The indescribable core of the abyss, when the changes in the underworld were completed, the impact it brought was also transmitted here in another way.

Something jumped, and then the huge figure at the core of Tartarus shook slightly. But maybe because she slept for too long, her own power also changed too dramatically in the process. Even if she was stimulated, her mind woke up little by little.

As for the six different figures... Although they were guarding around their mother body, their consciousness was actually not complete. In other words, before Moya woke up, they would have maintained their current appearance, because the mother of demons was the first life that should appear in the abyss.

Time passed slowly, and the consciousness in the huge body became more and more active. At a certain moment, she finally regained some ability to think, and the "eyes" on her body slowly opened.

Everything around her suddenly came into her eyes.


'So noisy...'

The consciousness sank into nothingness, and the surroundings seemed dark and boundless. Something was constantly changing herself, but she did not have a clearer sense of reality while sleeping.

I don't know how long it has been, after all, it is difficult to have a concept of time in sleep. It was not until the strange wave just now that this confused soul was finally awakened.

However, her consciousness has only awakened a little bit, not even enough to control her body and strength freely, let alone to carry past memories and logical thinking. She forgot why she appeared here, where this place is, and even who she is...

Millions of years blurred everything. When everything ended, Moya, who woke up from her deep sleep, was a little uncomfortable for a while. Her somewhat hazy consciousness did not remember everything at the first time.

She just instinctively observed the surroundings, observing this twisted and weird place-even if she hadn't recalled the past, Moya still felt that the scene in front of her might be a little different from her past life.

The sky full of stars twinkled above. They used to be the remnants of the beginning of creation, impurities that were difficult for the world to digest, but now they were projections of the abyss layer by layer; the chaotic ocean was churning below. It was the real bottom of the world and the most original existence of the abyss Tartarus. Looking at it, a feeling of closeness and repulsion rose from Moya's heart.

The closeness came from the origin of the body, and the repulsion came from the memory in her subconscious. The former Titan gods instinctively disliked these, but anyway, she just put it down after a little thought, because Moya's attention was quickly attracted by the more existential things around her.

Those were six huge monsters that were incalculable in height - her subconscious told her so. However, Moya's fuzzy mind at the moment was a little confused, because she couldn't feel how they were "big" at all.

Big and small are meaningful only with reference, but at this moment, the core of Tartarus only has Moya and these six. Compared with her, these demons are not "big" anyway.

‘And… they don’t seem to have the same consciousness as me.’

Moya seemed to have discovered something, and was a little surprised. Then the next moment, the answer suddenly appeared in her mind.

It seemed that when it came to certain things, she could ‘know’ the answer without thinking. Sensing the inexplicable information, Moya instantly ‘understood’ the whole situation.

Before she woke up, there would never be a second existence with complete consciousness in the abyss. She was a special existence, not only because she was the first life in the abyss, but also because of some of her natural characteristics. She was immortal, but they were not. So even if the birth of the demon god had been complete, it was still stopped because of Moya’s sleep.

‘I am special, it’s great.’

After getting the answer, Moya’s consciousness put aside her doubts again, and a trace of joy came to her heart. Then she began to observe these six guys more carefully.

In any case, they were the only ones around. So Moya opened her eyes and used her body and consciousness to look at their appearance and strength.

Each of them was different, and the one closest to Moya looked like a giant worm. The bloated body was covered with branches of various sizes, and a huge human face was painted on the head, which added a bit of horror.

As before, when Moya saw its appearance, the information of this life emerged in her mind. It was the first demon god born in Tartarus. It symbolized the growth and change of the flesh of life in the abyss. Of course, it was also her, the eldest son of the mother of demons.

‘So, I am the mother of demons? What is a demon? ’

The hazy mind thought for a while, and then gave up thinking again. Moya continued to look back and observe the other five beings.

The second closest to her was a huge ‘insect’, or more precisely, it looked like an enlarged large fluttering moth, but compared to that kind of weak mortal, it was obviously different.

The transparent fly wings were dotted with thousands of eyes, not the compound eyes of insects, but the eyes of normal animals. There are densely packed small dots all over it. Even if you don't consider the power contained in them, this scene is enough to make a person with trypophobia so frightened that he can hardly control himself.

However, Moya did not react when watching this scene, because it did not give the Demon Mother the same feeling as the other five.

With that inexplicable ability to "know", Moya knew that it should symbolize the chaotic spirit of the abyss life, but for some reason, the power of the demon in front of the Demon Mother seemed a little "empty".

'It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me. '

The consciousness fluctuated slightly, and Moya's attention shifted back again.

The third one after that seemed to be a lot more "normal", at least Moya felt that his subconscious was somewhat calmer, and he did not resist so violently anymore.

It was a giant with three heads and eight arms. In the Demon Mother's perception, his three heads had different powers. One slowly corroded everything, one efficiently destroyed all spirits, and the last one in the middle could draw the opponent's power from the killing to strengthen itself. Each head had its own characteristics, and what they had in common was that they all symbolized the destruction of the order of the abyss.

There was nothing special, Moya continued to look back, and the fourth and fifth ones came into her eyes together.

One of them has dark red skin and thick limbs, huge flesh wings and long horns, and is burning with endless flames; while the other is covered with frost and fog, and its body is hidden under it, making it difficult to see its full appearance.

That inexplicable "intuition" told Moya that just as the birth of the third demon god was affected by a "foreign object" that appeared in the abyss, the same was true for these two demon gods. One of them received the power of a certain fire country, and the other was combined with the origin rejected from a fog country. These two powers made them have more than the power of the abyss characteristics, but also such special abilities.

'Well, very interesting. '

'There is one last one. '

Moya finally looked at the last demon god after moving his eyes back.

Compared with the first five, the one hiding at the end did not have its own body and image. It was a group of changing shadows, sometimes jumping and sometimes silent.

It looked a little different from the first five, but when doubts arose in his heart, Moya once again "understood" its power. It is chaos and shadow, the embodiment of Chaos's power imbalance. In this world where the dark side is far greater than the light, it symbolizes the shadow of the abyss.

'What six weird guys, just like the hundred-armed giant, it makes people feel disgusted. '

Inexplicable thoughts floated up from Moya's mind, but although she didn't suddenly "know" anything this time, the Demon Mother didn't plan to think. Although she didn't remember what the hundred-armed giant was, she thought it was a similar existence she had seen before.

But then again...

"So, what do I look like?"

This time it was no longer thinking, but a real sound. Even though Moya herself didn't know where her vocal organs were, she did make a sound.

The image of the six demons finally aroused the curiosity of the Demon Mother. She wanted to see what she looked like, but after trying it, she found that she couldn't do it.

Consciousness can't watch itself, at least Moya who relies on instinct can't do it. So she was a little frustrated after realizing this.

'Then wait for them to wake up... When they wake up, let them tell me what I look like. ’

Moya didn’t feel depressed for too long. She quickly cheered up because she had noticed that with her awakening, the six demons surrounding her would finally have their own complete consciousness.

Just like watching them, let them tell you what they look like, Moya thought so. So as she waited, time passed slowly.

There was no standard for measuring the distorted time sequence in the abyss. Moya didn’t know how long she had been waiting. Until one moment, she suddenly discovered that the weakest and strange demon had signs of waking up.

The thousands of eyes on its wings trembled slightly, as if they were about to open in the next moment. So Moya moved her body with difficulty and moved in front of the other party.

“What do I look like?”

At one moment, Moya made a sound again. She had noticed that the other party’s consciousness was complete. And the next moment she asked the question, the demon’s eyes opened in an instant. Thousands of rays of light shone from it, releasing its power outward. This was not intentional, but a sign that the demon did not know how to control it.

But they don't need to be controlled. They don't have moral concepts and don't care if they accidentally hurt others. Just like Moya before, the newly born demon god instinctively observed the surroundings. Its numerous eyes were the right tool. Then the first thing that came into his eyes was the creator who gave birth to it, the mother goddess of all demons in the abyss.


Tens of thousands of eyes closed instantly, and then bloody juice flowed from the eyelids. On the other side of the demon god, Moya didn't even realize what was happening.

'What's wrong with you? ' she asked.

Without getting a response, Moya only saw the other party's wings shaking and retreating to the back. She was just about to ask this guy with a strange reaction, but the next moment, the demon mother was attracted by the blood flowing in the void.

They were like a mirror, reflecting her appearance. Looking at the reflection on the liquid surface, Moya was stunned for a while.

The 'beauty' seen by the conscious mind and the extreme 'ugliness' understood by the subconscious mind collided with each other, strongly impacting her consciousness. In an instant, this extremely strong stimulation suddenly awakened Moya's memory, and she finally remembered who she was.

However, at this moment, she would rather she had never remembered it.


"I am Mnemosyne... I am the goddess of Titan... I am the god of language and innate writing... I am, the mother of demons-"



The sharp voice resounded through the abyss, and the violent power shook the world. The former Titan gods finally remembered everything, but the current result was unacceptable to her.

She came to Tartarus to seek power, and she did get what she wanted as she wished. However, the price was that she lost everything except power forever.

The abyss was shaking, and the demon god who had just descended to the world had not had time to wake up, and flew backwards under Moya's power. The mother of demons, who vented her anger, looked at the top of everything, the interface between the abyss and the present world, leading to the underworld.

Behind that, there is the source of everything.


Moya's short syllables contain anger that cannot be washed away even with all the water in the four seas. If it weren't for the guy who stole her priesthood, how could she have come to this point today.

There are other existences, those who are unwilling to help her should die-she wants to go out, want to make all the lives in the world feel despair and pain, but before she starts, the power that made her "understand" before once again sent a will to stop her behavior.


"Hell... another thief?"


"Okay... Then I will deal with it first, and then deal with you!"

At this moment, Moya understood the abyss very well. She understood the anger of having her power taken away-even if Tartarus didn't actually have an angry emotion.

So she turned around, followed some kind of guidance, and saw the world hidden behind the space-time barrier.

It was very similar to the material world in the past, orderly and harmonious. Even until now, Moya prefers such a place.

But she is different now... So the Demon Mother screamed again, calling the demons she had just shaken out.

Since she felt the will of the abyss, at this moment, she only wanted to bring complete destruction to this world.


Nine Hells, atrium.

Two "suns" shone above, reflecting the figures on the floating island. The consciousness of the Ring World Serpent was reflected there, watching everything outside with the master of the Nine Hells.

The six demons, the Demon Mother, whether they or the abyss, obviously had no intention of covering up their whereabouts at this moment.

"She seems to be calling your name... Ryan, it sounds like she is really resentful."

Beside the familiar table and chair, Asmodeus drank a cup of tea. However, unlike his relaxed tone, the expression on his face looked extremely solemn.

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