Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 217 No Other God

On the temporary wooden platform, Nuo's preaching resonated with many listeners. In other words, anyone who survived the flood had a purer heart than others.

Those who were suspicious, cunning, or often harbored malice towards others would naturally not believe in the sudden kindness of others. They did not believe Nuo's words, and then naturally died in the flood.

In contrast, the audience here were obviously not among them. Especially after experiencing a near-death experience, looking at the desolate city, what Nuo said was naturally very touching.

Although Nuo's words resonated with many people, some people in the crowd still expressed different opinions.

"What you said does make sense, but Nuo, maybe the gods on Mount Olympus are not all so unbearable. At least in the previous disaster, it was the goddess who protected me."

Walking out of the crowd, Kawei was still wearing the sacrificial robes for Hestia. He saluted silently to the holy fire, and then looked in the direction of Nuo.

"At this point, there is nothing to hide. Just as you guessed, in the past, the priests deceived others, deceived the gods, and deceived themselves. But when facing death, I finally let go of those thoughts, confessed my sins to the incarnation of the Ten Thousand Fires, and waited for her to give me the punishment I deserved. But the result was not like that. After the disaster, like each of you, I still survived."

As Ka Wei said, dozens of people walked out of the crowd. They all had similar experiences with Ka Wei.

"Maybe the gods may not be kind, but not every god will ignore the disasters of mortals. Her Highness Hestia is like this."

With a sincere expression, Ka Wei really thought so from the bottom of his heart.

"However, your behavior reminded me. The goddess forgave my sins, but I should not forget it. From today on, I should also spread the name of the Holy Fire in the world to repay her kindness."

A disaster destroyed a civilization, but created two inspired saints. But compared to Nuo, Kawei's object of faith is different.

"Your character is worthy of respect, Kawei. Not everyone can face their mistakes and have the courage to change. However, have you ever thought about a question, is the holy fire brought back by the God of Foresight, the creator of mankind, really the manifestation of the power of Her Highness Hestia?"

Walking down from the high platform, Nuo came to the unextinguished holy fire.

"If not, who will respond to your prayer to the holy fire in the end?"

Although humans do not know the nature of these divine objects, after long-term contact, many people with high innate inspiration can perceive that the holy fire brought back by Prometheus does not seem to be similar to the original flame given by God. In addition, it is well known that the goddess of the hearth is the eldest sister of the God King. Will she disobey her brother's decree for the sake of mortals?

The answer is likely to be no, especially Nuo knows that the gods who provide protection in disasters also have an agreement with Prometheus.

"Maybe. If not, I am grateful for the kindness of the one who saved my life, but my faith remains unchanged."

With a calm expression, after experiencing life and death, Ka Wei has seen his heart clearly. Faith will not be easily changed, and most importantly, as a priest who once worshipped Hestia, he had felt the breath of the statue left by the goddess countless times before the connection between the gods and the human world was broken, and now, he felt it again in the ruins of this city.

The goddess came here not long ago. For a believer, such specious evidence is enough.

"Well, Ka Wei, I respect your faith."

Sighing, Nuo felt a little regretful, but still expressed his blessings to his compatriots who escaped the disaster together. Opposite him, Ka Wei nodded at him, and then used a piece of fennel to light a flame.

"I will leave here and follow the footsteps of Her Highness Hestia. No matter what your plan is, I wish you a smooth journey."

Ka Wei left with dozens of followers behind him. Nuo did not stop him, but watched him leave with others.

In any case, the difference in beliefs at this time was not enough to evolve into a war, and in Nuo's impression, the goddess of the hearth was indeed a kind god. She did not punish like the king of gods, nor did she bring floods like the sea god, nor did she take Prometheus away like the sun god. So Nuo accepted Ka Wei's choice.

"Sir Cohen, are you also a person who survived under the protection of the Lord?"

After sending Ka Wei away, Nuo turned and looked at the edge of the square. In fact, when he just spoke, he had already noticed Cohen's arrival, but now he had time to greet him.

The vision of mortals has its limits. He did not see the scene of Cohen fighting Triton when the flood came, but this did not affect his recognition of the other party. After all, because of teaching others swordsmanship, Cohen still has some reputation in Aurora City. Seeing him coming, Nuo thought he had just woken up from the city.

"I don't know either."

Facing the other's gaze, Cohen's mind flashed the dream that benefited him ten thousand years ago, and he shook his head gently.

He looked at the crowd around him again, but still couldn't find a familiar figure.

"Whether it is or not, Mr. Cohen, we are probably the only surviving humans in this world now."

Turning around, the city wall had collapsed long ago, and there was almost nothing to see on this once plain, now a plateau.

"Maybe there will be new humans, but no one knows when that will happen. Even if this world has been washed by the flood, it is still dangerous. If possible, I hope we can go together."

"Aren't you going to stay here and rebuild this city?"

Surprised, Cohen glanced at the unextinguished holy fire.

"This is the place given to bronze humans by the Olympian gods, but now that they have destroyed bronze humans with their own hands, I will no longer regard them as gods."

Shaking his head, Nuo's smile was very gentle.

"Bronze humans are the name they gave us, not our own. Humans are humans and do not need to be called anything else. I will promote the Lord's holy name to every intelligent life until we find our new home."


Looking at the other party, Cohen didn't know what to do now. He was about to nod in response, but the next moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Very good, mortal, you are different from your kind."


A soft and ethereal voice sounded, echoing around this holy altar. The humans who had just experienced the disaster immediately became alert, but they could not find anything.

The next moment, the void fluctuated, and a figure that Cohen had never forgotten slowly emerged. She was surrounded by a band of light and stars, but this time, she was no longer wearing the hood that covered her face.

On her holy and perfect face, there was a disregard for all equality in the world. The white wings spread behind her. She stepped on the ground, but it seemed that she did not belong to the world.

"What's your name?"

Ignoring others, the visitor looked directly in the direction of Nuo.

The life in the mortal world was not worth her attention, but today was an exception. Now, she wanted to see if the other party's heart was really so pious.


Yi Wenjielin did not come to the world for no reason. In fact, if possible, she could stay in her place for 10,000 years, but recently it was a little different. Because of the frequent events, the angel still came out.

First, someone from the outside world openly stole souls, so she had to temporarily guard the reincarnation. As a result, there were no problems early or late. Just when she was on duty, the lives of the third layer of the spirit world came to the world of all spirits for some reason and caused a lot of trouble.

Although no spirit world life can compete with the spirit world angels who control some interface permissions in terms of strength, due to the large number of the other party, many souls were still affected.

Of course, no one had expected Hypnos's behavior before, so Lyanna, who returned to the spirit world, did not blame her. However, in order to prevent similar things from happening again, they decided to block the road leading to deeper depths in the first three layers of the spirit world.

At this juncture, Lyanna needed to deal with it personally and it was inconvenient for her to leave, so the other things were handed over to Evelyn again.

The goddess of the dark moon told her to check whether the rituals scattered under the human city still existed. If they did, then she should figure out how it worked. However, Asmodeus obviously would not leave such a loophole. When Ivenjielin arrived, every inch of this ritual had already turned into dust, and even the historical images could not be summoned.

Because the Lord of the Nine Hells cleverly transferred part of the malice of the laws of the world to the ritual itself at the last moment. Things destroyed by the world, even Ryan may not be able to see its past, let alone Ivenjielin.

So the angel who returned empty-handed again was a little upset. She walked around the earth casually, intending to see the flame that the Lord had left for the sun chariot and now fell into the hands of humans. But when she came here, she unexpectedly heard Nuo's preaching.

A group of mortals from the outside world actually developed a pious belief in the Lord, which immediately attracted Ivenjielin's attention, which was rare in the past. She knew that the Lord might not care about these. He just spread some knowledge ten thousand years ago, and human faith was endless, but for the angels, the lives outside did not know the greatness of the Lord, which was far more intolerable than the power of faith itself.

For a moment, Evangeline had a special idea. Since she couldn't find the trace of the soul thief, she had to do something, and she believed that even if Lyanna knew about it, she would definitely support her.

"What's your name?"

Then she showed up and said to this special mortal.

"My name is Nuo."

With a serious expression, Nuo responded softly.

Facing the sudden change, Nuo was only nervous for a moment, and then he let it go, and even had some expectations. This strange existence didn't seem to be hostile, and came because of his remarks that belittled the Olympian gods and praised the spirit world.

So, it was obvious which side she was on. In front of Nuo, Yiwen Jielin continued to ask:

"Among all things, you are rare to know the great life of the Lord, which is your special difference from them."

"But I want to know, for what you said, for the name of the Lord to spread throughout the world, what can you give for it?"

The voice was like a melody, which made the people who heard it involuntarily put down their guard. Looking at Nuo in front of her, Yiwen Jielin quietly waited for the other party's reply.

In front of her, Nuo's response also made her feel very satisfied.

"I will give everything for the rest of my life, Your Highness. If my life should have gone to destruction under the will of the Olympus gods, then every day I continue will be to spread the glory of the Lord."

"very good."

The originally distant voice had a hint of recognition, and Yiwen Jielin finally nodded. This mortal still had some merits. So she stretched out her hand. The next moment, a simple astrolabe appeared in her hand.

The phantoms in the astrolabe correspond to the stars in the sky, but only part of them exist. They are illusory stars belonging to the spiritual world. With a slight toss, it floated in front of Nuo, emitting a faint light.

"Follow its guidance and build a city where the stars indicate. You and your civilization will develop there and continue."

The wings flapped slightly, and Yiwen Jielin glanced to the west.

There live the false gods who claim to rule the world.

"But you have to remember that since you can see the truth in this world and offer devotion to the Lord, then don't use 'gods' to refer to those beings."

After taking the astrolabe, Nuo felt a burst of joy in his heart. He did not expect that the problem would be solved like this, but he was still a little confused about Yiwen Jielin's last words.

He was about to say something, but next to him, another voice spoke first.

"Your Highness Yiwen Jielin, do you still remember me?"

After standing aside and waiting for a long time, Cohen finally asked this question. Looking at the astrolabe given by the person in front of him, he seemed to see himself in the past when he was able to view the [Civilization Slate].

But he still doesn't know why he was able to view the stone slab. At least the Nuo in front of him received the gift after expressing his piety.

However, Yiwen Jielin just glanced at him without any further emotions.

"The first human being created by the Lord, of course I remember you."

His expression was calm, and the wings behind the angel were gently fluttering.

“But what about you, do you believe in the Lord who created you?”

As soon as he said this, Keen's heart was shaken, and Nuo's eyes widened at the side. The first human being created, this short sentence contained too much information, which was difficult for them to digest at the same time.

When Yiwen Jielin saw this, she didn't say anything more. She just focused her eyes on Nuo again.

She noticed the other party's previous doubts, and she was willing to spend more time on a mortal who was willing to spread the glory of the Lord.

"Speak out your questions. As a believer of the Lord in this world, I will answer your confusion."

"Your Highness, I just want to know why we can no longer use 'god' to refer to the beings on Mount Olympus. Aren't you also a god?"

After suppressing the shock in his heart, Nuo glanced at Cohen from the corner of his eye, and then asked his doubts.

After hearing his words, Yiwen Jielin smiled for the first time today.

In the past, she had heard similar mistakes more than once, but she never corrected them because she was not paying attention to the outside world. But since the Lord’s faith is to be spread throughout the world, this mistake can no longer exist.

After all, how can the false gods from the outside world bear the same honorific title as the Lord?

"Because this is a mistake. Although the outside world regards me as a god, I have never admitted it myself, and neither have the angels in the spiritual world."

“We serve the Lord with a more devout faith than you, because from beginning to end, there is only one God who is all-knowing and all-seeing in this world.”

Slowly floating into the air, Yiwen Jielin looked down at the crowd at her feet.

"No, since you want to spread the name of the Lord, then remember my words: No matter the past or the future, whether in heaven or on earth, the truth in this world will never change, and there will naturally be no two truths."


Yiwen Jielin's voice became colder for the first time, allowing everyone who heard it to feel her emotions, and she had no intention of hiding it.

She just looked in the direction of Olympus, just like looking at everything outside.

“Therefore, there is no god but my Lord.”

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