Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 224 Only One Day

Over the mountains, across the rivers, across the oceans, under the night sky, Leto wandered helplessly between heaven and earth. But there was no place for her to stay, because compared to her, the Queen of Gods was undoubtedly more feared.

In other words, Hera alone was not important, but when she made such a decision with the divine power of the Queen of Heaven, her order also represented the Court of Gods itself. In this case, naturally no one was willing to openly defy the order of the Court of Gods for Leto, who was abandoned by her parents.


Gritting her teeth, Leto clenched her fists. Just a few years ago, she was still immersed in the joy of having children for Zeus, but now, all this joy has turned into anger, torturing her heart every moment.

Her anger was not directed at Zeus - in fact, the King of Gods had long guessed that Hera would not reveal this matter so easily, so he responded to it early on.

He told Leto about the difficulties of being the King of Gods and the dangers of the situation he faced. Outside, the Titan gods were unruly, and the existence of the Earth Mother and the gods of the spirit world threatened his kingship; while inside, his brothers were eyeing the throne, and the Queen Hera was a jealous woman.

In order not to lose his composure in the face of the fierce external enemies, he could only compromise with Hera again and again, so that the King of Gods could not stop some of the Queen's actions.

Obviously, this is the "certain actions" that Zeus had long meant.

With nine true and one false statements, coupled with her handsome appearance and past feelings, Leto, as a goddess of conservation, was easily aroused by Zeus's desire to protect and sympathize, and even forgot the huge gap in status and power between the two sides. Even now, she was driven by Hera's power to the point where she had no way to go to heaven or enter the earth, but she still did not think it was Zeus's problem.

She just secretly remembered Hera in her heart and vowed to take revenge one day. Even if she herself did not have this ability, her children would definitely be able to do it. They will become the right-hand man of the God King, and then make the vicious God Queen regret it.


Flying in the air, Leto, who hit a wall again on the sea, was originally going to a hidden valley. It is said that there, the previous generation of Queen of Heaven, the mother of the Olympian gods, Rhea, lived in seclusion there. This was what Zeus told her "accidentally". However, just as she saw the edge of the coast, a strong abdominal pain came from her body.

Almost the next moment, Leto knew what happened. This was not the first time. The daughter who was supposed to be born, driven by instinct, collided with the law that prevented her from being born. The unborn goddess naturally could not resist the authority of the Queen of Heaven, but this did not prevent this collision from causing harm to her mother.

Under the severe pain, Leto's power was instantly out of control. She crossed the sky and fell straight down, but fortunately, the coast was just ahead.


With a violent collision, Leto fell on the beach next to the bay. The cyan light flickered on her body, which was the innate power of her daughter, and in this flickering, Leto also felt severe pain again.

After a long time, the collision finally ended. Leto lay on the beach for a long time, and then she slowly sat up. Sweat soaked her clothes, and she endured the pain all over her body and looked around.

A bay like a crescent moon, the sea surface was calm, and in the future, this was an extremely excellent natural port. In the waters outside the bay, the ocean currents from the deep sea passed through here, bringing a lot of fish that migrated and spawned with the seasons, and not far from the coast, there was a large area of ​​woodland.

However, Leto didn't know these. Her evaluation of this was just "nice scenery". Looking away, compared to here, she felt a special breath far away from the coast.

She had come into contact with that feeling more than once, pure and warm, reaching the heart, it once appeared on Helios's sun chariot, and was later stolen by Prometheus.

".There are actually humans here?"

Leto was a little confused, but she didn't think much about it. Although it is reasonable that the new generation of humans who have just been born should not appear here, it has nothing to do with her.

Humans are the wealth of the gods. Perhaps they were brought here by a certain god. Poseidon, the sea king, is very likely. He has never been a rule-abiding person. Perhaps this is the human city he built on the earth in violation of his promise. Coincidentally, she was planning to find a place to rest. Since there are humans here, they should serve her, which is also the honor of these mortals.

Not everyone is qualified to receive a god, but now, Leto reluctantly gave them this qualification. So following the guidance of the breath, she walked towards the place where the lights were faintly flashing in the night.


The night was deep, and there were no clouds, but the moon was still not visible. This made the humans on the earth think that they had remembered the wrong day. This was actually another rare day with stars but no moon.

Fortunately, humans are different from animals in that they can use tools, so there are still many lights in this hastily built temporary residence.

Some are at the opening of the wooden fence, where they are guards on night watch; others are on a high sea cliff, which is the first building built and also a temple for God. The faith in their hearts and the safety of the environment are the two things that people who have just experienced a long migration road care about most.

As their leaders, Nuo and Coen sat around a rough stone table under the illumination of a light ball, chatting about future development.

"There are still too few people, but we can't ignore the future. Everything needs to be planned in advance and built on a sufficient scale."

"Building temples, opening up fields, and building houses, even tens of thousands of people can hardly complete these within a three-season change, let alone we don't even have thousands of people."

Slightly shaking his head, Nuo seemed to be complaining about the difficulty of the situation, but Coen could see at a glance that the other party was actually in a good mood.

Of course, not only Nuo, Coen was also in a good mood at the moment. Trekking through mountains and rivers, opening up roads, although there are no traces of wild beasts on the earth at this moment, the dangers brought by nature are also not small.

But not long ago, they finally found this place guided by the starlight. A quiet bay, fertile land, minerals exposed on the surface, and a large freshwater lake, except for the lack of dangerous terrain, this place has almost all the excellent conditions for building a city.

So they took root here immediately, built an altar for placing the holy fire and a temple for worshipping the gods. This was a huge project in itself, because even the temples of the bronze humans actually relied on the help of Prometheus to complete those tall buildings that were miracles in the primitive era. But now, although the humans led by No don’t have the help of gods, they have Coen, who is no less powerful than gods in the mortal world.

So the temple was quickly built on the highest sea cliff, but when it came to the statue, the two were in trouble. Neither No nor Coen knew how to carve the statue of the Lord, so they had no choice but to offer the astrolabe.

Replacing the statue with a holy object is barely feasible.

"It will develop, Nuo. After all, we already have a new generation. Maybe there are few people in this generation, but the next generation will have several times the population. One day, there will be millions of humans living here and building a glorious civilization here."

"It will not stick to the old rules like the golden humans did in the past, and it will not be as fleeting as the bronze humans, but it will exist forever."

Some feelings, some insights. At this moment, Cohen vaguely felt that the strange feeling that he had when fighting with Triton once again came to his mind.

It's just that this time, it's not as intense as before. There are no rapid changes, but slow and stable.

"You're right, Cohen. The holy city cannot be built in a day, and I don't have to be so anxious."

On the side, Nuo smiled and looked to the west, where the freshwater lake was.

Because he was guided by the starlight, Nuo named it 'Falling Star Lake', and the water elves he met on the road lived there.

As for now, there are still many temporary wooden houses built around there, because during the journey, many humans married those nymphs under the witness of Nuo.

It won't be long before new members will join this city that has just started to be built. Their existence also indicates that when this generation of people grows old, someone will take over and continue the civilization.


After chatting for a few more words, although it was late at night, Nuo was still in good spirits. But suddenly, a buzzing sound came from the only built building in the distance.

Nuo and Coen stood up suddenly, and in their eyes, a little starlight overflowed from the high cliff, illuminating the surrounding sea.

"That is-the gods finally responded to us!"

He was stunned at first, and then joy surged in his heart. Since coming here, Nuo has gone to the temple to pray every day in the hope of obtaining further instructions from the Lord. But in these days, he has been gaining nothing, and even Nuo has never felt the feeling of being watched.

But unexpectedly today, a sudden miracle appeared in front of them.

"Let's go together."

After greeting, Nuo immediately walked towards the temple.

The angel who had only met once once once said that she would give further instructions after they arrived at their destination. She would give them extraordinary power, so that those who believed in God could be more or less stained with the glory of God.

Maybe it would be today, but compared to power, Nuo still had many questions to ask. For example, how should he compile the scriptures belonging to the Lord, so that faith and their bloodline would be passed down forever.


But after a while, the human settlement was already in sight.

God is God after all, even if a lot of vitality has just been damaged, Leto's body is still not comparable to mortals. The distance that ordinary people need half a day to walk is not far for her, and soon, she saw the figure of humans.

But standing here, Leto was a little suspicious, because she sensed a faint breath of the sun from those humans who seemed to be on duty.

"Is this... the fragment of divinity scattered by the ancient sun god?"

For a moment, Leto thought that this was the offspring of the sun god who had left behind some unknown time, but the next moment, the goddess recognized the difference between this power and Helios.

The latter's aura was far less pure, he only represented the orderly side of the sun, and when the sun chariot was built, the originally aggressive side was further worn away.

But this one now, although its power was so weak that it could be ignored, was much closer to the sun itself than Helios.


A loud shout was heard, and Leto's undisguised approach was finally discovered. The two humans on duty held up torches, and in the light of the fire, Leto's figure was seen by them.

An unknown woman, perhaps some kind of elf, or perhaps simply a god or demigod. For a moment, the two guards couldn't help but get nervous. They didn't know why this strange existence came and what she was doing here.

However, opposite them, the goddess didn't care about the reaction of mortals. She just took a step forward, exuding her own divine aura, and then said loudly:

"Stand down, I am Leto, the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, the descendant of Father Sky and Mother Earth, and a natural god born great. Mortals, I order you to prepare food and a sleeping palace for me immediately, which is also your due respect to the gods."

After the voice fell, Leto quietly waited for the mortal opposite to worship. This is beyond doubt. Even believers of other gods will bow to the true body of another god. But after a while, the goddess was a little angry to find that these humans not only did not mean to crawl in front of her, but made the opposite move.

One person ran back, as if to inform someone, while the other was still watching her warily.

Seeing this scene, nameless anger surged in her heart. Leto couldn't believe that the Queen of Heaven persecuted her, the gods rejected her, and now even humble mortals dared to do this to her?

"Mortal, I will give you one last chance. Although your attitude has made me give up rewarding you, if you choose to repent now, I can still forgive your offense."

With a sneer, Leto warned again. Humans are the wealth of God, but these in front of them are not their own wealth. So in order to prevent another strange god from getting in trouble at such a juncture, she still did not directly punish these mortals with shallow beliefs.

Even in order to prevent these humans from not having heard of her existence before, the pressure from the gods was suppressed by the goddess without any concealment. If this place was not on the earth, this pressure itself could kill the mortals in front of her.

The air trembled slightly, and the oppression of divinity even slightly affected the material, but the result made Leto angry again, because this human not only did not bend to her, but raised the weapon in his hand.

Who does he think he is? Does a servant dare to draw a knife against his master!


With a cold snort, Leto no longer hesitated. Even if such a human was killed, no god would care about him. After all, no matter what, everyone is a god.

Just like the later humans who came to the New World in the Age of Discovery, they slaughtered local residents during the day, but were good husbands and good neighbors at night. Most people's kindness will eventually only be left to their own kind, not to the "uncivilized" aliens in their eyes.

So taking off his gold bracelet, Leto threw it forward casually. Under the innate extraordinary power of the divine body, in almost the blink of an eye, the golden light cut through the air and hit the guard's body directly.


However, with a collision sound, the guard was safe and sound. A silver light covered the surface of his body, but the bracelet itself was bounced out.


She was stunned for a moment, then turned around. It was the power from over there that saved this human. Leto was about to question the newcomer, but she froze in the next moment.

Over there, two figures, one red and one white, were slowly walking towards this side.

"So, the breath you sensed came from her?"

She saved the human's life casually, but Hecate didn't even look at him. The goddess of the magic net didn't care about the life and death of a stranger. She did this half because of the familiar breath deep in the settlement, and the other half because of that woman.

It was really unexpected for her to meet each other here. Although many years have passed, Hecate still remembers some things.

"Yes, do you know her? If the relationship is not good, then let's go."

Selene whispered beside her, noticing that the atmosphere was a little wrong. Although her tall figure looked like the elder of the witch in red skirt, the voice of the moon goddess was still as weak as ever.

"Leave? That's not necessary, but I do know her, even if I only know her from past images."

Holding Selene beside her, Hecate smiled inexplicably.

She looked at the black-robed goddess opposite her, while Leto's eyes opposite her were somewhat unbelievable and evasive.

"She is probably my 'relative', Selene, or more precisely, my 'aunt', well, although -"

Hecate paused and said with a smile:

"-Although, she was only one day."

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