Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 293 The Rising Sun

Lying sideways in the void, surrounded by invisible power.

Her black hair fell unconsciously. Athena did not show any of her usual heroic spirit at this moment. Instead, she looked like a quiet sleeping beauty.

However, the two people present were indifferent to this beautiful scenery. Nyx even looked at each other for a long time with a research attitude, but still could not see what Ryan's intention was.

"You want to send her to a foreign land? Although I don't know what the so-called connection between you and her is, and what means you will use to bypass the barrier of the world, I want to remind you."

"For a world, He will not care who sent the foreign gods in. He will only regard it as a threat. If it can be transformed, it will be transformed. If it cannot be transformed, it will be destroyed."

"I know, and as a true god who is immortal, Athena can't actually enter. Just like He is now wrestling with the fate that also comes from himself, Chaos will not send his power to others... So living people can't send it."

With a slight smile, Ryan stretched out his right hand and pointed at the forehead of the "Sleeping Beauty".

The white light screen flickered slightly, and the invisible force stopped his finger from moving forward. However, because of the struggle between "self" and "self", a gap appeared in the power belonging to the world.

Part of him wanted to send Athena in, and the other part wanted to keep him here. Ryan was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see this kind of fratricide, so he helped him compromise. If one can't be sent in, then send half; if the living can't enter, then let the dead replace her; if the one with authority can't leave, then let the one without authority do it for her.

At first, it was a little mist, and then thousands of silk threads flowed out from Athena's eyebrows. Nyx, who was standing aside, distinguished the essence of those things at a glance-it was not a soul, and it was not even recognized by the world. It was just a "destiny that has already died."


A slight sound in the dark, the real name of Pallas Athena was being divided. The part that originally belonged to her brother in destiny, the arrogant god-man lord, had nothing to do with the goddess of wisdom from then on. After all, if Zeus had not swallowed his wife and there was no subsequent sacrifice, they should not have had such a connection.

"You see, she is the most suitable candidate."

"The "script" of destiny to send Athena to Hermeneu has been completed, and the world itself has prevented the immortal gods from falling into the heart of the foreign land. And the destiny that has completed part of the "script" will no longer fight against the world itself so fiercely, and soon, other gods will not stay here."

"So only you," Nyx said, "only you can leave an anchor in this world, and the rest of the gods will be excluded-then what am I here for?"

The voice was light, just like Ms. Night's black dress that was always changing its shape. No one knew what she was thinking.

She seemed to express dissatisfaction, but it seemed not to be. But Ryan just smiled. Although in his heart, Nyx's real role was still in Chaos, it was not useless here.

Besides, since he has called people here, he must pay a reward.

"Help me conceal the breath of this soul - I guess Io was discovered as early as the day she entered the world, but he can't be discovered so early."

"Then use this as a medium, you will also have a connection with him... Wait until the day when this world is completely destroyed, you can get your reward."

In any case, the size of the Hemenu world is far less than Chaos, so its defeat is also a destined future, and both of them know this.

While talking, Ryan's index finger overlapped with the mist of fate. With the flash of aura, a new soul began to be constructed in front of the two.

However, this scene only lasted for a short time. When the soul was half constructed, this change stopped.

"Half was born by me, and the other half, let this world complete it."

Letting go, the illusory soul shook slightly. The fate that originally shrouded Athena seemed to have found another object to rely on, and naturally began to deflect.

"What is that?"

Suddenly, Nix pointed to the foreign land shrouded in darkness ahead. There, a golden light spot began to flicker at some point.

The hierarchical structure of the world seems unable to stop is constantly breaking through to the outside world.

"A local god, it seems, is a sun god, much stronger than the sun god of Chaos."

After distinguishing it, Ryan roughly recognized the identity of the visitor.

That should be Ra, but I don't know when it came from, and whether it is the complete Amon Ra Atum.

"In that case, even without me, the gods will not remain deadlocked here. After all, as long as the gods outside the domain discover them, the battle is inevitable, and then the power of the world's self-preservation will overwhelm fate and drag these gods back."

It's not strange to make a judgment.

Although the world's will is rigid, it has not reached the point where it can suffocate itself. In any case, He will gradually solve this problem.

As for Ra... Ryan is very happy to see his level in advance.

Although the Hemenu world is far inferior to Chaos, Ra is the only supreme god, far inferior to them having more than one original god. In this case, it is still difficult to say what kind of strength the other party has.


In the endless yellow sand of Hemenu, in the Nile River Basin.

Above the city of Heliopolis, in the eternally burning celestial body.

The sun moves in the world, and in the past, it was only the incarnation of Ra who was responsible for all this. But today, without the knowledge of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt, he silently replaced his own incarnation.

Because not long ago, Ra once again felt the panic brought by the dream whose content he could not remember. So he did not care about preventing the resurrection of the Chaos Serpent Apophis in the near future, but came here as soon as possible to inspect the human kingdom under his feet.

He did not pay attention to others but looked at those humans who were incompatible with the Egyptians. Most of them became slaves, with the mark of shame on their bodies, and some were free, but engaged in the most difficult and heavy work. Others could not bear the oppression and enslavement, they wandered in the dark alleys or the streets at night, using theft and robbery to make a living.

This was naturally regarded by the Egyptians as the despicable nature of foreigners, and then further increased their suppression. All this originated from an order from Ra, but he had no mercy on it. On the contrary, he was observing the existence of these mortals inch by inch.

After a long time, as the blood was diluted, these mortals who called themselves Hebrews had long lost the obvious foreign aura, and had even gradually become a part of Hemenu. But the less he could see the problem, the more uneasy Ra felt.

He wanted to find the root of everything, but he found nothing like every time before. After watching for an unknown period of time, Ra raised his head slightly.

The feeling that something was approaching became clearer and clearer... At this moment, he suddenly had an idea.

As the Lord of the Gods of the Hemenu world, he already knew every inch of land in this world, but he seemed to know nothing about things that were not in this world. Maybe from a different perspective, he could find what he had overlooked before.

"Shu, come to see me."

A majestic and low voice sounded, and the next moment, Ra's voice reached Shu's ears. And Shu immediately used his authority over wind and atmosphere, turning into an invisible fluid and rushing towards the sun.

"Respected Ra, what are your orders?"

Stepping on the burning sun, Shu had all kinds of speculations in his mind.

Ra had not given an oracle for a long time. Over the years, he had been paying attention to the descendants of Isis, the sinners of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Maybe today was related to this again. Did the sun in the sky finally decide to turn into the sun on earth and burn all the mortals to death?

"The sun will leave the earth, and I will go to the sky outside the sky and the domain outside the domain."

"Tell all the gods that there is no need to panic. This is just a normal change."


"...Supreme Ra, your will will be carried out. Whether the sun is in the sky or not, you are the only light in the world."

Shocked, Shu did not expect to hear such an order, but he hesitated for a moment and responded in a low voice.

Ra was not asking for his opinion, he was just announcing his order. Even though he was one of the nine pillars of gods, Shu did not intend to object to this.

"Very good."

Nodding, Ra waved his hand to let the other party leave.

When he was the only one left on the sun, Ra looked up at the sky, and supreme divine power rolled up from his body that looked like it was cast in gold.

He knew that the world was wrapped in endless darkness. And he was not a god born directly from the primordial water like Atum, the previous sun god who was replaced and devoured by him. So Ra always had an instinctive aversion to this "outer garment" that protected the world.

But now he had to try to get through it... Thinking of this, Ra no longer hesitated. The sun began to deviate from its orbit, and the sun at noon gradually shrank. He began to rise towards the sky, rising endlessly.


Ra, as the sun god in the world of Hemenu, was about to see the scene of the void for the first time.

It was constantly raising its position, but in the distant world of Chaos, another sun was doing the opposite.

In the vast starry sky, the sun and the moon were originally moving according to their inherent trajectories, but not long ago, the appearance of Tifeng not only scared away the moon that was about to set, but also stopped the sun from moving.

Fortunately, Chaos's day and night are not controlled by the sun and the moon. It is actually the embodiment of the eternal night rising and falling like the tide. So even if the two supreme celestial bodies disappeared in the sky, it did not affect the changes of day and night at all.

Until recently, when the Chaos gods came to the foreign land, when the fate and rules of the world itself began to conflict with each other. Time was distorted and then reflected in the present world.

The light and shadow on the earth did not change much, but the flow of time on the ocean suddenly accelerated a lot, and this was even more so in the starry sky.

The disordered time appeared everywhere in the star field, and in some places hundreds of thousands of years passed in an instant.

All this stems from Chaos's wrong understanding of time. When rules and fate collide with each other, this self-damage also makes the world try to solve this problem. The reason for this contradiction is essentially that the Chaos gods' "crossing" came too early.

The world realized this, but He could not change it. He instinctively attributed the problem to the slowness of the timeline, so he tried to change this situation.

However, unfortunately, Chaos may be able to speed up the flow of his own time, but he cannot affect Hemenu, and it is even more impossible to speed up the process of swallowing another world in this way, so the final result is this time wonder that spreads all over the world.

Time is distorted, and light becomes history... It looks terrible, but it is not a big problem, because Typhon and the God King are still on the earth, and Gaia's body still exists. The three great existences have greatly affected the occurrence of this change, so there is no obvious change in the place where mortals live.

The same is true in the starry sky. Those who can ascend to the sky in this era are basically immortals, and they naturally will not have problems with the flow of time. Everything should be done in this way, but there is a special exception in the middle, that is, the sun god Helios.

Since Typhon came into the world, the original sun has become a little redder for some reason, and the collision between Chaos' world rules and fate is more like weakening some protection, causing the entire celestial body to tremble slightly.

But the sun is one of Chaos' most important celestial bodies after all, and Helios is also an immortal true god. Although he has encountered an accident now, he can actually hold on until everything ends - if there is no sudden acceleration of time.

So in the core of the sun, Helios looked at the branches in front of him that kept releasing red mist and was slightly silent.

He can hold on for a hundred days... but this does not mean that he can hold on for ten thousand years.

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