Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 228 Contract and Divine Magic

Mnemosyne, the predecessor of the demon mother Moya, and Ryan have had a long-standing feud, although this so-called feud has always been unilaterally believed by the other party and Ryan has never paid attention to it.

It was not until the Titan goddess suffered a loss at the hands of Atlas, who was born not long ago (see 2-32) and chose to plunge into Tartarus that her existence really attracted the attention of Ryan. Now she has lost her past appearance and turned into a more distorted form than the hundred-armed giant. When Moya wakes up, her resentment can be imagined.

She obtained the power she dreamed of, but also became a monster that was not recognized by the gods. If it were not for the mother who gave birth to her, Tartarus would definitely guide her choice and let her set her goal on the hell that draws the power of the abyss after she came to the world. I am afraid that Ryan would have been ready to see her in the spirit world.

Of course, if she really dared to come, there is a high probability that she would never return.

"It's good that you have a plan. Moya, who is favored by Tartarus, is not something they can deal with."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Asmodeus nodded. He was about to leave, but when he glanced at the 'small' tree growing under the floating island, he couldn't help but think of Mephisto's idea of ​​explaining the future 'human strategy' to him a few days ago.

He needed something that could gain their trust while restricting mortals. This should be a contract that can be widely used in large quantities. After learning of his idea, the Lord of the Nine Hells originally planned to try to dilute the power of the Styx, but later he discovered that the power of the Styx Oath did not lie in the river water itself, but in another source.

The water of the Styx represents more of the punishment after breaking the oath. It has some special divinity and can wash away the power of the gods. Therefore, its river water may be mixed into a special ink to write the content of the contract. The material that can carry the oath itself requires other sources.

"A 'Oath Keeper' tree. If you pay a price, you can gain power from it. I really don't know where you got this thing from."

After observing for a while, Asmodeus stretched out his hand and summoned a leaf of Nordrassil.

The veins of the leaf radiated golden light, and some kind of power flowed inside. The Lord of the Nine Hells observed carefully, and after a while, the power contained in the leaf was extracted by him and turned into a stack of dark-colored 'paper' in his palm.

"This tree should be like the Styx, which can gain power by witnessing oaths and punishing oath breakers."

Said affirmatively, Asmodeus then looked at the incarnation of Lion.

"Give these leaves to me and let Mephisto take them to the human world. Only there can it spread widely. Maybe one day, this sacred tree will have power close to Styx."

"I have no objection to this. If you want it, take it. The fallen leaves of Nordrassil are indeed the best carrier of the contract, but I'm afraid you still have something else to do."

Nodding in agreement, but Ryan looked at the young tree that had grown not long ago. There were not many leaves on it.

This kind of leaf with power is naturally not born out of thin air. It needs enough power to support its growth. If we only rely on the current ones, I'm afraid it will not be enough.

"As you can see, although it is extraordinary in nature, the growth time is still too short. If you want it to grow enough leaves, you have to bring it more nutrients."


"Yes, but it is not difficult to obtain. You just need to find some energy-rich life and sink their bodies into the spring water."

The Fountain of Lionno was originally a spring in another world. After dying, it was reborn and became part of the atrium, continuing to accompany its former neighbors. Its power symbolizes vitality and purification, just like the opposite of the darkness and evil of the Nine Hells, and its spring water is the best nutrient for Nordrassil to grow.

When it just came to the atrium, just like Nordrassil at the beginning, Ryan luxuriously let it absorb part of the origin of the interface and completed its initial growth. But for further development, we still have to find ways from other places.

The bodies of foreign life are very good materials. The alien energy in their bodies will be purified by the spring water, the vitality will become nutrients, and the remaining substances will sink to the bottom of the lake, turn into soil, and become part of the world.

"Life is not easy to find in the abyss. Apart from the demon god, there seems to be no other life here."

Thinking, Asmodeus looked at the abyss where the materialization of the outside world was becoming more and more obvious, as if he understood something. And Ryan did not keep him in suspense, but explained directly:

"There will be. After being 'hurt', Tartarus' instinct began to imitate, imitate hell, imitate the present world. Life is a very important part of it, not to mention that even the materials have been prepared for Him by 'people'."

The Lord of the Nine Hells knew what Ryan was referring to. The so-called 'materials' were the kingdom of fire that had been integrated into the abyss before. Even if the breeding of the demon god had not ended, some primitive life born in the flames might have appeared here one after another.

"Then let Mephisto figure it out himself. Offering the body of the demon and exchanging it for a contract is in line with the rules of the tree itself."

At this moment, it was not only a matter of contract, Asmodeus was even more inspired.

The Fountain of Leonor can rely on the power of ‘purification’ to accelerate the conversion of alien life, but the world itself can also do so, it just takes a little longer. Life born in one world already contains extremely weak power, and if they die in another world, this is undoubtedly a subtle weakening.

One or two is insignificant, but thousands are extremely considerable. When Moya wakes up, the direct theft of the power of the abyss by the Nine Hells will end, and this method may become another way to use the abyss to strengthen itself.

"Perhaps the war between the two worlds should continue. As long as I am always the winner, it's fine."

Thinking secretly, but not saying it directly, Asmodeus turned and left. Seeing this, Ryan smiled, and also dispersed his body, and his consciousness returned to the body of the Ring World Snake.

The huge atrium fell into silence again, and only the spring water of the Fountain of Leonor continued to flow.


Eastern part of the continent, near the sea.

Lightning flashed in the sky, bringing with it bursts of roaring sounds, which was a sign that the God King was going out. Without taking anyone with him, Zeus rushed all the way, following the place where the previous induction came from.

Sunset and sunrise When the boundary between the earth and the coast gradually appeared in front of him, the God King finally saw a wide lake. Not surprisingly, the birth of the gods took place here.

Not long after the time passed, the air was still filled with the breath of the two gods when they were born, attracting many birds to gather here. They lingered, greedily swallowing this power that was enough to change their fate, in order to sublimate the essence of life, and then gain a longer life and powerful power.

However, luck and disaster are always accompanied. Before these birds realized what was happening, they turned into ashes together as a silver snake passed by. This was not intentional by Zeus, but the thunder that spontaneously surrounded the God King would not avoid these mortals, but just an unintentional touch, turning them into dust.

After falling to the ground, Zeus didn't care about the lives that dared to block the God King. He just looked at the only existence here that was worth his attention. Beside the vast lake, on a tall tree, a strange yet familiar figure in a blue skirt was sitting on a branch, gently shaking her legs.

Looking at her profile, the peaceful and indifferent temperament even made Zeus lose his mind for a moment. But the next moment, when the strange girl turned around because of the God King's arrival, Zeus suddenly realized the other party's identity.

"Hecate, is it you?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, in the impression of the God King, this goddess who left a deep impression on him was not like this. Compared with the past liveliness and jumping, this blue-skirted goddess who looked a little older, although just an adult, had a feeling of tranquility like the ocean, which was very different from the immaturity of the red skirt.

However, appearance and temperament can be faked, but the priesthood cannot deceive others. In Zeus's perception, the girl in the blue dress in front of him was the incarnation of the magic network. The network that spread all over the world jumped with her breathing. The silver fire that ordinary people could not see was like silver star spots, dotted on her dress, adding luster to her owner.

And compared with the other her, it seemed that Hecate in front of him had a deeper fit with the magic network. In her, Zeus even saw a few characteristics of the real ancient gods. They not only had the priesthood, but also the manifestation of the symbol of the priesthood.

Just as the sky was Uranus and the earth was Gaia's body, the connection between the magic network and the girl in the blue dress was also unusually close. In comparison, Hecate in the red dress was more like a user, not the real manifestation of the magic network.

"It's me, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Facing the doubts of the God King, the girl in the blue dress just smiled gently. And opposite her, Zeus also calmed down his somewhat restless heart.

Not only the appearance, but also the personality seemed to be particularly different. At this moment, the God King couldn't help but think of a special rumor circulating among the gods.

"Three phases and three bodies, I didn't expect you to have such a talent!"

Zeus said in a deep voice, he really didn't expect that Hecate actually had such a gift.

The formation of the three-phase incarnation is extremely difficult to acquire unless it is born, it requires not only ability, but also a certain potential, but also a special opportunity. Without this opportunity, the original god cannot obtain this kind of magic; if there is an opportunity but no ability, it will also miss it.

For example, the three goddesses of beauty, or the three goddesses of fate in the original destiny. If they can be born in the form of one god instead of three, then they are born three-phase gods, with more powerful power. But due to their lack of potential, this situation did not happen after all.

With a slight smile, the girl in the blue skirt did not respond to Zeus' words. Her third incarnation is far from being formed, and even she herself does not know what can create it.

".Hecate, you should know what I am here for, where are my newly born children?"

After coming back to his senses from surprise, Zeus also remembered the purpose of his trip. His momentum became fierce, and in the face of his questioning, the girl in the blue skirt did not explain, but just waved her hand.

"Look for yourself, Zeus, this is what happened here before, everything has its source."

According to the will of the goddess of the magic net, the mist transformed by the elements spread to the surroundings, projecting light and shadow, and the scenes that happened before began to play out in front of the king of gods.

From Hecate following the breath of the moon, to her agreement with Leto, to the back of the black-robed goddess leaving. In the end, the phantom ended in a temple. In front of the unconscious Artemis, a human took out a multi-faceted crystal from a box and threw it into the silver light band surrounding her. With the crystal as the core, the scattered power re-condensed and turned into a small crown, which was worn on the girl's head.

[Crescent Crown], when Zeus saw its birth, even if it was just an illusion, he also learned its name. Like the sun, the original Chaos moon would not change its appearance over time. The reason why it has waxing and waning in the eyes of life on earth is because in the earliest times, the illusory moon hung in the sky had such ability.

But now, under the aggregation of the moon phases in the spiritual world and the remnants of the moon god in another world, this artifact has become a symbol of the change of the moon. At the same time, it can command all beasts and dominate all spirits. Even the person who wears it can have special authority in the surface of the spirit world.

The fog dissipated, and the lakeside returned to its original appearance. There was silence for a while. Perhaps after digesting everything he saw, Zeus narrowed his eyes and asked lightly:

"So what do you want to say? You plan to leave my daughter in this city of sinners, let her live with mortals and separate from the court of gods?"

His voice was not loud, but everyone could hear the dissatisfaction implied in it.

Zeus has recognized the origin of this group of people, a group of bronze humans who escaped death. They have obtained the protection of the gods in the spirit world, and the king of gods does not intend to do anything to them.

The sea king is the main reason for their destruction, so let them fight with Poseidon's men, but Artemis wants to stay here, which is another matter.

For these humans, Poseidon is certainly the culprit who destroyed them, but Zeus does not think that his image is so good. Growing up in such an environment, it is almost imaginable how Artemis would view him as her father, the King of Gods.

Moreover, the original goddess of hunting may only have a natural divine position of medium divine power, so with the [Crescent Crown], her potential has risen again. As long as there is enough time, she will almost certainly become the main god of Olympus with the help of faith and contribute to his great road.

"You can try to take her away."

In response to Zeus' words, the blue-skirted girl smiled and said:

"But I will stop you, and so will the gods of the spiritual world who guided these humans here. If you really want to do this, I suggest you bring more people."

"She is my daughter, Hecate, she is born to be a member of the God's Court."

Zeus frowned and said in a deep voice. At this moment, he acted like a really good father, but there was no third person present, and both of them knew very well what kind of god the King of Gods was.

"Heh, don't make me sound like I'm bullying you, Zeus."

With a chuckle, the blue-skirted girl's smile slowly faded. At this moment, she was like an ocean about to raise huge waves, quiet and unfathomable.

"You knew the whereabouts of Leto and knew that your daughter was trapped in your belly, but you chose to sit back and do nothing. Who was the real reason why she met me and finally made this oath that shouldn't have been made?"

After the girl's voice fell, the God King's momentum could not help but stagnate. As Hecate said, Zeus himself was actually the biggest source of things developing to this point.

In the world of gods, although power is more effective than reason, when the power of both parties is not overwhelming, reason has a soil for existence. Therefore, in the face of the girl's questioning, the God King still explained.

"Maybe, Hecate, I was indeed too influenced by Hera in this matter. But this is not my original intention, I hope you can understand."

After casually pushing the source of the problem to his own God Queen, Zeus seemed to realize that he could not take Artemis away so easily today. But this matter can be discussed later. No one knows how the child will view him when he grows up. Moreover, he has another purpose for this trip.

"Speaking of which, Hecate, I remember you once said that as the goddess of the magic net, you promised that anyone can use the magic net, no matter whether he is good or evil, or what kind of life he is. I am right, right?"


Seeing that the atmosphere has eased, the blue-skirted girl also returned to her previous gentle appearance. She leaned against the tree trunk again, stroked her long hair hanging down her neck, and expressed her approval.

"If you want to use the magic net, I have no objection. Just as the sun never refuses anyone to accept its shining, the magic net will not refuse anyone to use its power. As long as the user does not try to harm the magic net itself, the magic net will always open its door to him."

"What if I want to use it to transmit divine power?"

Zeus asked with a hint of meaning.

". If it is pure divine power, the magic net will not accept it. The divine power used with it as a medium will also be sensed by the laws of the world."

Raising her head, the blue-skirted girl understood what Zeus wanted to do.

The mixture of divine power and elements, that kind of diluted special power, the God King can sense it, there is no reason why she can't sense it. However, she has magic power, so this weakened version of divine power has not been taken seriously by her in the past, but now it seems that Zeus may have other ideas about it.

He has no magic power. Even if he knows what meditation is in the future, Zeus is destined to be unable to reach the existence of being who is really good at it. So he tried to find a power that could fight witchcraft, and the blue skirt girl was not surprised.

"So the power that is not sensed by the law can be used, right?"

Nodding, Zeus slowly stretched out his hand in front of Hecate, and a light golden energy flowed in his palm.

It has some characteristics of divine power, but it is not as strong as real divine power. It has more of the manifestation of the gentle side of divine power, and abandons more destructive effects.

"Then such power should not be rejected by the magic network. After all, it itself also has the existence of elements."

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