Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 86 The Yellow Road and the White Road

The God King was very satisfied with the forging of the sun chariot. However, Kronos left in a hurry because he was worried about the sun in the starry sky.

He wanted to get this celestial body running again. Every day of delay would cause more serious damage to the starry sky, and it would take more than a hundred times longer to repair it in the future.

"Ester, how are the preparations going?"

Ryan asked softly as he watched Kronos's incarnation and Helios leave the spirit world.

The star fields on the sun's orbit were connected, and no detailed division was made before.

"At your request, I divided the star fields it passed through into twelve ranges according to the changes in the sun's trajectory throughout the year."

"They are matched one by one with the twelve months. When the starlight and the region are consistent, it can even use the 'calendar' to affect the climate change in the human world."

Wearing a silver gauze skirt, [Star Spreader] Ester replied.

"It's just that the number of human heroes used to stabilize the star field is a little insufficient. If other methods cannot be used to quell the disorder in the starry sky, it may take tens of thousands of years for these heroes to restore it to its original state."

Maintenance and repair are things of different difficulty. Under normal circumstances, these golden human heroes are enough to maintain the stability of the star field energy under the blessing of the star field power controlled by the star gods, but the current situation is not normal.

"I know-"

Rubbing his forehead, Ryan was a little helpless about this.

He had never thought that Hyperion would finally do something like "In order to prevent my subordinates from being used by you, I will just kill them all first."

After all, the starry sky is different from the earth. There are all kinds of storms and energy tides there. If there are not enough star gods, a star field cannot provide stable power to its owner.

Now Ryan is facing such a situation, and he needs to find a way to calm this turmoil.

Of course, those star gods who fell into "eternal sleep" are not strictly dead. If he is willing to let the spirit world provide them with divine power, he can actually save them. But Ryan didn't want to spend a lot of effort just to save a group of temporary workers.

After all, he also created thousands of virtual stars. When the starry sky stabilizes, those star gods will not be needed at all. Ryan can't do such a thing as saving others for a thousand years and then burying them in the soil.

But in the current spiritual world system, there is no place for those external star gods.

"Wait a while." Ryan finally said: "After Kronos arranges the trajectory of the starry sky, the [Creation Code] will stay with you first."

"You go to the starry sky to find Themis. In her hands, the power of the [Creation Code] is enough to calm the energy turbulence on the ecliptic trajectory."

After hesitating, Ryan added another sentence.

"Tell her that although it may take a long time, after helping her, I will help her avoid a nasty guy later."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Although they don't know who Ryan is talking about, the angels in the spiritual world will never question Ryan's orders. So Esther nodded in agreement, and then flew towards the starry sky.

The twelve star gods had already gone to their respective new territories. After all, the difficulty of calming down the star field that was left unmanaged for a day would be greater. Although their divine power was far from enough to suppress the energy of a star field, it was still possible to sort it out.

After a while, there was only one person left in the hall again. Ryan tapped the handrail lightly, his eyes passed through the void, through layers of obstacles, and vaguely saw the figure locked in the sun by the chain of order.

Although he had been imprisoned, the former sun god still struggled non-stop. Although this could not allow him to break the blockade, the power consumed by the king of gods for this had to rise a little.

This is the sun god, blazing, and reckless.

"This is Hyperion's second time in my hands."

Although the second time was strictly led by the king of gods, he would not have succeeded so easily without Ryan's help.

He ran into Ryan twice, and the end was worse than the last time. This guy has suffered enough.

But the immortal gods are really annoying. No matter how many times you defeat them, they have a chance to come back. Even if they are sealed, they are constantly consuming the power of the sealer.

"Third time is better than the last time."

"You have another chance to come out, when the God King is replaced. If you choose to leave, or to avenge your eldest son, then our grievances will be over. But if you are unwilling to stop——"

The gods are immortal, and the sun cannot be destroyed, so strictly speaking, Ryan can't do anything about an ancient Titan god.

But with some previous experiences, he vaguely thought of some more interesting but more difficult ways to deal with it. He can't do it now, but he can try it after the third era comes.

[Sun] is eternal, the gods are immortal, but death is never just the extinction of the body.


"Your Majesty, do you really want to hand over the star field on the zodiac to the Lord of the Spirit World?"

On the way back to the sacred mountain, Helios couldn't bear it after all.

The ecliptic is the general name Ryan gave to the star field where the sun moves in a year during the process of refining the artifact.

He called the sun's orbit the ecliptic and the moon's orbit the white path. Under normal circumstances, although the two intersect at one point, the sun and the moon will not collide.

Only in very rare cases, their positions will be extremely close. This rare day is also regarded by the God King as a thank-you gift to the [Sun Devourer].

Although it has no wisdom, the God King remembered its contribution, so on this day, he allowed Ikrips to come out for a "full meal", and by the way, he could also avoid the imbalance of energy between the sun and the moon.

After all, because of Ryan, the power gap between the sun and the moon in this world is really quite large. If the two intersect, some unpleasant things may happen.

With Hyperion's control over the sun, there has never been a problem before, but when it comes to Helios, the God King has no hope for this.

"Of course, if you don't do this, do you think he will look at other remote places? If you can operate the sun by yourself, I don't need to come here."

Glancing at the sun god lightly, Kronos said directly:

"Your ideas must match your power, Helios. I know you are dissatisfied, but compared to your sister, you are at least a true god with a powerful priesthood."

"If you can become a powerful god one day, I will seriously consider your ideas, but now, you just need to execute it."

If it were other gods, Kronos would at least coerce and lure them. But he didn't even have the idea of ​​"bribing" the sun god.

The starry sky doesn't need so many voices. Next, he will probably focus on his children who are about to be born. Before that, he doesn't want to leave a lot of trouble for himself.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Helios responded in a low voice.

Although he was about to drive the sun car to patrol the sky, and the God King had promised to give him some star gods to rule, after the trip to the spirit world, Helios felt that he had not changed much from before, just from a small cage to a big cage.

However, following behind Kronos, the eyes of the sun god flickered a little. Today's trip to the spirit world reminded him of something he had heard from his parents.

Before he was born, before and after Kronos ascended to the throne of the God King, the Lord of the Spirit World, who had not yet opened up the interface, made a prophecy, and the Father of Heaven also left a curse before ascending to heaven.

Just as Kronos overthrew the previous God King, he will be overthrown by his youngest son.

Hyperion originally used this to mock and vent his anger, but recalling this scene, the new sun god could not help but have some hope.

‘Your rise will fall with this. This is saying that he obtained the throne by treason, but why can't it be saying me? ’

‘He controls the sun and the star field by my existence, but he disregards my interests so much. Why should I stand by his side when the new god king comes to the world in the future? ’

He was a little moved, but he suppressed the idea immediately. After all, the god king can release his father at any time. If this problem cannot be solved, everything he thinks now is vain.

However, in addition to the prophecy that he didn't know when it would come true, Helios thought of another way to strengthen his strength.

‘I remember that the Ocean God system that controls the outer sea seems to be very keen on marriage. ’

‘I don't know if His Highness Oceanus will be interested in me? ’

He is still a little confident. After all, compared with one of the ocean goddesses, the husband of the goddess of fame Clymene, Helios is at least a sun god.

So if Iapetus, the god of speech, could do it, I could do it too.

With the same path but different intentions, the sacred mountain soon came into sight.

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