Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 91 Golden Apple: Prophecy and Afterthought (Monthly Ticket 1)

Chapter 91 Golden Apple Prophetic and hindsight (Monthly Ticket +1)

The God King gave birth to a son. No matter what their mentality was, the gods sent people to send gifts.

The essence and gems in the sea, the star cores left after the celestial body was broken, and the special mineral deposits nurtured in the underworld, some were sent by the gods themselves, and some were sent by nymphs. In short, they were all transported to the God Mountain and turned into the collection of the God King.

However, for the gods, these gadgets only look useful. They contain a strong energy breath, but the gods don’t know how to use them at all.

Or even if they understand, there is no need to use them. In front of the power of God, some weak energy is really not taken seriously.

On Mount Odysseus, the messengers of the gods looked at the God King and God Queen who were as harmonious as usual, and they didn’t know if they were disappointed. And the arrival of Moanda, the servant of the Earth Mother, made the banquet even more lively.

Before, the attitude of the Earth Mother had always been a mystery, but now it was clear. At least on the surface, Gaia had no intention of being an enemy of the God King.

"Your Majesty, I follow the order of the Mother of Gods and come to congratulate the birth of the two goddesses."

Standing in the center of the hall, under the gaze of many gods, Moanda said neither servile nor overbearing.

"Welcome, the messenger of the Earth Mother." Kronos nodded and said with a smile: "Please take a seat. Today, I allow you to gather with the gods."

Other mortals who came to congratulate on behalf of the gods were invited to the side hall, but Moanda, as the messenger of the Earth Mother, also brought the information that Kronos wanted, which was enough for him to make an exception for this.

For the words of the God King, although some gods were dissatisfied and believed that nymphs were not qualified to sit with gods, they kept silent because of the two most powerful beings in the world, the God King and the Earth Mother.

"Thank you for your courtesy, Your Majesty. But before that, I have a gift to offer to the respected Queen of Gods, the master of the passing time, to express my greetings to the Earth Mother."

After a slight bow, Moanda stretched out his hand after getting permission. The eyes of the gods were all attracted because they saw something familiar and strange.

Familiar, because many of them have seen it. Strange, because they have never owned it.

The fruit containing pure life force made them feel a deep desire from the bottom of their hearts. It was a rare treasure that could help gods quickly accumulate divine power and repair losses.

"Golden Apple?"

Undoubtedly, Rhea also recognized it. Somewhat surprised, the Queen of Gods personally walked up and took over this legendary divine object. No one cared about her impoliteness, because the golden apple did have this charm.

As the first creature in the world, the divine tree that grew in the seed of all things, the fruit of the golden apple tree is to a certain extent the manifestation of the law of [Life].

If the golden apple tree had wisdom, then the [Life Aquarius] would probably not become Gaia's artifact. Because compared to the Earth Mother, the seeds of all things coexist with the Aquarius.

"Yes, you gave birth to a child, so the Earth Mother asked me to send this treasure."

With a slight smile, Moanda presented the golden apple with both hands.

If it wasn't for the fact that it had no effect on the great divine power, Gaia wouldn't have given away such a precious thing.

But since it's useless to herself, it's just an ordinary treasure. In the past years, the golden apple tree has borne fruit more than once, and this one in front of her is just one of them.

"Please convey my gratitude to the Earth Mother."

Some excitement, but more of shame. The Queen of Gods thought that after her daughter had diluted the power of the Earth Mother, she would never look at her well.

But what she didn't expect was that the Earth Mother not only didn't care, but also gave the golden apple as a gift.

As long as she took it, the vitality damaged by giving birth would be replenished, and even the divine power could be increased. But Rhea planned to keep it. This precious treasure should not be used here easily, and it was also a witness to the reconciliation between the Earth Mother and the God King.

"I will."

After returning the greeting respectfully, Moanda, led by the Queen of Gods, came to the long table belonging to the gods. Rhea originally intended to let her sit next to her, but she refused.

"It is my honor to be able to sit with the gods. How dare I sit beside you and let the gods be under me?"

Faced with Moanda's refusal, Rhea had to agree. After all, many of the gods present did think so.

So she let go of her hand and watched the nymph fairy walk to the end of the long table and sit next to Iapetus, the god of speech, and his second son, Epimetheus, the dull latecomer.

The weakest first-generation Titan was also a little surprised, but still welcomed it. The seat next to him originally belonged to his wife, the goddess of fame, Clymene, but Clymene never liked to be with him in such an occasion where all the gods gathered.

Because the more it was at this time, the more the goddess of fame realized how weak her husband was, so that he had no status among the gods, which was undoubtedly incompatible with [reputation].

Moanda found his seat, which meant that the last messenger of a powerful god had arrived, and the banquet began. The king of gods thanked the guests at the main seat, and then as usual, nymphs sang in the temple, and occasionally some gods and goddesses walked out of the temple together.

The gods were not surprised by this. Although the atmosphere among the gods is not as open as that of Olympus, there are a few gods who have begun to abandon the fine traditions since the father of heaven and the mother of earth.

Some gods don't like this, but most of them don't care. After all, the gods at this time have no moral values ​​for future generations. They didn't do this in the past just because they didn't want to.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed. Some of the gods in the hall have left, and some have recently joined. When the God King and God Queen also left one after another, Mo Anda held back the nostalgia for this place in his heart and turned to look at the gods beside him.

It's time for her to get down to business. This was her first time attending a banquet of gods as a guest instead of a waiter. She enjoyed this feeling very much, but unfortunately she knew that there would probably not be a second time.

"Your Highness Iapetus."

Cheeks raised slightly, Moanda noticed that Clymene, the goddess of fame and wife of the God of Speech, was nowhere to be seen.

Although I don't know where she went, it is obvious that she is no longer in the hall.

"As an ancient Titan god, you are really low-key."

With a soft tone, Mo Anda tried his best to look like an ordinary nymph who longed for the true god.

"Haha, Earth Mother's attendant, this is not what I want. It's just that compared to my brothers, I don't have their powerful divine power."

Shaking his head, Iapitus smiled helplessly.

Since the creation of mankind, he has often lived with his two children and the golden humans.

Prometheus was interested in learning the skills of the masters of the spiritual world. He learned these things and made some new tricks. He enjoys this process very much. For him, teaching mortals knowledge is a joy in itself.

In contrast, Epimetheus is much silent. He often sat aside and looked at his brother silently. He didn't express an opinion, he just stayed like a puppet, which was completely different from the wisdom of Prometheus.

But if he is told to do something, Epimetheus can often do a good job. Therefore, the God of Speech does not scornfully call his second son the God of Stupidity like other gods. He prefers to call him the 'Later Enlightenment', because Epimetheus does not seem to like creating and thinking, but only learns and executes.

"And Atlas, I really can't imagine how Clymene and I could have given birth to such a powerful god."

He sighed in his heart. Compared to his first two sons, the third son of the God of Speech was never very close to him. Atlas, the god of strength, just like his priesthood, only strength can make him feel respected, and this is exactly what Iapetus does not possess.

In the eyes of Atlas, he himself is the second-generation Titan who has high hopes from the God-King, possessing powerful divine power, while his father Iapetus is simply unworthy of being called the first-generation Titan. Therefore, he never stayed with his father and brothers.

"No matter what, you are a powerful true god."

His thoughts only lasted for a moment. When the God of Speech came back to his senses, the beautiful fairy opposite was raising his wine glass, smiling at him and praising him.

"I only have the identity of true god left."

He shook his head. Even though he was laughing at himself, the God of Speech was still very happy. In the past, apart from humans on earth, few beings praised him so highly. In this way, he and the nymph fairy who served the Earth Mother and the guests invited by the God King started chatting back and forth.

Because of his own weakness, the relationship between Iapetus and his niece and wife, the goddess of fame, Clymene, became increasingly alienated. Affected by her priesthood, Clymene did not like being low-key and silent, and the God of Speech had often quarreled with her in the past.

But now, he felt that the nymph in front of him understood his thoughts very well and could speak to his heart with every word.

I don't know how long it took until the two of them left the temple together. Epimetheus picked up the wine glass and poured himself a glass of wine.

He drank alone for a while, then turned to look at Prometheus.

"elder brother."


Stopped by Epimetheus, Prometheus turned around in confusion.

Usually, his brother rarely talks, so when he speaks, the Illuminati always listens to what he wants to say.

Although most of the time, Epimetheus always said some strange things and asked some unnecessary questions. But just to hear it, he was still willing to do it.

"If you encounter something, turning a blind eye can avoid disaster, but it will make the existence you care about worry and panic; trying to change will not only have unknown results, but you will also pay a price, so will you still do it?"

Seeing his brother turn around, Epimetheus asked seriously.

".Probably. With my ability, I can always think of a solution to the problem."

Although he didn't know why his brother suddenly asked, Prometheus still answered.

He has always been proud of his intelligence. Although he lags behind others in terms of strength, he believes that his extraordinary wisdom can also win him a position in the future.

"Really," Epimetheus nodded thoughtfully: "But I won't."

"My abilities are limited, and I know that there are many things in this world that I cannot change with my own strength. Since I can't change them, it's better to be a bystander."

"It doesn't matter, you still have me."

Although he didn't know why his brother suddenly thought about such a problem, Prometheus still comforted him.

"There is no problem in this world that does not have a solution. If there is, it is just that the right method has not been found yet. Even the legendary fate may not be truly unchangeable."

Maybe he heard it, maybe he didn't, but Epimetheus returned to his previous dull look.

Now in this world, there are only two well-known destinies: the replacement of the God King and the birth of the silver human.

Epimetheus felt that Prometheus's proud wisdom could not change either of these two problems.

Today, I will start a group. The link can be found at the end of the chapter and in the introduction.

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