Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 178: Xiao Cheng is pissed off

The bright red wedding tent shines with warm yellow light.

Xiao Cheng's silver-white armor gleamed with light.

The windows were open and the wind was strong. He sat motionless in the wedding room, his calm face and serene eyes seeming to be drowned by the crimson sky...

There was nothing beautiful about his and Feng Yun's wedding night. Xiao Cheng originally thought he had forgotten it. He hated Feng Yun's vulnerability, sadness, and the deep pleading in his eyes that night. After saying such words, she She also looked at him with those dark eyes like a young bird, expressing politely.

"I would like to serve Your Majesty in other ways..."

Xiao Cheng was extremely irritated.

When such shameless words came out of her mouth, what he thought of was not pride or happiness, but what kind of "special tricks" she had used during the three years she had been with Pei Madang to make him Such a capable person is satisfied...

He is the emperor.

There is no shortage of concubines to sleep with.

But she used such words to humiliate him...

That night, Xiao Cheng walked away and went to Fanghua Hall.

On the night of her wedding to him, he stayed in Feng Ying's room. This was just a small punishment he gave her, and it was also a way to vent the uneasy feelings in his heart...

Xiao Cheng's hand gently stroked the bright red satin.

Some scenes that had long been forgotten jumped out like that.

I left on the wedding night and saw Feng Yun again three days later...

Her eyes were swollen like peaches. When she saw him, she lowered her head and stepped aside.

Avoid him, be afraid of him...

Then he didn't even bother to give her any affection.

Why did the anger at that time all fade away now? When I recall her smile, only memories remain.

He could have taken her into his arms and tried her methods of ecstasy, but the aristocratic young master's rules and jealousy fascinated him. It sounded like dirty words. Especially when he thought about what she had tried with Pei Ran, he felt even more unsightly. Even looking at her, her whole body became lustful...

At that time, he didn't understand that it was actually jealousy.

Jealousy blinded his eyes, making him want her to become humble, want her to bow before him and live by his breath.

He wanted her to know that he was her husband and her god...

Later, she did what he wanted and became groveling, but it was for the sake of the child.

But Xiao Cheng could see that she had never admitted defeat in her bones.

That waist can't be bent down.

The knees are already bent, but the bones are still hard.

"His Majesty……"

The guard Ji Xiang came in happily, greeted Xiao and said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, General Xie has written a successful report and is preparing to submit it to Taicheng. Please give your Majesty's approval."

Good news.

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly, and his plain armor set off his dignified face with a hint of coldness.

After paying such a heavy price to recapture Bingzhou, and letting Pei Man play a cruel trick on him, it was a draw. To say that the battle was won, Kou Shan, who died tragically outside Bingzhou City, was the first to refuse. …

However, the Qi army was in urgent need of a victory. If we only focus on the result and not the process, after recapturing Bingzhou City, he has nothing to say about victory.


Xiao Cheng's faint word seemed to overflow from his throat.

Jixiang noticed that the emperor was emotionally unstable and felt a little panicked.

He was not like Ping An, who had followed His Majesty since childhood. Although the Emperor was gentle and generous, he was still cautious and thought about it before saying:

"Your Majesty, I heard that Pei Madang lived over there in the camp before the war. Would your Majesty want to take a look?"

Ji Xiang just wanted to pull Xiao Cheng away from this eyesore.

Xiao Cheng pondered for a moment and agreed.

However, Ji Xiang never expected that when Xiao Cheng sat on the rosewood table where Pei Madang had sat, he opened the drawer and saw a bra wrap used by a woman. The long scarf spread out Smells the familiar fragrance, with a small word "Yun" embroidered on the end...

This is the main hall of the camp, where military affairs are located.

How dare Pei Ran... humiliate her like this?

She is not a concubine for others to enjoy, she is his wife.

She is his first wife.

Xiao Cheng's face turned extremely pale, and he suddenly reached out and brushed off the tea cup on the table.

The tea cup fell to the ground with a thud and fell into pieces.

Ji Xiang was so frightened that he quickly knelt down.

Xiao Cheng didn't speak, his eyes fell on the drawer again, where there was an opened envelope with graceful handwriting, each stroke seemed to be written in his mind.

"The general personally approves."

Xiao Cheng opened the letter.

In addition to a large amount of analysis of the enemies of the Jin and Qi armies, as well as speculation on Xiao Cheng's own use of troops, there is also a very glaring sentence at the end.

"Waiting for your triumphant return, I will have all the fun with you."

Xiao Cheng's eyes stung, he clenched the letter in his hand, and suddenly opened all the lockers in the hall.

Not a single piece of useful paper exists, only a pile of ashes in the fire tray in the corner...

Everything that should be burned was burned.

Only one letter was left for him.

Xiao Cheng's face was cold and he chuckled, "Pei Mad!"


The room was extremely quiet.

When Feng Yun woke up, he felt for a moment that he might be in a silent world.

A candle flame flickers on and off, shrouded in the lamp, feeling boundless and lonely.


She spoke, her throat hoarse.

Then came an itching, and then a violent cough.

Xiaoman lifted the curtain and came in, quickly pouring water for her along her back.

"Slow down, girl, slow down."

Feng Yun's throat seemed to be broken, and her voice was hoarse. She didn't want to talk anymore. She pointed to her throat and asked Xiaoman with her eyes what was going on.

Xiaoman put down the cup, took a pillow and let Feng Yun lean on it. Then she said distressedly:

"The girl is sick. She had a fever last night, which scared Xiaoman."

She couldn't help wiping tears again: "When I saw the girl rolling down the cliff, Xiaoman thought... I would never see the girl again in this life. Fortunately, the general saved the girl."

Feng Yun's consciousness gradually returned in Xiaoman's narration.

The carriage rolled down the cliff, shaking like the world turned upside down. She and Pei Cong fell into a deep pool and hid in a cave. The hot firewood brought a dizzying heat, which burned her skin...

She and Pei Cong...

With Pei Cong...

Feng Yun's mind twitched for a moment. Many of the messy scenes in the cave were blurred and unreal like a dream. Only the way Pei Cong raised his head and moaned during the intense release was clear as if engraved in her mind, over and over again...

She hugged her shoulders, as if thinking of something, lowered her head and pulled her clothes to look at her body, and her cheeks became hot.

Pei dog!

All those spots of red marks were left by him.

I don't know the severity of the situation.

He never had mercy on her.

Seeing her gritting her teeth and blushing, Xiaoman nervously put his hand on her forehead.

"Girl, does your head still hurt? The Puyang doctor said that the girl will have repeated fevers and a very painful head..."

She pointed to the towel on the basin rack.

"The doctor in Puyang taught Xiaoman, Xiaoman will help the girl get rid of the fever."

She can't get rid of this fever.

Only by killing Pei Gou can she get rid of it.

Feng Yun sighed in her heart and asked, "Where is the general?"

Xiaoman's eyes were full of smiles.

Married girls are different. They blush when talking about the general.

She said, "The general went to the camp to do some official business. He ordered that when the girl wakes up, he would send someone to tell him..."

Then she said mysteriously:

"The general also called the eldest son."

Feng Yun was stunned, "Really?"

Xiaoman nodded heavily, with a lovely smile on her face.

"Xiaoman saw that the general valued the eldest son very much. When the eldest son came to see the girl this morning, the general talked to him for a long time. He didn't let the maid serve him, so he didn't hear it clearly. Anyway, the general spoiled the girl and was willing to treat the eldest son well."

She used words like spoiled and treated well.

Xiaoman is a simple sister-in-law. All she can think of is the external performance.

Feng Yun guessed that it was probably because of Wen Xingsu's attack on Deng Guang in Bingzhou City that made Pei Cong look at Wen Xingsu differently.

She did not let anyone tell Pei Cong.

There was no need to make a fuss about catching a cold.

Feng Yun took the medicine brought by Xiaoman and lay down for a while, and then the news came.

The battle of Bingzhou completely wiped out the elite Kou Shan of the Qi Army. In addition to rewarding meritorious service, Pei Cong also adjusted the personnel and leaders of the Seven Colors Army.

When the young Ao Qi followed Zhu Cheng as the vanguard, he was appointed as the deputy general, but at that time it was just a saying, and there was no official appointment document. This time, Pei Cong really made Ao Qi, who was only 17 years old, the leader of the Red Armor Army...

He became the youngest general in the Beiyong Army.

He was also the youngest general in the Jin Dynasty.

Not because he was Pei Cong's nephew, but because of his military achievements.

In addition, the three rebel generals Han, Chu and Hu were killed in front of the battle and replaced by three deputy generals, Yu Daming, Tong Kejian and Nangong Yi.

The most surprising thing is that Pei Cong appointed Wen Xingsu as the leader of the Orange Crane Army, letting him lead the remnants of the Orange Crane Army and reorganize the Orange Crane Army...

Wen Xingsu's "Poqian General" was just a title at the beginning, without actual command power.

This is real, Pei Cong's direct line.

Moreover, Pei Cong was very thoughtful.

Because Wen Xingsu was a new general, if other camps were dropped from the sky, it would make the natives uncomfortable.

The Orange Crane Army was destroyed by Deng Guang in Bingzhou City, and it was more appropriate to let Wen Xingsu take over. After the reorganization, Wen Xingsu could cultivate subordinates he trusted.

Pei Cong's reputation for generosity is well deserved.

After receiving the news, Daman and Xiaoman were so happy that they danced with joy.

"Now that you have a military post, I can stand up straighter."

Feng Yun shook her head and wanted to say something, but her throat started to itch and she started coughing again. She simply stopped talking and waved her hand.

"Go down, I'll sleep a little longer."

You know, reorganizing Orange Crane for the Beiyong Army is different from killing the Beiyong Army rebels in Bingzhou City...

So what she was worried about was not that Pei Jue would not give it, but that her brother would not accept it.

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