Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 274 The manifestation of evil

"It's finally about to start... If it's delayed any longer, this guy's divine body will probably be completely wiped out."

"It's okay for him to spend thousands of years to cultivate, but at this juncture, if he's gone, I can't stop these things."

In the second layer of hell, in a hidden high place, Mephisto held a silver mirror in his hand.

Of course, he was still in the Nine Hells, and he had never really participated in this battle. After all, as a promoted mortal, he was not a little different from those innate gods.

In order to really get familiar with how to be a god-like existence, Mephisto still has a lot to complete, such as the simplest one, he still has nothing that can be called authority.

Although the second layer of hell brought him power, it was only so. Compared with the God of Weather who brought his own dry food, this place is still in the original state of the interface, and it is completely not on the same level as the other layers.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, in the farther place, at the center of the interface, violent vibrations and roars came one after another. Crius was still resisting, but his aura had already weakened.

Obviously, although Crius relied on the characteristics of the innate gods to constantly repair the injuries that seemed to be fatal, this recovery was not without cost. Once a certain limit was exceeded, he would be like the former sun god Hyperion, with his body damaged, his consciousness and power lost, and he would be forced to return to the symbol of his divine office.

At that time, only by waiting for a long time could he walk in the world again in his prime.

Of course, unlike eternal sleep, although the gods in this state have greatly reduced their power, they are not unable to interfere with the outside world. It's just that if he falls into this situation at the critical juncture of the enemy, he obviously can't hold back those demons anymore.

"... Yes, it's started, and your method had better be effective."

Silently, a voice came from all around Mephisto. However, there was nothing around the devil at this moment, and the so-called "sound" seemed like the sound produced by the spontaneous friction of air under natural conditions.

But obviously, it is impossible for nature to make such anthropomorphic sounds, so it must be made by a thinking being. And vaguely, Mephisto also heard a trace of strange emotions from it.

Well, the devil said that he understood this very well. He did not have the ability to see through the interface, and he did not know how ugly the demon mother was before. Now he knows, and he feels deeply sorry for his own "boss" about this matter.

But there is no way. If he can replace, then he will do it himself... Well, Mephisto has to admit that in his heart, he doesn't really want to do it.

"Ahem, Your Majesty, this is confirmed by you personally... It is also the best way at present."

"In any case, we still lack in hard power."

With a light cough, facing the boss's questioning, the "excellent employee" expressed helplessness, but he still argued seriously.

If possible, who would not want to simply push it over? However, he has repeatedly confirmed that the current hard power of the Nine Hells is indeed far inferior to the Abyss, and asking for external aid is also an impossible thing to do.

Yes, in fact, at the beginning, Mephisto had no intention of using Hell alone to fight Tartarus. His initial suggestion was to go to the world in person and lobby the gods in the name of the messenger of the Lord of the Nine Hells, such as the Titans who were rumored to be hiding from the world, or the original sea gods who had to take shelter beside Poseidon because the main god was sleeping.

There are still many such gods, and he even learned some things from Asmodeus. For example, his boss seems to have some connections in the world, such as the God of Skylight and the Goddess of Daylight, who are the hidden ancient gods that Mephisto has almost never heard of in the world.

So if he can find some helpers, the situation today should be much better, but in the end, his idea was denied by the Lord of the Nine Hells. Because only the Lord of the Interface can see that when the abyss and hell collide for the first time, any power that does not belong to the outside world tries to intervene, and will only be hit by the power of both sides at the same time. After all, in essence, the two are still one.

It doesn't matter if it's a divine weapon, after all, they don't have their own consciousness, but if the gods from the outside world enter, their fate can be imagined.

Therefore, when the hard power is not comparable and the outside forces are difficult to intervene, Mephisto has to use his wisdom on some unconventional methods. He proposed several ideas to the Lord of the Nine Hells, some radical and some gentle, but what he didn't expect was that the one with the lowest success rate in his opinion was finally selected.

"The key to success or failure is whether it can make the Demon Mother lose most of her reason as you said..."

Mephisto stopped talking halfway.

As for the relationship between the Lord of the Nine Hells and the monsters from the outside world, how could he know how to arouse her anger when the other party was just born, Mephisto didn't know, and he didn't intend to know.

He was only responsible for giving advice. This kind of major event related to the rise and fall of a world must be decided by the real master of the Nine Hells.


The voice was silent for a moment, but Mephisto could still feel a certain gaze focused on him. After a while, the air vibrated slightly, and the sound that seemed to come from the world itself sounded around him again.

"You're talking about me being the one who really makes the decision, and this is the most likely way to succeed."

"You have done a good job. If everything goes well, then after this battle, you will truly become the lord of the second level of hell. As for the subsequent affairs in the human world, if you can still handle it well, then I will give you another reward."

The voice has calmed down, and the strange feeling in the words just now seems to be just an illusion. That's right... He shouldn't be so worried about a loss that is innocuous to the Realm Master.

If other coping methods are used, the risk will be relatively high, or the origin of the Nine Hells will be severely damaged in the end. If this trick doesn't work, let's talk about it later.

This time, when the sound ended, a certain will was completely removed from this space. Obviously, facing the terrible pressure of Tartarus, the Lord of the Nine Hells who was going all out could not be distracted.

He couldn't mobilize more power at all, and he was not even willing to temporarily descend an incarnation here to speak. Feeling the departure of the mysterious gaze, Mephisto breathed a sigh of relief, and then bowed gracefully to the void.

"It's time to begin."

He whispered, but this time it was for his own ears. Since there are no additional changes, everything should naturally proceed as planned.

The palm of his hand lit up slightly, and streams of divine power began to slowly pour into the silver mirror in his hand. In front of Mephistopheles, this artifact began to gradually revive. (Note 1)

Although he didn't know its name, the devil could still tell that it was a high-level artifact in the field of [space]. But compared to the one that symbolizes [Time], its power is far inferior, and there is no possibility of being promoted to [Creation Artifact], so it was born successfully early.

Once upon a time, the goddess of law used it to watch the young Zeus, and the goddess of the moon also used it to defeat Hades. But now in Mephisto's hands, this artifact gradually started to flash. It was like a 'beacon', signaling its position outside the Nine Hells.

There was only one chance... Narrowing his eyes, Mephisto looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Cleos was still being besieged by the four demons, and the one he was fighting at close range happened to be the three eight-armed demons that the monarch had determined to kill without fail.

At Mephisto's level, he didn't know what the essential differences were between these demon gods, and why only that one was included in the must-kill list. But as he just said, on such major matters involving the survival of a world, it is better to leave it to the real masters.

"Yeah, but in this case, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape 'death' in the end - who made you choose it?"

"But it doesn't matter. In hell, thousands of years are nothing... maybe tens of thousands of years? Who knows, as you said, I am not an immortal god."

With a sincere sigh, Mephistopheles could actually understand what the other party was doing. Faced with a 'forced control', an unkillable insect, or a self-destructive madman, although the three demon gods are also very powerful, they are stronger 'on paper' after all, not 'mechanically', and the opponent is huge The body also helps Cleos use it as a barrier to avoid attacks from other demons.

But regardless, he did inadvertently make the worst possible choice.

As for why Cleos was not told all about the plan in advance... Mephistopheles said he didn't know. But since the Lord of Nine Hells did not express any objection to this, it must be that there must be a reason that he is not aware of.

And the devil has no objection to this result.


The silver mirror buzzed. Under the constant infusion of Mephisto's power, it served as a 'beacon', and it seemed that it had finally communicated with something.

Seeing this scene, Mephistopheles couldn't help but straighten his expression and raised the artifact in his hand high.

The authority of the second world was drawn by him and added to the silver mirror in front of him. Looking at the battlefield in the distance, the devil said solemnly:

"...I would like to pay my respects to the snake in the ring, the giant python of the world, the source of all evil in the world...I ask for your power, please come here."

So the next moment, as if in response to his voice, the mirror flashed slightly. What followed was some kind of terrifying power, which began to flow out slowly one by one.


Beyond the Nine Hells, the boundary between the Abyss and Purgatory.

The uncertain space-time bubble exudes magnificent colors, like the most beautiful scenery in the world. However, what shines through its beautiful surface is the destructive power hidden underneath.

The mighty forces of the two powerful beings collided here...but at this moment, the creation and death of time and space seemed to have stopped for a moment, and what followed was Moya's exclamation that resounded through the void.


"It's you, how could you be here?"

The sharp sound caused the surrounding void to tremble. Looking at the two people in the distance, Moya was a little unbelievable.

She even thought that it was just some kind of illusion, or that something had affected her mind. That can't be true. Maybe the existence on the other side is trying to use this method to interfere with itself. After all, in the gap between the collision of the two worlds, no outsider can get so close... No, this is still possible. of.

Moya suddenly thought that at the end of the first era, the former Ryan had caused the two original gods who had troubled him to return without success.

She naturally does not believe that Ryan did it purely by his own strength. No one can transform from a weak divine power to a great one in one day, so it may be some kind of trickery.

Just like he used an artifact to punish the ancient sun god who violated the rules, maybe he also has some way to avoid the perception of the original god.

As for why he could discover him now...a hidden excitement rose in Moya's heart. Tartarus is the most powerful primitive god in the world, and the abyss is where his body lies. Here, his power has risen to more than one level. That is to say, only the Nine Hells with the same origin can confront him to a certain extent. Otherwise, any primitive god from the outside world, even if he has more power than Asmodeus, would never be able to fight against him in the abyss. Confront Tartarus.

So in this case, it seems to be a matter of course that I used his power to see through Ryan's whereabouts...

The huge body stretched out, and terrifying power coiled around the ferocious limbs. Looking at the man and woman in front of him, when the initial surprise and excitement faded, jealousy and anger began to rise in Moya's heart.

One was the trigger for her to reach this point, and the other was so beautiful... For a moment, the desire for destruction in the heart of the Demon Mother could hardly be suppressed, and it was about to explode.

But just when she was about to vent her anger, the reason protected by the immortal essence finally made Moya sober up a little. She once again isolated herself from the influence of the abyss and made a more normal judgment.

She needed to confirm again, simple guessing may not be correct... So in an instant, Moya's consciousness began to rise. Faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the former Titan god took the initiative to embrace Tartarus for the first time, connecting to the vast and great existence.

The chaotic and disordered thinking instantly impacted the depths of her soul, and the rationality that belonged to the life of order made her extremely painful. But with the help of the power of the abyss, Moya looked at the two people in front of her again.

This time, the scene in front of them really changed. How did they hide their true identity... However, just as the thought flashed through his mind, Moya suddenly realized in pain that things seemed to be different from what he thought.

It's not that someone else came in disguise, but that there was something wrong with that woman. Her beautiful appearance was actually fake. Underneath a certain authority, there was another ugly body hidden.

As for the one next to her...yes, that's Ryan!

The familiar power and the appearance that she still remembers all prove the identity of the visitor. His judgment was correct, so in an instant, when he realized the situation in front of him, Moya couldn't help laughing loudly.


A god who can weave "beauty", she even used her authority to successfully deceive the cunning prophet... and the enemy she has always dreamed of. Is there anything better than this?

"there is none left!"

The string of reason is about to break. At the last moment when the connection with the will of the abyss is severed, Moya's power surges out and firmly locks the ancient snake in the distance.

The enemy wants to catch him, but he cannot let him go. As long as he is still there, he can't go anywhere!

After completing the final arrangement, Moya finally gave up fighting his instincts. Boundless joy surged into her heart, and the huge tentacles wrapped around the hidden space and time like covering the sky. She could even see the look of panic on Ryan's face when he realized that he had been discovered.

"Hahahahaha...yes, that's the expression..."

"Come on, now that you are on my territory, let me entertain you!"

A huge roar spread in all directions, causing ripples in the abyss, and even attracted an unexpected spectator, but Moya didn't care about this at all.

At this moment, looking at the two people held in her hands, the Mother of Demons was extremely happy.

Opposite the Demon Mother, separated by a layer of time and space of birth and death, the Snake in the Atrium watched quietly.

Looking at 'himself' being caught in the distance, not only was he not in a hurry, he even had time to comment.

"The effect is surprisingly good. Although Moya's rationality is more persistent than imagined, it only goes so far."

"She still believes too much in the power of the abyss. But it is understandable. After all, this is her first time coming into contact with the power of this field. It is normal for her to make such a judgment."


The breath is the same, the destiny is the same, the power is the same, and the appearance is the same, then this is a god, at least in the simple concept of the gods of Chaos. So watching this scene, Ryan couldn't help but sigh.

"It's such a big sacrifice for me."

His image rights have been violated, which is simply a huge sacrifice, and he is by no means arrogant.

After all, just like the stand-ins for later film and television stars, it doesn't matter who the stand-in is, what matters is the star's face, that's the key.

Now that others are being beaten in front of their own faces, isn't that because they are making a great sacrifice? Thinking of this, the snake in the atrium seemed a little unbearable to look at, and could not help but turn its head slightly.

"Don't waste time, hurry up, do you know how disgusting that thing is?"

Suddenly, an urgent voice sounded in his ears. The owner of the voice seemed to realize what decision he had made, which was much more 'terrifying' than he had previously imagined. However, after listening to his words, the coiled giant snake just shook its head, as if to express rejection.

"Don't worry, you only have one chance. It's better to take it slow than to rush."

"Besides, I have made such a great sacrifice, so you should just hold on a little longer. After all, there is no other way. In this world, the only thing that can be hidden from Tartarus in his body is his power itself."


"I didn't understand before why you called this special incarnation the embodiment of 'evil', but now I see a little bit."

After a moment of silence, the voice sounded again, but he had no way to deal with it. After all, putting aside some meaningless content, the Atrium Snake was right. Although Moya is now attracted, as long as she locks on the power of time and space here and finds any abnormal situation, she will turn her gun around at the first time.

After all, when her instincts affect her reason, the influence of the abyss on her also expands. Compared with Ryan, the war against the Nine Hells is more urgent.

"So how long do you need?"

The voice came again, and this time, the giant snake gave a positive answer.

"Don't worry, it won't take too long... and this time, I'm going to kill it in one fell swoop."

The snake head's eyes flashed with a light, and then he said meaningfully:

"This kind of experience of being beaten and having to go out in person once is enough."

"In the future, the battle between the Abyss and the Nine Hells should be decided in another way."

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