Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 225 Three Conditions and Maturity

"One day?"

After Hecate's words fell, the scene was obviously quiet for a moment. Leto looked at the goddess in the red skirt in front of her, and her hesitation turned into doubt, while Selene looked at the black-robed goddess opposite her and finally understood her identity.

Leto, the sister of the goddess of the star Asteria, the Titan goddess. Over the years, Selene drove the moon's silver chariot across the sky and saw this goddess and the king of gods meet in the dark at night more than once, and the other party's recent experience was no secret.

After all, the ecliptic and the white domains are the core of the starry sky. When Leto went to the residence of the Titan god Coeus, she could not avoid the sight of the moon goddess. So watching this scene, Selene closed her mouth directly and planned to be a quiet pendant.

Although the reason why the two came here was because of Selene's induction, now she thinks it is better to let Hecate handle this matter herself.

".You are, the child of Asteria?"

"When the era changed, that [Goddess of the Magic Net] was actually you?"

Leto was a little bit unbelievable but had to believe it, because the similar blood breath and unique power of the person in front of her revealed the other party's identity. No god has ever been able to "be born" twice. Leto had never been sure that the god who announced his birth to the world again was his sister's expelled daughter, but now, the reality is like this.

"Why do you want to stop me? You are also a member of the gods. This mortal dared to ignore my orders. Shouldn't I punish his rudeness?"

Recognizing the visitor, Leto's momentum eased slightly, but her attitude towards the mortal who had just escaped a disaster remained the same.

"Gods. Are you talking about me?"

Raising her eyebrows, Hecate still had a smile on her lips.

"It seems that there was such a thing. I was also a Titan god once, but just like our kinship, it probably only lasted for a day?"

Hecate watched everything that happened on Mount Odilus in the past under the reproduction of the stone slab. Leto was not qualified to attend the discussion that determined her fate, but the goddess' attitude was revealed.

When she was exiled to the earth, or even when she disappeared quietly in the human tribe, the humans at that time apologized for this in the sacrifice to the gods, but the result was obvious. No god even looked at it, including the goddess of Liuxing and Leto. It was as if they were forgotten, or in other words, no one wanted to remember such a symbol of "unfortunate".

Of course, Hecate didn't resent them very much. After all, Chaos's lack of family affection was not an exception. At most, she didn't regard the other party as a relative. In comparison, her nominal father and grandmother really made the goddess of the magic network remember them.

Throw it into the abyss, once and for all, and they even regretted not being able to do it. Thinking of this, Hecate couldn't help but smile again.

It's a pity that she has never been able to find the trace of Perses, the god of material destruction. Logically speaking, a god with extraordinary power like him, who has a kinship with Crius, the god of weather, should not disappear like this.

The goddess of the magic net was thinking, and opposite her, Leto had already noticed the indifference under Hecate's smile. It's just that the previous decision did come from the previous generation of gods and their parents. If the other party is actually a true god, then it is understandable that he is dissatisfied with it.

".It was just an accident, Hecate. There has never been an immortal god who is not even a regional god, and there has never been one since you. Maybe your natural divine duty was covered up, or it was not manifested for some reason. It was just a misjudgment."

"You have become a true god, and Kronos, who expelled you from the Titans, is nowhere to be found. The new king of the gods has recognized your status, and you should stand with the gods."

"Then like you, you have no way to go up to heaven or enter the earth in front of Hera, and can only show your power in front of mortals?"

"You should really thank me, otherwise you will soon find that you can't show off your power in front of mortals."

After mocking her unceremoniously, Hecate pulled Selene beside her. It was obviously because of her that she came here, why is she shrinking back now?

"Since it's you, it's easy. You were forced to flee everywhere by Hera, and you are even pregnant with that golden-haired child-"

With a snort, Hecate continued:

"But I can solve the difficulties you encounter, but you have to agree to my three conditions."

"-What conditions?"

The spirit was lifted, and the anger that had just been aroused by Hecate's words subsided in an instant. What Leto wants to do most now is to solve the theocracy of Queen Hera and give birth to her children of the God King smoothly.

For this, there is nothing she can't pay.

"What do you sense? Is it on her?"

Without answering immediately, Hecate turned to Selene and asked.

"I don't know, maybe, it's not a 'thing'?"

Somewhat confused, Selene glanced at the black-robed goddess in the distance again. She did feel the existence of something that was very closely related to her before, but when she really stood here, the moon goddess was a little suspicious.

Because she felt that the object of this connection seemed to be Leto herself.

"Well, no matter what it is."

Nodding, Hecate said to Leto:

"You have something related to the moon. Although I don't know what it is, I need it. I also need to know all the news about Perses. You must tell me everything you know. Finally, this is the first and last thing I do for you. From now on, we are even."

"What do you mean even?"

Leto can understand the first two conditions. The priesthood of the gods sometimes produces some unexpected inductions. Maybe there are indeed some items related to the moon that you don't notice. Since the other party wants it, just give it to her. As for the whereabouts of Perses, that is Hecate's "father god". Although it seems that neither of them recognizes this connection, Leto has no intention of hiding the whereabouts of the other party. What's more, she is not very clear about Perses' specific whereabouts.

But the last condition, did Hecate ever owe her anything?

". You don't need to know, you just need to know that we are even."

After a silence, Hecate said with a smile.

"Okay, I promise you."

Nodding, Leto did not entangle these other things.

"With the Styx as a witness, as long as you can get me out of Hera's power, I will agree to your three requests."

Nodding in agreement, as Leto's voice fell, the power of Styx flashed away. On the other side of her, seeing the goddess's unhesitating decision, Hecate's smile became a little colder.

Sure enough, just as she thought, the swaddling clothes that once wrapped the baby girl and fell from the sacred mountain were transformed by the power of the goddess of conservation, but it was never the love of relatives, but just the instinctive reaction of the other party after delivering her sister.

But it's good that in the future in this world, whether it is the starry sky or the earth, the ocean or the abyss, there will be no "relatives" worth her concern. She came to this world alone, so she will go on alone.


Suddenly, feeling her hand being held, Hecate glanced at Selene beside her, but in the other's worried eyes, she just smiled and shook her head.

"I'm fine, Selene, I just remembered some past events."

"Let's go, it's not difficult to break Hera's power. The power from the God Court can naturally be solved by the God Court itself."

Waving her hand, Hecate looked at the human settlement not far away.

"But this doesn't mean you are safe. Unless you can let Zeus stand up for you, what you have experienced in the past few years may just be the beginning."


The Great Plain of Delphi.

The children of Leto who are about to be born affect the fate of more than one god. In fact, it is not only the moon goddess and the spirit world who are aware of them.

The reclusive mother of light is one of them, but Theia has long seen the simple logic of the laws of reality. He does not allow too strong divine power to be enriched in a certain unrestrained existence, so facing the destined division of the priesthood, the goddess is very open-minded.

The other one who felt it was the golden apple tree that only had instinct but no thinking.

Just like the real sun had nothing to do with the son of Leto at the beginning, the original divine power of the other child of the goddess never included the moon. She is the master of the wilderness, the protector of the forest, the symbol of hunting, the goddess holding a golden bow, and one of the symbols of a pure girl. So at this moment, the true ancestor of [plants] was also affected in the dark.

Perhaps it was stimulated, and then, in Moanda's eyes, the fruit that was originally a little short of perfection was gradually improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After two accidents, this fruit that was originally expected to take three hundred years to mature in the nymph's estimation has been close to perfection. Maybe today, or maybe tomorrow, this divine fruit will mature and become the most supreme fortune in the world, allowing an acquired life to share the immortal divine power.

"Too fast"

Some excitement, some hesitation. The ancient snake's bewitching voice seemed to still echo in her ears, and now, Moanda could no longer escape. She needed to face an upcoming reality, that is, if she really took this step, the Earth Mother would be destined to regard her as a mortal enemy.

Moanda knew Gaia, she was not a person who would weigh the pros and cons. When she woke up, when she realized that her maid had betrayed her, when she found that the golden apple had left her, and even the [Life Bottle] had completely become someone else's sacred object, no one could predict what the furious Earth Mother would do.

The laws of the world could not protect her. Even if she hid in the human world, Moanda believed that even if she had to sleep for another thousand years, Gaia would never let her go because of these costs, unless she could make her old master realize that she could not do anything about this traitorous elf.

So for Moanda at this moment, she had to find a backer for herself.

"That day happened to be when the new God King arrived. Whether it was him or not, I could go and see it then. The previous two generations of God Kings were not afraid of the Earth Mother, so he should be able to do it too, right?"

"If so, since he dared to let me do this, he must have been prepared to fight against the Earth Mother. If not, then I would have to go to see the other primitive gods."

After making a decision silently, Moanda knew that no matter what, there was no turning back for her.

This special fruit was already hanging here, and the result would be the same whether she ate it or not. Moreover, if she asked herself, Moanda knew very well that even if she was allowed to choose again, she would make the same decision without hesitation.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if she becomes someone else's chess piece against Gaia, she has to go to the table first to be qualified to see what the chessboard looks like.


"What's soon?"

On the other side of the golden apple orchard, Vida looked at his friend not far away with curiosity. In recent decades, the other party has always been so mysterious.

"I mean the fruit of the golden apple tree."

Pursing her lips, Moanda answered directly. She knew that in the eyes of others, that fruit was no different from a normal golden apple.

Sure enough, Vida on the side just nodded in agreement after listening to the explanation. It must be said that this divine fruit that has been nurtured since the turn of the era has indeed grown faster.

"That's right, it's so strange. It used to take hundreds of years to mature one, but this one grows so fast."

Looking up, listening to the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the golden leaves, Nymph was as carefree as ever.

"Yes, Vida, maybe this is destined."

With a smile, Moanda turned around. At the end of the sight, the shadow covered everything. Under the tall and continuous mountains was the Great Temple of Delphi.

The Parnassus Mountains, where the gods descended not long ago. If it were in the past, any god who came near Delphi, no matter why, would definitely come to pay homage to the Earth Mother and express respect for the mother goddess, but with the Earth Mother's sleep, this place seemed to be forgotten and no longer attracted the attention of any gods.

This is normal, even if it is the maid of the Earth Mother, it is because of the gods that it is valuable. Just like those humans who died in the flood not long ago, although Moanda has never seen them, she can guess their cause of death.

It's nothing more than no value, so the gods have to replace them, that's all.



Slightly sideways, Vida looked at his friend beside him in confusion.

"Soon, when they look at me again, it won't be because of others."

With a calm expression, at this moment, Nymph recalled the day she remembered most. The Queen of Gods greeted her, the King of Gods thanked her, although it was not because of her, but when that day ended, a trace of delusion was born in Moanda's heart.

One day, she will also be like the Earth Mother, using a messenger and a golden apple to stir up the world.

'Soon. '

Turning away from the Golden Apple Garden, Moanda went towards the direction of the Oracle.

'I should have a place in the sky. '

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