Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 223: Prelude, Sun, Moon and War

In the morning, everything comes into being.

Waking up from his deep sleep, Cologne touched the gold box. The cold and heavy feeling made him feel relieved. He looked around. Just like before, except for the resting crowd, there were no other traces of life.

Perhaps it was the first time that he had taken away the life of a similar person. He had a not-so-good dream last night. A dead man jumped out and asked him if he had ever repented, but he just stabbed him away again.

Having done everything, there is nothing to regret. The indifferent attitude of others has proved who is right and who is wrong. Now, instead of reminiscing about the past, it is more urgent to get more food.

"Fortunately, there are still plants. If there is really nothing, I'm afraid we have finally escaped the flood, but we will starve to death here."

Shaking his head, even though it was the flood sent by God that brought them to where they are today, they still have to rely on the plants grown by God to survive. This is the insurmountable gap between mortals and gods.

Turning over and getting off the bluestone, Colon woke up the others who were still sleeping. Now that it's safe, it's time for them to consider where to go next.

As a settlement, safety is the first priority and proximity to water is the second priority. The former can be ignored for the time being, after all, all life around him has been wiped out, but the latter is a top priority.

Floods are terrible, but humans cannot live without water. Where to migrate is a problem that the survivors need to solve.

"First of all, the coastal areas can be ignored. Although I haven't seen the sea yet, this disaster is caused by the coming of Poseidon."

Sitting on the stone, Cologne said calmly.

"I don't think anyone wants to deal with them anymore, right?"

"Yes, you can't go to the seaside, but it's best not to go to the west. That's the center of the eastern part of the continent. Legend has it that Mount Olympus is there. I don't want to gamble on the mercy of the gods."

Someone nodded, but he immediately rejected an option. In this case, there are only two directions to go: north and south.

"The south. It is said that the water systems in the south are complicated, and most of them are connected to the ocean. On the contrary, it is the north. Even the Creator did not say much about it."

After a moment of silence, someone spoke again:

"Since the gods don't pay attention there, it is the most suitable place for us to live. Although the climate there is colder, our fur reserves should be enough."

As soon as these words came out, people immediately echoed, and Cologne also expressed his approval. However, just when everyone was making a decision, he glanced at the crowd, suddenly frowned and asked:

"Where's Ruby, why isn't he here?"

That was his old acquaintance, and it was yesterday that he first stood up and 'believed' what he said. But for some reason, Cologne didn't see the other party.

"He was a little hungry and went to look for fruit trees around - although there was still some food in stock, there was nothing fresh and delicious."

Hearing someone's explanation, Cologne nodded. He didn't pay much attention, and then asked everyone to pack their things. Soon, near noon, the materials they had hidden underground were taken out one by one. Together with several people who had learned relevant skills, they pieced together a simple vehicle frame with a few materials.

Some people also went to collect some food one after another. After all, edible plants were not available everywhere, so they always had to prepare some in advance.

After everything was done, Cologne looked at the sun and decided to officially set off after everyone returned in the afternoon. The scorching sun is always not the most suitable time for traveling.


Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the distance, instantly making the survivors who had just finished their busy work look wary.

The crowd was quiet for a while, but the wailing in the distance continued, and the atmosphere became more solemn. However, at this time, Cologne breathed a sigh of relief. If someone encountered some powerful being, it would be impossible for him to still shout out now. The only possibility is accident.

In this case, it's time for him to stand up.

"Don't panic! I'll go take a look. You guys wait here and don't move around."

Said in a deep voice, in the eyes of everyone, Cologne strode forward. After walking about a few hundred steps, under the shade of a tree, he saw the person who was covering his wrist and screaming, it was Ruby who had left before.

There were some fruits scattered around him, and there were blood stains on the sharp part of a boulder under the tree, silently explaining what had just happened. What happened is already very clear. Ruby accidentally stepped on the air while picking fruits from the tree, and her wrist happened to hit a stone, and then broke.

"Ah - save me!"

Seeing a familiar figure, Ruby quickly called for help. He was in so much pain that he thought he was going to die. Seeing this, Cologne also hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

"Don't panic, you just injured your hand. It seems hopeless, but fortunately it's your left hand, so the problem is not big."

He tried to comfort him, but the cry of pain from the person in front of him still continued. Looking at Ruby, whose wrist was still bleeding, a sense of gloom enveloped Colon's heart.

There weren't many of them, and even fewer had a good relationship with him. I hope there will be no other accidents in the subsequent journey, otherwise this long migration road will be really troubled.


On the land after the disaster, Cologne's team was just a small episode. No one pays attention to these remnants of the old days except themselves.

As they headed north, the weather gradually turned colder. Fortunately, there was still a lot of animal fur left, which helped them withstand the increasingly cold wind.

However, the climate is only a small matter. What really made Cologne and his party feel uneasy along the way was the "accidents" that happened every once in a while.

At first, no one cared, just thinking it was a matter of personal luck, but as the number of times increased, panic began to spread among the crowd. Someone once tried to escape from the team, but the result was not good. His miserable body was found a few days later. I don't know what incredible things happened before his death.

Everyone thought it was a punishment from the gods. Perhaps they still couldn't escape the disaster. Only Cologne, who also saw this scene, widened his eyes.

The other party's death was so familiar to him.

There are rumors about souls among bronze humans. It is said that the stronger the soul is in life, the more obsessive the life is, the more likely it is to resist the call from the depths of the spirit world to a certain extent after death, and stay between the present world and the surface spirit world, surviving in an alternative way.

Some people say that in the days when the plague spread, those transparent figures wandering in the city at night are the souls of the dead. They linger in the world and are reluctant to leave.

At this moment, Cologne put it all together. Thinking about those strange little tricks, and then thinking about what he had done, he couldn't help but feel a little chill. But in the end he said nothing, but continued to lead everyone forward.

If these people knew that the source of the "accident" might be related to him, Cologne would probably never sleep again. Fortunately, it hasn't been his turn yet, and vaguely, he also felt that these "accidents" didn't seem to be for killing people.

It just didn't want them to leave, and then let them live in panic. Thinking of this, Cologne's eyes flashed with a thought.

This behavior made him feel a little familiar inexplicably.


When the three bronze human teams left one after another, on the other side, across the vast Parnassus Mountains from the Delphi Plain, new humans finally appeared on the earth.

They looked around in confusion, but this time, no one came to guide them again.

Even Deucalion and Pyrrha were not allowed to stay, or in other words, without the appearance of Themis, they would not have been able to save their lives. The new humans will learn about this world on their own. They may suffer some casualties, but this will also allow them to truly understand the dangers of this world, and then understand how difficult it is to be safe in the future.

They are also destined to migrate to a place far away from Delphi, because this is the boundary of the flood. On the other side of the mountains, or even on the mountains themselves, the beasts and powerful creatures were not affected. Driven by them, humans will scatter and gradually spread to every corner of the earth.

The territories divided by the gods in advance will take effect at this time. At that time, they will show miracles at the "right" time, allowing humans to spontaneously seek their protection and build temples to worship them.

However, there are exceptions to everything. Compared with land, it is difficult for the sea to rely on this primitive spread to obtain population, so the king of gods has to allow some sea gods to bring a small number of humans to the island. This is a good thing, but also a limitation, because the area of ​​the island is limited after all, and only the land can feed tens of millions of mortals.

In this way, spring goes and autumn comes. The world has changed several times, but it cannot affect the eternity of the gods. The gods seemed to have returned to their previous behavior, using banquets and wine to release their energy that had nowhere to vent.

Until one day, Zeus was delighted to find that he had another offspring through blood induction - two offspring were about to come into this world.

That was Leto, the goddess of conservation who came from the starry sky. The king of gods tried to sense the status of the two children, and the feedback from the authority was a warm and strong light.

Undoubtedly, a powerful god, if it was before, the king of gods might be very vigilant about this, but now, his mind has faded a lot. Even Metis, who was destined to give birth to a son and a daughter, could disappear silently like this, which shows that in the face of true power, nothing can be changed.

If his grandfather had not relied on the unity of [sky] [paternal authority] and [royal authority], but had the power to fight against the original gods with a single authority, if his father had such a strong power at the beginning of his reign, perhaps they could also resist the arrival of fate.

Of course, the reason why they did not have such great power may be the result of the influence of fate, but this has nothing to do with Zeus. The king of gods from foreign lands, the power outside the world, this is something outside the world of Chaos. Since he already has the opportunity, he should not hesitate.

However, the joy belongs to him, not to them. When Zeus walked into Hera's bedroom, the cold breath almost hit him in the face.

"Hera, you are about to give birth to our child. Even before it is born, I have already felt his sharpness. Olympus will have another powerful pillar. Isn't this worth your smile?"

Walking into Hera's bedroom, Zeus ignored Aglaia's greetings who was walking out of the palace. Yes, not only Leto, the induction from half of the [fertility] authority also told him the good news that Hera was also pregnant with his child.

However, judging from the time, his queen seemed to be a little later, so looking at Hera's gloomy face, Zeus didn't feel strange at all.

"Smile, do you mean to be happy for that old woman? To celebrate that her child will be born before me and become the eldest son of His Majesty the Great God King?"

With a cold snort, Hera did not give Zeus a good look at all, and the God King was speechless.

In fact, Zeus was somewhat helpless. He also wanted to have an eldest son with Mr. Hera. After all, he had never thought of letting anyone else replace Hera. But I don’t know why. It was okay at the beginning after getting married, but in the past few decades, Hera has been avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally, and it was only recently that she returned to normal.

Maybe it was because of her relationship with Demeter that made her feel bad. She shook her head secretly, but Zeus had no regrets. He forcibly possesses his other sister not only for beauty, but also for other reasons.

The God King saw what Hades was thinking about Demeter, but he didn't want this powerful sister to leave Olympus and become the God Queen of Hades, so he simply used a more direct method. Completely cut off Hades's plan.

In this way, when the other party uses his past commitments as a reason to come to the door, he will also have an excuse to use it as an excuse.

"Then what are you going to do, Hera? No matter what, Leto's child is innocent, and she can't shake your position."

Rubbing his forehead, Zeus asked slowly.

The induction from the law told him that Leto's children were extraordinary. They contained vitality and power. They were destined to be two powerful sons of God - or at least one of them was.

As twin sons and daughters, it was difficult for Zeus to judge their strength before they were born, but even if there was only one, it would be good. Having just received the ceremony given by God, powerful children will be born one after another. While the God-King laments the blessings of fate, he is also worried about Hera doing some irrational behavior.

Fortunately, although Hera's attitude was not polite, her approach still relieved the God King.

"That's my business. Zeus, since you can't control yourself, then I will use my own method to ensure that no one can get past me."

With a cold expression, Hera has never used the divine power of the Queen of Heaven since she shared authority with Zeus, but this time she made an exception. In front of Zeus, the law of [fertility] was greatly strengthened under the authority of the Queen. At this moment, a temporary rule was added to the world.

Before Hera's children were born, as long as Leto still stood in the place ruled by the divine court, the law of [fertility] would resist her and prevent her from giving birth to sons and daughters of gods. Although this blatant violation of law and instinct cannot last, the Queen does not need to continue for long.

"Now, you can leave."

After giving Zeus a faint look, Hera waved.

The other party didn't come to see her at all, but just wanted to know how she would react to this matter. And she believed that this ruthless king would not care whether Leto was in pain or not. She did everything anyway and had nothing to do with the God King.

"Okay, Hera, I won't stay any longer."

As the Queen of Heaven expected, Zeus did not intend to argue with Gerado about these trivial matters of words, and the God King did not really care about what she had just done. So after getting the answer, he turned around and left the palace.

The palace became quiet for a long time. Aglaia, who had just left before, came back from the side door and bowed slightly to the Queen of Heaven.

They were talking about something before, and the arrival of Zeus just interrupted the process.

"Go on, Aglaia. After you sent him to the sea, into whose hands did you leave him?"

Hera asked, gently holding the armrest.

"My cousin Thetis, the daughter of Nereus and Doris, adopted him."

After bowing, Aglaia said.

There was no unnecessary expression on the girl's peaceful face. She had been doing a good job in this matter that had been entrusted by the Queen decades ago.

"A child of the original Poseidon? No matter what, he is much better than my younger brother."

Her expression was incomprehensible, and it was hard to tell what Hera thought of the child who was finally born not long ago. With his ugly appearance and disabled body, she didn't want him to stay on Mount Olympus, but she also wanted him to have a good childhood.

At least he won't spend a long life in darkness and silence like she did.

"Let Nereus bring some humans to the island he is on. The priesthood of [Volcano] is still a little weak. If he can seize the opportunity, there may be another way to return to Mount Olympus."

"For valuable people, like those Cyclops, our God King doesn't care what he looks like."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As if not hearing the second half of Hera's words, Aglaia took the order and left, and soon Hera was the only one left in the hall. She gently touched her belly, where a life was growing.

Feeling his vitality and sharpness, Hera finally showed a smile.

"At least you can't be worse than Leto's children, show your ability. When the time comes, I will give you the best."

As for what would happen if she couldn't compete, Hera didn't think much about it. As the eldest son conceived by two powerful gods, he had such powerful authority even before he was born, and the result would naturally not disappoint her.


In the Olympus pantheon, three new gods were about to be born, but in the Third Age, their gestation was so peaceful and unknown. Only with the passage of time, the goddess of conservation flowing between the sky and the sea made the queen of heaven ruthless. Spicy gradually spread to the world.

Just like the one imprisoned in Zeus' mind, under the power of the Queen of Gods, unless someone openly declares that this place does not belong to the Gods' Court, Leto's child cannot be born. She asked the Sea God and Hades, but they both rejected her, so the goddess could only wander helplessly between heaven and earth, but could not find a god willing to intervene in the family disputes of the God King.

Even her parents, the god of the lightless celestial body, Coeus, turned Leto away. In the past, this ancient god who had been away from the world for a long time had warned her to stay away from the Gods' Court, especially the God King, but Leto was immersed in Zeus's sweet words. So when she came to the door, the Titans also turned a blind eye to her, and only the goddess of the star Asteria secretly felt sorry for her sister's experience.

In the original myth, Leto's sister would eventually violate the Queen of God's orders and turn the meteor into an island for her to give birth, but this time, fate went in a completely different direction.

One night, the moon in the sky and the moon in the spirit world simultaneously felt a connection. In the southeast of the earth, an existence closely related to them was being conceived.

So on this day, the silver frame turned a corner and changed direction in the night sky, attracting countless speculations from mortals. The first oracle from the Land of Falling Stars also landed in front of the temple, which was simple but still showed the intentions of the builder.

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