Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 236: Slap in the face in anger

Wen Xingsu glared at her, and the servant woman stood aside cowardly, lowering her head and saying nothing.

Wen Xingsu asked Chen, "Mom, what are you doing?"

Mrs. Chen was looked at sternly by her son. She couldn't help but hummed heavily with an ugly expression.

"It's my turn to ask you this. Wen Hui, when you see your mother, you don't bow or say hello, and ask loudly, what are you going to do?"

Wen Xingsu's surname is Wen Hui, and Xingsu is a small character.

This was given to him by his biological father before he was alive.

When he remarried to the Feng family, Mrs. Chen asked him many times if he wanted to change his surname and name, but Wen Xingsu refused. From then on, Mrs. Chen rarely called his name.

She didn't like to mention it, so others gradually started shouting less and less.

Wen Xingsu stood tall and tall, handed the stake in his hand to the waiter, lifted the hem of his clothes, bowed respectfully and bowed to Mrs. Chen.

"My son has met his mother."

Before Mrs. Chen could say anything, he raised his eyes and landed on the beads hanging on her wrist.

"Since I believe in Buddhism, I should say good words, do good deeds, and respect cause and effect."

"What did you say?" Mrs. Chen didn't expect that her son would be so angry when she first arrived in Mingquan Town.

"You said that if I go to my house and take two skewers to eat, this is called doing evil and reaping evil consequences? Who taught you to be so unruly?"

Wen Xingsu straightened his body and said calmly:

"Mom, this is Ayun's shop. Taking it without asking is a thief."

Mrs. Chen was furious.

"Ayun's shop? Where did Ayun come from? Her surname is Feng, and she belongs to the Feng family."

Wen Xingsu frowned.

"Ayun is married."

Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth and turned blue.

"If she doesn't ask her parents to decide her whole life privately, does she still have the face?"

"Mom!" Wen Xingsu knew very well how they sent Feng Yun to Beiyong Military Camp in the first place. Hearing this, his face became a little ugly and he stared at Mrs. Chen with burning eyes.

"God knows what you did."

Mrs. Chen sneered and looked her son up and down.

"You are such a good son of mine. His elbows are bent outwards. Let me just say that if he doesn't come back home after being in good health, it turns out that the little vixen ate his brains..."

Wen Xingsu's face changed, "Mom!"

"Mom!" Feng Ying also pulled Mrs. Chen to signal her not to get angry on the street.

"Just think that Yu Tangchun made a dowry for the eldest sister. If you marry the eldest sister, then it belongs to the eldest sister..."

"Her things? I think your mind is broken too!"

Mrs. Chen just heard that Feng Yun opened his shop in Mingquan Town and the business was getting bigger and bigger, so she came here to take a look.

She came from a noble family and was not someone who had never seen the world. She originally didn't value these external possessions that much.

But after marrying into the Feng family, because she was not good at management, the property allocated to the Feng family's unitary room became increasingly shrinking for her to take care of, and she often couldn't make enough money.

Especially when I returned to Taicheng this time, because Feng Jingting needed to take care of his affairs and was stretched everywhere, he couldn't hold his head up in front of his eldest sister-in-law, so he was a little anxious.

After the peace negotiation, she would definitely get back the property purchased by Andu County.

How could you take advantage of Feng Yun?

But she didn't expect that before even taking a bite of the hot food, her son and daughter would come to oppose her.

Therefore, she was not angry with Feng Ying.

"What kind of person are you? You care about sisterhood, does she care about you? I didn't hook up with your man a few days ago..."


Feng Ying blushed.

She didn't want others to think that she was someone Xiao San didn't like. But as a mother, she was afraid that she was not wronged enough and would have to speak out to embarrass her.

Feng Ying blushed.

In a blink of an eye, he saw a familiar figure standing across the street, smiling but not smiling, looking at them with dark eyes.

"Eldest sister?"

Hearing her voice, the crowd turned around.

Feng Yun stood there with a calm expression, followed by a smiling Pingyuan County Lord, with a face as bright as spring and a cheerful smile.

Wen Xingsu was afraid that Feng Yun would collide with his mother, so he tried to pull her away.

"Yaoyao, let's talk inside..."

Pu Yangyi was not interested in the Feng family's affairs, but she was still a little surprised to see such a lecherous man. She has a noble body, restrained and elegant, not dazzling, but indifferent and gentle, just right in the heart.

She asked Feng Yun in a low voice.

"Is this Madam's eldest brother?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Exactly."

He then turned to Wen Xing and said, "This is the Lord of Pingyuan County."

Wen Xingsu bowed politely to Puyang Yi, "I didn't know that the county prince was coming, but Wen was reckless."

Puyang Yi had heard of Wen Xingsu's name for a long time, and was very surprised when they met him suddenly, "I didn't know General Wen was so young and handsome?"

She has an upright temperament and is a person who can't hide her words. She is used to being wanton in the eldest princess's house. She can say whatever she wants and has no sense of guarding between men and women.

Wen Xingsu felt embarrassed when he heard this. He lowered his eyes and thanked him, "The county prince has given me too much praise, and Wen is too ashamed to deserve it."

Pu Yangyi smiled lowly and saw the Feng family standing there with dark faces. Knowing that Feng Yun had to deal with family affairs, he turned around and looked around, suddenly showing a hint of surprise.

"That's the parliament building over there?"

Feng Yun said: "Does the county gentleman want to take a look?"

Pu Yangyi nodded, "You want it. That's what I mean. Then you talk while I walk around?"

Feng Yun responded with a smile.

Although it took the efforts of two countries to build such a parliament building in a short period of time, even if Feng Yun wanted to be modest about the credit for it, he was afraid that the craftsmen would not allow it.

A lot of ingenuity was indeed used to make the simple structure appear so majestic.

Puyangyi was really shocked by the building of the meeting hall, and left with a few servants.

Feng Yun looked at Wen Xingsu who was hesitant to speak, glanced at Mrs. Chen and others, and raised a sneer on his lips.

"Did she make things difficult for you again?"

Wen Xingsu sighed, "It's me who failed to live up to expectations."

Feng Yun was silent.

Mrs. Chen was Wen Xingsu's biological mother, so she rarely spoke ill of herself and Feng Ying in front of Wen Xingsu.

Mrs. Chen's feelings towards Wen Xingsu are also somewhat complicated.

She doesn't care about the children left by her ex-husband, and she controls them more harshly than anyone else. As Feng Yun saw when he was a child, Wen Xingsu works harder than the children of the aristocratic families in Beijing, otherwise he wouldn't be able to learn to be a civilized and martial artist. All-rounder.

And these, in addition to the ancestral precepts of the Wen family, are actually the result of Chen's severe persecution.

To say that she cared, she cared far less for Wen Xingsu than for the three siblings Feng Ying, Feng Liang and Feng Zhen.

Especially the two younger ones, Feng Liang and Feng Zhen, were spoiled by Mrs. Chen to the point of being lawless and doted on her...

Feng Yun sympathized with Wen Xingsu's confusion.

"Brother, just push me..." He laughed again, "No matter what they say about you, just say that I forced you."

Wen Xingsu glanced at her and smiled bitterly, "My great man, can't you bear this? Are you going to push me on a woman like you?"

Feng Yun said nothing and walked to the restaurant with a sullen face.

At this time, Nan Kui, Chai Ying and others came out, and some people who didn't know the truth also gathered around to watch the fun.

"Eldest sister."

Feng Ying watched her approach with a sullen face, took the lead to get off the low pile, and saluted Feng Yun gently, with a faint concern for her in her eyes.

"Long time no see, how are you doing there?"

Feng Yun looked at this face calmly.

After a lifetime, I have to say that I actually feel a sense of strangeness.

In her previous life before her death, Feng Ying was no longer the innocent and kind person she was when she was a teenager. She became more and more like her mother, Mrs. Chen. Sharp and vicious, with dirty blood flowing from every pore...

But Feng Ying at this time was still a little different from later.

A pure little white flower, delicate and sweet, not stained by dust, speaking in a soft voice, modest and low-key, never ostentatious, always thinking about others...

When Feng Yun and Kong Yun'e were bullied in Taicheng, it was Feng Ying who finally came out to intercede for them.

It seemed that everyone, including Xiao Rong, wanted to protect Feng Ying. They bullied Feng Yun, not only because of Xiao San, but also to stand up for the simple and kind-hearted Feng Ying...

Even Feng Yun in his previous life initially hated Mrs. Chen. If Qi Gong hadn't died tragically later, he probably wouldn't have seen that there were so many calculations behind this gentle and kind face.

If Li Sangruo is a ruthless and shameless arrogant woman, then Feng Ying is really vicious and returns to her original nature, perfectly interpreting the highest realm of insidiousness.

"Eldest sister?"

Feng Ying saw that she had been staring at him, with a strange and sharp look on her face. The calmness and calmness on her body had an invisible aggressiveness that seemed to penetrate her.

"I heard from my father that you moved all the food from Yutangchun to Mingquan Town? My mother and I came over to take a look..."

Feng Ying made her tremble with fear. She showed her kindness with a smile, her expression was very sweet.

"Smelling this familiar smell, Ah Zhen and Ah Liang became extremely greedy. They wanted to ask for food from their eldest sister's shop, but there was a misunderstanding."


In just a few words, he smiled and defined the focus of the conflict as "the younger siblings want to ask for food from their sister's shop but cannot." Doesn't this want to tell the onlookers how stingy Feng Yun is and how wronged they are?

Feng Yun just looked at her.

"I thought you would ask, how is Xiao Rong doing now? Did she suffer any loss in my hands? Did she get bullied by me? Don't you care about her?"

She was half a head taller than Feng Ying, with a cold and pretty face, and a stern attitude that made her look very imposing.

Feng Ying was slightly startled.

"Sure enough, it was the eldest sister who captured Ah Rong?"

"It's not me. Is it you...?" Feng Yun raised the corners of his mouth, and his smile was inexplicably cold.

Feng Ying felt suffocated again.

She felt that something was different about Feng Yun.

His appearance remained unchanged, but his temperament was somewhat unpredictable.

"Is Ah Rong okay?"

she asked.

Feng Yun didn't want to answer.

She ignored Feng Ying and looked at Mrs. Chen coldly.

"If you are here to make trouble today to show off your dignity, we have already seen it. If you are here to steal money... With all due respect, Mingquan Town is not a place for you to run wild!"

act wildly?

Chen's skin and flesh twitched.

These are the words she used to scold Feng Yun.

When will it be her turn to talk about herself?

"Presumptuous!" Mrs. Chen shook the handkerchief, and her nails were about to break.

"Feng Twelve Niang, as long as I am alive for one day, I will be your mother! You have to kneel down in front of me! Unless you admit that you do not respect your elders and are disobedient and unfilial."

"well said."

Feng Yun looked at her expressionlessly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you openly. If the peace between the two countries hadn't been reached, the overall situation would have been at stake. I was going to beat people just now, and I won't reason with you."

"Eldest sister..." Feng Ying looked at her with red eyes, "How could you talk to my mother like this?"

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "I will bear with you too. I will not slap you until the peace is negotiated."

Feng Ying took two steps back, in disbelief.

Where can I find the cultivation of a girl from an aristocratic family?

Feng Yun is simply a shrew in the market.

"Eldest sister, why have you become so cruel..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "If you marry a warrior, you are a warrior woman. Go away, I don't want to hit anyone today."

Feng Ying looked at her unreasonable look, then looked at Wen Xingsu, "Brother..."

Wen Xingsu sighed deeply.

"Go back quickly, this is not the place you should be."

Feng Ying: "Why can't I come to the Feng family's shop?"

"From the Feng family?" Feng Yun laughed, "Feng Ying, do you know what a face is?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Feng Ying still looked so soft. I felt pity for her. Anyone who looked at her would feel that she was the weak one, while Feng Yun was bullying the weak and using his power to bully others.

In the past, Feng Yun was often irritated by her few words. After the attack, he would defend himself in every possible way. But now she is too lazy to care about other people's opinions.

Call her wild, she is wild.

If you say she is ruthless, she can be even more ruthless.

"I, the Andu Feng family, have long since separated from you, the Xuzhou Feng family. Don't even think about taking a big sum of money from me."

"When was it your turn to speak in the Feng family?!" A sharp shout came in, and Feng Jingting walked over from the crowd.

He took several powerful servants with him, walked straight to Mrs. Chen, and patted her back comfortingly.

"Madam, don't be the same as her."

Mrs. Chen lowered his head and cried in grievance.

"Look at the good daughter you raised."

Feng Jingting frowned and looked at Feng Yun sternly.

"Twelfth Mother, no matter how unruly you are, you should not humiliate your mother and siblings in public, saying that you want to beat or kill them, how can you behave..."

Feng Yun smiled lowly.

"I asked why you came here. It turned out that a family wanted to steal money? Okay..."

As she spoke, she raised her eyebrows and spoke slowly.

"Looks like I don't owe you the slap..."

Without giving a response, she slapped Feng Ying on the face, then looked at the shocked Feng Jingting and Mrs. Chen with a smile.

"If you say anything to me, I will slap your daughter... If you don't believe me, try again?"

Feng Ying covered her cheeks, her eyes red with grievance. Wen Xingsu stood aside and did not expect that she would suddenly take action.

Feng Jingting and Mrs. Chen were stunned for a moment before they came to their senses. Mrs. Chen cried out distressedly, rushed over to hug Feng Ying and cried.

"God, this unfilial daughter is going to rebel against heaven by scolding and beating her sister-in-law..."

Feng Jingting was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"You unfilial thing..."

He pointed at Feng Yun and was about to take action.

Several guards stood in front of him without saying a word.

Ye Chuang, Lin Zhuo, Ge Guang, Ge Yi, Da Man and Xiao Man, as well as Nan Kui, Chai Ying and a group of waiters in the shop, stood silently beside Feng Yun.

Eyes facing each other.

Feng Yun couldn't help but smile when he saw that Feng Jingting's hands were shaking, the slap couldn't fall, and he didn't even dare to say a word.

Bully the weak and fear the hard.

"You curse, she curses."

Before her voice fell, she glanced at Xiaoman.

"My hand hurts, go ahead! Give Feng Ying two big slaps for me. I want to hear the noise."

This chapter has 4,000 words. Can it be counted as two chapters? Is this considered an additional update? ?

Feng Yun: No, I didn’t feel comfortable playing.

Feng Ying: Well, Feng Yun, I obviously got the script for the heroine, and I am the little white heroine, but you are stealing the show and beating her up...

Feng Yun: I can’t help it. There is someone above me, and I can’t even hide my talent.

Pei Ran: I am above.

Feng Yun: Let’s go! I’m talking about my author mom!

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