Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 276 Sacrifice and [Shura Field]

The second layer of hell, hidden in the sky.

The silver mirror was hanging high in the air, and the artifact could no longer be easily touched by Mephisto.

Its "weight" became more and more terrifying, and it continued to grow every minute and every second. The dark little snake was hovering around, swimming in the space, and strands of gray matter were spontaneously absorbed by it, slowly and steadily increasing its volume. Looking at this scene, although the mood was still calm, the devil's body was unconsciously shaking.

This was not because of fear, but just the instinctive reaction of life. In a short period of time, from an ordinary big devil, he jumped several levels in a row and directly became the lord of a layer of hell. Although Mephisto's power became stronger, his body had not yet changed.

Just like the innate gods need a long time to recover after their bodies are completely wiped out, it is not a simple matter to condense a body equal to his current power.

Just like the former weather god, the reason why he continued to be active in the world in good condition soon after being transformed was actually because he took advantage of his "legacy".

After injecting the origin into the first layer of hell, Crius directly shaped his current body based on his old divine body, which is why no devil's characteristics can be seen on him so far, but he is no different from the original.

The body of the gods is closely related to their power. In theory, the gods of hell should also have the characteristics of hell. Even if there is no pair of curved horns on his head, at least the eye color should be closer to the direction of the Lord of the Nine Hells, but because of this trick, none of the above happened.

However, it will probably not be like this in the future, because Crius's final proof as a Titan god will probably turn into ashes today, and his body, which will take a long time to reshape in the future, will inevitably have the unique "characteristics" of the Nine Hells again.

"It's really beautiful, and it's really terrible... But if you want to create enough results in one move, the power is naturally the stronger the better."

Sighing softly, at this moment, the place where Mephisto stayed was also very particular, because this was the place where the second and third layers of hell were close to the junction.

This was not a real location, because in theory each layer of hell was "below" the previous layer. But the special spatial rules of the mythical world are so magical that the conceptual "down" may not always be equivalent to the physical one.

So under the will of the world master, although the devil is in a high position relative to the distant battlefield, in fact, the direction he faces is from bottom to top, directly leading to the [Noisy Sky Tunnel].

The reason for choosing such a position is obvious-although Mephisto cannot judge how terrible this long-planned attack is, he can roughly estimate it based on the basis of wiping out at least one demon god with one attack.

So hurting the enemy is one aspect, and not letting it explode in the Nine Hells is another. What's more, the monarch of the courtyard also specifically instructed him to aim the final landing point outside the world... So along this direction, let the main force pour on the four demon gods, and then go straight up to attack the other two demon gods who are still sleeping on the first floor, and finally spread the aftermath, then this is the most suitable position.

Time continued to pass in silence, and only the roar in the distance sounded from time to time. Around the silver mirror, the shape of the black snake circling became more and more refined and complete.

At a certain moment, it seemed to have reached a certain limit. Even if the surrounding gray airflow continued to flow in, it would no longer change.

No power can be accumulated without limit. At this moment, Mephisto knew that he should take action.

"Come on."

Just like a mortal moving a mountain, as the mirror slightly adjusted its position under the influence of the devil's power, drops of "sweat" flowed down the devil's cheek.

However, Mephisto was unaware of this. When the last half a minute passed, he was ready to end it all.

"It feels good to have the power of life and death in your hands... Hehe, although you are also born sacred, there is one thing that is no different from me."

With a smile on his lips, Mephisto bowed slightly to the silver mirror.

"For example, both me and you will die."



The huge chain sword scratched Crius's skin, leaving a thick blood mark. But he didn't dare to fight, and quickly moved away from the owner of the artifact.

The blood was controlled and did not drip, but continued to remain the same under the control of the divine power. The fight in hell allowed the experienced former Titan God to gain a lot of knowledge again, such as how to maintain combat effectiveness as much as possible in a long battle without rest. He even thought that if he had another chance, he would definitely be in better shape than now.


Seeing the owner of the chain sword chasing him, Crius continued to dodge. The former weather god who had been blown up three times was very experienced in this. He dared to guarantee that although the aura of this demon god burning with destructive magic flames fell more obviously than him because of repeated self-explosions, he would definitely do so as long as he had the chance.

Kill 800 enemies and lose 3,000 of his own. In the terms of later games, an ability that obviously belongs to "large-scale AOE" damage was used as a single effect. While lamenting that the opponent really had no brains, Crius also avoided it as much as possible.

However, he faced more than one enemy after all. After he dodged the one in front of him, there was another one waiting for him.

Accompanied by another flash of light, under another mental interference, the beam released by the left head of the three-headed demon directly hit Crius's left waist.

The power of corrosion spread instantly, melting a big hole there. Even if he hadn't decisively cut off the divine flesh and blood at the hit point, it would probably continue to spread on the divine body.

This is another experience of being beaten too much. Instead of using divine power to fight against that kind of corrosion, it is better to directly abandon the car to save the king...


His eyebrows frowned and he took a deep breath. The injury on his waist showed no signs of recovery. Crius knew that he was about to reach his limit.

It has been too long. Even if their wisdom is limited, these abyss demons have gradually figured out his routine, so the frequency of his injuries has become more and more frequent.

He scanned the surrounding environment again with his eyes. The silver human who has been silent since the start of the war is still unknown.

Crius gritted his teeth slightly. Sure enough, these humans just can't rely on——


His expression suddenly changed. Crius, who is also the Lord of Hell, seemed to have discovered something. A look of surprise and dissatisfaction also surged on his face.

The kid who was full of lies finally made some movement. That was his breath. Even if he didn't come, it would be fine. Once he came, it was a big movement that made him feel extremely daunted.

So he went to prepare a killer... Feeling the vigilance and fear in his heart, Crius reluctantly recognized this behavior.

This is understandable. Compared with using the opponent's weak power to fight the demon god, it would be more appropriate to prepare some other power. But what he didn't understand was why no one told him about this in advance?

"Forget it... No matter what, it's finally your turn now!"

The doubts and confusion were temporarily suppressed, and he would go to find out the truth after the battle. Crius looked at the demon god who was also manic, and couldn't help but smile happily.

These twisted lives, I can finally——


Before the thought flashed through his mind, in an instant, an extremely terrifying aura spread out from the edge of the second layer of hell.

Almost all life inside and outside the region felt the strong presence.

At the same time, in the core of the [Atrium], the big pit that was originally hit when the God of Sleep fell has become a lake. There is a small island in its center, and the tall sacred tree is swaying.

When the aura in the second layer of hell rises, this piece of pure land that seems to have not been affected by the war has also changed. A bright light lit up from the branches of the sacred tree Nordahir. If you look closely, it is three points similar to the power that once carried the God of Sleep through the world.

In an instant, the two powers at different levels resonated together, they intertwined with each other, but they were clearly separated. When everything ended, like the head and tail of an arrow, it pointed far away along a straight line to the demons who were still fighting.

It seemed to have taken a long time, but it was actually completed at the same time in an instant. When the strong murderous intent locked the target, Crius's thoughts were not even over.

He should have been happy about this, after all, this kind of power was definitely not something the demons in front of him could resist...if he was not in the range of being locked together.


With his eyes wide open and a flash of astonishment, Crius seemed to want to say something, but when he was ready, the huge "arrow" had already shot out.

In front of it, time and space seemed to be solidified, and the future seemed to be reversed... The direction of this arrow that pierced the world was aimed at the head in the middle of the three-headed demon, and as if foreseeing his own demise, the demon roared to the sky and broke free from the lock of time and space in an instant.


That was not its power, but the protection that Tartarus left on the demons, a power that even Moya did not have. Because even without personality, the instinct of the abyss can still detect the difference between the Demon Mother and her offspring. After all, as a former Titan god, she is immortal, but they are not.

So this power was born... As the first generation of demons nurtured by Tartarus at all costs, each of them is so extraordinary. This is not only powerful in terms of strength, but more importantly, they contain the origin and symbol of the abyss in a certain aspect, and are part of His rules.

Even though this "symbol" is different from the power of the Great One and only has meaning in the abyss, it further confirms their importance to Tartarus itself.

Therefore, the instinct of the abyss does not want them to die, just as the world does not want the gods to die. He generously bestows power and will bring them back to the abyss when the lives of the demons are threatened by higher powers-if this is just the power of the courtyard snake, then the protection He bestows has taken effect.

But there is no if in reality. Under this long-planned "arrow", everything returns to nothing.

It seems like several days, and it seems like less than a second. The concept of time has long become blurred. The moment in the eyes of outsiders is eternity in the eyes of Crius.

At the end of his sight, he only saw a sacred tree shaking, something terrifying was approaching, and then all existence was erased inch by inch, until it was his turn in the end.

However, in the last second before regaining consciousness, the former God of Weather still paid attention to the fate of his opponent, but the result made him curse out loud.

"——So, am I the only one who didn't even leave a body?"

The thought flashed through his mind, and he immediately fell into a cold slumber. Everything on the battlefield had nothing to do with him. However, it is conceivable that Crius's slumber will probably only last for a short while.

Soon, he will wake up again in the [Noisy Tunnel]. His essence is intact, and he may even be able to celebrate the victory of the Nine Hells in the near future.


The first layer of hell, near the gate blasted out by the Demon Mother.

I don't know when, the young god who was sitting here quietly playing the flute has disappeared, and there are still a few gray feathers still falling in the empty sky. Only two sleeping demons are still here.

But judging from their appearance, Hypnos has obviously just left not long ago, otherwise they would have woken up long ago without his power.

In the sky, the endless storm is still blowing, and some movements have been heard from the two demons. The last few gray feathers became a little blurry, as if they would turn into bubbles and dissipate as soon as the wind blows.

However, the next moment, all of this was stopped.


From the lower level of hell, a certain force went all the way up, sweeping unstoppably.

In front of it, there seemed to be a hideous head. It was struggling and roaring, which was the last refuge of the power of the abyss, but as it continued to move forward, the familiar head was also returning to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But no matter what, it did not affect the continued forward movement of this force. Even though it was consumed by more than half after breaking the refuge left by the abyss on the four demon gods, it still seemed unstoppable.


As if sensing a fatal danger, two more invisible forces rose on the demon god's body at the same time. It seemed to try to stop this attack beyond the specification, but the wave that came to its face only paused for a moment, and then it crushed the power rejected by hell itself.

The next moment, the "divine arrow" flew across the sky, and the "airflow" it brought brushed past the two demon gods. Even if they were not actually blocking the trajectory of the "divine arrow", the result was just a little better.

The black shadow seemed to wake up for a moment, and then it broke into pieces in an instant, falling to the outside world along the "arrow force". The demon god wrapped in the blue mist was much better. It struggled for a while, and then one-third of its body was cut off, and it fell into the void outside the hell together.

In a flash, the last two demon gods died and one was injured, but the "arrow" still showed no signs of stopping.

It was still moving forward, flying out of the hell under the gaze of more than one pair of eyes. However, it seemed to be the last of its strength. Its final landing point was not too far away, but flew to the place where the power of the atrium snake and Moya met before, in the space-time bubble that was polluted and reborn all the time.

Carrying the origin of the demon god at the "arrow tip", it fell freely and pierced into the void. Just like a giant axe that split the chaos, the landing point was the opening of the sky.

"Everything went well."

In the void, without paying attention to Moya who was suddenly shocked and angry, the ancient snake nodded slightly. So the next moment, the ‘sacrifice’ rule embedded in the interface due to the influence of Zeus some time ago emerged.

The three-headed and eight-armed giant has three different powers, one slowly corrodes everything, one efficiently destroys all spirits, and the last one in the middle can draw the power of the opponent from the killing to strengthen itself. (See 3-117)

The sacred tree growing from the trunk of Gungnir inherited some of its most core abilities, one replaced the other, and there is gain and loss.

Finally, there is the unique connection between the abyss and hell... They fell together in that space-time bubble, that space that has been born and destroyed for many years between the power of the ancient snake and Moya, or the collision between hell and the abyss.

"You should have a nickname."

Some changes are happening, and the will of the abyss seems to be boiling and furious. But the ancient snake is leisurely, because at this point, everything is unstoppable.

So looking at the new level that was born in the space-time bubble, which seems to be slow but is actually formed rapidly, and even vaguely belongs to both the abyss and hell, a low voice came from the snake head.

"In a fight to the death, the one who survives will be the king... From today on, you will be called [Shura Field]."

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