Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 292 Contradictory Fate

Long ago, when Nyx first discovered that Io, the princess of Bithrazi, disappeared at the end of the world, Ryan had been waiting for today.

No mortal could disappear in front of the original god. If there was, it would either prove that she was not a mortal, or it could only be the work of the world itself.

However, Io, who could be oppressed by Zeus, was obviously not a hidden big shot, so according to the legends of later generations, Ryan easily locked the only result. Since the existence of the Nine Realms proves that there is more than one world of Chaos in the void, then another mythological system that is already closely related in mythology naturally has the possibility of appearing.

The mortal princess has gone ahead, and the gods are about to follow. Although Ryan does not think that they will really enter that world like Io, at least the gods can bring him to the gate of Hermeneus.

"I remember, you said this."

"'When the hundred-headed beast attacked Olympus, the gods fled in all directions'... Is this another 'prophecy' of yours?"

Just a flash of thought, Nix immediately remembered the cause and effect of this matter.

Compared to Ryan, she was the first to discover the strange disappearance of Io, and she took the initiative to find Ryan to seek an explanation. However, there has been no movement for so many years, and Nix has long forgotten about this matter.

In addition, Typhon was born a little too hastily, and Zeus was defeated too quickly, so that until Ryan came to her, she did not connect this matter with the disappearance of the human princess at all.

"That's it."

Nodding, seeing that Nix remembered this matter, Ryan saved some explanations.

"I know, it's the foreign world you mentioned... But how are you going to 'follow' them?"

Under the ever-changing veil, Ms. Ye seemed to raise her eyebrows.

She had witnessed the disappearance of Io with her own eyes, and naturally knew the difficulty of this matter. Let's not talk about how Ryan can determine which god will go to the so-called Hemenu world. Even if he successfully foresaw the node of fate, can he really follow the other person to find the way to other worlds?

Under the influence of the world's power, a mortal can disappear in front of her silently, and even can't find the other person's whereabouts no matter what, not to mention that it was the gods who disappeared this time.

Even if they follow the Olympian gods all the time, I am afraid that at the moment when they also disappear, the two of them will not be able to detect where the other person has gone. In the void outside the world, exploration without a goal is meaningless.

"I know that even if the soul of a mortal comes from me, I still can't sense the location of the human princess. But this is the case for people, but not necessarily for gods. There happens to be a person who has a close relationship with me among the Olympian gods. With her existence, I may not be able to spy on the way of transfer, but I can definitely lock her position after transfer."

Ryan explained casually, and he had no intention of further explanation. He looked at the quiet night scene full of sleeping flowers, and finally confirmed.

"Do you want to do anything else?"

"... There's nothing to do, and even if there is, I don't need to do it."

Without asking further questions, Nyx looked back at the depths of the domain and shook her head indifferently.

There, one of her three-phase incarnations was releasing her power, but it was not released under her control.

Nyx didn't react much to this, because similar things would happen there every time the world's fate node was reached. She just waved her hand and disappeared into the domain first.


Lian followed closely after seeing this. They needed to go to the void outside the world, but there was still a world anchored 'existence', and then follow the signposts to find the location.

Soon, the Land of Eternal Night returned to peace again. There was only the constant night and the shadowy creatures in the dim light.


Outside Mount Olympus.

The black storm was still raging on the sacred mountain, and it was not long before the gods fled.

The King of All Monsters was destroying everything on the sacred mountain with the hope of killing the gods, and Zeus' figure nailed to the pillar by bones was vaguely visible.

Standing in a hidden valley, Athena looked at the scene over there.

The black-haired girl no longer wore a military uniform. She only wore a white dress with light golden patterns. Her soft long hair slid from her neck and shoulders to her slender waist. She didn't look like she was running away in a hurry.

This was normal. During her trip to the virtual world, Athena had already seen the records of the Typhon War in those complicated books. Although many of the contents there were very different from reality, the goddess was not very surprised.

Because no matter how you look at it, that virtual world originated from Zeus, and many of the histories in it didn't seem very real. It was like a play with Zeus as the protagonist.

He was like the Lord of Destiny, never defeated, even the King of Monsters could only win by stealing his weapons. Even the previous God King was defeated by Zeus head-on and imprisoned forever.

But it's not like this now... So the girl who holds wisdom easily attributed it to "a possibility in the future". You can believe some of the so-called history, but never all of it.

"At least I have never seen any record of the God King being cut into pieces by Typhon and hung on Olympus."

With a slight smile on her lips, Athena was somewhat happy. She stroked the sleeve of her right hand and secretly praised her craftsmanship in her heart.

It was obviously a critical moment for the gods to escape, but she was not panicked at all and even took the time to change her clothes. There was a reason for that. The former was naturally because she had been prepared in advance, and the latter was simply because the so-called "military uniforms" of this era were a bit strange and did not look very consistent with the goddess' aesthetics.

In terms of daily clothing, there was the black dress that Nyx had been born with, and the various knowledge that Ryan had spread in the spirit world, so in general, their designs were actually more "modernized", but in comparison, the others were still in line with the traditional culture of ancient Greece.

In this case, the military uniforms of ancient Greece... I can only say that those who understand understand. By extension, if Athena in the original trajectory was wearing this and running around every day, it would not be difficult to understand why the god of craftsman Hephaestus suddenly became beastly.

Of course, in this trajectory, he probably had no chance.

"Well, this Typhon... is a bit strong, I can't beat it."

After looking at the direction of the sacred mountain for a while, Athena had to admit that her strength was far from its. Even if she had a surge in strength in the virtual world, she was definitely not its opponent.

So it was not a wise move to fight against it. She should think about what to do next - anyway, it would not be to save the king of gods, and Zeus didn't need her to save him.

Athena actually wanted to see how Zeus would get out of trouble this time without the god named Hermes, and then kill Typhon. Anyway, as a demon from the outside world, Typhon couldn't always act recklessly in the world. Just hide from it now and drag it to the back.

"I can't go to the underworld. I don't know why, but it gives me a very dangerous feeling now... The starry sky can be used as an alternative. The vast star field is more vast than the earth. No one can find me hiding there, but it's just hiding."

Tilting her head slightly, the black-haired girl looked to the east. That was the direction of the sea, where her grandfather was.

For various reasons, she usually had trouble contacting the Oceanus couple, and Oceanus might not really care much about the affection between his children. But now Zeus himself was in danger, and he probably couldn't find her whereabouts. Even if there was no affection, Athena still had interests in her hands.

"Then... eh?"

Having made a decision, Athena was ready to wait for Typhon to leave and then go to the East China Sea. But the next moment, she suddenly took a step back, with a vigilant look on her face.

For some reason, at this moment, Athena had the feeling of accidentally entering the illusory world when peeping into the memory, and this time it was stronger than ever.

She wanted to do something, but in fact she didn't have time to do anything. Time and space solidified at this moment, and her thoughts stopped turning.


Without resistance, without struggle, Athena's figure was wiped out inch by inch in silence. Under some supreme power, the location of her existence was instantly changed.

At this moment, a passage that existed and did not exist appeared between Chaos and the world of Hermeneu. The power of the world determined the existence from the nothingness, and Athena appeared on the road with other gods, and then continued to move forward under the impetus of the power.

At this moment, all the gods lost consciousness, and their minds were still fixed on the last moment. Except for Athena, who had a similar experience, no one noticed any signs. Behind them, two figures also began to move, and they also continued to move forward along the "road" anchored by the power of the world, chasing the gods in front.

Everything happened in an instant, and time has no meaning for this kind of power. In the script written by fate, the gods should have found themselves in another world in a trance, another world that was different from Chaos, but had long been eroded by his power. They will devour and assimilate the local gods here to help Chaos complete this world-class devouring.

It should have been like this, if it hadn't been so many years earlier. However, there is no if in reality. At the moment when the position of the gods was close to the scope of the world of Hemenu, everything stopped at the same moment.


A certain friction sound from the source rang out, spreading in the empty void. This seemed to be the collision of the world itself, but it was not between two different worlds, but between Chaos himself and himself.

The trajectory of fate was running, but it was also being torn apart. The flow of time began to confuse, and even began to affect the stability of the Chaos world at the other end of the void. At the same time, there was a little gap in the power that originally enveloped the gods, and there was a little connection between the inside and the outside.


"...What happened?"

Athena, who seemed to be half asleep in the mist and darkness, vaguely heard a nice female voice asking.

"Aren't you the 'destined' god?"

"Obviously, there is an unavoidable conflict between fate and the order of Chaos."

Another familiar male voice sounded, and Athena tried hard to open her eyes. But after several attempts, she did not succeed after all.


In the void, two streams of light flashed quickly.

Compared to the world, both in terms of speed and momentum, Ryan and Nyx at this moment have dropped by more than one step. This is not because of excessive consumption, but because here, the ‘existence’ of the world undoubtedly seems very meager.

In the Eastern classical philosophical thought of later generations, there is a saying that 'Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives rise to all things'. However, if even 'Tao' is gone, many things built on it will be lost. The meaning of existence.

Just like the characters in the game are separated from the game itself, they are just a bunch of meaningless codes. Therefore, when the "existence" of the world is reduced, everything based on the rules of the world will naturally weaken. It's just that compared to Nyx next to him, Ryan is somewhat better, because he has some power to anchor his existence.

The stream of light continued to pass through. I don’t know how long it took, but the ‘existence’ of the surrounding void finally became clear again. But compared to the surrounding world of Khaos, this place has a slightly exotic atmosphere.

However, this feeling just proved that there was no problem in the direction the two were going, so as their own strength gradually recovered, the two also accelerated their speed - until at a certain moment, the sound of collision and friction at the source came loudly.

"A conflict between fate and order?"

Stopping in the void, Nyx looked into the distance.

There seemed to be something infinitely large and infinitely small, but she couldn't see anything that actually existed.

That was their goal, but compared to the clearly visible Chaos, surrounded by long rivers, this world looked like it was hidden in shadows.

This is Hermenu, or its name comes from its unique world structure. Its main body is divided into four layers, from the inside to the outside, and each layer has positive and negative sides. They are collectively called ‘Hermainu’, and are also called the ‘Eight Yuan Gods’ by the intelligent beings in the world.

The outermost layer of this world is the 'absolute void', which symbolizes the void that the power of the world can radiate to but does not exist in itself; the second layer is the 'infinite darkness', which can be understood as the surface layer that wraps the world and prevents all internal and external interactions. ; The third layer is the 'infinite space', which is the void that carries everything in the world, and is one and the same with the void outside; and the innermost layer is the 'primordial water', on which the matter and spirit of the entire world were born. of.

In this case, looking from the outside in, all that can be noticed is naturally nothingness and darkness, and nothing else can be seen.

"Yes, the conflict between order and destiny. Remember what I said before, the gods of Chaos will not really enter this world - it is not that they cannot enter, but that the world will not allow them to enter, and now this This scene also proved that what I thought was right.”

Nodding, in the void around Ryan, there are little flickering light groups, which are the places of the gods of Chaos.

They should have plunged directly into the dark and unfathomable depths, but now they have stopped here.

"They came too early, Nyx. The time of our world is many years earlier than its original destiny, maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years - no one knows how early exactly. In short, it should have been The foreign land that has been almost completely swallowed up still has a considerable amount of resistance left, but fate has not realized this."

"Even in the middle, the integration of the Nine Realms has exacerbated this problem. After all, from a long-term perspective, the remains of the Nine Realms will indeed strengthen the size of Chaos, but in the short-term, it will cause the world to have to be divided. It takes a lot of effort to digest this harvest.”

"...So, just as the world does not want the true God in charge of authority to enter the abyss beyond His control, Chaos also does not want the agents of the law to enter foreign lands that he has not completely controlled - because this is likely to go wrong. No reply?”

After thinking deeply, Nyx roughly understood the reason.

Indeed, if Chaos has the absolute upper hand, then the gods can naturally be thrown into it and become the last straw that breaks the camel's back. But now the two countries are at war. Although one side has lost its city and territory, its core is intact. At this time, if troops are thrown into the heart of the other side without backup, I don’t know whether it can cause damage. Anyway, the people who go there will probably not be able to return. coming.

The gods are indeed immortal, but only if their opponents are not from another world.

"What about Yi'e?"

"And since there's a problem...will they remain in a stalemate here?"

"I'e is a mortal. Although she has a certain status in destiny, her existence will not have any impact on the world."

"As for the gods..."

After hesitating for a moment, Ryan said calmly.

"I don't know either. Maybe time will give the answer...but I have a better solution."

"After all, Nyx, look, since the world of Hermione still has some strength left - how can I get in?"

This is indeed a problem. Ryan is certain that he cannot break through the 'infinite darkness' on his own. So during the conversation, Ryan turned his attention to the light group closest to him.

That was his signpost along the way, Athena of wisdom and victory.

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