Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 237: Being a jerk

Xiaoman is a domestic servant of Feng Mansion and is naturally afraid of the Feng family. It is unthinkable for her to beat Feng Ying.

She was stunned and said, "Girl."

Feng Yun: "Hit!"

Xiaoman looked at the girl's face nervously.

She was not impulsive or impulsive, she was describing it calmly, with no anger on her face.

Xiao Man clenched his fingers, mustered up the courage to step forward, and raised his hand.

"How dare you!" Mrs. Chen hugged her daughter tightly and took two steps back. She looked at the stunned Feng Jingting and the servants who were as shocked as in a dream, and yelled.

"Are you all dead?"

"Feng Jingting, look at your daughter!"

Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth and glared at the people around her.

"Feng Twelfth Mother is guilty of this, why don't you come and teach me a lesson for this rebellious and unfilial creature..."

A group of servants came up and stopped Xiaoman.

The two sides stood in the street, each fighting for his own master, and their swords were at war.

Seeing that things were not going to end well, Wen Xingsu entrusted the defense of the assembly hall to him again. No matter what, Feng Jingting is here to envoy. Feng Ying is Xiao Cheng's wife. If a fight really breaks out, it will be very ugly.

"Ayun." He wanted to persuade Feng Yun.

"This is a personal grudge, brother." Feng Yun looked at Feng Ying, who was in tears in Mrs. Chen's arms, and the curve of her lips deepened. She really looked like an unscrupulous vixen.

"These two slaps must be given. Otherwise, how will I control my servants in the future?"

Wen Xingsu was silent for a moment.

Mrs. Chen scolded her, "You evil son, you can't even protect your sister..."

After saying that, she struck down another blow with a big stick, "The Jin army in Mingquan Town was actually manipulated by a woman. The Jin court has such great rules, and I can see that there is no sincerity in the negotiation..."

Her shout had an effect and she summoned Qi Jun on the other side of the assembly hall.

The leader is veteran Xie Congguang.

Kou Shan's tragic death in the Bingzhou battlefield made Xie Congguang extremely resentful towards the Beiyong Army. The anger was already suppressed in his heart. When he saw that the Feng family was being forced by the Beiyong Army in a county, he immediately became furious and strode forward to curse angrily.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to deceive me, Qi Jun?"

The peace negotiation was the result of the war, but during the war soldiers suffered casualties and were inherently hostile, and it was easy to provoke hatred and anger over trivial matters. Mrs. Chen was short-sighted. When she saw that the number of Qi soldiers increased, she immediately shouted unreasonably and unforgivingly, such as "Jin soldiers beat my daughter", "This is too much bullying" and other words that provoked Qi soldiers' hatred.

Feng Ying is the equal wife of Xiao Chengming, the matchmaker.

Slapping her in the face would be slapping the emperor in the face.

To slap the emperor in the face is to slap Qi Ren in the face and Qi Jun in the face.

Under Mrs. Chen's shouting, the conflict quickly deteriorated.

The Qi army was angry and drew their swords at each other.

The Beiyong Army did not give in. The guard battalion took the lead, and patrols from afar also gathered around after hearing the news.

For a moment, the metal clanged and roared, and the atmosphere was tense.

Xie Congguang was as angry as a furious lion, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"If you dare to hurt my wife of Qi State, you will be cut into pieces."

Feng Yun: "Did you see the slap mark on her face? I slapped her."

After saying this, he chuckled and said, "If you want to cut your body into pieces, come find me."

Xie Congguang had a bad temper, which made Feng Yun furious and he suddenly pulled out his sword.

Feng Jingting shivered with fright, and Feng quickly stepped forward and held his hand.

"Thank you, general, thank you, general... stay calm, this is a family matter of our Feng family. Misunderstanding, everyone has misunderstood..."

Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth when she saw his unsatisfactory look.

"What's the misunderstanding? Look at A Ying's face. How did she look like that?"

Feng Jingting looked at Xie Congguang's hesitant cold eyes in embarrassment and whispered in a low voice:

"General Xie, that is my eldest daughter, Twelfth Mother..."

Xie Congguang's fingers trembled before he reacted.

At that time in Bingzhou City, he had only seen her from a distance, but Feng Yun had not met him face-to-face in Taicheng. It was so many years ago that he had long forgotten what Feng Jingting's eldest daughter looked like.

But the words have been released and he cannot step down.

"Xie should not be involved in Mr. Fu's family affairs, but..."

He glanced coldly at the Beiyong Army in front of him, his voice cold.

"There will be peace talks tomorrow, but today the envoys are at war with each other in the parliament hall. It is clear that they do not take Qi State seriously. The Lord of the State can bear this tone, but Xie cannot bear it!"

Feng Yun asked him: "Your envoys and their families robbed my store in the street. Where is your country's sincerity?"

Mrs. Chen suddenly changed color and spat.

"That is my Feng family's property, why do you want to rob it? General Xie, this girl is rebellious, disrespectful to her parents, and loves to be rude and disturb her. Go to Taicheng and ask around. Who knows that Feng Twelfth Mother is naughty..."

Feng Yun replied coldly, "Yes, Feng Twelve's reputation for being naughty is entirely due to her stepmother."

After saying that, she immediately turned around and pointed directly at Feng Jingting.

"In June of the third year of Yanping, Beiyong's army defeated five cities in a row, pointed their swords at Andu, and came to the city. Feng Jingting, the prefect of the county, offered his daughter to beg for surrender, abandoned the 35,248 people in the city, and fled to Xinzhou with his relatives. Before leaving , the prefect of the county looted all the treasury, burned down the granary, and made countless people starve to death in Andu, making it like a hell on earth... No one in Andu knows about this, and everyone can testify!"

"And you." Feng Yun pointed at Madam Chen, "You knew that Xiao San and I were engaged, but you allowed your daughter Feng Ying to seduce my brother-in-law, secretly communicated with each other, and designed to send me to Jinying, and then promised your daughter to Xiao San as his wife... I won't mention how many filthy things you did behind my back. Let's just say today, in broad daylight, you allowed the evil servant to come to your house and rob the property given by your stepdaughter's husband's family. It's so shameless, despicable, and dirty..."

She turned back and stared at Xie Congguang with a casual smile.

"Feng Twelve has always heard of General Xie's righteousness, and he can't tolerate any sand in his eyes. I dare to ask General Xie, is such a shameless and despicable person worthy of my filial piety? Is this official who has a family and has an affair with someone and has a child and is full of benevolence and morality worthy of the taxes and support of the people of Qi? Is a daughter born of adultery worthy of being the queen of Qi and the mother of the country?"

Xie Congguang let her ask three questions in a row, and was speechless.

Feng Yun took another step forward, pointed at the Changmen Restaurant, and glanced at the silent people around.

"Feng Twelve asks General Xie again. This restaurant, these shops, should they be mine or the Feng family's?"

Xie Congguang had heard about the Feng family's little things.

He never thought deeply, and just now he didn't know that this girl was Feng Twelve Niang, and the reason she rushed up to stand up for Feng Jingting was to protect the face of the Qi army, not to act as a thug for the Feng family.

Speechless for a moment, Xie Congguang put away his knife, frowned and looked at Feng Jingting, clasped his fists and said:

"It is not convenient for Xie to ask about the family affairs of the Lord."

He waved his hand and called his men.

"Let's go!"

The Qi army retreated, but Ye Chuang and others did not give way.

Feng Yun calmly put on a gentle smile and looked at the onlookers.

"Elders, please judge, should I give these two slaps?"



There were shouts on the street.

Mrs. Chen's face had changed long ago, and she cursed something, but her voice was drowned out by the shouts on the street.

Feng Ying's little face was even paler, showing the clear and red fingerprints of Feng Yun's slaps just now.

"I feel the grievances of my elder sister. These two slaps really deserved it!" Feng Ying suddenly pushed Mrs. Chen away and walked slowly towards Feng Yun.

In front of the people on the street and the armies of Jin and Qi, she was in tears, her legs and feet softened, and she knelt down, looking up, crying.

"Forgive me for being so stupid. I didn't know that my elder sister had suffered such an injustice before, and I didn't know that the marriage I was proud of was obtained by stepping on my elder sister's blood and tears..."

She shed tears, looked at Feng Yun, and closed her eyes.

"Eldest sister, hit me. If two slaps can soothe one ten-thousandth of the humiliation that my elder sister suffered in Andu, it will be worth it for Aying..."

What a pure and innocent little white lotus.

Feng Yun sneered.

It turns out that Feng Ying is so powerful.

Retreating to advance, one sentence alienated her relationship with Pei Jue.

Saying that she suffered and was humiliated in Jinying is tantamount to positioning her and Pei Jue's marriage as forced and coerced, and the marriage was also unwilling...

If she said that she did not suffer and was not humiliated, then the words just now would not stand, and the Feng family would not be despised so much...

The crowd's eyes fell on the two girls in the street.

Pei Jue stood silently behind the crowd. When Ye Chuang saw him, he was stopped by him sternly as he was about to speak.

Ye Chuang swallowed his words back.

Pei Jue remained silent, looking at Feng Yun like a bystander.

"Feng Ying, I will tear off your hypocritical face." Feng Yun lowered her head, looked at Feng Ying, and said in a very low voice.

Feng Ying raised her eyes and looked at her.

Those red eyes were full of pity and sadness.

"My elder sister has hatred and resentment, and she is extremely wronged. It is right for me to beat her..."

Feng Yun gently brushed away the messy hair hanging down her cheeks, and raised her eyebrows slightly.

This smile was like a mountain flower blooming, a beautiful posture.

Then the people around watched such a beautiful woman, with an extremely beautiful move, slapping Feng Ying in the face.

Feng Ying felt pain and fell to the ground with her face covered.

Snap! Feng Yun stepped forward again and slapped her backhand.

Her voice was cold but pleasant in the sound of the slap.

"I hit you, not because I was humiliated. Haha, I can fight with your wife Feng in Mingquan Town, how can it be humiliating? My husband is very kind to me. Without his support, would I dare to fight you? Not only am I not humiliated, but I am also very proud. Thanks to Feng Jingting's shameless gift of his daughter, I met a good man, and thanks to Xiao San's loyalty to not marrying, I was spared from jumping into the fire pit!"

She spoke freely, and the sweetness overflowing from her eyebrows and eyes dispelled any doubts that people had just had.

Feng Ying: "Since my elder sister is happy, why do you hate me so much?"

Feng Yun curled his lips, "Mrs. Chen has no sense of shame, and her daughter is just as shameless. She beat you just to humiliate you, to humiliate you simply and roughly, that's all."

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