Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 273 Another ‘Ryan’?

Carefully bypassing the layer closest to the entrance, Helios headed towards the depths of Tartarus.

He was somewhat thankful that he had arrived early enough. These material layers seemed to have not yet been completely perfected, and the volume occupied in time and space seemed not to be large enough.

If it were later, it is very likely that after he passed through the entrance to the abyss and the underworld, he would have fallen directly into the first layer of the interface, instead of appearing in the real abyss as it is now.

At that time, for Helios, who had never been here before, he could directly choose to return by the original route. After all, looking at these countless layers of different interfaces, the sun god felt a little dizzy for a while.

That is, there are no local gods in the abyss, otherwise, even if a regional god was born in each layer of the interface, Helios would feel that the scene was terrifying enough.

"So this is the true face of Tartarus... If there were more lives, I would even think that this was just the underworld with a worse environment."

"But speaking of it, this time I came to the underworld, I always felt that the laws of the underworld were much more active. Is it an illusion?"

He was a little confused, and then shook his head again. After simply memorizing the surrounding environment, Helios did not stay any longer.

The time in the abyss is much faster than the outside world, even if it is just the periphery, there is a clear gap with the material world. But it can be imagined that he has spent a lot of effort here.

After all, this is a huge space that is equal to the material world, and its depth is unknown. It is not a simple matter to find the traces left by Gaia here.


Flashing in the chaotic time and space, following the traces left by layers of interfaces, from shallow to deep, Helios continued to go deeper into the abyss.

All kinds of wonderful scenes flashed one by one, and each layer of interface seemed to have laws that were very different from other ones. The further he went, the more he could find that the changes in the entire Tartarus space and time seemed to have never stopped.

These worlds born in his body are still expanding, and their dominant position in space and time is becoming more and more obvious. Perhaps one day, these interfaces will become the main components of the abyss, and the originally chaotic space and time will only become a thing of the past.

Just like the material world, it is said that at the beginning of creation, the whole world was an endless void, and then the first mother earth was born in it. Perhaps the abyss is also going through such a process.



"Cough cough——"

"What the hell is this thing, it's even more powerful than Hestia's divine fire?"

A golden light flashed, accompanied by a cough, and Helios' figure quickly moved away from a dark red interface.

In Tartarus, in order to avoid getting lost, those interfaces from shallow to deep are the best signposts along the way. However, the aura of the sun god at this moment is a little uncertain, as if he has suffered some serious injuries.

Some traces of burning appeared on his body, which were obviously caused by some kind of fire. This was not because he encountered a disaster that even powerful divine power could not match, but mainly because Helios instinctively did not want to use too much strength in this place.

The former Titan God Crius was imprisoned here, who knows where the other party is now. Therefore, he was slightly injured because of his carelessness.

But even so, it was very scary. In the past, Helios thought that there were only two kinds of the most powerful flames in the world. One was the spiritual fire that cast the sun god's chariot, and the other was the guardian fire held in the hands of the goddess of the hearth, but now, he saw a pure flame containing the power of destruction.

It existed in the 303rd layer of the abyss interface that Helios saw, which was also a rare world that looked relatively complete. There was lava everywhere in it, and a special mineral with a pungent smell that the sun god had never seen before.

However, while it was more "complete", that level seemed to be more "explosive". Helios was going to go closer to take a look, but he directly triggered the instinctive reaction of that layer of interface, so that the dark flame burst out from it, which made him suffer.

"Ahem... What a trouble."

He coughed twice again, and his breath slowly stabilized, and the injuries on his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, these were just some flesh wounds, which were nothing to Helios. He just looked around and found that he seemed to be a little off the mark.

Before, he kept going down along the layout of the abyss, but now it seemed to be a lot farther away... Shaking his head, Helios was about to return the same way, but the next moment, he suddenly stopped.

Just now, he seemed to hear something.

"That sound... Is there life over there?"

His expression changed a little. In Helios's inherent cognition, the abyss itself was lifeless. So if there was a strange sound in it, the one who made the noise could only be an outsider.

Either it was the Titan god Crius who was once imprisoned, or it was Gaia who entered this place. One was the one he wanted to avoid, and the other was the one he wanted to find.

"... Let's go over and take a look."

After hesitating for a moment, Helios made a decision. He immediately restrained his breath and flew in the direction where the sound came from.

If it was Mother Earth, that would be great. But if it was that former colleague... Although he didn't know what he thought of his former half-traitor, the Sun God felt that the best way to deal with it was not to meet at all.



In the depths of chaotic time and space, the Sun God vaguely sensed where the sound came from.

Unlike the calm outside Tartarus, the war has been going on here for many years.

Although the Nine Hells "floated" to the surface on the level of time and space, avoiding the ending of being completely wrapped by the abyss, this did not affect the Ring Garden Serpent and the Demon Mother at all. After all, since the beginning, the place where they fought was outside of Hell, and Moya could not be allowed to enter the [Noisy Tunnel] in person.

At this moment, the two beings who inherited the power of the world are still fighting in the void. The transcendental forces collided with each other, which was an alternative confrontation between the powers of the two worlds, but compared to the beginning, the Demon Mother no longer simply used her body.

Like every innate god, although Moya seemed a little unfamiliar with her power at the beginning, she soon followed her instinct and gradually mastered the authority temporarily granted to her by the abyss.

She had never controlled [space], but under the authority of Tartarus, she could shake the time and space of the abyss and sense many "traps" created by the opponent in front of her; she did not understand what erosion and assimilation were before, but the process of her transformation from a Titan god to the mother of demons was the manifestation of this authority.

So at this moment, in the void not far from the Nine Hells, the figure of the Ring Court Serpent had long disappeared, and only layers of space-time bubbles were swirling and dying. But if you look closely, you can find that in the uncertain space-time, the dark halo is constantly spreading.

And in a farther place, Moya's huge body is lying there, and the power that infects time and space seems to be radiating from her body. The two forces wrestled with each other in a place that ordinary people could not see, and the aftermath of the attack and defense made the strings of space agitated, constantly emitting all kinds of buzzing sounds.

This situation has been going on for a long time. Even though she has the entire abyss as a backing, perhaps because of some inherent laws, Moya is not the ‘king of the abyss’, so the power she mobilizes naturally has its limits.

There is no progress, let alone defeating the opponent... But watching this scene, Moya is not in a hurry at all.

She admits that in terms of the use of power, she is far inferior to this ancient snake of unknown origin, but when the madness when she just woke up was vented, the demon mother has already understood the current situation.

She may not be able to defeat the ring garden snake, and the abyss may not be able to break the nine layers of hell by its own oppression, but the life in purgatory is definitely unable to resist the six abyss demons who invaded. This is the absolute gap between the two sides.

Approaching the pinnacle of great divine power, even if hell is divided, the fire country Muspelheim that follows will make up for the deficit. Although Moya can only mobilize a very small part, she can still sense the true power of Tartarus.

Unmatched, all the gods on earth combined are far from being his opponents. So time is on her side. As long as she waits quietly, she will get what she wants in the end...


A thing that looks like a tentacle stretched out from the layered body and whipped into a layer of the abyss in the distance. The irritability in her heart finally eased a little, and Moya forced herself to calm down.

Yes, although she has seen the situation clearly and analyzed the most favorable situation with her own reason, the desire for destruction still keeps surging in the heart of the Demon Mother.

This is not only because of her dissatisfaction with the current situation after waking up, but also the influence of the chaotic side of the abyss. The reason why Moya can still resist a little, instead of becoming brainless like those demons, is thanks to her innate immortal nature.

But this is only a temporary solution, after all, the Demon Mother is now the first creature in the abyss, and the power of chaos is inseparable from her. Of course, she can suppress her emotions, but that is like using a pile of earth to contain a flood.

Although there is no Dayu in Chaos World to tell the gods that it is better to drain than to block, Moya can still feel that she is increasingly unable to curb the tyranny in her heart. This is especially true after the Ring Garden Snake no longer collides with her head on.

"I really want something to hit... boring world."

The thought flashed through her mind, but looking around, there was no other life here. So like every time before, Moya couldn't help but fall into the imagination of the past and the future.

Although she now has such a powerful force, she now misses the past more and more. At that time, she still had a clear voice, a graceful figure, and a moving beauty. She also imagined her partner, that should be a god as powerful as the Father, and considerate and handsome. They will give birth to some intelligent and talented goddesses, not monsters that are more twisted than the hundred-armed giant.

But now there is nothing... Waking up from the memories of the past, Moya gritted his teeth. The desire to destroy everything once again rose from her heart, so this time, the Demon Mother simply followed this desire and imagined the near future.

When the six great demons defeated the resistance of this world, and when the existence in front of her lost the blessing of the interface power, she would tear Him apart personally and then destroy this world.

At that time, Tartarus will no longer stop her from going to the world, and he may even retain the power he bestowed on her as a reward. At that time, he can use this supreme divine power to blast open the gate of the spirit world, drag that damned Ryan out of it, hang him in the middle of heaven and earth, and let everyone witness his miserable condition.

However, it is just to defeat a sun god with the power of the artifact. For Moya now, what is Hyperion's former power?

Well, when that day comes, I'd better find a way to reshape the body of the god and return to the beauty of the past... Then leave this ugliest body behind, so that everyone who once hated can come and "enjoy it".

Kronos, Oceanus, don't even think about running away!

Immersed in beautiful fantasies, Moya felt that the desire for destruction in her heart seemed to have been vented a little. This was not the first time she did this.

In the absence of a direct vent, imagining how to cut Ryan into pieces has almost become her daily reserved project, and shaping her own perfect image in the future is another. In this chaotic and lightless abyss, this was the only thing she could do to amuse herself.

After all, although victory was inevitable, it would take a while... In her perception, four of the six demon gods had already entered the second layer of the Nine Hells. This progress was already very fast, but it was still far from enough.

"... Click"


Instantly startled, thinking back, Moya's twelve eyes hidden under her body suddenly observed the surrounding scene.

Imagination is imagination, she can't make any accidents at this most critical moment, especially this ancient snake... The Demon Mother knows very well that if she accidentally lets the other party go, it will be a disaster for the demon god who invaded hell.

Just like the other party didn't dare to let her enter the Nine Hells in person, Moya must not give the other party a chance to leave. However, after observing vigilantly for a while, she didn't find anything wrong.

The other party's power is still strong. With the blessing of the power of the abyss, there is no possibility of "escaping" in front of him... But in this case, where did the voice just now come from?

With her sight slightly turned, Moya looked towards the position near the void in front of her. There was still nothing, as if the other party was deliberately using it to disturb her——

Twelve eyes suddenly widened, staring at a void, Moya seemed to have discovered something.

There seemed to be something in the gap between time and space, and under the power given by Tartarus, the cover that she could never see through originally showed a trace.

Faintly, she seemed to see that there were two figures there.

One was female, with a graceful and beautiful figure and a moving appearance. If Moya herself was "ugly in concept", then the other party was "beautiful in material". Just one glance, a kind of anger and the idea of ​​destroying the other party spread in the heart of the Demon Mother.

However, the thought just rose, and then it was extinguished without a trace. Because the next moment, next to that figure, she saw another existence that she had been thinking about day and night.

Familiar appearance, familiar expression, familiar power... and he was hugging the waist of that figure, as if he was watching this battle.

"... Ryan?"

His eyes widened in disbelief, and a look of astonishment surged from them. Moya never expected that he would actually see him here? dare he appear in front of him now? !

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