Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 255 A small ‘sacrifice’

Lion and Asmodeus sat opposite each other on the floating island in the atrium.

For them now, everything outside Hell is clearly visible, including Moya's sharp screams. But on the other hand, the Demon Mother cannot see through what is happening in the Nine Hells.

This is not because there is any power gap between the two sides. In fact, the Abyss is the one that really has the advantage in power. The root cause of all this is that Tartarus has no subjective consciousness of his own.

He does not know to isolate prying eyes, so in Hell, the existence with divine power can see everything outside without cover. And he can't do two things at the same time, so even in the process of nurturing the Demon Mother and the six demons, there was an uninvited "thief" in his body, and Tartarus still turned a blind eye to it.

Therefore, for a long time in the past, the devils of Hell could travel back and forth through the Abyss, and the Nine Hells also kept stealing the power originally used to nurture the demons. But Asmodeus was still very clear that this situation might not last too long.

The Abyss finally gave birth to its own life. When Moya woke up, Hell was forced to stop absorbing his origin. As the last demon god opened his eyes, Tartarus finally responded to the "foreign object" in this body.

So the chaotic ocean boiled, and countless layers of the world shook. He gave guidance to Moya and the demon gods. He added his power to the mother of demons, and even he himself pressed on the hell with overwhelming malice, trying to wrap up this "foreign object" first, and then crush it with the life he nurtured.

But this is the case with the existence without wisdom. He does not know how to conceal his intentions, nor does he know how to prioritize. So when the changes in the abyss were discovered, the location of the Nine Hells in the concept of time and space had already begun to slowly "float up".

Originally, the entrance to the first layer of hell was near the place where Moya was born, and it kept stealing Tartarus's power. But now, it keeps passing through the abyss layers, until it slowly stops at the outermost layer. Even if you look at it from another perspective, part of the Nine Hells has already explored the abyss, and only a few places are still intertwined with it.

But that's it, because the connection between Hell and the Abyss cannot be cut off, they are originally one. So Asmodeus didn't want to escape from anything, but he needed a window to connect with the world, instead of being locked in Tartarus.

This is destined to be a long war. Even if he wins this time, the absolute gap in power between the two sides is difficult to change. Therefore, the connection with the outside cannot be terminated. Only in this way can the Nine Hells have a chance to win the final victory.

"So Ryan, how did the spirit world do it-from the past to now, why have you never been treated like this by the world?"

There was nothing unusual on the outside, and Asmodeus looked very normal, but only he knew how terrible the pressure he was facing at this moment.

As heavy as a mountain and as vast as the sea, in front of the abyss that finally had its hands free, the hell at this time could only wander in the cracks, without any room for resistance.

Therefore, Asmodeus was destined not to intervene in this battle from the beginning. The pressure of dealing with the abyss has exhausted him. If the other party had not been unconscious, the war could have been declared over before it even began.

This is actually not surprising, and it is still within the expectations of the Lord of the Nine Hells. However, if he is like this, then the spirit world should be like this in the past. Then the reason why Ryan did not encounter the same result may mean that he has some special means of coping.

Whenever possible, Asmodeus still does not want to use the method discussed before to resolve his first confrontation with the abyss.

"Don't think too much, you can't do it, because although you were once the God of Time and Space, you have never actually touched the true height of the field of time and space."

"Even when the spirit world was just born, as long as I didn't want to, the original god couldn't lock me, and the world couldn't detect me either-Nyx once thought she could, because she could use the authority of destiny to determine the fate of the spirit world, but what she didn't know was that even if the world really gave her all the source of time and space, she still couldn't touch the time and space of the spirit world."

"As for the reason..."

His fingers tapped lightly on the table. In fact, even Ryan himself was not very clear about what the weak time and space divinity that came with his soul was, but there was no doubt that its essence was with the world.

It was this power that allowed him to resist the "nothingness" outside the world to a certain extent, and to prevent any existence from touching it when the spirit world was closed.

"As for the reason, it was probably innate. As the oldest god, I always have to be a little special."

Explained casually, in fact, Ryan had already said something similar once. But he also knew that Asmodeus did not want to pry into his secrets, but just wanted to express doubts about the feasibility of the original plan.

So Ryan did not mind repeating it again and cheering him up.

"Speaking of the matter itself, you don't need to worry so much - you can open up an interface in the abyss because He has no wisdom. And now, these children of his are the same."

Just as they thought before, except for Moya, these first-generation demons do have powerful powers, but at the same time, they have inherited the characteristics of the chaos of the abyss.

Therefore, their rationality is very weak, at least compared to ordinary people. At most, they have more thinking ability than the sun-eaters wandering in the spirit world, and know how to distinguish between enemies and friends, and measure the weak and the strong.

"Okay... I hope everything is normal."

The Lord of the Nine Hells nodded and stopped struggling. He just looked at the demons approaching from outside the world, and finally confirmed:

"We will win, right?"

"Of course, but in the final analysis, it depends on how you define 'win'."

Standing up, Ryan responded with a smile, and then the next moment, the figure reflected by his consciousness slowly shattered.

The incarnation's thoughts returned to the original form of the atrium, and the two tomorrows also flashed.

"At least judging from the degree to which she is obsessed with me, she really hates me to the core. In this case, I will suffer a little more and sacrifice a little bit... Don't you think so?"

Lian's voice gradually became inaudible, and as he regained consciousness, the atrium also shook slightly.

A certain giant moved its stiff body, and watching all this, Asmodeus's cheek twitched slightly.

Sacrifice... yes, but no matter how you look at it, it seems that the "sacrifice" is not the other party.

But let it be...Shaking his head, the figure of the Lord of the Nine Hells also disappeared.

As long as they can win, it doesn't matter what, after all, this is the most perfect solution.

The Abyss is not something they can defeat, and Moya has an immortal essence. They are not enemies that can be truly solved. So from the beginning of this war, his goal has no choice.


The first layer of hell, [Noisy Sky Tunnel].

On the dim earth, the sound of air tearing and trembling never stopped. The dark blue storm passed through the sky, then collided with a ball of fire, illuminating the sky.

This special scene did not happen in just one place, but in many places. It was not created by some kind of power, but was caused by the characteristics of this interface itself.

Since the former Titan gods became its master, the God of Weather has injected his power when he was still a god into this world. This made it more powerful, and it also inevitably modified its underlying rules.

From that day on, the storm raged on the mountains and plains, and the noisy sound never stopped. The environment of the entire interface completely deflected in a certain direction, and even in the last few thousand years, it has undergone further changes.

The abyss absorbed the flames and frost fog, and thus bred demons with corresponding powers, as well as some interfaces full of magma and cold currents, and of course hell also got a share of it. In order to better resist the possible war, Asmodeus generously injected his income into the first interface. So the power of Crius rose, and the noisy tunnel also flashed with fire and frost.

So even though there is no sun in this world, it never lacks light sources. Sometimes the flames that spontaneously arise from the void illuminate the entire world, and then they are either blown out by the storm or dance around with it. If you look down at this world from a higher perspective, you can see countless stars swirling and spinning, bringing warmth and light to this dim interface.

Of course, with the birth of flames and cold currents, the storm is naturally more intense. The collision of cold and heat makes the airflow more difficult to guess, and also makes this world only underground can carry traces of life.

Layers of tunnels and cavities were therefore dug out, and then they made sharp chirps under the strong wind on the surface, which is also one of the origins of the name of the Noisy Empty Tunnel. But that was normal times, and there was no life in the first layer of hell at this moment.

Not long ago, the devils here evacuated to the upper world in an orderly manner under the order of the lord. Obviously, the collision between Tartarus and the Nine Hells was not something they could participate in, and even this time, they were not even qualified to be spectators.

So the boundless interface became empty, and only at the highest point, Crius held a big sword in his hand, looking solemnly at this world that belonged to him.

This place was about to become a battlefield, and he was the only "warrior".

"Every time he was outnumbered, I don't know when he can change this situation."

Although he didn't say it, Crius was somewhat speechless in his heart. Whether on the ground or underground, he seemed to have never experienced the feeling of being in large numbers.

Fortunately, his strength was stronger than before. Although at the beginning of his reincarnation, this Titan god once lost the power of powerful divine power and could only rely on the blessing of the interface to maintain the old appearance, as Hell absorbed the power of the abyss for tens of thousands of years, he returned to his original domain with difficulty.

Even now, as a being with the characteristics of a regional god, Crius standing in the noisy tunnel is far better than before. The entire interface is mixed with him, and here, he feels that he can fight against more than one existence of the same position.

The only bad thing was that Crius suddenly found that not only were all his future enemies no weaker than his current self, but there were even six of them.

As for his teammates...Crius looked at Mephisto on the side.

No matter how he looked at it, the other party didn't seem to be very good at fighting.

"Why are you the only one here? Where is the god you took to hell? And the other guy, that... Hypnos? Where is he?"

Crius frowned, somewhat dissatisfied.

Although the two sides had not dealt with each other much, he had to admit that the power of the god of sleep was indeed very strong, even stronger than him. And according to the other party, that was after he lost the power of [Dream]. Otherwise, he would have almost stood at the top of the realm of true gods.

This shocked Crius somewhat, because Hypnos had always been unknown in the world, but after thinking about it carefully, he did not find it strange.

After all, Chaos' world is like this. Although death is ridiculously weak, sleep has replaced it, because in this world, the most terrible end of gods is not death, but eternal sleep.

Therefore, the power of the god of sleep is naturally strong - of course, perhaps it is this kind of strength that led to his confident resistance.

But no matter what the reason is, it has nothing to do with Crius. He is just dissatisfied with it now, because the other party seems to have no intention of cooperating.

"He doesn't think hiding in his own little world is useful, does he?" With a sneer, Crius gripped the hilt of the sword: "Or does he think that the Lord of the Nine Hells will not settle his escape?"

Before coming, Asmodeus clearly told him that the lord of the third layer of hell would help him contain at least two demons, but now, he doesn't even know where he is.

"Don't worry, Crius, he must have come. As long as he wants to stay in hell, he can't disobey the unanimous order of the two masters."

Mephisto was not anxious in the air on the side.

"As for where... the greatest role of his authority is not to fight head-on, but I think he will do his best."

Unlike Crius, who was nervous, Mephisto admired the unique scenery of the noisy tunnel. Behind the unique environment is the manifestation of the powerful power of the lord of this layer, which happens to be what he doesn't have yet.

Even though he became the great lord of hell, and was even temporarily granted the jurisdiction of the second layer of hell because of the war, there was still a problem in front of him. Unlike Crius, who could be considered a partner who "brought capital into the company", Mephisto was a pure high-level "worker". Everything he had now was because he could create value for the Lord of the Nine Hells.

But no value is permanent. The most long-lasting value is to turn oneself into this value itself, like Crius and his meteorological origin.

"Sure enough, only disasters are the ladder to rise... The destruction of the human world brought me today, and the invasion of the abyss is for our better tomorrow."

With a look of emotion, Mephisto smiled and said:

"So look at the bright side. Maybe after today, the noisy tunnel will become more powerful under the nourishment of the flesh and blood of the demon god?"

"That also requires you to be alive tomorrow, human."

Responding coldly, Crius drew his sword.

"And I hope you can remember, the survivors of the Silver Age: I am immortal, but you are not."

Leaving a sneer, Crius leaped up under the hurricane. And behind him, watching his receding back, Mephisto's smile remained.

He knew that as an innate god, the other party had always looked down on him. In other words, almost all gods don't like to see mortals being able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them little by little, which is a very normal thing.

But normal is normal, there are many normal things in this world. Just like now, the key to determining the outcome of this war has never been in the hands of Crius.

"Silver are right."

Touching out the silver mirror from the void, looking at this temporarily bestowed artifact, Mephisto continued to wait. Until a certain moment, accompanied by a loud bang, a huge sound from the space level came from the sky, shaking the whole world.


Looking up slightly, Mephisto knew that the gate of hell had been opened.


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