Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 229 Forbidden Fruit

Element is a special substance. It is both virtual and substantial. At the same time, it also has good compatibility. This characteristic allows it to be mixed with almost everything in the world, thereby forming new energy that can be controlled.

This is how magic began. It is an imitation of omnipotent divine power, a product of the mixed and sublimated spirit and elements. However, what magic pursues is a leap. It will become stronger with the strength of the caster's spiritual will, but this is not the case with the power in Zeus's hands at this moment.

It is a decay of divine power, a dilution and blunting. What determines its power is the degree of dilution, and the proportion of divine power in it cannot exceed one-twelfth in any case.

This seems to be a limitation. Once the proportion of divine power is too high, the elements can no longer maintain balance with it, which makes this special energy destined to have an insurmountable gap with divine power. But at the same time, this dilution also makes it no longer in the hands of gods, but can be controlled by other beings.

Zeus had done similar experiments before. He allowed some nymphs or beasts to fuse this energy, which he called 'holy power', and they could indeed use it. Those with strong spirits and keen perceptions can carry more and purer Holy Power; those with weak spirits and slow perceptions can only control thin and loose Holy Power. Moreover, the God King discovered that unless they were very resistant to him, most of these beings who were infected by his power day and night would subtly deepen their faith in him, and the rest could at least remain unchanged.

This undoubtedly made Zeus more determined in his previous thoughts. Since magic can be turned into witchcraft, there is no reason that the holy power from his hands cannot be turned into magic given by gods to mortal creatures.

As long as those already pious mortals are selected and given this power, they can become priests who truly spread faith for God, instead of the arrogant people taught by Prometheus. These priests who believe in God will become a privileged class among humans, dedicated to spreading the glory of God.

"I have said that the Magic Network will not refuse the use of others, but the pure elements can perfectly fit on the Magic Network String, but it does not mean that other powers can also."

After looking at the light golden energy in Zeus's hand for a while, the girl in the blue dress said calmly:

"It will probably have some losses. The farther it travels, the more obvious this loss will be. Part of it is due to the subtle friction with the strings of the magic network, and part of it will be used by the magic network as nourishment for its own operation."

Since the birth of the Magic Network, it has actually continued to expand all the time. The depths of the starry sky, the end of the ocean, and even some Jedi with chaotic laws, so it will naturally crave external power. Of course, the Goddess of the Magic Network can actually use her authority to forcibly stop this absorption of energy flowing through it, but she really can't think of a reason for doing so.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little divine power. As long as it can flow in the magic network, that's enough."

Nodding, to the God King, this small loss is nothing.

After the matter was confirmed, Zeus's expression couldn't help but soften. The matter of divine magic was solved, and another piece of his puzzle in the human world was completed. For the rest, as long as he waits for time, an endless stream of faith will come to him.

"Hecate, I have one more thing to say about my daughter."

After the matter was settled, Zeus could leave, but remembering that his daughter who was supposed to be his rightful support left him like this, the God King still wanted to try something. So he looked at the girl in the blue dress and made a reasonable request.

"My daughter can grow up here, but this does not mean that the relationship between her and me will be severed from now on. The reason why what happened today was not my intention."

"So in the future, when my daughter is an adult, I will come here again and no one will be able to stand in my way again."

It's said to be 'adulthood', but Zeus is already ready. He will wait until half of his ritual is completed before coming again. Although Artemis must have had her own likes, dislikes and views on the world at that time, and was no longer like a child who could be painted by her parents at will, the God King believed that he could still convince her to return to Olympus. .

".Then come on, as long as you don't be disappointed when that day comes."

After a moment of silence, the girl in the blue dress took out a crystal ball from her sleeve. She looked at Zeus' puzzled gaze for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Very well, Hecate, I will respect her own opinion when the time comes."

Nodding in agreement, the ritual of royal power cannot be achieved through force, but whether it is inducement or emotion, Zeus believes that he can always achieve his goal.

He took one last look at the east, which was the direction Leto and Apollo left together in the previous image. Before coming, Zeus originally planned to take them back to the mountain with Artemis to prevent something like this from happening again, but now, he changed his mind.

Apollo, he will return to Olympus in glory, but before that, he needs an 'adventure' to deepen the respect for him as the god-king.

"May our friendship last forever, Hecate. And, well, I have to say, I still prefer seeing you like this."

Zeus said something subconsciously before leaving, and then Zeus saw the cold gaze of the girl in blue dress. He couldn't help but let go of his little thoughts and turned into thunder and lightning and flew into the sky again.

The other party was not as easy to deal with as his second sister Demeter who had no fighting ability, so the God King no longer thought about it. He now has to rush back to Olympus to deal with the follow-up issues.


As they come and go, the sun and moon alternate more than once. There was nothing special about this short period of time. Apart from the hurried coming and going of the God King, the world still seemed calm and peaceful.

But in another place on the earth, a betrayal that lasted for hundreds of years finally came to an end.

The sun sank to the ground, but the bright moon still did not rise. No one knows where the moon god driving the silver chariot has been recently, but for Mo Anda, this is actually the best thing.

No one knows exactly what Apollo and Luna will be doing as they drive across the sky, or whether they will happen to have their eyes on the earth. Although the possibility of them daring to peek into Earth Mother's orchard was already slim, for Nymph, it would be better to change 'not much' to 'none'.

Especially today, according to her prior prediction, today is when that special fruit will mature.

"Hope everything goes well."

Praying secretly in her heart, Mo Anda carefully avoided the attention of others. On this quiet night, she walked into the golden apple orchard alone.

The wind blew by, and bursts of silver bell-like sounds came from the distance. They were crisp and scattered, disorderly and moving, like ancient music played by nature, and seemed to be telling the mysterious past at the beginning of the creation of the world. In this tune, the nymph passed through various rare flowers and fruits that are rare in all worlds, and once again stood under the tall sacred tree, looking up at this Kaos, the "ancestor of all trees".

It is taller and more prosperous. Compared with a hundred years ago, it is like it has received some tonic in a short period of time, and its aura has become more unfathomable than before.

The nymph, who is still a mortal creature, does not know the secret behind it. She can only see the appearance of the changes in the sacred tree. On the branches divided in golden proportions, mysterious lines gradually formed naturally, and even each leaf was covered with mist. All this showed that the power of the golden apple tree had been enhanced.

But although Mo Anda could see it, she didn't know why all this happened. Nymph didn't know that an interface that once penetrated the nine realms with a sacred tree was integrated into Chaos, causing the power on the natural side of the world to increase to varying degrees. She could only attribute this to the changes in the era. And secretly pray that there will be no unexpected changes.

Fortunately, everything today has gone smoothly so far, and nothing unexpected has happened until now.

"The golden apple is a treasure that only the most noble among the gods are entitled to enjoy. Even the king who rules the gods must bow before it."

Stroking the trunk of the tree with her right hand, Moanda whispered to herself. She looked at the only fruit on the tree that was close to ripening, or in other words, it was already ripe now.

The fruit stem is connected to the branch, but most of it is disconnected, as if it will fall to the ground whenever the wind blows. Of course, the nymph knew that this was impossible. Without Mother Earth's order, it would just hang there permanently until Gaia needed it, or until it was taken off by someone else.

"Share and share, twins. If you don't want to grow up like this and become a plaything in Gaia's hands, then please protect me."

The voice was calm. Although she knew that the golden apple tree could not understand her words, Moanda still spoke to it.

"What you don't have, let me supply it to you; what I don't have, ask you to fulfill it for me. In this world, there will eventually be a place for us, nymph, and it is not just a matter of being summoned by the gods. Go, waiters, and we will build our own kingdoms, like cities for men and mountains for the gods.”

Without waiting for a response, Moanda lightly kicked the ground with his legs and easily climbed up the tree trunk. She felt an invisible force sweep through her body, but she didn't react at all.

This is the legacy of Mother Earth. If any other beings were doing this today, they would only instantly touch Gaia's power left on the fruit tree. But now, facing the supervision and theft by one of their own people, it seems to be ineffective. With dexterous movements, Moanda did not touch anything unnecessary, and soon she came to the golden fruit.

It is so beautiful, so bright, it is a holy fruit that does not belong to the human world. Taking a deep breath, Nymph stretched out her hand. When she came into contact with the appearance of the golden apple for the second time in her life and felt the pure breath of life inside, Mo Anda's heart calmed down.

She no longer hesitated, simply took it off and put it into her mouth.

There was no accident, no outsider suddenly broke in, or anyone else came to stop her, and then staged a love-hate relationship of questioning and fighting with her. Mo Anda successfully swallowed the forbidden fruit.

In a remote corner of the orchard, an oak tree with heathers withered and regenerated; on the branches of the golden apple tree, the life of the nymph was full and fading. With the fruit in her belly, Moanda seemed to have fallen asleep. She closed her eyes and then fell from the canopy.

If there are others here, they can easily tell that this bold nymph has died in an instant, her body has lost its life, leaving only the incorruptible body of the elves.

However, at this moment, Mo Anda's consciousness was not like this.

From birth to death, and from death to life, she felt as if she had experienced the process of 'birth' all over again. At a certain moment, Nymph felt that she had come into contact with a vast and great consciousness. The gap between her and it is so huge, just like grains of sand are to mountains and rivers, and drops of water are to rivers, but they are so similar and close, making Mo Anda feel so peaceful and beautiful.

Gradually, their consciousnesses began to meet and merge. Moanda felt that she was growing stronger every second, but something incomprehensible was being separated. Unfamiliar memory fragments began to come in, some were pitch black, some were soaked in liquid and comfortable and warm, and some had their pregnancy interrupted and were planted on a high mountain by a goddess in a green dress. In just a short moment, Mo Anda felt as if she had experienced tens of thousands of years since the birth of the golden apple tree, but this huge memory did not bring any impact to her.

Because it is so monotonous and boring, with monotonous growth and monotonous results, no one has ever looked at it twice except when it is needed. Therefore, its long life is like stagnant water, without making a single ripple.

It was not until this moment that two true consciousnesses were born in its hazy instincts that everything changed. One is an outsider who brings change and hope, and the other is the original person who shares wisdom but is still ignorant.

"Is this God's authority?"

His consciousness returned from blur to clarity, and gradually, Mo Anda felt his 'body' again, as well as the new consciousness that was closely 'attached' to him. But she didn't care to pay attention to it, because what came with it was a sense of power that she had never imagined in the past.

She didn't know how strong this surging divine power was, because Nymph had never sensed the power of the gods in the past. But at this moment, Moanda felt that he could shake the world.

“So this is God’s authority!”

Following instinct and a slight movement of thought, the vegetation in the golden apple orchard showed its most perfect appearance under Moanda's order to welcome their master's new life. There is no sense of sluggishness at all, as smooth as a natural god, because she did not steal the power of the golden apple tree, let alone become a god as a nymph, she just turned herself into a part of the other party, reincarnated The only way is to let the existence named 'Moanda' coexist with the golden apple tree.

To be more precise, the nymph Moanda born from the oak tree is dead. For her now, no matter what the gods in the world look at, they will only come to one conclusion - she is the golden apple tree that somehow broke through. It is one of the personal consciousnesses born after overcoming the restrictions of Mother Earth, so this sacred tree has also become a special 'elf'. It's just like the huge difference between regional gods. They are both 'nymphs', but the golden apple tree is equal to the god.

At this moment, Mo Anda completely realized that she was no longer the person she used to be, and the whole world showed her a scene that she had never seen before. The trajectory of the law became clearly visible. When she opened her 'eyes' and re-examined the golden apple orchard, the power left by Gaia no longer seemed mysterious.

It is a shackle and a warning. It can prevent any outsiders from trying to steal the treasures here, or wake up the Earth Mother in advance when facing force majeure. However, all these arrangements are not so good when facing the fruit trees that are supposed to be protected. It works.

Of course, despite this, it is not that easy for Moanda to leave here.

"Huh - now that I've succeeded, I should leave as soon as possible."

Whispering softly, Mo Anda sensed his authority. Gaia's power still covers here, so if she wants to not disturb the Earth Mother for the time being, she needs to find another way.

Soon, the golden apple tree’s natural authority was more clearly perceived by Mo Anda. It was born from the [Seed of All Things] and was the first plant in the world, so it naturally possesses the authority of [Plant]. The incomplete [Nature] . But it alone was not enough to get Mo Anda out of trouble.

Because the most important thing is how to carry your new ‘body’. There are not many things in this world that can allow the golden apple tree to move at will without damaging its vitality, but fortunately, [the seed of all things] did not come to this world alone.

"[Life Aquarius], now that the golden apple tree has gained consciousness, it's time for you to return to the hands of your true owner. In order to possess you, Gaia has eliminated the possibility of the original divine tree taking form, but now, I am your true owner."

His consciousness shook slightly, and Mo Anda silently sensed the location of the artifact. It shouldn't be far away. It will be worshiped at the Oracle of Delphi on behalf of the Earth Mother. As long as you——


There was a sound of surprise, and in Mo Anda's induction, the [Life Aquarius] did not disappear. But at this moment, the newly born Nymph suddenly discovered that the artifact did not seem to be in the oracle.

In the Temple of Delphi, Moanda only felt the power of the gods left there, but there was no aura of the artifact. And the current position of [Life Aquarius]

Looking at the empty void in front of her, Mo Anda suddenly discovered through a mysterious connection that the artifact symbolizing [life] seemed to be right in front of her.

"Have you sensed it? After all, you are indeed more qualified to control it than Gaia now. Haha, I really didn't expect it. I just came to 'borrow' Gaia's artifact, and I could actually see such a thing. This was beyond my expectation.”

Accompanied by a slight laugh, the original cover disappeared silently, and Moanda finally "saw" the figure in front of him, and also "saw" the emerald vase in his hand. Or to be more precise, the figure in front of him never concealed himself, he just stood there, letting the world ignore him.

But perhaps because he was afraid of the power left by Gaia, the figure just stood there quietly. He did not move forward, but looked at the tall golden apple tree in front of him with interest. The scene he saw today really opened his eyes.

"Now, tell me, if you leave here, what do you plan to do?"

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