Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 180 You and I Love You

Feng Yun knew that Wen Xingsu still had some knots in his heart, but he didn't break it. He stayed and talked to him for a while before letting him leave.

When she was talking to Wen Xingsu, Pei Madang sat silently, holding a cup of tea in his hand, as if he had not yet drank it, expressionless, and not interrupting.

As soon as Wen Xingsu left, there was no one else in the room.

Feng Yun yawned and looked a little tired.

"Did the general come here last night? I was asleep and heard Xiaoman talk about it."

Pei Ran hummed, suddenly put down the tea cup, found a packet of stone honey from somewhere, and handed it to Feng Yun.

Shinshu's stone honey is very famous. Take it and smell it. It has a strong smell of sugar cane and chrysanthemums, as well as the sweetness of honey.

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, "Why buy this? I'm not a child."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, took out one and stuffed it into her mouth, and then said:

"The Xinzhou River Embankment is very lively. There are vendors selling stalls in the past two days. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Xinzhou has also gone through a long period of war, but since the Beiyong Army occupied it, it has directly followed the policies of Andu County. It is very convenient and the people's livelihood can be restored faster than Andu.

After lying on the bed for the past few days, Feng Yun's bones were soft, so he said yes.

She got up, freshened up a little, put on some makeup, and looked less like a patient. Then she changed into bright clothes, and finally felt like she had survived.

Pei Madang took off his armor and changed into casual clothes. He wore loose clothes, black hair and a Piyong sword on his waist. He looked handsome and cold, like a young master from a noble family. When he arrived at Wutong Street and got off the carriage, he attracted the attention of the people around him.

The warm sunshine in winter is the most comfortable. People in the city have gone out of their homes. There are many vendors on the street. Men, women, old and young are walking in the sunshine. You can vaguely see the appearance of wartime, but the atmosphere is much warmer.

Feng Yun unconsciously smiled.

On the street near the river embankment, there is a grass market with stalls selling various items in an orderly manner.

Feng Yun took a second look and walked to a stall selling velvet flowers.

"Girl, would you like to buy two? She is so handsome, she must look good wearing it." The seller of velvet flowers is a woman with a five or six-year-old girl. Her clothes are thin, she has frostbite on her hands, and the child also has a big nose and a runny nose. She often uses her sleeves to wipe.

Feng Yun is picking flowers.

The woman looked at Feng Yun, then at Pei Mang, and smiled flatteringly:

"My velvet flowers are the best. My husband just bought them for the girl he likes."

Pei Madang glanced at her and said nothing.

Feng Yun paid for it himself, took the flowers and walked towards the river bank.

The shore is a bit desolate, the leaves fallen from the trees fall into the river, and the rest are lingering in the wind.

The river breeze blows over, it's a little cold,

But this actually failed to stop the boys and girls from rushing forward. Maybe they had held back for too long during the war. Along the way, they found several pairs of men and women dating in private, hiding behind the big trees and whispering private words.

The folk customs of this era are extremely open. As long as they don't go too far, no one will think that they are so immoral, and they will not be surprised if they see the wild mandarin ducks who fall in love with each other.

"What a handsome husband!"

Suddenly there was a chuckle from behind.

Feng Yun turned around and saw five or six girls walking from the river embankment. They were about twelve or thirteen years old, and they were at a fun-loving age. They looked like they were all girls from wealthy families, and they were followed by a few maids.

They were very bold in numbers. In front of Feng Yun, they dared to look at Pei Madang with their eyes wide open and laughed cheerfully and innocently.

"Girl, is that your husband?"

Feng Yun didn't want to agree at first. Seeing how courageous they were, he was afraid that if they accidentally robbed someone in the street, they would get into trouble with King Pei. Then it would be a pity for the beautiful little lady.

She smiled silently and acquiesced.


The girl has a cute voice.

"Mr. Lang has a family."

The other girl looked at her with wide eyes and a smile on her face.

"Girl, you deserve it."

"The girl is very beautiful."

Several girls chattered, stuck out their tongues at Feng Yun and Pei Madang, and then walked away laughing and playing.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Madang again. He had no expression, not even as cold as usual. He twitched the corners of his mouth and snorted in his heart.

It seems that they all like to be praised by young girls. Otherwise, if King Pei Yan had turned down his face, no girl would dare to tease him openly...

Maybe this person is feeling beautiful in his heart.

She doesn't speak.

Naturally, Pei Ran couldn't speak.

The two of them slowly moved forward while enjoying the river breeze. They did not look like the kind of lovers who were deeply in love.

Feng Yun smiled and shook his head, looking toward the water.

"Can you sit down for a while?"

Pei Ran looked at her and said "Hmm" without saying a word.

Feng Yun just sat down for a moment, and those little girls who were chirping like little birds came back. Their faces no longer had the carefreeness and lightness just now, and their faces were ashen, as if there was a funeral at home, and tears were about to fall. .

"The general is polite, and the madam is polite."

They walked up to the two of them fearfully and bowed down. Their cheeks were red and their lips were almost bitten.

"I don't know how high the sky is, and I have offended the general and his wife."

"Please forgive me, General..."

Feng Yun was stunned and looked up at Pei Mang.

He did not sit down, but stood there with long hands and long legs, his loose clothes swaying slightly in the wind, with no expression on his face, and he did not even respond.

Feng Yun didn't know what stimulated the little girls. He only glanced in the distance, then looked back and said indifferently:

“He who doesn’t know is not guilty, and there is no harm.”

"Thank you, Madam." A young girl raised her innocent and romantic eyes and looked at Feng Yun and Pei Jue, and suddenly said:

"The general and the madam are a perfect match. When I left with a few sisters just now, they were still saying that the man is handsome and the woman is as beautiful as a person in a painting. They are a perfect match. We are all envious of them."

Feng Yun smiled, "Thank you."

Seeing her smile, and the legendary cannibalistic general did not say anything, the girls were relieved, and saluted them again, then picked up their skirts and ran away.

Feng Yun asked: "How did they know our identities?"

Pei Jue looked into the distance, "I don't know."

The guards followed far away today, and they should not know that someone just teased them and walked away.

Feng Yun didn't delve into it. It was just a small episode. She wouldn't take it seriously with such a little girl. It was over.

"If there is no more war, it would be really comfortable to bask in the sun in winter."

She stretched and stood up, looking at Pei Jue.

"Let's go, go back."

After being outside for a long time, she was afraid that her body would be dragging her down again, so she had to rest for a while.

Pei Jue said nothing and took her back to the carriage.

After Feng Yun sat down, he poured hot water from the small table in the carriage and handed it to her.

There was a charcoal stove under the small table with a small fire.

Feng Yun felt a little weird being treated so carefully by Pei Yanwang. She said thank you, and seeing that his eyebrows were not very good, she asked in confusion:

"Is the general in a bad mood?"

Pei Jue said stiffly, "No."

Feng Yun said "Oh", and seeing that he didn't say anything, she was too lazy to ask again.

When she was at Huichun Drunken House, the sky gradually darkened. Feng Yun was leaning against the wall of the car and was about to fall asleep. Suddenly, she heard Pei He's voice with a bit of coolness in her ears.

"When you feel better, go back to Andu."

Feng Yun was completely awake.

Was he driving her away because she was a nuisance?

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, then smiled, "Okay."

After returning to the mansion, she took a hot bath, changed her clothes and came out comfortably. There was no one in the room.

Pei He left.

She asked Xiaoman to bring her chess bag and prepare to go to Wen Xingsu to play chess.

She was still upset about losing the game last time.

Pei He refused to accompany her, so she went to Wen Xingsu to test her chess skills, but she had regressed.

The brother and sister set up the chess game, and Wen Xingsu told him.

"The imperial court of the Great Jin Dynasty has sent a sacred will."

He was still used to calling it "the imperial court of the Great Jin Dynasty" and would not default to his own court. Feng Yun let him go because she did not think that "the Great Jin Dynasty" was her own court.

"How do you say it?" She made a move and asked again, not distracted.

Wen Xingsu smiled lightly.

"With such great achievements as the general, Yaoyao thinks, what can the court say?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Li Zongxun naturally couldn't do anything to General Pei, and he was so angry that his teeth itched, and he hated him so much that he still had to issue an imperial decree, reward him with a title, and say some high-sounding words."

Wen Xingsu hummed, "Not only that. The court of the Jin Dynasty seems to intend to summon the general back to the capital to report his position, and then negotiate peace with Qi."

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her again.

"Chun Yuyan just came from Zhongjing this morning, and he is mediating and mediating..."

Feng Yun said, "That's right."

Wen Xingsu was stunned for a moment after hearing her words, "How is it right?"

Because things have returned to the track of the previous life. Chun Yuyan mediated, and Jin and Qi negotiated peace in Andu, and then ushered in three years of development in Qi.

So, the peace talks between the two countries will be very lively in the future.

But Pei Jue wants her to go back to Andu?

What's on your mind?

Seeing that she was silent, Wen Xingsu asked, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yun smiled and pointed at the chessboard, "Brother, if you don't concentrate, the big dragon will be gone."

Wen Xingsu was shocked to realize the change in the situation on the board. He frowned and stared for a moment, then smiled softly, "Yaoyao is a master of chess, really unique."


How did she lose to Pei Jue when she was so good?

When Feng Yun thought of this, he wanted to beat his own head.

My parents were asked to go to school, so I'll update later~

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