Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 256 Cannibalization




In the chaotic space and time, there was no so-called 'gateway', but when the forces of the two worlds collided, it seemed to become clearly visible.

Born from the same source, they are opposed to each other, and behind the repulsion, they attract each other. So when the 'gate' of hell was placed in front of him, Moya rushed in without hesitation.


The dull sound of the collision brought blood splattering, but the slight pain aroused a certain 'ferocity' in Moya.

It is difficult to say whether she was affected by the chaotic power of the abyss, but she did not seem to be a very smart god. In short, from the moment she saw her current situation, the mother of demons had an endless desire for destruction in her heart.

She wanted to destroy something, whether the object of the destruction was someone else or herself.



I don't remember how many collisions it was until a certain moment, Moya only felt that she seemed to have broken something, passed through a barrier, and came to another place.

The power of the Nine Hells began to suppress her, but the world was fighting the abyss with all its strength and could not draw out much power. This was more of a reminder to Moya that she had come in.

So she shook her body, and the Demon Mother regained some reason. She began to observe the surrounding environment with the tiny pupils hidden under the indescribable body, and also sensed the breath of the entire hell.

Standing in the sky and looking down, in a dark world, thousands of "light spots" kept flashing and extinguishing, giving this interface a magnificent color. Sharp or heavy whistling sounds were heard all the time, just like a band's poor performance, which made Moya feel a little bored.

But this is not the most critical... The Demon Mother looked at the deeper time and space.

As the only existence currently qualified to carry part of the power of the abyss, Moya temporarily received a little extra favor from Him. Although the conditions for using this favor were harsh and limited because she could not become the "king" of the abyss, and it only took effect when facing the enemies of Tartarus, it still made her aware of the distribution of power in hell.

Except for the world itself that was fighting against Tartarus, only the middle position had power that could match her at the moment... As for other places, there were only a few relatively powerful beings.

But it was meaningless because there were more abysses. So soon, even without much combat wisdom, Moya still quickly determined the best way to deal with it-she entangled the threatening existence, and then other demons destroyed the world.

Of course, the premise of all this is that this world can really support the fight between her and the strange existence. So without hesitation, the demon mother stretched her body and let out a long and piercing cry.


The sound echoed in the noisy tunnel and also spread outside this interface. It was Moya calling the demons born with her.

These irrational beings could not communicate normally, but fortunately Moya did not need to talk nonsense with them.

There was only one thought in her voice, destroy everything in front of her!


The next moment, without waiting for their response, Moya collided again and rushed into the depths of the world. The first layer of the world was penetrated by her without any hindrance, but in the gap between the nine layers of the interface, a black shadow flashed by.

Without reacting, in an instant, Moya was hit again under the noisy and empty earth. Even this force continued, causing her to pass through the earth until she fell out of the Nine Hells and hit the giant with eight arms and three heads.

The flesh and blood tore and healed, just shaking her body, Moya stood up again, and at the end of her sight, she saw the object that attacked her.

Rising from the void, crawling in time and space, winding and entrenching on a body of unknown length, a huge snake head protruded from the interface. His scarlet eyes stared at the demons, not hiding the murderous intent in his eyes.

However, seeing this moment, Moya just laughed sharply, without any anger at being attacked.

"Okay, very good--"

"Since you don't want to fight me inside, then come outside... Although no matter where you are, the result waiting for you is the same!"

Fighting here will help her show her strength. As for whether it will cause damage to some levels in the abyss, neither Moya nor Tartarus really cares.

In comparison, the significance of those demons is greater. They at least represent the authority of a certain aspect of the abyss. If something goes wrong with them, it will be a big deal. So there is no fancy, and the mother of demons does not know any other means. She just rushed towards the opponent in the most primitive way like just now.

Although this looks a bit stupid, it is the most effective way. She doesn't need to do anything else. From now on, Moya just needs to make the opponent unable to take care of other things.


The junction of the abyss and hell, the entrance to the first layer of hell.

Unlike the turmoil outside, it seems a little quiet here. After all, even the demons who passed through here did not stay for long, but followed the induction in the dark to the depths of the world.

So now, the only one left here is a guy who wanted to hide but accidentally found a bomb.

"Hiss... Really, it's hard for me to understand..."

The body trembled slightly, and the gray wings behind him drooped down. Hypnos' figure hidden at the entrance of the interface seemed to have been hit by something very strong, and he was a little unable to react for a while.

Therefore, he almost watched the four demons first bred by the Demon Mother enter the Noisy Tunnel one after another in front of him, and he didn't have time to respond.

"My luck is really a bit bad..."

The corner of his mouth trembled, and the God of Sleep didn't know how he should evaluate it. In fact, even if he ran into an opponent he couldn't beat, it would be more or less understandable, but the experience just now really made it difficult for him to evaluate.

After all, strictly speaking, he didn't do anything just now, but just "looked" at the huge life that broke into the Nine Hells with a curious mentality. And now, he regretted it very much.

The giant object flashed by, the strong mental impact, this is not something that is simply indescribable on the surface, but a conceptual definition. Hypnos had seen the goddess of beauty on Mount Olympus more than once in the dreams of the gods, and Aphrodite was indeed like her priesthood. No matter who you are, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you hate her or not, you will be attracted by her beauty under the influence of her innate authority.

You can hate her character and question her ability, but you will definitely admit that she is a person who makes you feel pleasing to the eye when you see her - just like the opposite of Moya. At this moment, Hypnos was very sure that this demon mother was most likely given some opposite power by the abyss, and it is likely to be strengthened.

Because on her, there is also the natural disgust of order for chaos. In short, under various influences, the other party's figure is like having some mystical effect. Although it did not cause direct damage, it is far more terrifying than direct damage.

Just a moment of gaze, the god of sleep felt that he would not forget her for the next ten thousand years. He now has no doubt that if this disgusting thing does not think of some way to cover itself up in the future, I am afraid no one will be willing to communicate with her.

Well... Hypnos didn't know at this time that he was not the first victim. The demon god with all eyes and thoughts saw the other party at the first moment of his birth, and then destroyed his own eyes directly. But until it grew a new batch, it was still meaningless.

The impact on the mind is naturally not affected by the body, so its instinctive reaction is just futile.


After a while, the god of sleep finally put his attention back on serious matters.

He had let four go, and if the next two also had problems, it would be a bit unreasonable.

In any case, he was now a "worker" who depended on others, so Hypnos forced himself to be alert. Under his gaze, after a while, the void trembled slightly again, and dark blue mist permeated from it.

Just like when it was born, the mist obscured the figure of the person coming, hiding the true appearance of the demon god, and making it difficult for others to see its specific location. And the seemingly beautiful mist actually contained extremely terrifying toxicity, enough to turn anyone who approached into dry bones.

This is a power that Chaos' world does not have. It comes from the source of frost power, the first spring in a certain country.

The first spring water, which is as famous as Urd Spring and Mimir Spring, does not have much effect. The terrible toxicity is its most distinctive feature. And now, this feature is obviously inherited by the demon god who carries its power, and it has become the best barrier around him.

"But it's meaningless... I didn't intend to get close to you."

"It's not something that has much wisdom, it's easier to deal with."

He stretched out his hand and made a fist, and the deep purple flute fell into his hand. This artifact that came with him did not leave him because of falling into hell. Hypnos put it to his mouth, and a melodious music sounded in the world of hurricanes.

The violent wind did not affect its effect, because the music of the god of sleep was not for the "ears" to "listen". His power was transmitted into the fog along the melody without hindrance, and at the same time, gray feathers also fell from his wings, crossing the void and floating to the opposite side.

It was visible to the naked eye that the originally moving blue mist slowly stopped, but the mist around it became thicker.

It seemed to have some kind of instinct to protect its safety in this way during sleep, but Hypnos had no intention of doing anything to it.

His strength was not superior in a frontal battle. Although he could knock the opponent down with one move now, if he really fought, even if he could severely injure the opponent with the first move, the result would be uncertain.

Compared with the native life transformed by hell, Hypnos was not enthusiastic about the power of the Abyss Demon. Instead of thinking about whether he could solve it once and for all, it would be more meaningful to control one more.

"Well... Crius, right? Anyway, you are immortal, so just fight two more."

"Isn't it like this when you are on the ground? Even in the starry sky, it seems that you have always played the role of a sandbag."

After watching the void surging again, a shadow came out of it, and Hypnos thought silently.

He had seen that scene in the dreams of a few Star Gods, the weather Titan being beaten by the ancient sun god - that was the nightmare of many Star Gods. After all, they still remember how many of their kind perished during that time, and it was sheer luck that they were able to survive until today.

Therefore, it can be imagined that Crius is very experienced in this regard.

"Shadow... no difference."

Blowing the flute again, Hypnos easily fixed the last demon god in place. He relaxed and even had time to observe this unique guy.

Not only was there a difference in appearance, the God of Sleep even felt that it was more rational than the previous ones just now - of course, this was meaningless.

Being smarter or stupider did not affect being controlled by his power. And once you fall into a deep sleep, it would not be so easy to wake up again.

"Lucky guy."

After observing for a while, Hypnos stopped thinking about it.

Even if he fell into hell, the God of Sleep still looked like a young man. With such an appearance in such an environment, it was inevitable that there was a feeling of a dark fairy tale.

Turning around, he looked deeper into the interface. Inside the noisy tunnel, the battle was also about to start. After all, the demon gods who entered were destroying the world without mercy, and the owner here obviously could not tolerate such behavior.

Although their power was not enough to destroy the time and space that carried the world, they did not come for this. When they clear the life on this level, occupy the center of this level, and then use their power to infect the sky and the earth, this place will gradually be marked with the mark of the abyss.

When this mark is completed, Tartarus can also use it as an anchor point to accurately project more power, rather than playing hide-and-seek with the Nine Hells on the time and space level.

Bit by bit, the victory or defeat is finally decided when the overall situation is about to be determined. This is the process of the battle between Hell and the Abyss. Just like Chaos spent a long time to wear down the resistance of the Hemenu world, the collision between worlds cannot be resolved overnight.

"Eat each other..."

"It's really primitive and beautiful."

Sitting in the void, the feathers behind his back are still falling and reborn, and Hypnos commented lightly.

Although he is here, the natural evil god can't talk about empathy. So now, he just completed his most basic task, and then waited here, watching this world full of wind burn little by little.

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