest disaster was avoided, but the rubble and dust brought by earthquakes and landslides still buried everything nearby. The earth cracked, and everything sank into the cracks. Even Cohen himself crawled out of the ruins several days after the war of gods.

At that time, looking around, there was nothing familiar.

"It's time to eat."

After setting up a fire, Cohen cut some meat from the behemoth. Making a fire was also knowledge he had learned from his dreams, but he rarely used it before.

After all, at that time, there was the blessing of God, and the human settlement was surrounded by evergreen fruit trees all year round, but now everything is gone.

Sometimes, looking at the old soil that had long been covered by the ground, Cohen would also have one or two disrespectful thoughts. He didn't understand why the gods did this, why they fought each other, and created disasters. But in the end, perhaps out of inertia, he convinced himself again.

The gods can't be wrong, it's just that he didn't understand it well enough.

"I have to go to work. I don't know how long it will take to dig."

After eating the last bite of barbecue, Cohen put out the fire.

Recently, the Golden Man King has been busy digging the ruins. Although this is destined to be a long and huge project, his life is also long.

Especially since the end of the God War, he felt that under great stimulation, he finally broke through that barrier. The energy in his body seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes. Although he didn't know what it was used for, it was undoubtedly effective in digging pits.

"Huh? What is this?"

As Cohen was about to leave after bypassing the corpse of the giant beast, he suddenly noticed something in his peripheral vision.

It was a dark golden colloid, which should not have existed, but now it slowly precipitated from the chest of the giant beast.

Cohen had never seen this thing before, but for some reason, his transformed body and energy vaguely told him that it was a very good and dangerous thing.

After hesitating for a while, Cohen finally stepped forward and planned to see what it was.

As for danger, the golden humans were never afraid of death.

Reaching out his hand, Cohen touched the mysterious colloid. However, the next moment, before he could react, the unknown colloid directly merged into Cohen's body along the skin.

A burning sensation and mixed information acted on the body and mind of the Golden Man King at the same time, and the golden flames ignited directly on his body.



Covering his head with both hands, Cohen only had time to shout once before he fell to the ground. But looking at his tightly furrowed brows, it seems that he is still conscious, but has lost control of his body.

In the spiritual realm, he began to collide and confront the information flow that came from nowhere.

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