Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 90: Freezing Time

On the Great Plains, the Earth Mother sent out servants, and in other places, the gods also responded to this. Seeing that the first two goddesses were born, those who were secretly watching the God Mountain retracted their gazes.

Hestia, the eldest daughter of the God King, although both [Fire] and [Guardian] are very good at fighting, but because of the incompleteness of one of the powers, it is actually uncertain whether she can enter the powerful divine power. Even if she can, it will probably be a long time later.

And the other goddess Demeter, her divine duty is too biased towards auxiliary. Even if the divine power is strong, the combat power is also very limited.

What's more, in the tradition of Chaos World, goddesses cannot sit on the throne of God King.

Since there is no possibility of shaking Kronos's rule, naturally no god will care about it. They choose to wait, waiting for the birth of the Son of God.

"You've worked hard."

Walking into the bedroom, looking at the two babies in Rhea's arms, Kronos said gently.

"I'm fine."

Rhea's face was a little pale, but she was in good spirits.

Seeing only her husband, she glanced at her two children with a worried look.

"How are you going to treat them?" she asked, "They are goddesses, and they will not be the one in the prophecy and curse."

"I know that they themselves have no possibility of replacing me, but when facing my father, my brothers and sisters also stood on my side, didn't they?"

Shaking his head, but looking at the changing expression of the Queen of Gods, Kronos still comforted: "But you don't have to worry."

"Their divine power is still very weak now, not strong enough, and the time of prophecy is far from coming. I have a better solution. If possible, let them continue like this."

Stretching out his hand, the power of time surged in him. When the invisible wave covered the two goddesses, their growth was slowed down.

The divine power turned into a golden liquid, sealing the two baby girls inside, like two crystal clear gems. Kronos put them aside and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Let's do this for the time being. At least now, the power of the two of them can't bring me much burden."

Relieved, Rhea's expression relaxed. However, the Queen of Gods, who also holds the priesthood related to time, knows very well how much power it takes to delay two powerful true gods.

"In the future, we will not have only these two children."

"Let's talk about it later."

Kronos interrupted.

He had an idea, but he knew that Rhea would not accept it, so he simply did not say it.

Letting the gods return to the mother's body is not only a harm to the mother's body, but also a blasphemy against the law of reproduction created by the Father of Heaven and the Mother of Earth. The lesson of the past is still in front of us, and Kronos will not insist on going against it.

Moreover, the prophecy shows a node, the birth of silver humans. As long as new life has not appeared on the earth, the future is not so terrible.

If he can think of a way to solve the prophecy during this period of time, it would be best. If not, it is not too late for him to make plans.

After spending some time with the Queen of Gods, sensing the disappearance of the breath of the goddess of justice outside the temple, Kronos smiled, and then walked out of the bedroom.

The eldest daughter was born, and he had to confirm some things. After all, he would not have only these two children.

"Zephyros, the leader of the four wind gods that I personally appointed, has anyone disobeyed my orders in the past thousand years?"

Stepping through the gate of the temple, Kronos asked in a deep voice with his smile faded.

A few days ago, he had called back the God of West Wind. If the God's birthday had not come a day earlier than he expected, the God King would not have let him wait outside the temple.

"No, Your Majesty, in fact, the gods do not have this ability."

Aside, the figure of the God of West Wind turned from virtual to real, and he saluted the God King respectfully.

"The creation of life is the result of the interaction of the source liquid in the [Life Bottle] and the well water in the [Well of Origin]."

"So although the creatures on the earth are gradually sparse, no god has created new life."

Nodding, the God King was very satisfied with Zephyros' answer.

The birth of the silver human and the rise of the second sacred mountain, he did not know when the latter would happen. After all, there are many ways to create a mountain, but creating a human is controllable.

Before, his children were not born, so he was just roughly on guard against the birth of new humans, but now it is different.

Silver humans, there will be war on earth, Kronos will start from here to test the power of fate.

To do anything, you have to go from weak to strong, and the same is true for facing fate.

If he is still unable to stop the fate of the replacement of the God King, then Kronos will use the silver humans as a medium to test how strong the power of fate is.

In other words, this can at least make him understand fate better and understand its mechanism in the world. Even if the silver humans still appear in the end, this is also a valuable experience for him.

"Zephyros, I'll give you another task."

Looking towards the east of the earth, Kronos said lightly:

"Go to the Delphi Plain, watch it for me, and record which gods have been there."

"Since the creation of life is inseparable from the [Life Aquarius], then I just need to keep an eye on its existence. Write down every existence that may borrow the artifact, and I will visit them one by one later."

His expression changed. Hearing that he was going to spy on the vicinity of another primitive god, the God of West Wind instinctively wanted to refuse.

Although Mother Earth is far inferior to Lady Night, the deterrence of both sides is actually the opposite.

Nyx really has no sense of existence. With her degree of personification, she cannot walk outside the Land of Eternal Night for a long time, so Zephyros feels that even if he is discovered by the other party, it is not a big deal, but Gaia is different.

The God of the West Wind has no doubt that if Mother Earth notices his surveillance, his end will definitely not be good.

"I am not discussing with you, Zephyros."

Seeing the retreat of the God of the West, Kronos smiled and said:

"Your position as the head of the wind god is conferred by the power of the God King. It is not granted by heaven, so it can naturally be revoked. However, just like last time, I will not let you do things in vain. Complete my task and I will give you a generous reward."

Reaching out his hand, a ray of light flashed. The next moment, a scepter like a golden cast appeared in the hand of the God King. It seemed to have just been born and was still unconsciously releasing power to the surroundings.

At the top of the scepter, a yellow-green gem is inlaid there. Anyone who looks at it can feel that it symbolizes the withering and prosperity of all things.

"【Maidian Golden Staff】, the companion artifact of my second daughter. It can make all things grow, but it can also make them lose their vitality and turn into dust."

Feeling the body of the artifact, the God King was a little envious. The companion artifact is extremely powerful in the hands of its owner, and it cannot be taken away by others. If Demeter had not just been born and had not realized that she had lost this treasure, otherwise, as long as she had a thought, this artifact would lose its power.

But now it seems that Demeter may not have the opportunity to take back her artifact for a long time.

"Take it, although this is the treasure of my second daughter, she is still a child now, so naturally she can't take back the power of the artifact."

"I can give it to you, so that the west wind will contain vitality from now on. If you are discovered by the Earth Mother, you can also use it to save your life."

After hesitating for a while, facing the scepter handed over by the God King, the God of West Wind still took it.

On the one hand, as the God King said, the other party was not negotiating with him. If he really refused, the other three wind gods could completely replace him.

On the other hand, the artifact of his daughter was given by the God King. Although it was not stated explicitly, Zephyros had guessed that the new god of the growth of all things might not have a good end.

With the two combined, he naturally could not refuse the God King's request.

"I will do my best, Your Majesty."

Taking the scepter, Zephyros bowed.

"Then go quickly. In a few days, the gods who come to "congratulate" will also arrive."

"When they go back, you must watch carefully. You must remember any god who approaches the residence of the Earth Mother."

After giving the last order, Kronos waved his hand and let the God of the West Wind leave.

The God King still believed in the ability of the God of the West Wind. It must be said that since the last time he asked Zephyros to go to the underworld, he suddenly found that this extremely courageous god was very useful.

At least when it comes to monitoring others, even if there is a huge gap in strength, it seems that he can bring himself a good result.

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