Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 179: Too Much Love

Feng Yun's illness was related to the bed.

She originally thought that the cold and cold would be cured by taking a few medicines, but unexpectedly, after staying in bed for five or six days, her body was still weak, her coughing continued, and she became haggard.

She was thinking wildly, always wondering if Pei Madang had poisoned her, which was why she was so miserable...

However, the culprit was busy cleaning up the mess after the war in the past two days, and came back to see her twice. Once after she fell asleep, Feng Yun couldn't catch him at all, let alone hold him accountable.

But there is one thing.

Except for Da Man and Xiao Man, everyone changed their name to "Madam".

Feng Yun felt awkward.

She felt that Pei Madang should correct her, make the truth known to the public, and restore her innocence... Although she was no longer innocent, but by acknowledging that the wedding was valid, wouldn't it push her into a dangerous situation?

Is Li Sangruo going crazy?

Feng Yun thought of the carriage rolling into the cliff.

Suddenly, she felt that if Pei Madang didn't come back to see her, did he know that Li Sangruo was behind the scenes and deliberately avoided her and refused to face her?

Pei Gou did her a lot of harm!

Almost died at the foot of the cliff.

We cannot sit still and wait for death.

Feng Yun thought a lot, but now she was trapped in the hospital bed and couldn't do anything.


Ao Qi came from the camp, feeling as if a stone had fallen on his heart. He walked silently, and somehow his feet brought him to the "Chunyu Pavilion" where Feng Yun lived.

This is Wen Xingsu's former house.

After returning to Shinshu, she insisted on living here.

When Ao Qi realized that he shouldn't have come, he was already standing outside the door.

The beautiful young man in brocade clothes looks at the jade tower and thinks about his smile. He has endless thoughts and it is difficult to express his lovesickness.


Ao Qi's breath was gone, hesitantly lowered his head and turned around, and was about to leave when a chuckle came from behind.

"Guard Ao." Daman called him.

Ao Qi looked back and Daman said again: "It's time to change your name to General Ao."

Da Man threw himself towards her, making Ao Qi blush.

It was very inappropriate and unseemly to look at the girl secretly outside her house.

He said awkwardly: "Is the girl feeling better?"

The day before yesterday, Ao Qi actually came to see Feng Yun once.

At that time, Feng Yun had just taken the medicine and fell asleep. He sat for a while and then left without waking her up.

Daman knew a lot more than Xiaoman. He smiled when he saw Ao Qi's expression.

"The girl just got up now, and Guard Ao saw her when she entered."

Ao Qi thought for a while, "Then please sister, please pass the message for me."

In the past, when he was a guard, he could walk freely in Feng Yun's house. He could walk sideways if he wanted to, or vertically if he wanted to. Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, their identities had changed, and he had become a I met someone who Feng Yun needed to communicate with.

Ao Qi was very reluctant.

In the camp, when his uncle asked him to be the commander of the Red Armor Army, Ao Qi was very excited at first...

Following my uncle out of Beijing and going to the battlefield, isn't the purpose of making achievements?

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a little annoyed.

The girl is already a wife, so what can he do if he has established a successful career?

It's better to go back to her and be a happy little guard...

The young man's ideas are often childish and absurd, and his parents and uncle all say so about him.

But Ao Qi knew that it was not the sudden ambiguity of a young boy, but the admiration that lasted for so long, not just a moment, it was something he had thought about thousands of times...

If she were still his uncle's concubine, Ao Qi would be shameless and ask for it.

But he didn't expect that his uncle would marry her.

The matchmaker is marrying, and that is his aunt...

In the past two days, he had three drinks with Ye Chuang. Ye Chuang advised him to let go and reconcile with him, and Ao Qi also advised him.

After drinking, he cried bitterly in front of Ye Chuang, like a three-year-old child, and swore that he would never miss her or love her again.

But in the drunken dream, it was still her.

In the clear consciousness after waking up from alcohol, it was still her.

It's not that he wants to violate human ethics or go against the law of heaven.

It was because he couldn't help himself and couldn't control it...

Seeing Feng Yun with this idea, Ao Qi sat upright and uneasy. The girl he had been thinking about all day and night was right in front of him, and he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

Feng Yun was feeling much better today. When he saw Ao Qi alive, his gentleness showed in his smile, and there seemed to be faint dimples on the corners of his lips.

"Guard Ao has lost some weight? But he's been working hard lately?"

This title was born out of habit. Feng Yun was about to change his words when he realized something was wrong, but Ao Qi became excited.

He raised his head and stared at Feng Yun: "Girl, please take me back."

Feng Yun was stunned unexpectedly, smiled and coughed a few times, and finally regained his breath.

"It's time to change your words. General Ao."

"Don't call me little general." Ao Qi remembered that Feng Yun also called him "little general" on the day he entered the camp. At that time, he felt that he was not worthy, but now he doesn't want to.

He shouldn't go beyond his duty, but he couldn't help but speak.

"I don't like girls treating me so harshly."

Feng Yun said: "You are now a young general in your own right. Who wouldn't look up to you? If I don't call you General Ao, why should I call you Guard Ao?"

"My name is Ao Qi." The young man looked a little lonely in his eyes. He obviously shouldn't, but he couldn't help but say sourly.

"Aren't you my aunt? It's appropriate for elders to call younger ones by their first names."

Feng Yun wanted to say that she hadn't acknowledged the marriage yet.

But thinking that the person sitting opposite was Ao Qi, I acquiesced.

"Okay. Then I'll call you Xiaoqi from now on."

A good title for an elder.

Ao Qi's eyes turned red inexplicably.

"The girl obviously knows everything."

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, he coughed, and didn't answer.

Ao Qi looked at her with dreamy eyes, "You can't go back, can you?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

If Ao Qi was Chun Yuyan, she would have at least 800 words to scold him, hurt him, and insult him without even caring about it.

But this is Ao Qi.

The young man is sensitive and fragile...

There was also a time when she was pregnant as a young girl. Seeing Young Master Xiao was like seeing an immortal in the sky, and she wanted to give her heart to him...

More importantly, Chun Yuyan is ruthless, while Ao Qi has love in his eyes.

Feng Yun is actually not good at dealing with emotions, especially the young man's admiration, which is difficult to resist.

"Xiao Qi, don't think too much." Feng Yun considered, "Your uncle and I are in Bingzhou..."

"I don't want to hear it." Ao Qi didn't want to hear what she said about Pei Madang.

At least, not wanting to hear it from her mouth.

"I came here to ask the girl if she still wants to eat fish?"

Ao Qi.

Feng Yun thought of the shirtless young man fishing in the water, the bright smiling face under the hot sun...

Sincere emotions, I can’t bear to be let down, and I feel ashamed of myself.

Feng Yun had a headache.

How did it go astray?

Ao Qi in her previous life hated her to the core.

Why didn't he hate her as he did in his previous life and hate her for taking away his uncle?

Feng Yun struggled out of exhaustion to say a word.

"I'm sick. I smell fishy and don't feel very comfortable."

Ao Qi's eyes turned red and he almost burst into tears.

"You really don't like fish."

"No." Feng Yun denied reflexively, coughing twice before saying: "The best fish soup I have ever tasted was made from the fish Xiaoqi caught when he was in Andu County. It is very fresh and beautiful. I I think I will never forget it in my life.”

Ao Qi hissed: "Girl, I can..."

Feng Yun interrupted him, "I have mixed tastes and can take a sip of any delicacy. But the staple food is indispensable and depends on my survival."

Ao Qi's chest was surging, suddenly cold and hot, filled with strong and hot emotions, but there was no way to describe them. He didn't know how to express it, and he couldn't express it well, but those feelings that had been painful for several days and couldn't be expressed finally came to fruition.

At least, he's not completely useless.

Even though he has never lived in the girl's heart, his fish has...

"When I have some free time, I will catch fish for you."

"Need not……"

Feng Yun was afraid that Ao Qi would misunderstand, so he wanted to explain it more clearly, but Ao Qi had already stood up. He cupped his hands as if he were afraid of her rejection, and then quickly retreated, running like the wind, and the heat all over his body was boiling out. sweat.

As soon as they walked out of Chunyu Pavilion, they bumped into Pei Madang and Wen Xingsu.

The two of them were walking and talking. Seeing Ao Qi panicking and looking guilty as a thief, Pei Madang frowned slightly.

Wen Xingsu also stopped.

Ao Qi felt guilty when he saw Pei Mang.

"Uncle." He lowered his head and held his hands.

He also went to Wenxing to pay homage.

"General Wen."

Wen Xingsu nodded slightly and returned the salute to him. A pair of worldly eyes flashed across Ao Qi's face, and he smiled gently without speaking.

Ao Qi was silent.

Pei Ran: "Go back."

Ao Qi pursed his lips, his eyes were frighteningly red, "Uncle."

Pei Ran looked at him sternly, and Ao Qi looked at him. He couldn't tell whether he was ashamed or unwilling, and pursed his lips while hesitating to speak.

"I am leaving."

Looking at his leaving figure, Wen Xingsu sighed.

"Young admiration for Ai is always infatuated with love."

Pei Madang glanced at Wen Xingsu and said, "He will grow up."

The two fell silent and went in to see Feng Yun together.

Feng Yun did not expect that the two people would come together.

For her, who had witnessed the two of them fighting with real swords and guns for several years in their previous life, this scene was mysterious and precious.

The elegant and handsome Ningyuan General Wen Xingsu is still alive.

When Feng Yun saw his elder brother's smile, his face looked much better, and his fair and rosy face exuded joy.

"Brother, general, why are you two here together?"

Pei Madang said nothing and frowned almost imperceptibly.

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "Come and see you. Are you feeling better?"

"Yes." Feng Yun smiled and glanced at Pei Man, "The medical officer in Puyang said that they have used hundreds of years of old ginseng. If I don't get better, won't it mean that the general's family will be wiped out?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said with a stern face, "Stop talking."

Feng Yun's voice became clearer, but the weak state of recovering from a serious illness could still be seen on his face. If he moved a little, he could feel sweat coming out of his back.

It really hurts the body.

Feng Yun thought of what Puyang Jiu said and smiled.

"Then I'll listen to you talking to eldest brother."

Pei Madang is a boring gourd. All the important things he wants to say have been said in the hall. What can he say to Wen Xingsu?

He took out a small bottle from the table nearby, uncorked it and looked at it. It was the pills that Puyang Jiu left for Feng Yun. He told her to take two pills every day, one in the morning and one in the evening, but the pills were extremely bitter. Feng Yun stopped taking it when he felt better.

Feng Yun pretended not to see him checking the pills, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed a few times, then smiled and said:

"Eldest brother wrote before and said that he dug a wine cellar in Shinshu and stored a lot of fine wine. When will he take me to see it?"

Wen Xingsu smiled and said, "When you recover from your illness, you are not allowed to drink too much while you are recuperating."

In fact, Feng Yun was very greedy for the long-lost and rare family affection, especially this time he only managed to save a small life after a narrow escape. In front of Wen Xingsu, he looked even more coquettish as a little daughter, just like when she was young.

"Then you take me to see the Xinzhou River view. I remember what you said. There are many food stalls along the Xinzhou River, and the food and entertainment are all excellent."

Xinzhou can be said to be Wen Xingsu’s base camp.

Wen Xingsu knew better than anyone where there were things to do and eat.

Wen Xingsu smiled and was about to speak when a tall shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

Pei Madang took the water and the medicine bottle in his hand, walked up to Feng Yun, and handed it to her without saying a word.

Feng Yun shut up and deflated.

"Eat after dinner."

Pei Ran: "You just had your meal."

Feng Yun: "I took it this morning."

Pei Ran: "I've counted them. None."

Feng Yun:......

Why is this person so insistent on letting her take medicine?

Feng Yun was a little unconvinced, "It's medicine that's three parts poison, hasn't the general heard of it?"

Pei Man's hand was spread out in front of her.

In front of Wen Xingsu, Feng Yun gave him some face, took it without saying a word, mixed it with water, and took it. It was so painful that her face twisted and she stared at him with dissatisfaction.

Pei Ran didn't speak.

Feng Yun thrust the medicine bottle into his hand and said, "Take it away."

Pei Madang still had a straight face and an air-conditioned look, and then took away the medicine bottle and water together.

Wen Xingsu watched silently, a little frightened.

This was completely different from how he thought the two of them got along. Ah Yun is not afraid of Pei Mad, nor is he as submissive and rogue as he thought, and Pei Mad is not as unkind as he appears on the outside.

Wen Xingsu suddenly felt redundant.

Wen Xingsu felt sour and helpless. He stood up and said with a smile, "Brother, I'm relieved to see you're fine. Now rest for a while. I'll take a step ahead."

He bowed to Pei Ran again and said goodbye.

He left as soon as he arrived, he must be avoiding Pei Mang, and the disappointment on Feng Yun's face was visible to the naked eye.

"Sit for a while, I haven't had time to congratulate brother yet..."

For Wen Xingsu, the military position offered by Pei Madang was actually not as good as what he had received in Qi State, but it was a beginning. The so-called promotion had to be done step by step. He needed to have certain qualifications in the Beiyong Army first. .

Feng Yun felt it was worthy of congratulations.

Wen Xingsu glanced at Pei Ran and still just smiled.

"The General's kindness is good, but I refuse it."

Ao Qi: The girl is here to eat fish.

Pei Ran: Take medicine.

Chunyu Yan: Come on, come and fish me out of the water.

Xiao Cheng: I only have knives here. Do you want to eat them?

Feng Yun: Everyone get out! I only follow my eldest brother...

Wen Xingsu: Hear the thunder in the silent place, see the flowers in the colorless place.

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