Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 277: When a whale falls, everything comes to life

Shura, this is a typical coined word. In Ryan's short memory before he came to this world, it was a mythical existence in another Eastern civilization.

Sometimes they are regarded as gods, but sometimes they are not; but most of them do not have innate duties and powers, and they are naturally warlike and have a strong desire to be a life. Putting such a word here is more appropriate.

So when the ancient snake's words came out, just like the world gave the new god a 'true name', this new interface that was constantly absorbing the surrounding space-time bubbles to grow itself was engraved with a name at the source.

"It seems that everything is going well."

In the space-time that slowed down under the influence of some force, Asmodeus's tired voice sounded again.

In the distance, Moya had reacted. She no longer targeted the 'Lian' and 'Beauty' who fell into her hands like a cat playing with a mouse, but violently surged her power and rushed towards the new small world.

She could already feel the violent shock of Tartarus's will, which was the impact of the fall of the demon god. She was going to try to save it a little bit now, but looking at Moya's actions, the ancient snake had no intention of stopping him.

Because the fight during this period had confirmed one thing for Him, although the Demon Mother suddenly had such a powerful force, its limitations were also very large.

And soon, this point would be reflected.

"Yes, everything went well. Except for the destruction of the divine body of the 'brave' Crius, there was no additional loss."

"Well... it looks like me."

Asmodeus continued, and this time the ancient snake did not respond.

Because as he said, his divine body probably 'could not escape death' this time.

In fact, to be honest, even as the evil side of Ryan, the Serpent of the Courtyard did not really let the other party pretend to be himself to attract attention out of some bad taste, and the fundamental reason was that the other party was irreplaceable.

Both the other party and himself have ownership of hell, which is easier to operate at the level of fate. The other party's true body is now hell itself, and the divine body outside is not that important, so they will be closer in various aspects. Of course, the most important point is that since there is no power to be exerted anyway, it is better to play a role here.

After all, when all the power is used to resist the pressure of the abyss, the divine body will naturally become an empty shell. Although the divine power is still there, the Lord of the Nine Hells has no energy to divide his consciousness to fight.

Therefore, Asmodeus directly contributed it. Although it may not come back, it is not a big problem.

"Although the new interface was born, it is indeed as expected. The whole world is like a huge ritual. In every battle that takes place in it, the loser will be sacrificed to the winner. This is the effect of the sacrifice rules written into the abyss and hell, and it is also the manifestation of the authority represented by the abyss demon."

There was no response, but the voice continued to sound. Because the rules of this new interface seem reasonable, but there are some problems in it.

"It will suppress some of the power of the gods, which is also a protection for the stability of its own structure. So in the future, non-god life may be the main body of the struggle there, but are there any non-gods in the abyss now?"


The ancient snake said affirmatively, looking at the place where he had just flown out, which was also the exit of hell.

There were still some streams of light pouring out there, which were the remains of those demons after their death.

Some of them were intercepted and will become part of the power of the Nine Hells as trophies in the future, but more escaped, which was also the last role played by the power of Tartarus. If the life of the demon god cannot be saved, then protecting one's own "wealth" is the most important thing.

"At least now there is."

Said again, the ancient snake retracted his gaze.

The first confrontation between Purgatory and the Abyss ended here.



A sharp voice came from his body. When the power in hell broke out, Moya instantly realized that he had been deceived.

Although she still couldn't see what was wrong with the existence she caught, the fact was clear. It must be a fake.

They had somehow tricked her and played her around, and she was still feeling smug?

Her eyes turned red, blood surged in her body, and Moya looked at the world that was taking shape, and she rushed there violently.

She wanted to destroy this creation, which was simply a proof of her shame. Even if it cost her something, she would strangle this fragile little thing to death in its cradle.

However, to Moya's surprise, no one came to stop her, and she rushed to the edge of the gradually depleted space-time bubble and crashed into the new world.


The roar sounded, and the strong vibration made Moya dizzy for a moment.

She was a little surprised that her power at this time could be hurt by such a small interface prototype, which should be impossible.

But it doesn't matter. With such a blow, it must have already--

"How could it be?"

Puzzled, in front of Moya, the small prototype of the world did not suffer any major damage. It was just knocked off its position, and then there was no change.

Everything in front of her still seemed to be mocking the Demon Mother's powerlessness, and waves of rage surged into her heart. This time, Moya seemed to have forgotten that there were enemies around her. She stared at the interface prototype and struck on it with her limbs.


A dull sound echoed but the result was still harmless. But unlike before, Moya saw clearly the reason why all this happened.

Her originally unrivaled power was erased the moment it hit the interface, or to be more precise, the power of the abyss that was temporarily blessed on her to destroy hell disappeared out of thin air.

And this is not because of anything else, but because of ownership of this new world. This is not an independent realm like the abyss and hell, but the same existence as the nine levels in purgatory and the multi-layered structure in the abyss.

It was not born by itself, but was constructed from two opposite but homologous worlds. It doesn't belong entirely to one or the other, so the rules of both worlds are reflected here. But this has the consequence that it can also be considered part of the abyss.

When the king of gods in this world destroys the world itself, what he encounters is only a weakening of power. But Moya is not the 'king' of the abyss. Her seemingly powerful power will only exist when facing hell, even if Those demon gods who were born later were actually not affected by her power.

This was reflected as early as the beginning. During the time when he had just regained consciousness, Moya subconsciously attacked other demon gods out of fear and anger, but the result was obvious that they were not actually harmed.

This power does not belong to her, and it is not even as stable as the authority of the God King. She is a user, not an owner.


Moya was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do, but the world would not stop because of her.

The sound of things moving came from the entrance to hell, and in the blink of an eye, streams of light spewed out from it.

Those are the origins of demons that have not been intercepted. They overflow under the protection of the power of the abyss and fall like raindrops. The giant snake that was guarding the door opened its mouth when it saw this, and a terrifying suction force came from inside.



Failure is inevitable, and Moya has already felt the abyss's 'disappointment' to her. It is conceivable that after the first collision between the two worlds ended, the power that was temporarily added to her would never come back.

Perhaps at that time, Tartarus will use his own method to select a real 'king' in the abyss - or a 'prince' who does not have such great ruling power, but this has nothing to do with Moya.

So she tried to save something for herself at the last moment, even if it was not very useful.

So another battle broke out here, but everyone knew that it would not last long and was just the last remnant of this dispute.

Level 303-7 Abyss, near a volcano crater.

The sun god Helios is standing here, looking at the place where the image was originally reflected by the flames.

With the death of the Hokage Demon God, the connection between them was cut off. But even though the 'arrow' that shot through the air passed through the image, it was still imprinted in Helios's heart.

Of course, the so-called 'arrow' has always been a metaphor, and it actually has no connection or similarity with the real arrow. But no matter what, the power contained in it is real.

"...There is actually a force that is hostile to Him in the abyss, and Cleos has joined it. Is this really the world of Khaos that I am familiar with?"

For a long time, the Sun God whispered silently, then turned around and left without hesitation.

This place was too scary. If there were just a few demons, he wouldn't be able to defeat them but he could still run away. After all, they didn't look very smart. Before, he was only afraid of Cleos because he couldn't outrun him and would probably be blocked by him in the abyss.

But if he faced that life or object that released such terrifying power, he probably wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

Flying out of the abyss on level 303-7, Helios flew quickly in the direction he came from. He couldn't tell the direction in the abyss in the past, and now he still can't tell up, down, left, and right, but the existence of layers of interfaces in the void itself is the best road sign.

However, not long after the Sun God set off, he suddenly turned back. There, thousands of streams of light fell like raindrops.

"That is……"

The speed of those light points is very fast, because they seem to be affected by the power of the abyss. Helios did not dare to touch them. He just watched these colorful light spots passing by him, and then disappeared into the distant void.

With only a few exceptions, they seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction and fell directly into the level that Helios had just left. But just after entering, they have undergone various changes.

The power on the surface of the light spot faded away, and what was contained inside was revealed, which was the remains of the demon god. There were broken phosphorus armor burning with flames, eyeballs that had been knocked off the wings, and pieces of flesh that were still wriggling.

Then, right in front of Helios' eyes, they burst out with unprecedented life force in the short time they touched the ground, and turned into a variety of different lives.

There are eyeballs floating in the air, emitting a strong spiritual aura, nerves and tentacles floating around, there are ferocious monsters with flames burning all over their bodies, which look very similar to the destroyed fire demon, and there are shadows crawling on the ground, which affect the surrounding environment as they gather and disperse.

When a whale falls, all things come to life. Although there is no such saying in Chaos' world, similar ideas still arise in Helios's mind.

The gods in the world are immortal, so he has never seen the death of a god-level existence. And now it seems that their fall is just the beginning. From the corpses of those ancient lives, a new tribe will be born.

They will become the future masters of the abyss, and this dead and empty world will be filled with new vitality.



His expression changed slightly, and Helios turned around suddenly.

In the distance, a huge worm was hissing at him across the barrier of the interface at the location marked by him as level 303-6.

And the moment he saw it, a name similar to the real name of the real god sounded from the heart of the sun god.

【Earth-shaking worm】, a new god born after the demon's limbs absorbed part of the power of the abyss, but compared to the fallen ancestor, it not only no longer controls "life and change", but its power only touches the lower limit of the true god.

However, a kind of intuition tells Helios that the power of this second-generation abyss god may have weakened a lot at the beginning, but they don't seem to be as irrational as the first generation. At least from the eyes of this newly born existence in front of him, the sun god seemed to see fear and threat.

This is what the demon in the previous image did not have. For them, it seems that there is only destruction and killing.

"Oh, it's too outrageous... Am I witnessing the "epoch change" that belongs to the world outside?"

Although the power of the life in front of him is not a threat to him, thinking about the vast abyss layers he has seen along the way, a chill surged from the heart of the sun god.

I hope they will stay in the abyss forever and never come out... The thought flashed through Helios' mind and he stopped. He immediately turned into golden light and fled to where he came from. This place is not suitable for his existence at all.

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